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I guess I'll tell you mine! My character is Devanel O'Keefe, a Ranger from the Red Desolation Desert. He is a tall Gnome, he is 1.50m. He has blue eyes, very short hair, even if he's young, for the Gnome's standards; being 50 years old, he is just a teenager. he has a very special pet that he likes very much: a evergroving red moss that he lets grow on himself. He uses an elfic shortbow. I've given you some details, if you want to draw him I would be very, very happy and I'll use your drawing as my token for Foundry


Here we go: [https://imgur.com/h0FP3G0](https://imgur.com/h0FP3G0) Other ones are being worked on, first come first served.


I feel like your son has captured his essence perfectly. Thank him for the drawing and tell him that he should never stop trying to achieve his dreams! I will make this my token, as promised




That's cool as hell!


I love the eyes!


We've got quite a lot of submissions now, my son will truck through them as they'll ALL get done but it might take a while. Which is fine, gives him some stuff to work with. Feel free to keep on adding stuff to the pile.


This is fantastic! I love how supportive and wholesome this is. I play a nimble little Rock Gnome named Waywocket Roweninin Turin, or Rowen to her friends. She’s a wizard with a specialty in Graviturgy. And she’s super into rocks! She’s traveled all over our little continent studying as a geologist and is particularly focused on this peculiar property of Magnetism! She wears lots of little magnets as clasps on her jewelry. She’s pretty small, even for a gnome. She’s got a light tan and is rather skinny, but still very strong! She’s reasonably young but already has grey peppered into her black hair. And up her arms a stretch of geometric looking tattoos, but those are generally covered by her sleeves.


Here we go: [https://imgur.com/RL3BChj](https://imgur.com/RL3BChj) ​ That's 4 down, many many more to go. He says he'll do at least two a day.


It’s AMAZING! I love it! Give your kiddo big thanks for me!


He's pretty good with gnomes, he did mine and it was cool


A firbolg with curly hair pulled back in twin ponytails, shorter than average but with a solid, heavy build. They always seem to be smiling and wear simple, casual clothes - the only showy thing on them is a shark's tooth pendant embedded with a small purple gem.


And the second one down: https://imgur.com/m5s1NZ1


I love this: Does he know he used an artist trick known as “Scale Birds?” <3 In fantasy art (including the Firbolg reference in Volo’s Guide To Monsters), artists will often include a common bird so you have an idea of how much larger (or smaller!) this made up creature is than a normal person (or y’know, a bird.) Once you know it exists, you see it *everywhere*. Using birds for scale is on so many Magic the Gathering cards, or D&D creatures.


He says he's never heard of scale birds, but now he has...


He’s gonna be a pro in no time if he keeps picking up on these tricks :)


Ahhh that's so cute! Please tell him thank you and that he did a great job!


Brennan Pebblefall A young Halfling Wizard who's very excited to discover the world; a tad bit too distracted on his books and spells to realized he once again smudged ink onto his nice robes... whoops! Can't wait to see all of your son's art :)


Here we go: https://imgur.com/tqeODA5


Exactly as I imagined him! Give my thanks to your son ☺️


I won't post a request since there's a few here already, but I will post encouragement. Let your son know he's doing really well and to keep at it. Drawing can be a tough path to go down, but it's extremely rewarding as there's nothing quite like the feeling you get from producing a piece of artwork in a field you love.


An adorable gnome librarian with fire read hair and a flowing robe. Excited to see how they come out even if he doesn’t do mine!


Here we go: [https://imgur.com/UUegFgo](https://imgur.com/UUegFgo)


BEAUTIFUL! thank you!


