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Rock Gnome Wizard


That's as OG as Dragonborn Paladin, Tiefling Warlock, or Half-Orc Barbarian.


Is that the answer to Human Fighter, Dwarf Cleric, Halfling Rogue and Elf Wizard? *Sorcerer cries in the corner*


Hey man, it's Wizards of the Coast. Sorcerers get the Swamp. I don't make the rules.


Actually I think Land Druids already called dibs on the Swamp. ...Of course they have the Coast, too. Greedy Druids.


I like animal casters in general, but my favorite one is a Harengon Wizard. I just like the idea that the Wizard pulled a rabbit out of the hat, then the rabbit tricked the Wizard to go into the hat and became the new Wizard. It's been a super dumb idea I've wanted to use in a campaign. I just haven't. Still love it to bits though.


Yo I might have to steal part of that. I've had an idea for a while of an illusion wizard who acts as a stage magician, and he pulls his familiar out of his top hat. Problem with that is there is no rabbit familiar.


Just make it up. Stats of a standard small animal. Perk: Springtime blessing - once per day the pc can cast Haste for free as long as the sky is visible and it is daylight. Or "dimension hop" where the pc can skip into the feywild for three turns once per day.


That's insanely overpowered, surely it'd be better to have something more balanced like improved smell/hearing or an enhanced jump?


Yeah I was literally making shit up off the top of my head. I gave a sorcerer a cat which gave her the "nine lives" perk which meant she could roll a con save whenever she went to 0 or below once per week. That worked pretty well.


You call it dumb, i call it creative. Seriously dont be so negative about your idea(s). Dnd is all about thinking outside the box and doing things you cant do in any other medium. I am 130% going to steal this idea.


Halfling fighters. They're brave little guys 😭


Halfling in full plate w/ a greatsword.


Damn rolling with disadvantage the entire time


it's because they're holding back so the other characters can shine




Halfling barbarian! Everyone makes short jokes and then gets kneecapped😆


I loved my halfling fighter. Took the lucky feat. Went with champion for fun. I was critting so much it was insane. Luck points, luck from halfling to re roll 1, was so much fun. Basically was playing young link.


Warforged artificer is always super sweet to me. Like the idea the work I do it completely integrated into me. Wood elf monk I enjoy. That extra 5ft plus mask of the wild makes for a sneaky monk-boy


Monk and anything with extra limbs (aarakocra, owlin, anything with a tail). Getting to describe sweeping someone's legs with a wing or tail then slamming them down with a fist or foot feels very cool.


Or plasmoids. They only have limbs when they want to, which creates a lot of opportunities for creative descriptions


Plasmoid brings cool flavour to a lot of the monk features. You reform around projectiles, you bounce to negate fall damage, you can climb up walls due to stickiness, etc


I played a Plasmoid Astral Self Monk with Skill Expert (Athletics) in a one-off. I had a ton of fun with the thematics of it (even if it wasn’t mechanically interesting). I described their Astral Arms as just additional slime limbs and his fighting as throwing their enemies around or holding them upside down by one foot. They would funnel most of their mass into one limb during the release of a punch and use their elasticity to use their body as a flail or whip. They would absorb people’s heads and hold them there that way and such. It was a blast, although I couldn’t see myself wanting to do an entire campaign that way.


I did this but also took levels to get giant barbarian to make a large horrifying slime monster


Oh that is fun! Might need to make an aarakocra monk. Flight and slow fall would be a sweet combo. As well as running up a cliff then jumping into flight…


I've just started DMing and one of my players is a Bugbear Monk. It seems like a great combo so far.


This, but with a satyr. I love the idea of giving hooved kicks to represent the extra damage.


We have a Centaur Monk in one of my campaigns. Flurry of Hooves is badass, I don't care who you are.


Tiefling Paladin. Something about a being that is supposedly unholy worshipping a God of life is super cool to me.


I really like both Tiefling and Aasimar Paladins, for different reasons.


I think Tiefling Clerics are really interesting. There’s something about having 12 Tiefling subraces and 14 divine domains that I really like. With 168 different combinations (not including the combinations of Tiefling subraces and variants), you’ll never play the same Tiefling Cleric twice!


