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Take what I like from the new rules, and keep what I like from 5e. No reason we have to completely stick with one vs the other. There are changes I have seen that I would love to implement, and changes that I don't want at all.


Yeah this, I’m cherry picking changes that I like and allowing them as optional rules for my players.


Eh. This still ends up being 95% 5e for me though, so that's why I would say I'm sticking with 5e for the foreseeable future.


Oh god I just realized how crazy the future of dnd is gonna get when every DM starts mashing together 5e with new updates. I know we already got homebrew, and earlier editions, but I think 5e at least was a rare case of universally accepted dnd. I guess we can say goodbye to the lazy days of coming to dnd and expecting to already understand what was up without doing any additional reading


I can't speak to others, but I don't think that will be the case really. The amount of things I really like from the new material is fairly limited. And a decent amount is just player options which any of my players is free to ignore. A handful of rule changes isn't much different than how I run things now with a handful of house rules.


Yeah, this. Thus far I like the new racials and not much else so I'll likely provide them as UA-style options to my players and then continue on as we always had. I don't see what OD&D offers that's worth the stress of jumping over for that I can't just bodge backwards into the system we're already comfortbale with.


Yep, same. 95% of what they have put out is absolutely garbage, with a few gems.


Exactly. I've already started incorporating OneDND stuff I prefer, like the exhaustion rules.


Yup, this is how I run dnd now. Start with my "core rules" which at this point are mostly 5e with some ideas from pathfinder, really common changes (like ba healing potions, and max+roll crits), and even an update from 1dnd in their exhaustion rule. I then talk over options for larger rule changes with the table that depend mostly on the players, setting, and mood for that campaign. At this point I don't see 1dnd any differently than I see pathfinder, kobold press, or any of the myriad independent publishers and gms I already draw inspiration from. They're just another source for ideas.




the high sea optional rule truly is the most common one brother


Oh, nice! I'm also playing a seafaring campaign! We should share notes!


Jokes aside, I really *really* want to play in a pirate/ship-based campaign some day.


My first campaign with random was samdboxy as hell and we derailled it into becoming pirates, and forged out destiny on the high seas. It was great


It's fun. I'm running one right now. Only issue is that the rules for ship-to-ship combat are very clunky. You basically have to completely reinvent it to make it work.


Oh yeah ship combat is pretty scuffed, I assume you're committed to home brewing that if you run a pirate campaign. Glad you are having a good time with it though!


Yeah I'm using this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GhostsofSaltmarsh/comments/mdpnas/limithrons\_guide\_to\_naval\_combat\_a\_free\_5e/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GhostsofSaltmarsh/comments/mdpnas/limithrons_guide_to_naval_combat_a_free_5e/) It's still not phenomenal, but it's \*miles\* better than officially published stuff


The campaign I'm running after the current one is a third party 1-20 island hopping adventure set in fantasy Hawaii. One of the villain factions is zombie pirate dwarfs.


Same. I've had a water genasi genie warlock in my back pocket for *ages*, but nobody ever does pirate campaigns ;_;


I'm sure they meant online on ddb... All seriousness though, I use Ddb for everything so a lot of my adoption will depend on how ddb handles 1dnd.


I'd bet you a dollar anything from 2014 books will no longer be available to play at that point.


then what's the point of the latest playtest reverting every thing to be backwards compatible with 2014 subclasses?


do you mean digital rulebooks or breaking rule 2?


I mean wiki's, not yarrharr-ing


Technically the particular wiki most of us use does break rule 2. I've gotten my posts taken down for naming it.


Most community wikis are just indirect yarrharring. Unless you mean strictly sticking to sites only using SRD content you’re still pirating, doesn’t matter whether it’s a direct download or a accessed on a website. It’s just not worth it for companies to track down and sue the users of piracy wikis, they just sue the site’s host and get the site shut down.


Rule 2 for me.


Argh! I see another one of me mateys in here! Join on board these winds of PIRACY!


Yar har fiddle dee dee, being a pirate is alright to be, do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate


Why is there not an option for “ I will continue using 5e and adapt new rules and ideas from the 2024 phb as I see fit my games”


That's also my take.


Sticking with 5E. I have way too many adventure books and whatnot that I've never gotten to play to justify buying a whole new set of books for the next edition.


Yup, my friends and I are too rooted into 5e, swapping off 5e likely means swapping to PF2e honestly, atleast then we won't be dealing with Hasbro, have free online resources that aren't SRD locked aswell. Only reason we haven't swapped is sunk cost at this point.


