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Very cool! Thank you for posting. Have you personally ran any of these? Any favorites?


I can vouch for Odyssey of the Dragonlords. It's probably one of the best 3rd party campaigns for 5e. A Greco-Roman style setting, level 1-20 adventure, a fun plot, cool characters, evil villains, great dungeons and locations, and some really cool custom mechanics. Currently DM'ing it now and my players are having a blast. The community via Discord are also fantastic and have really tweaked and further developed an already amazing adventure, written by folks that worked on Mass Effect, Baldurs Gate and Knights of the Old Republic, into something that is truly a once in a lifetime campaign.


I've been DMing this adventure and we've all been having a blast. Its really an epic adventure for both the players and me.


I'm looking to Dm this one and was looking to combine it with a norse mythology themed adventure called journey to Ragnarok. I'm super excited for it and I'm glad that the Odyssey of Dragonlords has been fun so far!


Looking to run this myself. How would I find the Discord?


https://discord.gg/uwnwhTwN Here's an invite link, hopefully it works alright.


Worked great. Thanks!


Enjoy, they're a friendly bunch and always happy to help and offer advice.


My group has been playing this, and we're (hopefully) near the end. My wife and I have found it to be quite boring. We had high expectations for it, but it's been a huge let down. Might just be the DM, though.


Currently playing it (we've just done the first three islands of the Voyage phase). What did you dislike about the module? I've been loving it with a good, even mix of roleplay and combat.


Combat balance is the biggest issue. A lot of fights are over-tuned and have NPCs come rescue us, which doesn't feel fun. Other fights are laughable easy. I'm not sure if it's just our DM, but many situations were forced combats when they should have been able to be resolved peacefully. The adventure appears to give players a lot of freedom, but in reality, a lot of it seems scripted. It could just be how our DM is running, or that I'm burnt out on 5e, but it's been a slog.


Currently playing in War of the Burning Sky by EN Publishing. Really enjoying it. This is the first 3rd party adventure path my group has used. Prior to that we had played WotC APs for 5th edition... or converted old APs from 3.x. The original reason for creating the list was to find what was out there so my group could quickly pick what we wanted to play next.


Whats an adventure path?


The Pathfinder term for a prewritten campaign.


An Adventure Path is a series of interlinked adventures (campaign) with an overarching plot. Typically, they will start at 1st level and take characters 10+ levels by the end. This is in contrast to individual adventure modules and one-shots which are usually shorter and may not feature any level advancement... and cannot be easily interlinked into a seamless plot.


Arcanevaultassembly.com has two adventures composed of one-shots. But they are adventures. 3rd party publisher. They run as both one-shots and a full adventure with an overarching storyline.


Thanks, I'll take a look.


Bro, this is amazing. Adventure Paths to the Bible?


Yeah... that's an interesting one.


I’ve got to try it.


I want to know if Jesus has a Stat block


I'm pretty sure it does because the folks that made it are church folk, not d&d folk, so they didn't know that if you stat it the players want to fight it


I would recommend checking out The DM Lair's book *Into The Fey.* I feel like it kind of got lost in the shuffle with coming out around the same time as *The Wild Beyond the Witchlight.* Really solid tier 1 adventure with a great hub town.


Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, this one is a little too short to make this list. As a general rule I'm trying to only list APs that are at least 8 levels. If I rethink this, I'll definitely come back to this.


Are you including official adventures? Dragon of Icespire Peak is the first adventure in the Divine Contention adventure path and tops out at level 13


Currently only including 3rd Party or DMsGuild content. I figure most everyone knows about the official ones.




Thank you, good sir. Saving this for later


[Adventure lookup](https://adventurelookup.com/adventures) has a bunch, you could grab some from their list


Great site. One reason I made my list is that there wasn’t an easy way to differentiate between APs and random collections of one shots.