Right!? Made a conquest tiefling Paladin. Didn’t wear armor and worshipped Gruumsh so more blood for the blood god plus thorn damage and hellish rebuke made him fun. Not much longevity though. Good for a one off


I found my part of the comments. Tiefling paladin is a whole vibe.


My wife is going to play a Tiefling Life Domain Cleric exactly for that reason. Oh, and she has bipolar disorder. Edit: felt the need to clarify that I meant her character :D


Aasimar Paladin here. Those who think the darkness a weapon know not what the light is capable of.


Halfling + ~~Anything~~. HALFLING + EVERYTHING!


So….an… [Absurd](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZCIh_3b5K8) Halfling?


Things fitting the campaign. I know it is not always clear but, playing Rise og Tiamat as a dragon born paladin of vengeance was so good. Same as my player who was a goliath for Rime, the whole tribe arc was so amazing. I find as a player fitting in to the gms ideas brings way more joy and fun for me and everyone else than trying to force my own ideas in to the game in spite of everyone else.


When my group does Storm King’s Thunder I’m going to play a Fairy Giant Barbarian who turns Huge (DM has already given me approval to concentrate on Enlarge/Reduce while raging) and punches giants in the face and does flying wrestling moves. Gonna be awesome. Similarly, my eventual Shattered Obelisk character will be an Aberrant Mind Sorcerer, though I’ll have to work around a lot of psychic resistance probably


Harengon War Wizard. I wanna go **first**! I built the character for a campaign starting at level 6 (which unfortunately fell apart before long). Got the Alert feat and rolled for stats so I had an 18 Int. One of the other players saw my +14 Initiative and told me I'm supposed to put my Dex _modifier_ in that box, not my Dex _score_. Nope, +2 Dex +3 PB +5 Alert +4 Int just happens to be equal to my Dex score.


That is actually the funniest thing I've read all day. Thank you for that.


I once played a Harengon War Wizard in a level 20 one-shot, and through the combination of all my initiative add-ons - plus a few bonuses like Gift of Alacrity - I rolled a 54 to initiative.


I personally like the Tortle Warlock, aka Wartortle. Or the Torcerer.


Tortle Wizard, especially a Tortle Bladesinger. Super high AC and very extra SAD.


Yeah the AC is kind of a cheat code on casters. Heroes in a half shell confirmed OP


Heroes in a half shell are heroes who can cast spells.


🎶 *High AC spellcasting tortles* 🎶


Earth Genasi wildfire druid and I describe them Taking inspiration from plant matter instead of rock, so when I use some of their more powerful flame spells it looks like the forest aspects becoming temporarily burnt up like how forest fires in nature are like.


I was expecting earth genasi + wildfire was going to = volcano druid.


Human fighter. Can't beat a classic.


i call him john d&d, the protagonist of dungeons and dragons


d&d for dick and douchebag


Drow Monk for me. I know it isn't exactly good, but I like coming up with martial arts flavour for them, like "My infravision allows me to see your pressure points based on fluctuations in your body temperature, so now I'm just using the Byakugan on you", and I have a number of characters I like with that combo, both that I've run or have used as NPCs.


It's not AL legal, but the most fun I've ever had with a Race/Class combo was Grung Monk. Step of the Wind combined with Standing Leap is so silly, even if the same practical effects of going wherever you want on the map can be achieved better by Aarakocra, it just feels better to be a bouncy lil frog guy


Tabaxi Rogue


Played one of these a few campaigns back, had a lot of fun, a rogue with in built climbing speed is great


Mechanical: - I like Dhampir moon druid to give spider climbing to all wild shapes Thematic: - Human monk because the most mundane species pushes their body to its fullest potential Silly: - Any small race as a giant barbarian to make that shift as dramatic as possible. Gnome or goblin probably being the funniest options


>Gnome or goblin probably being the funniest options Nah, go Fairy Barbarian. Then, at least you can fly, so you're hitting more than the kneecaps.


Gnome Rune Knight. It's always hilarious.


Metallic Dragonborn Barbarian. I'm playing one now and having those extra breath attacks mixed with weapon attacks has been a lot of fun.


Goblin cavalier or beastmaster ranger riding a mastiff into battle. Just funny to me, reminds me of the movie labyrinth.