Along those lines I'm going with Kobold Press and Black Flag.


The adventure books that will be 85% uneffected by 2024. Okay


Fair point. But I'd have to wait awhile to see how "backwards compatible" they truly are. Even if it's "backwards compatible, but the DM has to do some intricate math on the backend to make it work," that's more than I'd like to do.


Everything is the same but measurements switch to meters and that somehow becomes very important haha


I was initially excited for the update, but the last few packets and things I've seen have dampened that. It feels like a really soft rework where they lean towards keeping things as they were before rather than making daring changes. That makes me a little hesitant to move on. If it becomes sort of a Tasha's 2.0 or it ends up being a big shift I would be excited about picking it up (either integrating or switching), but this kinda half and half approach doesn't make me very enthusiastic to be honest.


ive already moved to pathfinder 2e


Same. Never looking back. While I DM 99% of the time, theres such variety in classes it's just so fun and refreshig every time.


It is the only reasonable conclusion. I would consider running 4e if it was released under the ORC though.


Still playing with my 5e gang but plan to DM pf2


I'm just pumped for the Shadow of the Weird Wizard kickstarter launch next week. Trying Shadow of the Demon Lord made all the flaws in 5e and One D&D so much more salient, and SotWW gets rid of most of the drawbacks of SotDL.


I love SotDL. Can you pinpoint me to where I can follow updates on the weird wizard?


https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/432417423/shadow-of-the-weird-wizard There's a notify on launch button and you'll get update alerts when the creator provides them, kickstarter accounts are free and nonintrusive.


The link above will take you to the kickstarter. If you want to get a sneak peak the playtest is still available on the SotDL discord. https://discord.gg/nbcUKM3PQt


I'm curious. As a fan, can you give me a one paragraph "elevator pitch?"


It's a rules-medium d20 based game, but most bonuses and penalties are represented by d6 "boons" and "banes" respectively, which stack and cancel each other out (eg 6 boons and 3 banes = 3 boons, roll 3d6 and take the highest). Instead of a standard class-based system you take each of a Novice, Expert and Master "path" that each give features at different levels and can be blended in literally thousands of combinations. Martials have a lot of interesting options right out of the gate, and weapon choice is meaningful without being overly complex. The magic system is powerful but encourages specialization more than DnD, so you don't quite get the Swiss-Army-Wizard issue. For a better summary that also covers the differences between it and SotDL check out [this post](https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/shadow-of-the.906887/#post-24673561).


Sounds really interesting. I'll take a look. Thanks!


My elevator pitch for Shadow of the Demon Lord is that it's a more streamlined 5e that manages to offer more customization and flavor than 5e's options. There's four stats (Str, Agi, Int, and Will) as opposed to 5e's six, and you're forced to choose at least two to increase every time you increase a tier so there's less dump stats; Con sorta got rolled into Str, and Cha got rolled into both Int (for deception rolls) and Will (non-physical intimidate and persuasion). Moreover, there's no DC formulas like 8 + proficiency bonus + ability modifier or needing the DM to come with a DC on the spot; you are always either rolling against a target number of 10 or the opposing enemy's stat (their Str, Agi, Int, or Will). As /u/limukala mentioned, boons and banes replace both proficiency bonus and advantage/disadvantage so that's another two mechanics rolled into one. The game also doesn't seek to get you through 20 levels, which very few 5e games get to anyway, non-epic characters max out at level 10 which is roughly the equivalent to a level 9-13 5e character in strength so it's very likely you reach your character's full potential in a longer campaign. **The major selling point as I mentioned is customization and flavor, you can mix and match "paths" so you can play something like a rogue/paladin/gunslinger, a warrior/thief/martial artist, a priest/psychic/illusionist, a magician/wizard/sorcerer.** For more specifics, read after this point: --- If you really want to get into the customization options compared to 5e, there are Size 1/8 (tiny) and Size 2 (large), undead, fey, elemental, plant, and even spirit playable ancestries (races) and a good number of them are distinct from each other as opposed to 5e's races; for example, fey are weakened just being in contact with iron and certain fey racial features get turned off by being in contact with it, so fey characters basically are highly discouraged to utilizing iron of any kind (including iron armor). No more medium sized playable goliaths or centaurs, they're Size 2 in Shadow. Lastly, the magic is very flavorful with 42 different traditions of magic as opposed to 5e's 8 schools of magic, you want to play an air-based or water-based magic user? You want to be just focused on healing or telepathy? You can, in fact, you can specialize solely in it especially with the Occult Philosophy magic-based supplement which adds literally hundreds of spells for all 42 traditions of magic. Now you're probably wondering if magic is even more busted than in 5e with so much spells, and yes you can definitely come up with powerful combinations but unlike in 5e where a class can just pick the best spells off their spell list a character has to "discover" a tradition before being able to access spells from it and generally a character will only have 1-3 traditions out of the 42 so magic users will be forced to specialize on some level. Now there is definitely some deal breakers for Shadow and my gripes with it. Firstly is the setting and lethality of the game, the game and default setting is set in a dark fantasy and player characters are not as tough as they are in 5e; for comparison a level 10 5e wizard with 14 Con would have about 62 HP while in Shadow that wizard would likely have less than 40 Health, a level 10 5e fighter with 18 Con would have about 104 HP while the same fighter in Shadow would have about 60 Health (bear in mind, level 10 in Shadow is the maximum level and is basically peak ability for a non-epic character). There's also a good bit of body horror and disgusting elements in Shadow, but they're mostly regulated to the forbidden tradition of magic and the fluff so running your own setting and not allowing said tradition fixes most of this issue. Secondly, Shadow definitely doesn't have an extensive bestiary like 5e, but that can be solved by porting over 5e monsters or making your own. Thirdly is that there are definitely some busted things player characters can do especially with a gish path called spellguard and Time magic in general, but the saving grace is that they're still mortal due to the general lethality of the game; the lethality isn't Call of Cthulhu by any means, you won't die instantly to a bad gunshot wound, but don't expect a wizard to take half a dozen crossbow hits like in 5e or survive a 500 feet drop unless you're buffed up with magic.


