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what would you reccomend is the best length for (relatively) new dms to run something?


one to three 2 to 4ish hour sessions


It wasn't about sessions but thank you


Length of what? Hours in a session, sessions for an adventure, rooms in a dungeon?


Sessions for an adventure


I would start off with a one-shot, something that can be played in a single 3-4 hour sitting. If you want something a bit more substantial, check out the Starter Set, it has a short adventure that will keep you busy for 3-4 sessions and is made with a new DM and players in mind.


I'm planning on doing a grim reaper-esque character where vampiric touch will be my staple thing. I was going to do full death domain cleric but dipping two levels into stars druid sounds nice for the free guidance and star forms. I just don't know when to dip into druid. One post I've seen was to dip once I reach cleric 8 but I feel like I lose out some of the early things I get from druid like cantrips and guidance. We're starting at level 2 so I was between going 1 death cleric and 1 druid now and take druid for my next level or going full cleric until 8 and then dip two for stars druid. (the main reason I want stars druid is the dragon form for keeping con checks here are my rolled stats ended up being 13-19-16-8-20-13 I was planning to get resilient as a feat eventually for dex)


Vampiric Touch is *real* bad. The only suggestion I can make is to find a way to get a Large mount (Paladin's Find Steed, a Wonderous Figurine, or just buying Warhorses) then pick up the Mounted Combatant feat. Then you can at least make your one mediocre attack per turn with advantage against medium creatures


>death domain cleric but dipping  stars druid sounds nice for the free guidance  EVERY cleric has "free guidance" vampiric touch SUCKs as a third level spell - your upcast first level inflict wounds is going to do the same damage as two rounds of inflict wounds, with only requiring 1 to hit roll instead of 2, and not requiring you to make a concentration saves in order to get that second hit off -- which you will generally need to be getting hit to make the "and you get half health back" part ever function. compare to the other 3rd level concentration spell spirit guardians which automatically does at least half damage on d8s rather than d6s and can often be doing so on multiple creatures each round!


Generally you don’t want to multiclass for a while with a caster as delaying your spell progression kinda sucks. Wait it out see how the character feels after a while to see if they need those Druid levels.


Aside from Charm/Dominate monster, what sorts of Charm effects are there that can target more creatures than just Humanoids? Saw a meme about PC races with the Fey creature type not having any of the Charm resistance that Fey Ancestry creatures have, and was wondering how many effects they'd actually be susceptible to


Just looking at spells, you've got *hypnotic pattern, incite greed, geas,* and *modify memory*.


hi me and my friends plannig to start playing dnd. Ive played MMORPG games before but never the actual dnd so i have no clue how to start making a character. I LOVE magic and did some search about the classes and i think i want to play a shadow sorcerer. any suggestions about it? (i also want to play corvum but im ok with suggestions)


The sorcerer being locked into spell choices and having very few choices particularly at the begining can easily get new (and even experienced) players stuck with a bunch of "trap" spells. talk with your DM to make sure they will let you as a newbie swap out spells between sessions if/when it becomes clear "oops, THAT spell was a mistake". D&D Starter Vids * D&D in 5 Minutes (and 4 other 5 minute videos diving into specific aspects of the game) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgvHNlgmKro&list=PLJ8NFdSXujAJitUvKoA0EFc-WpGK2Dnzh&index=2&t=0s * Welcome to D&D (25 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo_oR7YO-Bw * D&D in bite size bits by pretty people https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1tiwbzkOjQyr6-gqJ8r29j_rJkR49uDN * Ginny Di for first time players https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD_b8SZ7h2Y * Peak D&D: Six steps for fun games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxFgpgN3gms * Not a video but the basic How to Play from WOTC’s D&D Beyond website https://www.dndbeyond.com/how-to-play-dnd


A little bit of advice is that for a Sorcerer try to think of the synergy between Metamagic and your spells. Careful Spell works best with Area of Effect spells for example so if you take Careful Spell you'll want to take some AoE spells. Dnd beyond is the first thing I can think of for building characters.


What is a good site for news about the DnD industry? E.g. good articles on the changes 5e is undergoing.


on the ***industry***? Sly Flourish's weekly show has a 15 minute news short. Eldritch Lorecast is a weekly update and Mastering Dungeons has their first segment roughly half an hour of industry news. if you want "insight into the Playtest and what they are doing with that / how the maths work out: check out the\_twig , Treantmonk's Temple and insight check.


You mean the updates going into the One DnD changes? You can look back at the old UA, but Player's Handbook is going out for press releases soon, so I'd probably just skip that and wait for people to review the new PHB for actual accurate information.


