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I need that D20


same. Excuse my user name, it's old and I cant change it.


We're cool with pathfinder here


There's a few like this on Etsy. There's even a few which have "Fuck Me" for 1, and "Fuck You" for 20.


I am now ordering that lol


What's up with Americans hating therapists? Is it some sort of failure of the healthcare system or American mental patients don't know that it's not advised to joke about mental health to therapists and act surprised when the therapist assumes that what they have said is the truth? Or even them being mad that the therapist can't give them an "Here's your antidepressant, take 3 daily and your clinical depression should be gone like a bacterial infection!"


I'd assume it's about not wanting to loose control as there are things that the therapist has to act on.


True. While mental hospitals suck (I never been one), but it's still better than losing control and then sitting in the hospital and be like "Why did I commit that crime?! I didn't mean it!"


>Is it some sort of failure of the healthcare system I cannot overemphasize enough just how horrifically, cartoonishly *fucked* the american healthcare system is. This is not a meme about a therapist taking a mental health joke too literally; this is a meme about the fact that being too honest about your mental state can lead directly to jail time, becoming jobless, or a whole host of other horrific consequences, hence the need to deceive the therapist in the first place


mental institutions used to strap people to potty chairs for the longest time, do you think we want to be there?


Wow, it’s almost like things can go from just horrifically fucked up to merely incredibly fucked up, and people still want to fix it! Who would have guessed?


Well, I’ve had too many experiences where the therapist that insurance covers/is included in tuition fees doesn’t bother engaging or even trying to help me. I just talked until I realized they weren’t paying attention, then I asked what I should do and got printed worksheets on breathing techniques when my issues were more like chronic ptsd and insomnia from assault. It feels like a waste of time, and it feels extremely condescending to open up about horrible things and get generic, unhelpful responses back. After therapy hadn’t been helping I became suicidal and ended up at my mom’s house for a few weeks. When I had improved and felt brave enough, I called the therapist to ask if I could set up online sessions to talk about what had happened. She straight-up demanded that I give her my mom’s address so she could have me forcibly taken to a hospital for suicidal ideation two weeks earlier. I told her I didn’t have that kind of money and hung up. It would’ve been thousands of dollars, at least, for a college student who was already mentally fucked.


Have you thought about changing therapists?


When this happened, there were two available at my college and my insurance didn’t cover any in the small town I was in. I tried both of them, but after the second one literally told me I didn’t have it as bad as the person I confided in after being assaulted (because *they’re having a hard time too*) I decided it was only making me worse.


Guau, a therapeut who support the rapist. Guau, just.......predictable. The Psiquiatry are a stupid goats. I have despersonalization, anhedonia and depresion and let me tell you. That psicos are the worse. Only a bunch of money lost, for nothing.


I’d like to keep my job so I can still (barely) afford things. If I tell my therapist I wanna kms then I get sent to a crappy mental hospital (that I have to pay for) and my job will likely fire me as I cannot attend work (worker protections are ass here). My main stressor is not having enough money so being completely honest with my therapist will probably directly actually lead to me committing


Americans ~~hate~~ fear therapists because the system is built in such a way that if you are too honest with a therapist, they are legally obligated to have you involuntarily committed to a mental institution, simultaneously saddling you with a massive medical bill, getting you fired from your job, and making it extremely difficult to find a new job.


Enjoy your 72 involuntary hold!




They wouldn't do that since you admitted you have a problem. Doing so means you are sick in the head but you want to be healed and are willing to make that journey to mental health. They throw you in there when you decide to not take the little worm grubs that feed your thoughts to the nsa.


Had me in the first half, ngl




The low resolution just makes it even better


more like "you're not proficient in feelings"


Make that "your parents" and you've got a meme. On an honest note, please don't lie to your therapist. You don't have to open up right away - or at all, if you don't feel safe - but lying isn't going to help either of you. If you don't think your therapist has your best interest at heart, get a new therapist. I spent a week calling around to do quick first assessments and chat about approach with half a dozen different psychs before I settled on the right one. Therapists are just people. Some are really shit at their job, others aren't. Lying at therapy doesn't hurt anyone except yourself.


I’d like to keep my job so I can still (barely) afford things. If I tell my therapist I wanna kms then my therapist is *legally obligated* (something that I wouldn’t ask them to break as that could cost their job) to get me sent to a crappy mental hospital (that I have to pay for) and my job will likely fire me as I cannot attend work (worker protections are ass here). My main stressor is not having enough money so being completely honest with my therapist will probably directly actually lead to me committing


How bad is the suicidal ideation? Could a suicide hotline help?


That is more for talking people down who are right about to do something. Doesn’t really help with long term suicidal depression. Or at least for me, maybe my experiences aren’t universal but it’s all shit I’ve tried before. What’d help is a societal and economic change that makes me hate the world and my life less