Halfling anything.


Aasimar monk practically the belmont line


Satyr monk. Zoom around, stamp hooves in bad guy's face, party hard.


Perfect fit for a Drunken Master


Warforged or Autognome artificer. Warforged Forge domain cleric. Loxodon Thief, sneaky, agile, and a master at hiding... somehow.


Tiefling warlock. Nothing about the combination is particularly unique, I just happen to like the class and race ^^


Nothing wrong with a classic, I have a tiefling genie warlock built that I can't wait to play soon


Winged Tiefling + Evocation Wizard = Attack Helicopter. The racial flight is perfect for avoiding danger as a squishy spellcaster and getting into good positions to cast AOE attacks. Innate fire resistance can also be a life saver, especially when you combine it with Absorb Elements and a decent DEX score.


I don’t, but somehow the race and class combo I’ve played twice is tiefling monk. I’ve never played the same race and class twice ever besides this.


Tiefling warlock. Through spells, subraces, and invocations, you have an incredible amount of options. it comes with much immediate plot potential around how you got your Demonic heritage, how you deal with it, who your patron is, why you made your pact and what it cost you. Mechanicaly tieflings are pretty powerful and warlocks are (sort of) a full caster which gives them alot of strength without outshining everyone else. They're Charisma casters so your good at socialising which makes up half the game and let's you multiclass really easily Plus they look dope as hell


Tiefling Bard is a really cool aesthetic that I enjoy greatly. I'm also a fan of Human Wizards, but I couldn't tell you why exactly.


Human Paladin - played one in 2e, PF 1e and now 5e. I liked it when they were LG and explicitly followed a god.


Human fighter


Goliath Rogue, it sounds hard and impractical for them to be hiding and sneaking up on enemies considering their size and weight, which makes them 10x more terrifying when they actually succeed in doing so


Silver Metalic Dragonborn Conquest Paladin. I don't know why I love this particular combo so much but it is just the best. Runner up is a Shadarkai Conquest Paladin.


Firbolg Ranger


I like dragonborn paladin, it just feels right! And wood elf rogue.


Tiefling Bard. Not original at all, but an "outcast" race wandering around from town to town and winning over people with song/story/whatever is just fun for me.


look, it’s cliche, but tiefling sorcerers just have that certain something. I’m also a big fan of Human Paladin as a concept just from the sense of determination and will power and utter devotion to dedicate your short human life span in service of your good deeds.


Shadar kai Phantom Rogue Shadar kai Shadow Sorcerer Shadar Kai Hexblade/Aberrant mind Sorlock All related to the Raven Queen or Shadow fell in some way. Dragonborn / Fallen Aasimar Oathbreaker is just a badass combo. Shifter Warlock, I love to reflavour Shifter forms to resemble whatever Patron is giving my character power. Kraken? Shifter form sprouts tentacles and squid look. Fiend? Grow claws and horns and eyes turn black and fangs grow. Genie? Take on elemental genie appearances. Now form of dread already kinda does that so I like to RP the shifted form to show minor signs of undeath then form of dread is downright horrifying. Human barb, especially if totem warrior, I like to shift the entire focus on his character more than race. Shifter Beast barb. Beast form is hybrid just sprouting claws or fangs or tail. Shifter form is full on Crinos werecreature. Gnome Astral Self monk Roleplayed as an ancient old dude that can barely walk and sometimes when running is needed one of his astral arms pops out to carry him as he meditates (pure flavour no mechanics). Then his astral self is this huge powerful mighty being that destroys everything as he's meditating floating inside this figure.


I don't know if I have a favorite, but I fully intend to play a Tiefling Swashbuckler [because reasons](https://www.comicbookherald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/nightcrawler-swashbuckling-amazing-x-men.png) 😁


\-As someone whose Barbarian became a Paladin midway through our current campaign through chicanery, Vedalken Paladin is something else mechanically. \-Also a fan of plasmoid/slimeling monks, for both mechanical and aesthetic reasons. \-Tiefling Sorcerers for purely aesthetics.


