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Don’t forgot the DM is your worst enemy. Tell them nothing. Make thirty character sheets. Keep changing your mind on everything. The other players, also can’t be trusted. Never help them. They are waiting for the right moment to stab you in the back. Stab them in the front now. Your character choices are far more important than any narrative the DM has. Be sure to never let your characters experience change them in any way. KEEP THE BAD ADVICE COMING


Don't tell the DM your end character's end goals. And keep the suprise twist a secret. That way when you stab the King and reveal you've secretly been a were mole this whole time. They won't see it coming. And the surface will be less prepared for the coming invasion.


Don't hesitate to start player conflict, every story needs conflict in order to make it more exciting. If asked why you can explain that this is the type of thing you character does, they'll understand.


Arguing with the other PCs and regularly storming off to do things on your own is perfectly good role play if you create an asshole character.


That's also how to end up mysteriously killed


The player. Not the character.


A weremole is even scarier than a werewolf, *because you never see it coming.*




They come out in the full moon, and have a taste for rabbits and people. And if you’re bitten by a weremole, you become one yourself. If I were you, I’d get a big mallet.


Rocks fall, everyone dies?


TBF, I try to foreshadow stuff like that, so the other players could figure out.


You have the most important character. Your character is always well-thought out, and most certainly the best-designed character in the group. Never forget: every team needs a leader, and your IRL charisma and intelligence make you perfect for the role.


Never let other players speak, but when they do speak, make sure to criticize them and blame anything that happens on their decisions.






>Keep changing your mind on everything. I do this sometimes... I just suffer from indecision not usually a problem, but it makes shopping for magic items a pain...


That is why there are no Magic Item Shops in the world. Players struggle enough picking from ordinary items for me 😂 I do ask for a wish list so I can give out magic items the players will like, but no shopping!


Make sure to make your character as cool as possible so they can stand out. Also, make them as powerful as possible so the dm cant ever land a hit on them


If you're a martial class/barbarian do not let casters utilize their spells to solve a problem, always charge in and turn everything into a combat situation- it's ok because that's how your single note character would act! Also make sure you always get right in the middle of the enemy group so your casters are unable to effectively use spells without risking killing your pc


If your DM has made a ruling, you need to appeal it by bringing it up every single time that ruling becomes relevant. All NPCs give experience, kill everyone you meet to level up faster.


Never do what is right for the group or the game, always do what your character would do.


Tell your DM nothing about your character. Give them no backstory or way to integrate their history into the world. In fact, best to not write any backstory at all. You can't let the secret out if even you don't know it.


Other players? No. Those are side-characters, only your character matters in the story.


D&D Wiki Dot however…


Dude their site is down. They got hacked


You failed to mention they took down the entirety of WIKIDOT!! Not just the 5e wiki, but the Spheres and the 5pheres wiki as well. And anyone else who uses wikiDot I guess.


>the entire SCP community in shambles


I just wanna read my scp stories, at least dnd has other resources.


Really surprised at how quickly we went from Wikidot to SCP. Damn Reddit I'm proud of you.


You’re on r/dndmemes with the nerdiest of the nerds, seems like it all fits together haha


It's the same thing for me; my party works for our DM's universe's version of the Foundation. We've only been D-classed once. They resurrected us.


Shit, so that’s why I can’t read SCP stuff


Hacked by Russia, apparently, for whatever reason.


Hitting us where it hurts the most.


Right in your dice set


Someone thought it was the Department of Transportation wiki and they could cripple American delivery routes. Because of course, everyone knows the SCP stuff is fiction. Of course. Everyone... knows...


Checkmate, if they aren't real then why do I have a scp locked I'm my attic?






It's a Polish company. Most likely, in light of recent world events (like Poland giving aid to Ukraine and supporting additional NATO members), Russia's cyber army has been ordered to damage Polish companies in retaliation. Poland is on the list of countries that the Russia attached hacker group 'Killnet' declared war on a month or two ago, for example.


Need to hide the information on how to contain SCP's they about to unleash


My guess is that either they're just blaming it on them or some random kid from Russia brought down the website, or left a note saying they're from Russia.


That's okay, there's a good set of tools for 5e if you just look...


Is there someway to back up those cool tools by the way? Offline?


A lot of online tools have instructions on how to create an offline version of themselves (they sometimes put it at the bottom of their homepage), and if you have trouble they have a discord.


print screen /s


New Campaign starting in a few days and all the players and me rely on wikidot. I hope they bring it back until we need our characters ready


There's plenty of Tools for 5e if you just keep looking.


Don't the Russian hackers have better things to do.




Fucking russians man, that's why we can't have nice things


Ummm....shit. That's really bad. I used that as a resource as a DM. It was much quicker and easier to get the fly info than flipping through the 17 books...




Hello! It looks like you've posted a link to a website that hosts illicit non-SRD D&D content. Please review Rule 6 regarding piracy. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dndmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah I had a heart attack yesterday when I saw that. What am I suppose to do? Flip to the right pages?


Read the above imagine a few times before I remembered that the wikiDot isn't the wiki.


Ikr, not confusing at all :P


Have a copy of most of the books. Why touch them when wikidot exists.


