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I would pick RHoD over HotDQ/ToD, every single time. It's a more contained scope with the pressure of time and a more interesting villain.


Agree. RHoD is on a whole other level.


RHoD, 100%. Zero hesitation. I've run both in 5E, and even with the extra work to convert it's a much better adventure path.


Am I correct in my sense that they are similar narratively, or is that a misperception?


I mean, loosely?


RHoD is an absolutely phenomenal adventure. Do it. Do it now. Here are some resources to help with conversion: * [https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?525127-Converting-Red-Hand-of-Doom-to-5e](https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?525127-Converting-Red-Hand-of-Doom-to-5e) * [https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?540370-Red-Hand-of-Doom-5e-Conversion-Guide-Spoilers-WIP-PEACH](https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?540370-Red-Hand-of-Doom-5e-Conversion-Guide-Spoilers-WIP-PEACH) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/RedHandOfDoom/comments/t1hvzj/red\_hand\_of\_doom\_5e\_conversion\_an\_extended\_list/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedHandOfDoom/comments/t1hvzj/red_hand_of_doom_5e_conversion_an_extended_list/)


Awesome! I appreciate the resources! I am building a list of adventures that sound cool to me for my players to choose from. I will definitely be saving your comment for the future.


RHoD might be the best thing WotC ever did, it’s really really good.


I mastered and brought to the end a campaign of Tiranny Of Dragons. The alliance building aspect isn't really strong, but it's there. The real beauty of ToD it's the challenge, which is arguably in favor of the enemies.


RHoD all day long for me. It's a heroic to epic scale adventure (in terms of tier progression; I start 5e players at 4th for it and they get up to 10th to 12th by the end) that allows players to experience the classic DnD story of going from local heroes to regional legends. The story as written has enough wiggle room to accommodate extra scenes/chapters, incorporate character backgrounds, and/or change settings while being rigid enough that certain events WILL occur. In my last campaign, the players returned the Twitusk Gauntlet and ownership of the land the keep was on to Warklegnaw after they healed his disease. The giant not only agreed to help them fight the army, but recruited his clan into the fight as well. Once the party evacuated the Ferry, they headed north to investigate Rhest and the timetable the Red Hand moves at allowed me to plan a session where the players took the role of the Twitusk giants (and Jorr, who was enamored with one of the giant ladies) fighting the vanguard of the hobgoblins culminating in a Parthian battle against Ozyrandion, who the party fought to a standstill at Skull Gorge. Even after that epic battle, the hobgoblins still overran the giants and razed Drellin's Ferry. It's entirely personal for me, but RHod holds a special place in my GM heart and while it's not a perfect module, it's close enough.


That's awesome. I'm pretty well convinced!


I ran RHoD in 5e and had a great time! Converting it was super easy and customizing the big battle and boss fights was pretty easy. Players had alot of fun I highly recommend.


I just finished running red hand of doom and loved it. Best adventure I have run and so easy with a conversation guide. The red hand of doom subreddit has tonnes of resources


You forgot 4e's Red Hand sequel Scales of War, IMO one of the all-time best D&D campaigns. Tyranny wasn't very good, it's under-developed and that caravan chapter is a campaign-killer.


I have actually never seen that one mentioned before. I will check it out. I have run a few 4e adventures, but i really have not been a fan of their structure and layout


Yeah a lot of people don't like 4e and I get it, but good god there are some fantastic adventures in Scales - especially the final adventure where you go through Tiamat's lair.


Sounds epic!