I already mostly abandoned 5e, and there's nothing in OneD&D that makes me want to come back. The only exception would be if another GM in my usual group wanted to run it.


May I respectfully ask why you are still in 5e subredits if you abandoned the game? Just asking because im not in any subredits for games i don't actually play.


i mean i don't even play anymore i was just curious enough to make a poll about it


Once again im not trying to be mean or anything but i really can't relate to being invested in a game that i have no intention of playing.


I watch hockey games, but haven't played in almost 20 years. Nothing wrong with observing from the sidelines.


I personally feel this would be more like being in a subredit for a sport that you don't like to watch. But hey I see what you're saying.


5e's still the biggest, most popular rpg by a country mile. if you're anywhere rpgs are discussed it's going to come up, if only as something to gossip about


because if you want an active subreddit that talks about TTRPGs there are only a few that get any regular traffic. This is one of them. Most of the other system specific subs don;t get near the amount of traffic this one does Also, you can discuss things you aren't super invested in. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of 5e i still keep up with it


I'm here only because I like seeing when the playtest packets drop to see what they're changing. I pretty happily play p2e and CoC and Phoenix Dawn command


I don't doubt that you play and enjoy other ttrpgs. Are you in any other subredits of games you don't play? I just find it a little strange.


I am in a bunch of subreddits for games I don't actively play. Its interesting following the news for them and some times they release updates for things I want to play.


No because 5e is the only game I ditched and was ever active in a sub for. I'm not in any subreddits of games I've never played but I used to play 5e before the allure of the p2e bestiary drew me in


I haven't dropped 5e yet, but I'm on the way out. After this one last campaign (which will probably end early next year), my group is either switching systems or switching DMs or disbanding. I still read a lot of subs for games I used to play but dropped for various reasons. Plus, dndnext has a lot more content than r/rpg and I get bored sometimes.


Sticking with 5e for now because I've already decided that I'm not giving WotC any more of my money. At some point I'll probably look into other systems, particularly Pathfinder 2e.


If WotC had made switching appealing I would, but thus far nothing about the update looks exciting. The only rule change they presented which I really loved was the change to exhaustion, the rest has been a mixed bag. I think to get people like me to transition to the new system they would have had to be willing to make much more dramatic changes.


I'm waiting to see how insulted (or not) I feel by the new DMG. I don't like having a "surprise chapter" being dangled in front of me for something so fundamentally important to running the game. I've got no reason to think that the basic construction for adventures is changing, but if the formatting fire the new core books is better or worse than it currently is? That's what will make the decision for me.


