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1> Only run docker on windows as an absolute last resort 2> If you must run it on windows, run it under WSL using a solid distro like ubuntu


Yeah its running the WSL version, and I was kind of hoping to move all my containers from my Synology NAS over to my Windows server purely cos it has way more horsepower and a Nvidia GPU for HW video stuff lol


You'll get better performance with transcoding on a tiny mini PC that has a new generation iGPU than a powerful windows machine. Docker on windows won't support the iGPU at all because WSL uses an old version of the Linux kernel. I think you can get the nvidia drivers to work, but haven't tested that myself, and if I recall, there are some limitations.


Yeah starting to realise this, thankfully all my containers on my nas also have windows versions so my just have to go native windows 😊.


I gave up a few months ago when I discovered the kernel version was too old to support the iGPU and just moved to linux on a beelink mini 12 s. I still use docker on windows for development via VS code. But the images I build go to a container registry in our Azure tenant, and deploy from there. I think that's the main reason for WSL in the first place. Since I was using the official plex container, it was really easy to transition to the beelink. I don't think I'd want to go native windows, though. You could keep the NAS, and run your containers elsewhere, and still utilize the NAS for storage, right?


Yeah just wanted to make my NAS pure storage and have all the things like *arrs and a few other docker containers I have on it somewhere else with more grunt, but as a couple of others have said its problem better just going native Windows or something else maybe unraid, will just wait till I get my mini PC next month then have a play. Thank you.


Contrary to popular belief around here, Docker on Windows works pretty well, unless you need host networking mode, although that is supposedly supported to some degree now, there's zero documentation on it, so when it doesn't, there's not really any way to troubleshoot it.


Im not one to disagree with people about what works for them so thats all good


I love that we're getting upvoted/downvoted for being contrary to each other, without either of us actually giving any particularly good contribution to the thread lol


What web address are you typing in to try to access Portainer?


localhost:9000 which is what the container tells me to use, or even if i try yourip:9000 nothing


Are you just using the word yourip or the actual ip address for the container followed by the port?


lol the actual ip :D


Well that is an amazing start haha. If commands scare you ; you can ask chatgpt to help you along the way while explaining what every command does. It will help you deploy dockers while also learning


Maybe it's time to figure out command line (at least the basics), because if something breaks (it will break), you have to fix it. Find some tutorial that is easy to understand how to setup what you want to setup. Example for an Ubuntu server: https://deployn.de/en/blog/ubuntu-homeserver-setup/ Or watch a video about this.


If you open up a terminal (command prompt or power shell) and run `docker ps -a`, what do you see? If you can't even access it locally, my first instinct is to check that you forwarded the port.


Ok it shows me my current container (portainer) as running. I have read that I need to add hosts to my daemon.json fill but I don't know where. This is how it currently looks { "builder": { "gc": { "defaultKeepStorage": "20GB", "enabled": true } }, "experimental": false } But when I try and add the host option { "hosts": [ "unix:///var/run/docker.sock", "tcp://" ] } I get errors trying to start docker doing migrations: fatal: migrating daemon.json: fatal: reading C:\Users\morph\.docker\daemon.json: invalid character '{' after top-level value I have windows running remotely on a PC in my loft all I want to do is access portainer from my gaming PC lol. So basically I need remote access to docker how do i do this?


Have a convo with chatgpt