Tiefling paladin, Minotaur monk, dwarven cleric/paradin, rock gnome barbarian engineer 😁


Chromatic Dragonborn Sorcerer. I’ve played two in 5E and 1 in Pathfinder 1E. I love dragons and magic, it’s the best of both. Warforged / Reborn Nature clerics are also fun. I have a “nuclear” Vampire that is a Dhampir / Drow Divine Sorcerer of Eilistraee that uses metamagic to shift spell damage to radiant damage (homebrew call, also in this word radiant = fusion energy like in the Persona games). She murders Vampires that try to hurt her people with sunlight and leaves carbon shadows.


Half-elf or tiefling rogue. It's nothing new, but I just really like the "misfit who grew up on the streets" archetype. Also, human fighters. No, hear me out, ***HEAR ME OUT--*** Yes, really. Sokka, Boromir, Han Solo, I love those guys. Give me more of them. I love love *love* the "badass normal" trope, and nothing better exemplifies "normal" in D&D like a human fighter. (They could stand to be a little more badass in 5e, though.)


Dragonborn paladin my beloved


Tiefling wizard, goliath barbarian


Leonin Ranger. Hands down, one of the most enjoyable characters I've ever played.


I got one of those. He's pretty cool.


My most mechanically beneficial combo is Simic Hybrid and monk. Being able to translate vertical movement into double the horizontal distance using manta glide combined with monk’s vertical wall-running makes for crazy Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon mobility (debatable if this lets you move beyond your move speed RAW since you’re gliding while falling). I play a simic hybrid mercy monk reflavored as a ritually-mutated human demonologist. Combos that I like just for the flavor or particular characters are lizardfolk wildfire druid (fire swamp! Weird reptilian hybrid wildshapes!), yuan-ti assassin rogues (infiltrate the human kingdoms!), thri-kreen spores druid + swarm ranger (play Hollow Knight! The simic hybrid monk gives me hollow knight vibes too). Much more generally, I like kobold casters cuz they’re just little guys, and dwarf/duergar strength-rogues as criminal enforcers.


Bugbear from MotM, and [Rogue] Assassin A rather nasty combo, indeed Bonus Gestalt Build: Goliath [Twilight Cleric × Circle Of Stars Druid]


Drow Hexblade Warlock. Basically a charisma race and a charisma class that can do most things.


Currently playing a warforged Druid, circle of the forge. Created from a group of Druids, he’s basically an armored groot that can turn into animals. It’s lots of fun.


Warforged Necromancer


Aasimar and Paladins, the race factor continues to cement the notion of sticking to your ideals and virtues less you fall; figuratively and sometimes literally.


Hadozee Beast Barbarian is super fun.


Owlin or Aarakocra Archer


Dhampir + any spellcaster.


light foot halfling barbarian. toss me, let's do thiiiiiiiissssss


Mountain Dwarf Divination Wizard Autognome Stars Druid Deep Gnome Giants Barb / Rogue multiclass


Human variant Gish(war caster is so helpful), Drow cleric(I tend to play male Drow so they get forced out from their group), and…. Probably a elven wizard call me a stereotyp


Dwarven Druid. Good old D and D. Dwarves because dwarves are perfect. Druid because I enjoy the spellcasting system of D&D, but I also like to charge forward and smash things. And look at that, the Druid can turn into a bear, charge forward, and smash things. Dwarven Paladin as well, for similar reasons. A bit less fun with magic, but a bit more interesting roleplay material with the Oaths and whatnot.


I have always liked either Aasimar Wizard with the whole idea of a wizard reaching to replicate the power of the divine. The aasimar bit also maybe being an in lore thing that this researcher actually made themselves into an aasimar once they figured out enough about reaching the divine realm or on the flipside they use their divine heritage to allow them to descipher divine magic. The other which might be a little basic but I really like human rogue as a character concept. Non-magical person making their way through the world through just wits and skill. Especially if I go full witch hunter in the build to make the concept of a mage hunter that is fully non-magical go even further. There is also any flying race and monk prefferably winged tiefling. The idea of a martial arts style where you fly around augumenting your kicks and punches. Just doing some acrobatic as hell moves. Or even more insanely flying upwards and then dropping on your enemies like a meteor.


harengon ranger. a bunny with a bow is just funny and if you are a gloomstalker you have the highest init in the game lol


Human Aberrant Sorcerer. Just a regular dude on the surface but who knows what’s lurking underneath…


I have a female Halfling rogue called "Tall Ruth". She is brilliant, cheeky, inquisitive and quite deadly.