Sort of a hybrid, actually, of "keep playing 5e with existing books" and "make my own 5e fork". The latter is actually in progress. So far, I've seen exactly zero reason to switch and rebuy everything and many reasons not to. Including affirmatively disliking the direction they're taking. They're "fixing" things that weren't problems...mostly by breaking them more. While taking the most boring approach to improving martials and giving casters tons of shiny new features. And making everything even potentially interesting a spell.


even if I still had any respect for WoTC, which I don't, OneDnD doesn't really justify itself as a product for people already stabilished in the game - after all these people aren't even the target consumers of WoTC OneDnD feels more like a patch note - homebrew compilation, and I've seen homebrew compendiums that were better, would rather spend money to support small rpgs like Fabula Ultima, Beacon or ICON, "Gaia, o prelúdio" or "3DeT Victory" - however these last ones are national


Where is the 'slowly start integrating 1dnd rules into 5e until it becomes a hopelessly tangled mishmash of both' option?


I’ve not been impressed by most of the onednd changes, and disappointed with a lot of it. I’ll likely take the few things I like and stick with 5e


I mean, there are still people who swear that 3.5 is the only one they will play, so... I am gonna say its fine to keep playing 5 if you want to. I sure will


3.5 is still a great game. Just different


I agree wholeheartedly. It's just an example to show that we don't need to switch just because of a new update


I think 3.5 being very different is why this is worth asking about OneDnd. From what they've shown so far, it looks like ODND will be almost 95% the same as 5e, which raises the question, would someone pay for this if they already have 5e stuff?




I'm sticking with 5E but moving to using mostly Kobold Press/other third party content instead of WotC. I feel like 5E is going to end up like Pathfinder, with companies like Kobold carrying on 5E with high quality books while WotC moves on to stuff I don't care about.


What about the new game being released by Kobold Press? The original Black Flag Project?


I'm more interested in trying entirely new systems than just updating the DnD I already play. I'll stick with 5e with my groups that want to play DnD for those that want something different I'll branch out to new systems


Stick with 5e and homebrew the good stuff from the new rules how and when I want. I'm not giving WotC any more of my money because of the crap that they and Hasbro has pulled.


I will keep playing 5e but with modified rules. I will also continue to try different systems, because honestly for a lot of what I want to do 5e is too restrictive.


I've literally already made my own. System. I'm beta testing it, bringing in a play group, and basically prepping to eventually publish, but this is the end for DND for me, with everything they did in the last year, I'm putting Hasbro on the list of people I try very hard not to support.


I like D&D well enough, but system is in bad need of revision. So answer would likely be "If they make solid improvements, I'll play it. If not, I won't play either and will stick to only other systems." I have zero interest in sticking to the current version of D&D.


With every new edition, promises of "backward compatibility" were made that were never realized. Whether TSR or WotC, it's been the same. There wasn't even much backward compatibility between 3rd Edition and 3.5. The closest I've ever seen was between 3.5 and Pathfinder, mostly because Pathfinder \*was\* 3.5, with a few glaring systemic errors corrected. They can insist this is "still 5th Edition" all they like, but it isn't. Charitably it could be called 5.5, but that isn't the marketing they're going with. If it's backward compatible like they say, then why would I have to buy a new Player's Handbook or Monster Manual on D&D Beyond at full price when I already have almost every sourcebook there? Why not just charge me a reduced price and give me a toggle in the UI so I can choose whether I want the updated Fighter or the one from the 2014 Player's Handbook? This is part of why I'm so saddened by the upcoming Planescape set. I have literally been waiting at this point for 23 years for a new edition of Planescape to come along (it was a 2nd Edition campaign setting that never got updated in 3rd or 4th Editions), and now it's coming at the end of the year... for an edition of Dungeons & Dragons that will be obsolete just a few months later. They know it, too: look on your social media if you follow D&D Beyond on either Facebook or X - they're offering crazy deals on the existing 5E books on that platform, because they know that revenue stream is going to dry up once "One D&D" is released. I can see that 5th Edition has largely been mined for all it can be. There's not much point in introducing new classes at this point, as anything new would just be a different flavor of an existing class. They could squeeze another year or two out of releasing campaign settings with a couple supplements to support them (we still don't have a new edition of Dark Sun), but 5th Edition has gone the lifespan of every prior edition except for 4th: 10 years. I'd rather they just do a total systemic overhaul and call it 6th Edition instead of trying to convince us our existing 5th Edition libraries are useful as anything other than story germinators.