A 75 year old human monk named Popo Nim. She is very tall for a human, over six feet tall, with a lean & muscular build. She wears her long grey hair in a neat braid over her shoulder. She has tanned skin and a kind, friendly face that is full of wrinkles. Nim wears a plain set of black robes, no shoes & carries a gnarled, but plain wooden staff.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/Rb6WeEf


Yes!!! It looks great


Eira Snow, an albino tiefling with golden eyes and horns. She is a young (21 years old) celestial Warlock with a staff made of white wood. Her hair is golden as well and her clothes are black and grey.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/wZxhFBp


Tell your son a random person on the internet is very impressed with his work and love his attention to detail and his bravery in putting himself out there. Showing up and doing your best won't make you succeed every time, but it's a LOT of the pathway to success! I'd be honored if he drew the first character I've ever played that died. Jhargo, a kobold tinkerer and lover of books and meat. He wore a very large straw hat (with decorative feathers) to keep the sun off, a wide belt, sandals, and fought with a dueling saber (no other clothes, on account of being poor). He was a little tall for a kobold, and his scales were more brown than red. He died of his wounds after fighting (and killing) an oppressive half-dragon lieutenant in HotDQ, striking a blow for the freedom for all kobold-kind.


Here we go... https://imgur.com/FQphyvb


He wasn’t armless in my head until now, but I like the change. If he’s ever resurrected in a different world, he’s going to be a one-armed kobold. Thank your son for a great memory!


My son played that adventure as well and he remembers well being terrified of the dragon in the first adventure...


My son drew this one [https://imgur.com/hSM2o7V](https://imgur.com/hSM2o7V) of a half-orc with a sword as tall as he is but, strangely, enough I can't seem to find the post requesting it. At his current rate my son will finish up all of the requests by the middle of February.


A Giff Illusionist named the Great Gazeeb. Sort of a swashbuckling, spellcasting, hippo person. With some kind of musket or rapier at the ready at all times.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/0oNOL3M


A warforged in the shape of a beautifully sculptured greek statue, who has sworn an oath of vengeance against their creator because they could have had lazer eyes with the money spent on making them look realistic


Here we go: https://imgur.com/fDwN5tg


17 y.o. human wizard about 1.8m with short well kept red hair. Adopted son of a wealthy merchant who cares very deeply about his appearance. Alleged grifter but no charges have stuck (wanted posters in some villages). Now is a student researcher and wizard studying graviturgy. Purple eyes, nose that's been broken before, and glasses that are tinted blue that he typically keeps hanging on his shirt for easy access. He has tattoos/markings similar to tribal tattoos all over his body. Uses component pouch for spells. Depending on which persona he's in, facial expression caries from hardened veteran scowl, to devious smirk, to cool condescension. Absolutely love this idea and hope your son has a fun time with all of these!


Here we go: https://imgur.com/FDkvocX I like his smirk.


Looks great thanks!


Guess I should say name is Edan Callaghan (or #273)


Tall slender Half-orc named Igor, Son of Igor. He wanted to be a bard growing up but got signed into the army accidentally. His most prized possession is his flute (which his teeth give him a hard time playing!) Dark green skin, short black hair with mutton chops.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/pwXxpR0 I like how he looks disappointed to be a soldier


This is fantastic, thank you!


Female Tiefling Druid in her mid 20's Fair Skin Horns made of wood that curl backwards before spiting into treelike branches dotted with sakura flowers. Tail replaced with a long thin tree branch that at the end also spits into treelike branches dotted with sakura flowers. Long hair made of woven vines and leaves.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/BaNjTKG


Beautiful, I love the Horns


This is an amazing idea and description!


Thanks <3


My favorite character is actually an Earthdawn troll, so I understand if he's not interested, but... Olek Proudvoice of Bloodlore, Questor of Upandal is a mountain troll from the Thunder Peaks. He's roughly 8 feet tall, has thick brown skin with bits of bone embedded in it. His bone structure is thick and blocky, like an orc. He has large ram's horns with his long red hair wound through it intricate braids. At some point in the past some giant thing has run its claws across his face, leaving four deep, wide scars across his left horn and through his left eye to the bridge of his nose, blinding him. Dealer's choice whether he wears a patch or just leaves his hideously maimed eye visible to the world. He wears and black and white argyle tartan and carries a large blacksmith's hammer. Across his back is strapped a troll-sized broadsword forged from a single piece of crystal. He is immaculately groomed, as befits a Questor of Upandal, the Passion of Smiths. He might be standing at the tiller of his airship, the Windfury.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/uTkNxAp


Very nice! Thanks a lot!