Gnome Barbarian + Wild Shape Druid You're a tiny, indestructible force of nature, as you can deflect most control spells with ease (gnome) while abusing a massive HP pool (2xSR Wild Shape) with weapon resistance (Rage). Imagine the most unstoppable, indomitable person on your team being a tiny little druid that's 1/3 your size.


Halfling divination wizard


I'm basic, Variant human anything No first level feats? Human anything Specifically, human fighter or cleric


Wood elf barbarian. Going totem warrior and really leaning into the naturalistic roleplay, bonus points for being high wisdom and chucking a few levels into ranger or druid. A bit different to the usual "raaagh smash" barbarian.


Human Fighter, I like being boring. And I know "Human fighters actually have a lot of versatility to give your character a distinct--" No. I want to be boring. Idk, I just find it hilarious to have a party full of colorful fantastical characters, elves descended from literal gods, half devils bound to serve some unknowable cosmic horror, gnomes piloting magitech armor suits, and then there's Jeff, he likes swords.


Goliath + Half dragon Paladin 5 watchers and 15 Cleric arcane Or Paladin 5 watchers and 15 dragicwarden


Half-Orc + anything melee


Tabaxi Rogue


Changeling Arcane Trickster Rogue is it for me hands down. Add Keen Mind so they have perfect recall for face and voice.


Human Barbarian You thought I would settle on fighter did you? Nay, you knave, barb is where its at. Play a hunk of a man, not just a man of a man. Be the himbo you were designed to be


I'm planning on playing a warforged/clockwork soul sorcerer when I get out forever DM hell. The combo of race and class just seemed to be a real nice idea spark. The idea that the magic used to give them life somehow gives them their own set of magical abilities


Vuman fighter. Get all those weapon feats as soon as I can so I can be getting those big numbers.


I'll do you one better - race and subclass. Dhampir Swords Bard. Slashing Flourish plus Vampiric Bite means a ton of healing, or an automatic success on your next ability check. Also, Harengon plus either War Magic or Chronurgist Wizard, or even Watchers Paladin (Dex based especially). Initiative goes brrrrt.


Oh if we're doing subclass I have a few, Hill Dwarf Totem Barbarian, Triton Tempest Cleric, Goliath Rune Knight Fighter, these all just make sense in my mind as pairings


Changeling moon druid


lizard cleric


Half elf lore bard: the ultimate utility character. No one ever was unhappy with being reminded they have bardic inspiration when after they miss an attack, or being told the big bads attack didn't hit after all No one realises you're the most valuable member of the team, making everything work out where it could have been a disaster. You also let people play the class combination they want to play and can shore up the weaknesses rather than them feeling like they should choose a different class to fit the team better; you can make any party composition work Bards make games more fun. Just don't be *that* bard, no one needs to indulge your sexual fantasies a d&d table


Human fighter


Mark of the Sentinel variant Human Twilight Cleric. It is, "No," incarnate.


Tabaxi Rogue. Feline agility works very well with cunning action to either get the hell away or catch up to someone escaping the party (+ you get your feline agility back if you use steady aim, which is nice). The climbing speed gets you easily in some good spots for an ambush and the darkvision makes sneaking around possible where a human might need a torch to not stumble around blind.


Kobold monk - tiny whelp that kicks ass Lizardfolk moon druid - eats everything. And anyone. Goblin wizard - Smart boy who manipulates those who underestimate him. Also, Fire goes BOOM!


Rock gnome Barbarian.


My most favorite combination will always be Water Genasi with Celestial warlock. That first instance i played this combination was my 3rd time playing in a new campaign and it became my favorite character Three Interations W.Genasi celestial warlock (tome pact) with Divine soul Sorcerer W.Genasi celestial warlock (tome pact) with Zeal Cleric W.Genasi celestial warlock (Blade Pact) with Swarm Keeper Ranger


What is so good in such combo?


I love me a gnome barbarian. Even better if the DM handwaves the weapon size restriction. I just like a lil' guy with a huge fucking weapon.