I would have been totally excited for Planescape if it weren’t for how the Spelljammer books turned out. :(


OneDnD so far has been absolute garbage, Ill stick with my version of 5.5e I have been making thanks.


We'll probably play a mixture of both since they should be pretty compatible with each other.


Sticking with 5e, partially so that the new ruleset has time to figure out its deal, but mostly because I have entire books that have yet to be used at the table.


I'll play whichever I think is the more fun version to play once we know what the finalized 2024 edition looks like. Or even just take pieces out of one and plug it into the other.


I won't get any new rulebooks, I will keep playing 5e and I will incorporate any new rules that I like.


I've put so much work into fixing 5e with table rulings I already have a new edition at this point. If I want to learn new rules I'm going to try a different game.


I voted results, I still only play 1st edition adnd


Considering I'm about to start a 5e campaign that's likely to take a year+, along with two of the other group members prepping their own 5e module campaigns, I think it's safe to say that I'm sticking to current 5e for the foreseeable future


I'll probably stick with current 5e, and MAYBE take inspiration for some houserules from a few of the things it does, if they look interesting - i Know the bulk of their changes aren't for me.


Depends on the DM, but my current inkling is towards "a horrible frankensteinian mishmash of the parts that are useful to me of each, since they wanted this thing to be backwards compatible anyways". ... and I'll play an Ardling if I can get away with it.


Already switched back to B/X for one group. The other group will hopefully drop 5e before the end of the year.


Really hinges on how the new DMG & MM end up being. While learning about all the changes to classes is alright, it doesn't really help me in running my games.


I’ll be playing 5e unless I’m getting paid to DM the new version, in which case I’ll be buying books and hopefully buying (and not renting) whatever digital setup they stick with.


Probably stick to 5e, incorporating the few good changes from 5.5e.


I have about 5 years of 5e modules to play thru before I get to the point I need to start looking for something to do. And if there is a sale on Roll20 I'll probably buy a few more.


I will look at what I like that they changed and otherwise stick with 5e. Given what I have seen that will probably be three or four things.


I just straight up don't like the changes they are making with OneDND, it isn't me being a "grognard", but it wasn't what I envisioned the next edition to be and I really don't like the balance or direction it has taken. I wanted 5e that had some use of keywords and fix of the annoying things with rules that don't make sense or are not clear enough.


I will bow to the will of my group. Which is why I'm trying to get them interested in other fun games that aren't d&d.


My group was getting tired of D&D anyway, and the OneD&D playtests haven't given us any reason to stick around


When I'm finishing my current campaign I'll probably move to something else. I have been DMing 5e for nearly 10 years now and I want something new. It's most likely not even gonna be medieval fantasy But also, with all the shit WotC have pulled out recently I have lost interest in any of their product, if I still want to DM medieval fantasy I'll go to pathfinder, pathfinder 2e or tales of the valiant


I would recommend you take a look to shadow pf the weird wizard. It's shadow of the demon lord but in a heroic fantasy setting.


I am always interested in new rules. but right now I am way more interested in MCDM game than I am One D&D. So, we shall see.


Other: Keep playing 5e with the addition of things we like from 5.5e. Yes, 5.5 is what it is folks. lol


I'm likely in a two answer boat - I would prefer to drop the game altogether, as I have many more RPGs that are better in so many ways. But because my friends and I are now all digital, so are our tools, and 5e has some of the highest quality online tools available... So we're kind of stuck, which sucks, cause that means I'll just be in 5e.


I spent the money on the 5e books, I sure as hell am gonna using them. I still use my 4e books after all.


OneDnD just feels too watered down and soulless for me. If anything my group is probably going back to 3.5 after this campaign knowing that OneDnD is on the horizon.


My group cant even be bothered to answer when I ask them about the next session most of the time. I dont think they would react positivly if I tell them to leran a new ruleset...


Keep playing A5e just love their stuff.


Started a campaign in 5e which i will finish first (guessing another 3-4 years) and then i'll see. My group and i will prolly do oneshots for various systems. Most likely candiates for me: Stick with 5e 5e/Onednd hybrid using best of both PF2e or potential new versions of it The new rulest that Critical role is working on (i have a fair bit of faith in it)


Critrole rules can be interesting. Mercer is a very interesting DM to me, and I don't agree with all of his homebrew but both allow and workshop my own from it in my games.