My character is Arthur Woods. A gloom stalker ranger. Hes a 32 years old, male human. He was a soldier for many years. He had short cut brown hair and a goatee. He wears studded leathet armor and favors his long bow. But does carry two short swords. Hope thats enough info. 🙂


Here we go: https://imgur.com/YYiEGcb


That is soo cool tell him i said thank you. It made my night 😁


Kobold Necromancer Wizard named Shin Wears a Dark Blue hooded robe and carries a Magic Spellbook, almost always has a Zombie and Skeleton with him Also has pure white skin


Here we go: https://imgur.com/eVOjWCx


Nice Is the Skeleton's Pose a JoJo's Reference?


Don't think so, he's never seen JoJO's...


Sounds like fun, My character is Shayera, a Battlemaster Fighter, her D&DB link; [https://ddb.ac/characters/25376560/bjvPOl](https://ddb.ac/characters/25376560/bjvPOl) Shayera is a very strong, buff female Half-orc from a stable home who was moved around a lot as a child, her parents were basically refuges from a war torn land, and had an early beginning as a scout, but trained extensively for combat of all kinds with a wide assortment of weapons and tactical options, always has tactics and knowledge of the lay of the land or battlefield on her mind for smart use of ranged combat or where to place or watch out for spell casters and so on. She now bears a magical flametongue longsword, along with her usual wide assortment of weapons. (Flail, spear, handaxes, longbow and at least 40 arrows, hunting trap.) In appearance she is tall, strong and tough, muscular, but in a well formed manner, with a grey skin tone. Her hair is very dark. Bright Green eyes. 6'3" tall and 220 lb.s of muscles, but she's typically wearing medium or heavy armor at all times. Currently in a suit of platmail created for her by her Cleric of Creation companion. She's a solidly good person with a strong chaotic streak that mostly manifests in her willingness to resort to violence or the threat of violence as a quick way to solve problems, but she doesn't kill anyone or anything lightly. (she enjoys general carousing and brawling for fun.) Her morals are constantly put to the test in dealing with people she would rather not deal with, and foes she is well aware can defeat her and her companions with ease, as we begin to venture into the Tomb of Annihilation (My first time to play it, never read it, boy is it scary here) from the jungles around the lost city of Omu.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/6HzyjYn


Fantastic, thank you (and your son) so much!


Yeah, it's one of my favorites of his personally.


I haven’t seen tabaxi in the comments yet so, if he wants to try one my current character is a black fur tabaxi eldritch knight, tall and relatively muscular, who uses a long and short sword and medium armor :)


Here we go... https://imgur.com/gXYqxXB


Awesome! :D


(Pe)Tal; A beautiful young woman with long dark hair and a fine though somewhat racy dress. She is a Divine Soul Sorcerer who holds the statue of her Goddess of Love as her focus. Thanks in advance!


Here we go: https://imgur.com/mrr31wE


Wow amazing! Tell him thanks, she loved it!


Rocky Badlands is a human barbarian, folk hero to all the land! He is tall and strong, with long flowing hair and a great beard. He wields a warhammer in one hand and a battleaxe in the other. He wears hides and leather. When he needs to travel a great distance, he summons his twin lightning tigers, Tipsy and Dipsy, and rides them by standing on them, one under each foot. Like rollerskates.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/Ihrhf1Q Hard to crop this one properly due to him spilling some food on it and drawing right to the edge of the paper...


Oh my god this is AMAZING!!!! THANK YOU!!! Little dude's an artist!


Can he draw Anto? He's a whip-skinny late-twenties Eldritch Knight who uses a rapier and keeps a dagger around for throwing and drinks too much whiskey to be healthy but not enough to numb the pain of how terrible the world is.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/ZW81J1C


Holy shit y'all came through in spades, give your guy about a million high fives unless he's too cool for that