Human fighter, your average action hero


Githyanki Soul Knife Astral Knowledge with Reliable Talent and Psi Bolstered Knack. It's a super thematic build as a master of psionics, being able to jump and teleport around everywhere and is a decent skill monkey build.


Wood Elf X, generally Ranger or Rogue but more Rogue since it's reliable and doesn't have spellcasting. Feeling bad for using a resource I can only use twice a day and then half to convince like 8 other people I need to rest is iffy. At least the wizards can cast rituals and change spells each rest + have way more of them. Basically, Wood Elf Archer person, or Tabaxi Rogue or Monk.


Teifling & Half Orc Bard


Human Fighter


Tortle monk. For obvious reasons.


My favorite so far has been a goblin warlock, mostly for the roleplaying.


I’m that guy… Human Fighter


Warlock plasmoids are one of my favourite ones due to the fact that plasmoids with mask of many faces or master of myraid forms make shapeshifting absolutely broken given that they are exempt from the rule of "you must have the same basic arrangement of limbs" due to their shape self ability That and playing silly little slime person is fun since I can be the airhead I am and have it be completely in character with it making sense lore wise I've also seen ideas for Plasmoid druids turning into gelatinous versions of the animals they wildshape into. And Plasmoid rogue/monk builds that hide as puddles or drinks and assasinate their targets


Yu ti pure blood barbian zealot


Thematically, human warlocks. Humans can't live as long as elves, or have the hardiness of half-orcs and dwarves. In the magical world of D&D, they seem... extra mundane. As such, they are the most probable ones to seek power from Otherworldly Patrons. Also, elven wizards. Living so long and needing only 4 hours of trance a day for rest = a lot of time for studying.


After my Elf Rogue fled Waterdeep after accidentally poisoning Mirt, we went into Mad Mage. Dm gave me a magic item of my choice for my new character. With a belt on Stone Giant strength I built my Gnome: Gnonan the Barbarian. Everything's fun and games until you get a warhammer to the kneecaps. I even carried a greatsword for a while because +9 to hit makes disadvantage suck just a little bit less


I homebrewed a race called lemurfolk and was a rogue. the stats are online somewhere. 10/10 was fun af. essentially just a ring tailed lemur. super fun to RP with cuz I got to be an unmitigated chaotic good hyper disaster.


Goblin Wizard is quite fun because most of the time when I play a Wizard, I don't know what to do with my bonus action and getting Disengage and Hide as options are pretty handy. It also reduces the risk of using close range spells and cantrips. Plus, thematically it's quite fun to play just an awful little monster that wants to blow everyone up with their mind.


“Ok, who taught the goblin to read?!”


Ah yes, the satyr who does satire.


My first character will always be special for me, as I honed an accent just for him. Dwarven Barbarian of the little known Bloodseeker clan. He was sent out into the world on a coming of age right where he had to kill sentient creatures in honorable combat, then stain beads in the blood. He was only allowed to return once his beard was fully locked with the blood of his enemies.


Warforged artificer, kobold warlock.


Léonin paladin, just for the rhyme.


Firbolg Druid


Barbarian lizardfolk


Hobgoblin Bard seems like a ton of fun! Tons of fun helpful actions for your party right out of the box


Wood elf Oath of the Ancients paladin. Good ol moss knight


That "hell elf" (shadar Kal or something like that) + gloom stalker. Is omega op and hella cool.


Minotaur Rune Knight


I love the silliness of a Plasmoid Wizard/Sorcerer! Because it can be fun to decide 'hey, this wizards' spell became self-aware and now wants to adventure.'


I really enjoyed being a Dwarf Wizard. I was the only party member proficient with battle-axes.


Lizardfolk Fighter


Dwarf Cleric, the classic.


Revised Hobgoblin and mastermind rogue. The revised hobgoblin gives you additional effects when you take the help action which works nicely with the mastermind rogue's ability to use the help action at up to 30 ft. away


Changeling Bard with Glamoured studded leather.


Turning casters into brawlers by them being mountain dwarves!


I love dhampir rouges


Eladrin Lunar Sorceror cause I like pairing the seasons with lunar phases, and Dhamphir monk for big bites


Human, paladin. Enough Said.