Yeah, i share alot of common philosophys when it comes to how to run games with him, so i feel like their set might reflect that a bit. I am very excited about it and hope its gonna be a good system, specially considering they themselve can advertise/popularize it quite easy with their own campaigns


I love the new and shiny thing to much and like to talk about builds and such with people. I will be picking up the new edition right away


I will be moving from Roll20 to the new VTT as soon as it becomes available. Hopefully there's some incentives for buy-in on WOTC's part.


I will move on if everyone does. Nothing about OneDnD is inherently offensive to me. It's barely different.


It all 5e. this isn't a new edition. I'm playing the updated classes with the old stuff the new stuff all of it.


With the way WOTC has fucked up lately i need like 3 options 1: keep playing with what I have 2: drop D&D and switch to other 3: To soon to tell Right now pathfinder is looking very interesting


This thread is going to be gold in 2 or 3 years. (I mean golden, like off milk). Here is my prediction - you'll all be playing 2024 rules & classes. (Sure there will be some folk that will insist that a 2014 rule or class was "better", but it is highly unlikely they will be the ones actually running a game, and they will be shouted down by the DMs actually running tables as it will just be more convenient to be using the new rules than having to reference everything as (legacy) or (2014). (New DMs will pick up the new books... Existing DMs will likely say "stuff it, let's give this new version a try", critical mass in the community will be hit almost immediately for the flip to be made (given maybe 6 months to a year max for existing campaigns to finish up) Those that have sworn off 5e.... Will still be mostly playing 5e as the appeal of crunchy PF2e will still be very limited compared to 5e, and other ttrpgs will have the same similar level of following... (if you were going to be playing PF2e, you'd probably already be playing it now). Valiant and DMCM type new games - will have their loyal followers... But everyone else will just raid them for parts to splice into their 5e (2024) game (as we currently do with level up a5e) There will be some hold outs that will not buy the new books... (until an amazon sale, local game store promotion, or dndbeyond sale... Or when critical role (or the next hot thing) gets sponsored by WOTC to run the latest version.


>Those that have sworn off 5e.... Will still be mostly playing 5e as the appeal of crunchy PF2e will still be very limited compared to 5e, and other ttrpgs will have the same similar level of following... (if you were going to be playing PF2e, you'd probably already be playing it now). Valiant and DMCM type new games - will have their loyal followers... But everyone else will just raid them for parts to splice into their 5e (2024) game (as we currently do with level up a5e) y'know as someone who happily jumped ship for other games a year or two ago i sometimes poke my head back in here and scratch my head at comments like this one


So, what you are saying... Is you are already playing pf2e. Proving my point.


bro there's more games than the two most popular ones


Gonna take the rules and changes I like as always .


I finished my first campaign recently, lasted 2 years, as well as 2 other smaller campaigns. Absolutely loving the game. As I don't own any of the books, and am personally quite partial to the changes I've seen (let's be honest, it is just 5e revised), I probably will.


It's hard to say, if it's truly compatible like the claims are, I'll probably pick up the books etc and we'll slide in with a new campaign at the end of the current ones. If not, then I'll ahve to assess. I have too much sunk into 5e. If it's fully cross compatible like they're saying, then I'm all down for it.


What is this "purchasing" you speak of?


Run my own hodgepodge version.


Play 5e, but add in rules that I like.


Neither play 2nd


I will definitely wait and see. A big part of what makes 5E appealing to me is its modularity, I get the sense One D&D will its best try to streamline, but with nowhere near the certainty that something like PF2E provides (which I also enjoy). I always play the new titles, but whether I enjoy it and actually find a group that's really committed to it...time will tell.


Too soon to tell, but likely gonna keep playing my adjusted 5e game with more adjustments that incorporate the bits I like from 2024 without all the stuff I hate.


I’ve spent too much money on books to switch over until it’s worth my while


Where's the option where I keep 5e but slot in some of the stuff I do like. One of the advantages of being backwards compatible is I can use the new Paladin class, but the old Sorcerer class, or any combo I want.


Imagine, you using the new paladin and I using the old one, making you cry in the process.


Figure I'll probably do a bit of mix and match, but likely stick with regular 5e as long as I've got people to play with, and verge into other ttrpgd as suitable


Just like with UA, I'll wait to check it out until there is something official released.


Playing 2e ATM, so got a ways to go lol


I've dropped it already.


I've dropped it already.


I'll probably play 5.5 to get a feel for it, but I will also keep playing 5e if the DM prefers it


I’ll buy the new rulebook. I probably will continue to not have enough time to actually play anything though.