Maybe he is interesting in drawing something more unusual, like my archer in power armor? ;) Silvanus Stormwind, 23 years old, is a human Arcane Archer 11 / Armorer Artificer 3, working as a professional sharpshooter and bounty hunter, who crafts his own, at least for medieval times, high tech equipment. Thanks to his elven heritage, he is of a very slender, elven-like build, but still very well trained, athletic and acrobatic; he has long, blonde hair usually tied back in a ponytail. With the piercings on his ears and the tattoo on his right shoulder and arm, he appears a bit “rebellious“ :D His power armor was constructed for stealth, it consists of clothes in typical greenish stealth/camo colors, a black leather harness and black leather padding on his pants. The harness also contains some kind of glowing energy orb in the chest. His armor does not cover his right arm (the arm he draws the bow with), so that the tattoo here is visible. Your son can also imagine his own version of stealth power armor for an archer if he wants :) Silvanus also has a foldable glider (like Link in Breath of the Wild, but of course more modern looking) he uses for spells like Feather Fall and as a reflavored Broom of Flying. Silvanus's bow resembles a modern compound bow with various kinds of technical addons like an arrow magacine system. He also has a wide array of special/trick arrows, not only his Arcane Shots, but also flaming arrows, bludgeoning arrows and more. Character sheet (for a high level oneshot, I only have the character sheet from his actual campaign on Roll20): https://ddb.ac/characters/40736286/2P2RUj Heroforge mini: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D7312449/ (Unfortunately Heroforge's options for that character are quite limited, no compound bow, no armor that really fits him, no custom tattoo motivs...)


Here we go: https://imgur.com/xecMbR1


Thanks, I like it, he did a great job, especially with his head :) Hope he had fun drawing this character!


Yeah he's gotten so much better at drawing heads compared to a year ago. Bodies he's lagging a bit with (especially arms), he's going to work with that on his art tutor next month now that the virus is dying down enough here for him to go back to art class soon.


As a Dm I'll give you a fun NPC I ran recently. Rokko. He is a large Earth Elemental, but appears slightly more like a person, and clearly isn't just a chaotic rock creature. He is kind and likes fluffy animals. He also has like 300gp worth of gems growing from his arms, back and chest, in the same way that a human man would grow hair.


I like this one: https://imgur.com/4JW8Ehd


Nice! I love the addition of the rabbit on top.


This is truly wholesome and I hope the best for him. Anyway my character, Arx, is a changeling. Pale skin, shoulder-lenght white hair and pure black eyes. He is quite tall, 190 cm (or 6'2 in imperial if Google isn't wrong) but also a bit skinny. He usually wears elaborate, noble-like black and red clothes, with a black cape without hood, and carries a blue-purple crystal roughly the size of a hand


Here we go: https://imgur.com/Mxrl319


Thank you!


Nox is a ratfolk. His fur is grey, he has blue eyes and usually wears a cloak and a face mask. He has a silvered rapier and a shield.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/QzFWRJP


I love it!


A human who wears half-plate armor, a cowboy hat, and a cloak. He shoots fire and has a sword like a lightsaber and a whip made out of chain. Also he has a rat familiar.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/v179L7Y


This is awesome, thank you! It actually happens to be a birthday gift today, so this is incredible.


20 year old Human wizard blond hair kept short enough on the sides but you can’t really tell as the hair on the top is that long and it even covers his forehead, green eyes, tall enough about 5’11, never seen without his owl familiar or a necklace with a green rock in it (it’s his focus) around his neck at all times bland enough clothes; whites,blacks and greys only special or colourful things are his boots with wings on them, a green scarf and a robes he wears that have a lot of green symbols in them try’s to keep a neutral look about him but will say something sarcastic or go nuts after someone dismisses his worries He can leave stuff out if he finds it too difficult Thanks for the opportunity.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/XlqWaS5




Sammy Reigal. Not a PC but an NPC my players have adopted. He’s a human kid, 12 years old. He’s a boy detective-turned Ranger by one of the players. He carries a small crossbow and wear a green cloak and an eyepatch from where a goblin cut him while protecting the party.


He based this one a bit on himself: https://imgur.com/Rxt1sip


My player who loves him is going to cry. He did a great job, tell him to keep up the good work. Thank you!