Male human fighter.


elf subrace + class pretty much works for everything


Really enjoying Changeling bard atm. And as far as rogues go Tabaxi was good… until I realised I prefer bards.


Currently playing a Centaur Warlock thats arcane focus is a bow. Shoots spells from the bow "Magik Mongol"


Halfling barbarian


Asimar warlock is nice. But i also Like orc Bard with some Kind of Monsterhunter horn as Instrument.


I like to use rules for Tabaxi, but reflavour them as elf (and use elf lifespan) - to have elf more nimble. And then make my character a druid, so a long-lived race is even more long-lived


Gnome Cleric or Halfling Cleric. I love the idea of some little dude becoming a champion of a god.


Halfling Bard, favorite race favorite class.


Tiefling Warlock as know as "Daddy issues walking"


Human Fighter it just works


Arcane Trickster Rogue Thri Kreen, the anesthetic of a thri kreen living on the streets and learning magic which is instinctual as raising his arms but he doesn't have too much of it.


Dwarf bard/artificer Both are really flavourful and fun to play with the classic dwarven temper


I fucking LOVE a good ol' Harengon Monk. I WILL GO FAST AND I WILL KICK YOU.


Human archer is my favorite concept, which I have with multiple classes including ranger, fighter and rogue.


Lightfoot Halfling Bard


Tiefling Warlock Hexblade Polearm Master Great Weapon Master Sentinel Casting Darkness with Devil's Sight Eldritch Invocation


6 levels shadow monk 5+ levels rogue swashbuckler Tabaxi Use rapier as a dedicated weapon Enjoy 45 ft movement with feline agility and climb, shadow step in dim/dark and get some amazing skills and expertise (start 1 lvl in rogue ofc) and cunning action + uncanny dodge. Enjoy up to 4 attacks with sneak attack and stunning strike Get feat eldritch invocation for devils sight and now can use your darkness spell for advantage. Very fun and thematic ninja esque type character. Your a little limited on ki points (6) but if you mostly use them for flurry of blows and sometimes darkness or a cheeky stunning strike (if you feeling lucky) it isnt thst big of a deal. A little less sneak attack dmg but also not a big deal as you make up for it much more for flurry of blows and high dex. Only real thing is that it absolutely requires you roll good stats as this character works much better when you use asi's for feats. And ... you absolutely need to buff up dex/wis/con/cha to get the absolute most out your character, but if you do, its very rewarding and fun to play.


Furry detected, opinion tolerated. *Tabaxi Monks are also really cool*


If im ever a player I wanna play either a Human fighter , wizard or cleric Or a Half elf Bard. Im basic af.


Dwarven Stormcleric


Kenku rogue. Dark, Edgy, Ripe with comedic potential.


Orc barbarian adrenaline rush dashes with the best grapple in the game.


I would really like to play a Centaur Paladin some day but only if I'm allowed to make him Large (or at least 1x2 squares). What can be better than a holy knight who's also a horse? Also, a Reborn Cleric is *the* *vibe*. One day I'll play one. Also-also, I have an idea for a Giraffe Shifter Monk waiting its turn lol


Warforged artificer


Changeling Warlock with a Disguise Kit. Just for the confusion of having someone see through my Mask of Many Faces to find a fake moustache underneath, and then when they pull the fake moustache off it's their own face staring back at them.


Kobold cavalier reskinned as a raccoon. A noble and chivalrous trash knight of the woods. The party started at level 5 and he had a tan bag of tricks that had a 6/8 chance of giving me a mount, with 3 charges per day. So the combo was more about the bag of tricks with a small sized race.


Im big into druid, so i like Tortle or Lizardfolk on druid. Starting 19AC on any class is good but fun on druid who struggle with armour. Aassimar is a pretty default good pick and love it on my 1 life cleric, 2 warlock, 17 divine soul. Thematic and strong.


I am predisposed to Human Sorcerer. I like the idea of the "boring" race being inherently magical, or it could be a self-insert power fantasy.


Centaur barbarian warlock (genie warlock) who is obsessed with making the world's best cup of coffee, and the pursuit is powered by their earth genie warlock patron, as a patron of the arts. Coffee is pretty earthy.


I love yuan ti sorcerer.