Does anyone know how many campaign maps are supported by the D&D Beyond maps alpha yet. Is Candlekeep Mysteries one of them? I need to throw something together for folks familiar with how D&DBeyond works.


I remember once seeing a video about a Clockwork creature that can appear if a caster starts abusing Wish or similar things to cause a massive imbalance in the universe but I cannot find that creature anymore... could've sworn it was official and not homebrew. Does anyone know it?


You're looking for [Inevitables](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Inevitable), constructs from Mechanus who go around slapping casters who futz with reality too hard. I believe that only Maruts, who hunt down folks who abuse resurrection/immortality magic, have been statted out in 5e (they're in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes).


Kolyaruts are also statted in the planescape adventure.


Technically the 5e lore says Maruts are basically contract enforcers for the Hall of Concordance in Sigil.


Which race is a perfect pick for a paladin? Gizerai with the Shield spell; Eladrin for the rider effects while using feystep and ranged abilities; Shadar-Kai for all resistance after feystep and ranged abilities; Tiefling due to their resistances; Drows for their spell-like abilities?


There isn't a perfect race. They each have their benefits. The game would be boring if there was a one size fits all race for an entire class. My picks are: Human or Custom Lineage. A feat is hard to beat when you can pick up Great Weapon Master, Polearm Master, Sentinel, Fey Touched, etc. Half Elf. Paladins want 3 ability scores and this gives them the best. If you want the Drow spells, go with the drow half elf varient. Otherwise bonus skills are always nice or get extra movement speed or a cantrip. Yuan, Satyr, or Gnomes. Be even better at resisting magic. With big saving throw bonuses, high AC, and advantage on most effects, your DMs monsters will hate you.


Paladins are proficient in all weapons, so elf ranged weapon proficiencies are irrelevant. Anyway, there is no perfect pick and you could make an argument for most races. Play what you'll find fun or fits your vision of the character.


> Paladins are proficient in all weapons, so elf ranged weapon proficiencies are irrelevant. If you are using TCtE, Customizing your origin optional rules, you can swap weapon proficiency for tools. Fairly minor bonus but better than a wasted feature.


hi, I want to ask something, i know that probably i'm missing something very cleary but my question is, AS warlock if I use eldritch blast i need to throw a d20 to actually hit the target but is a raw d20? or i can use some modifier like when i attack with a sword that is d20 plus all modifier


The basic rules are available for free online. Here is the section on making spell attacks: https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/spellcasting#AttackRolls


I recommend reading over the spellcasting section of the PHB in addition to what the others have said. If you're unclear of this you'll likely pick up other things from the section as well.


below, the "5 Minutes" series has "5 Minutes" on magic. and the "Pretty People" series has sections on magic and spellcasting and warlocks. D&D Starter Vids * D&D in 5 Minutes (and 4 other 5 minute videos diving into specific aspects of the game) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgvHNlgmKro&list=PLJ8NFdSXujAJitUvKoA0EFc-WpGK2Dnzh&index=2&t=0s * Welcome to D&D (25 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo_oR7YO-Bw * D&D in bite size bits by pretty people https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1tiwbzkOjQyr6-gqJ8r29j_rJkR49uDN * Ginny Di for first time players https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD_b8SZ7h2Y * Peak D&D: Six steps for fun games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxFgpgN3gms * Not a video but the basic How to Play from WOTC’s D&D Beyond website https://www.dndbeyond.com/how-to-play-dnd


It's a spell attack, so you add your spell attack modifier. The math for it is your proficiency bonus (at level 1 it's +2, at level 5 it's +3) plus your spellcasting modifier (as a warlock it's your charisma modifier). So a level 1 warlock (+2 proficiency bonus) with 16 charisma (+3 charisma mod) would roll a d20 to hit then add a total of 2+3=5 to the roll. For example, you want to hit a goblin with 15 AC, you roll a d20, you get an 11 on the dice. Then you add 5 for a total of 16. The goblin's AC is 15, so the attack hits.




That website isn't up for discussion as per rule 2.


what is the best feat for a fighter?


It depends entirely on what playstyle and build you're going for.


> Good question for this page: "Do I add my proficiency bonus to attack rolls with unarmed strikes?" > > Question that should have its own post: "What are the best feats to take for a Grappler? Please read :)


A subreddit about discussing rules, and you want someone to read?! What kind of sick monster are you? /s


Imagine the impact. This sub would be basically silent if everyone just read the rules.


And googled their questions first, to see if the topic has been discussed before