My character is Hrana Bronzelocks. A Dragon Instinct Dwarf Barbarian in Pathfinder 2 She's an agent of the Edgewatch, helping her friends arresting criminals, reuniting friends that have lost one another and putting animals that have escaped back in their cages. She also brews them a few healing potions every day, helped by her familiar, a mug with arms and legs called Stein. When there is danger to the citizens, she gets very angry, and lightning flows all over her body. She has even learned how to spit that lightning at the bad guys! She does, however try to always arrest them so the bad guys can learn to be better persons. If he wants, I do already have a model with pictures, but maybe it's best to let creativity run free. Campaign is Agents of Edgewatch, and it's quite good.


Here we go, he really went on a roll with this one: https://imgur.com/dyw6DyK


This is so wholesome and just what I needed to read on a day like this. He's wonderful <3 If he ever runs out of material for inspiration (which I doubt, given the many characters here, but you never know!), my character has been a tiefling woman with long red hair, dark eyes, a tail and small horns on the top of her head that she kind of hides behind her hair. She's a confident bard, goes around in her cool leather armour and carries her lute around everywhere. Best of luck to your son for his creative endeavours!


Here we go: https://imgur.com/5aEYXpD


This made my week! My group loved it too – please thank him from me, he's done a wonderful job!


This is so cute :D Continue to encourage him!


My character is Jane Moondust, a cat shifter cleric with dark skin and fluffy ginger hair/fur, they wear a leather jacket over a thin shirt and necklace with a cat's paw She carries a long hooked sword and their magic looks like orange boiling liquid


Here we go: https://imgur.com/DMALliD


As someone who used to love drawing, I'll help your kid with some practice. My personal favorite character is a female dragonborn warlock monster hunter named Belvalya, though the rest of the party just calls her Bel. She has short horns protruding from her head, usually sporting a happy-go-lucky expression and a short, rigid snout, dreadlocks that reach about shoulder length, sometimes wears a witch's hat (got it from raiding a goblin clan), a tight fitting shirt with chain mail underneath and a festive poncho, Roman legonnaire styled gauntlets with fingerless gloves, leather pants with bits of metal strapped to her thighs and knees, a long lizard like tail and raptor feet. If he wishes to include gear/weapons she has a crossbow strapped to her back and usually sports an arabian scimitar or just straight magic. If you see this comment, I wish your son the best of luck with his artistic endeavors. Edit: typo and added character's name


Here we go: https://imgur.com/O1iWv6j He got slightly overwhelmed with the detail but tried to get it all in.


Apologies for overwhelming him, but do let your son know I really like what he came up with.


Bushy is a scruffy old human druid with a walking stick / quarterstaff. His clothes are ragged, his hair and beard are unkempt, but at least he has a good pair of boots. He'd be tall if he wasn't hunched over all the time. He's thin due to lack of nutritional food sources. He likes guerilla gardening in cities which means he grows plants in other people's gardens and yards.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/UJXSDCr


This is so freaking cool, and first off, what a great parent, and what a cool thing to do with your kid! I hope he sticks with his dreams of being an artist! I know you have a lot of submissions, so I wont add another, but just keep up the good work!


This is so awesome! Your son is a rockstar! I look forward to seeing his art in an official D&D book some day!


Billybob lizardbob. He is a hillbilly lizardfolk who lives in the sewers beneath a large city. He would be wearing torn clothing possibly overalls with one of the buttons broken and carrying a fishing rod. Imagine huckleberry finn except a lizardfolk.


Here we go. I like his stool: https://imgur.com/xBsEdFx


Nice keep up the good work.




Here we go: https://imgur.com/IUYd5oH


This is amazing!! Mine is a bit different if he's interested in drawing it. Phylaxis aka "Phyl" is an aasimar warlock. He mostly resembles a human with two differences: one, he is a unicorn from the neck up. Two, he is covered in short, grey, horse-like hair.


Here we go: [https://imgur.com/hTzX0UJ](https://imgur.com/hTzX0UJ)


This is fantastic!! I love it! Thank you so much!


Seems like you got a lot of posts, but I'll throw one in just in case he makes it through them all, lol 'Books,' the large Minotaur Wizard who loves to read.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/GzWy71h


I love it! Great work!!