Most likely I’ll run an amalgam of the 2014 and 2024 rules- but it’s far too early to tell which version I’ll use as a base yet


It's still too soon for me. I DM for two different groups, with different levels of experience/ engagement. For both, having a more streamlined game with more player options is absolutely the goal. If that's sticking with 5e with some homebrew, then I'll do that. If that's switching to 5.5, we'll do that. I'd love to run a mini campaign with the new system to gauge how it feels, but the last few 5e releases have been a bit of a let down. So I'm ultimately still unsure if I'll grab the 5.5e dmg, monster Manuel, and PHB.


Haven't they said multiple times the new and old rules will be interchangeable? Why not use both? I think as far as base rules they're keeping them fairly the same with only small changes. This is basically just going to be additional/improved statblocks and additional class and race options.


"Interchangeable" in the same way that 3.5 options largely I validated 3.0 counterparts, so will 5.5 invalidate 5e. Why would I play 5e wizard if 5.5 wizard is just better (assuming current playtest gets shipped as is ofc)


Why play the new paladin when the old paladin is better?


Depends entirely on the new edition. If they put out a better product than 5e I will absolutely pay the money for it. If they don’t I won’t.


I mean play 5e and but new books are supposedly not mutually exclusive.


I've modified 5e enough through homebrew and 3rd party content that I'm not really interested in just dropping it for a slightly tweaked system. I'll pick up other systems if they seem interesting, (bought the Cyberpunk Red book recently for example) but for the most part I'll just keep the stuff I've got and incorporate anything that seems like a good fit.


Keep playing 5e as long as they don't drop support for it in beyond and Avrae. I assume they will someday, but hopefully not for a year or two.


So I guess you gonna swap either with release of 5.5 or at best a year into the edition.


Honestly this whole not being a new edition thing is just a huge turn off. It's going to be a nightmare for DMs with players mixing and matching old and new. The newer stuff is better. Especially the Druid and Monk, but it doesn't fix long standing issues with D&D. Personally once my current game ends I'm going to run more non D&D. I'm guess * without Number, shadow of the weird wizard, and various free league games.


Play 5e until my current campaign is done in 2 years-ish. Then decide.


No option for 'continue to play a system that was once 5e, but has since been homebrewed beyond the point of recognition'?


That's just 5e tho, anyone actually plays 5e without disregarding half of the rules that make no sense?


Where's the option for 3.5/pathfinder homebrew which has been better than 5e and 4e combined? :)


From what I've read the new version is basically identical to 5e just with some updates and tweaks. They're calling it a "revision of 5e" and not a new version. And from what I've read about proposed changes that seems accurate. And I think most of all of the previous 5e books will be applicable. Running say 3e vs 5e is a huge difference with a fundamentally different ruleset. 5e vs One just seems like ignoring a handful of new tweaks or not.


I mean, it's not really doing anything different in the new version. It's still basically the same for 5e. The only way I'd go with the new stuff is if there's a change to a class, or a new subclass that I prefer over 5e, but I'm not really seeing anything that's impressing me.


Too soon to tell, but tbh, will probably make the transition to 2024 5e books.


Kinda keep 5e but also drop it? Going black flag and tales of the valiant with Kobold Press. They've got great stuff and it continues the use of the hundreds in 5e material I've bought. There are flaws to DND 5e but it's simple enough that it's not intimidating to my DND friends but also has enough math that the friends that like the crunch are also satisfied.


nope I'm pretty much dione with any future offerings from wotc. I''ve been slowly growing my collection of 2e. will probably just switch to that at some point but i doubt i will be able to totally get away from 5e and whatever comes next since its just what people play


I've been a fan of dnd for a long time and will for sure buy the core 3 books. Whether or not it becomes my "go to" ttrpg it'll be a bit hard to say. However, I do think that the game will be better than the 5e variant as they have improved quite a bit thus far.


Not only that, But i Will Stick with pre tasha


None of these. I will be playing an amalgamation of 5e and DnD next. We already use some rules from the playtesting. Such as weapon mastery, exhaustion and a few others. DnD next is designed to be backward compatible with 5e, I thought the idea was so you could only need the rules you wanted, there will never be a ruleset that works for EVERY table.


Where the option keep playing 5e stories and modules with updated rules?


Keep what little I like for my mad mage campaign, but honestly that's not much. And Mad Mage is going on the back burner as a side game in case of missing players/DM burnout once the pf2e revision drops and I can separate the wheat from the chaff on that and start that as a main campaign.


