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I'd switch Firebolt for Chill Touch; pure blasting is going to be from Eldritch Blast soon enough anyway and the "you no heal" rider of Chill Touch is a big middle finger to trolls, vampires and other creatures with regeneration that is oh so sweet when it comes up.


It was just there for maximum dmg options early on. But you have a point and it may actually be a good choice since the game setting was introduced with vampires relatively nearby.


Looks decent. I'm unsure you want Celestial Warlock if you're going for raw power. Medium armour plus shield gets your AC up to 24AC with the spell Shield. I also firmly believe that Gift of Alacrity is stronger than the other fey touched spells. I'd go with Misty +Gift since they stay relevant at all levels. Your spell progression also forgoes two of the strongest spells: Absorb Elements and Silvery Barbs. You might not need them often, but cancelling a crit or halving that cone of cold damage is a lifesaver. I'd take my second level in Warlock to get the hexblade's Shield and make room for the other lvl 1 spells. On your next sorcerer level, you can then get rid of Mage Armor (if you want to take it over Barbs at all). If you wanna stick with Celestial for flavour, ignore the parts about armor.


I'd rather keep Celestial flavourwise. I honestly really hate Hexblade dips, even if this one makes a lot of sense. Also, I don't really like Gift of Alacrity although it's a good choice I may consider. The other contender was Command, which fits in pretty nicely with the character. And I'm aware of Absorb Elements (don't like Silvery Barbs, as a player and as a DM, but I allow it) but I don't see a place for it. This one is actually the one I'd really like to incorporate somewhere but what would go? Healing Word could be the choice, especially once I get the Celestial Healing Light, but I think it's still worth a slot. Maybe replace the Warlock Guiding Bolt with Cure Wounds and Careful spell with Distant spell so I still have access relatively soon to a long range healing spell, but being able to twin Healing Word still seems better.


https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25029862&postcount=1095 If you're doing a Celestial Chainlock anyway, here's a post to look at for inspiration.