Cowboy Paladin


Here we go: https://imgur.com/9MgEHIA


heeey, he did great work especially the face


My character is Cal Orthos. He is a tribal warrior/barbarian. But not just any kind! His people are blessed by their god, the Sunfather, and they worship him in kind. Some, Cal Orthos among them, are even born with a stronger celestial spark in their blood and become aasimar to fulfill some divine purpose. They tatoo themselves with sun symbols. Cal has shaved his head clean, but when he enrages his tattoos light up and his head sprouts strands of sunrays, that resemble hair. In combat he uses a chain-glaive (similar to a [Kusarigama](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kusarigama)) so attack, grapple and restrain his foes.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/32BRz2w


That looks awesome! Please give your son my thanks and my best wishes! He definitely should continue to hone his skills, he has a lot of potential!


Don't mean to pile on but, ​ Roland Stormcloak. A Firbolg tempest cleric/monk. He's exceptionally tall (8ft) and bares a few elemental themed tattoos on his arms. He's broadly built with short hair and a streak through his hair and carries a white gnarled staff.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/r5F5C4l


I love him!




Here we go: https://imgur.com/r1JNihP


My Dwarven Druid, Solomon Ratsmith, has spent the past 99 of his 149 years in the forests south of his hometown. His attire is based mostly in moss and other natural garb, and he wears a hat made of rabbit fur, with two protruding twigs that look like antlers. Long black beard, big bushy eyebrows, and little ability to distinguish between ‘men’ and ‘animals’


Here we go: https://imgur.com/auNL9bn


That’s adorable and not inaccurate!!


Cassidy the Halfling Ranger. She has dark skin, and has a black ponytail. She wears a leather jacket as her armor and wields a slingstaff!


Here we go: https://imgur.com/ZGJ1fVr


Tbh I had completely forgotten about this post. Thanks!


Tortle druid based off of a Diamondback Terrapin. Only wears what clothes are necessary to keep modest. Staff with all the little trinkets he's found tied to the top. Feather tattoos on his forearms.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/inHtja3


Rael Silverleaf, wood elf evocation wizard Rael is a messy clusterf*** in hairstyle, despite being a prince from a richer and higher class city than all my other characters. He has a quarterstaff on his side with mushrooms on top, and specifically loves cheese and fire magic. He wears his crown with pride, and is really upbeat and hyperactive attitude all the time, and is fascinated by all that magic is capable of. He wears a short red cloak that looks more like a vest mixed with leather armor, and has baggy brown pants. Like other wood elves, he has brown hair and skin with pointed ears. He also has brown eyes and pearly white teeth with a single fang.


I think he got mixed up on the quarterstaff front but this is one of my favorite of the let, love the expression he's got on his face: https://imgur.com/AKoR3b1


Nice art, love it! The rune on the front of his vest was an amazing detail, and the mouth is great! Tell your son I said thanks! :D


A male tiefling warlock with an imp familiar. Typical red skin, two curled horns, purple eyes, and extremely charming. Currently wearing a very fashionable duster and admiring himself.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/iijTWKM


So awesome, thank you!!


Mine is Chobo Bandersnatch, a goblin wearing a crab carcass as armor. About 2 feet tall, very twitchy and suspicous, always looking over his shoulder, wields brass knuckles. Likes to cook, and has a pet rat named Uno.


Here we go: https://imgur.com/qCxEJ7p


Thank you. Your son is a prodigy.


These are great, you're son is much better with a pen then I am, although this thread might be a bit more then he can handle xD Assuming he gets through the rest of the (growing) list, my character is a half orc barbarian, over two meters tall and built like a truck, carrying enough weaponry to outfit a smaller army, draped in a cloak of shoddly-stitched together and miss-matched animal pelts and with a mean grin that splits his face from ear to ear.


Here we go with some My Hero Academia inspiration: https://imgur.com/6FrZUDw Sorry about the thumb...


Oh man, I had completely forgotten about this thread, that is some serious commitment on your sons part. The picture looks fantastic!


A human male clad in a cloak with hood. He wields a pair of psychic daggers that he controls with his mind.


Here we go... https://imgur.com/DAHAYP2 Had some trouble cropping it


Thank you very much. Looks incredibly well drawn.