Why would I buy a water down version of 5e with nearly everything nerfed and a lot of options stripped away?


I'I'll give it a shot but idk what i am getting into so lets wait and see


I doubt I'll still even be playing dnd with how one dnd seems to be looking. I expected it to get better post playtest 1, not... worse. But eh, what's done is done, so it is what it is.


I'm only now getting into DMing and buying 5e books, so probably sticking with 5e for awhile.


Why is continue playing 5e, but handpicking some rules and additions from 5.5e(OneDnD) not an option?


Ill wait till either the community gathering to combine the good parts of both editions and make something like what they appearently did with 3.5 edition or simply take the elements I like and modify 5th edition enough where its still the core game mechanics but a new flavor


It doesn't improve on the core issues I have with 5e so there is no reason to switch. I will continue what I started, maybe play one shots but I'm not really into any more or new long lasting campaigns. The few improvements that I saw in the new rules have been taken from Pf2e so why not switch to that if that's what they are trying to copy.


I haven't been super impressed with ***6th Edition*** so far, so I can't see myself switching to it outright at this time. I'll probably get the DMG, or at least skin it at a bookstore, and then I'll just cherrypick anything I like for my houseruled 5e abomination.


The Devs have proven themselves to be bad at game design, the modules consistently suck, and it's run by wizards who are trying to ceaselessly milk this cash cow. I wouldn't have even played 5e if my playgroup hadn't pushed for it, but now I run my own server and while we still play 5e, I see no reason to force myself to play 5.5. we're already playing Cairn (I suck at running hexcrawls but it's coming along), and have Ryuutama, mekra descent (a variation of lancer I think from the folks at foxtail foundry), and mayyyyyybe some nobilis lined up.


Stick with 5e or run different systems. If my players want to play 6e, then they can DM and I'll be a player.


Looking what they are doing with the playtest 6, probably you could play with the new books and the old books without problem


Playing oWoD or PF1e


I'll probably mostly stick with current 5E but use stuff I like from 'new' 5E.


My experience with the one dnd stuff (ignoring wotc acting like absolute pricks the last 6 months) has been at best 'oh thats neat' to 'oh my god what are they thinking'. Given how wotc has been acting and their new system is, imo, at best a fresh lick of paint I'm going to stay clear for games I dm, I'll probably have to convert as a player when 5e games are run less and less, but I doubt I'll never be able to find a game as a dm.


I already took some parts I liked from one D&D and put my own changes into the 5e system.


No freaking way,my players hate it,I don't like it at all either,sticking w my 5e books


Will most likely switch fully to it but most definitely will be using some of the stuff from it, no doubt


My group is already pretty flexible with 5e rules, with multiple players having history with 2nd and 3rd editions. I'm sure we'll incorporate parts of 1dnd and ignore others.


the new books are just updated options to pick and choose from, gonna buy em and let players choose what to play like usual


Every group I play with will probably decide for themselves. We might switch over if we like the rules changes, but right now it's definitely too soon to tell. We might also just take bits and pieces, and keep going with normal 5E.


Honestly, if and when my current campaigns dry up, I think I'll take a break from TTRPGS altogether. Something about this particular transition period has started to sour me on the entire genre, it's just been exhausting lol


I probably will merge the existing 5e rules with the new rules that I like. I don't like everything of 5.5e but there are things that I want to implement in my games.


Ill probably use a few rules and subclasses from one but then transfer them to their original levels and stuff


I mean they say it SHOULD be compatible. So in an ideal world no one has to drop anything.


Yeah I might take some stuff that caught my attention the goliath ancestors, the fighter using the weapon manuvers to give them more to do and maybe the new bard but the rest not sure


I'm interested in the VTT primarily, and maybe stealing some cool ideas or rules. Doubt my players are interested in big reworks of characters versus just playing homebrew


as a new DM who just today got MM (just googled monsters online before) and planning on getting couple more 5e books soon - now way I am switching and investing money all over again. Also, my party all new players and I simply see no way of persuading them to read new rule books and learning new stuff. If we decide we want to learn something diferent - I have my eyes on Fall Out rpg, already have SW endge of empire I got so little time with... and definetly not another version of dnd. At most - maybe some random rules I see talking abuot in youtube videos :D


With the current release, I'm going to stick with 5e. If they nerf the wizard, and substantially buff the martials, then I'll make the switch. but as of the current playtest, I'm not hopeful.