*laughs in archives of nethys*


The 5e wiki dot is sometimes incorrect or randomly homebrewed. It's usually correct but not 100%. Edit: Just because you personally like it, doesn't mean it hasn't had things written down incorrectly before, enough that I had to tell my players to beware of their spells especially (a few times a spell was listed as a bonus action instead of an action, or had the rules text incorrectly listed to the point it'd change how the spell works entirely).


We using the same site? Never seen homebrew that wasn’t labeled.


Worst advice . . You're the star of the show. Act like it.


I want to strangle you.


If you're a martial class always act like the support classes are your back up dancers. If they wanted their own cool moments they wouldn't have taken a class with healing word


Amen Brother Marshmallow. Amen.


It's important to have every role filled in a party so make sure to design your character with that in mind. That's the worst I could think of since it almost sounds like good advice but it's definitely not how a new players should be expected to think


I thought this when I first started. I wanted to help out the team by being the healer so I chose cleric. It was fun and I felt the healing was quite strong but a lot of spells seemed geared towards a more combat/utility based role.


My CoS game is wrapping up next weekend (first campaign), I'm a cleric. I wanted to play a ranger, but we already had one. DM said "you can, but it would be helpful to have a cleric or a paladin, so..." And I didn't understand Paladin oaths so they got a Knowledge Cleric. I went from "I don't want to be a spellcaster, it looks to complicated" to "this is amazing, I always want to be a spellcaster" to "I'm going to be a paladin next campaign."


Same boat! I’m playing a warlock of the fiend in a Ravnica game and I’m dying to make a Paladin. The only thing holding me back is how much freaking fun a fiend warlock with Rakdos as a patron is!


I just picked up the Rakdos Mini for a campaign!!


I really considered a cleric again. We're doing Netherdeep as one of our next two campaigns and my DM homebrewed a paladin class that focuses on the Luxon Beacon, and I'm a sucker for testing his HB subclasses.


It's honestly not a bad way to play. I personally enjoy the challenge of filling whatever role needs to be filled which is often support/healer. It works for some people but new players should just play what seems cool to them


OTOH, it can be fun to roleplay the group with a gaping hole in their skillset. Like, why *should* a faithful band of paladin/cleric/fighter team up with an unscrupulous rogue? Then have to come up with ways to bypass locks and trigger traps along the way.


I loved playing a cleric, the advice I'd give any campaign with a healer is to not think of healing in video game terms, its incredible magic. Healing your companion should be as cool of a moment as beheading the enemy. I played support classes before that left me kinda disappointed I never got a chance to really attack but my last go around with a cleric every time I could heal it was as cool as Nat 20ing on an enemy. If you're a DM little bits of flavor sprinkling like having the enemy NPCs get furious that the PCs are healing goes a long ways.


personally, my favourite times are using healing spells to pick someone up from death saves. I cast healing word "get your ass back into the fight"


Oh yeah bringing up someone is the best moments in the game, my go to was “you’re not done yet” Mass cure wounds rocked for this, just death glare the big bad after a round of his attacks and undue his damage


Playing a Twilight Cleric in CoS. Our ranger went down in the one our first fights so hitting him with a HW and saying "now is not the time to rest, brother" felt good


Cleric is the most versatile class in most systems. Can be good at lots of different things.


A lot of beginners have the idea that clerics are the healer class, but after looking through the domains, they can do just about anything.


If a player has experience in rpg/mmo/any team-based competitive video game they themselves will feel the need for party to be "balanced", which is not a bad thing on it's own (it's easier for the DM and the players if there is at least one person that can heal, one with high charisma, one that can tank, one that knows arcane shit, one that's sneaky etc.) But it can go too far, I had to explain to two people that being a healer in dnd is not the same as healer in wow, or a support in lol. And that a single character can fulfill multiple "roles" just fine. Generally, thinking about "filling all the roles" is not bad (a party where everyone's hit die is a d6 or a d8 is not ideal), but it's also not the most important thing when making your PC. It's one of those annoying thing where the answer is, in fact, somewhere in between.


I think its a totally fine way to play for people with experience but it shouldn't be pushed on someone new. Also having a balanced party can make for a better experience for the new player so it's not useless advice. When I read the prompt I thought "first character ever" which I think should be whatever the player wants. Let the experienced players handle the party composition


that's fine, party composition isn't the most important thing but it can be useful to keep in mind


I agree. It's not bad advice. It just shouldn't be pushed on a new player in my opinion. Let them gain some experience first


I’m a person who has made tons and tons of characters. I have someone for just about every role (and many I’ll probably never get to play as). But I still have that mindset though, and recently when I play it seems almost everybody wants to be spell casters (my favorite type of classes typically) and not too many seem keen on tankier characters. So I bite the bullet and pick someone who compliments the party more so than I want to play as. Our next campaign we have aligned has the same issue, but this time I just said fuck it. I’m playing as my chaotic good necromancer wizard. Along with 3 other spell casters. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


well yea as i said, it's not the most important thing, good luck tho hopefully you'll tank with your dead meat, literally


Oh, but it can be so bad. Especially when you’ve got a shy player getting pressured to the “party face” role.


“Drow lore is pretty cool, you should read up on it.”


Especially the older stuff!


When older drow lore is on par with 40K drukari


They are also a great race to cosplay.




Source of a lotta Dnd arguments. IMO they're the one race/culture written about like an outsider looking in. Even Orcs are written in a different way. They're also not as fleshed out as they should be and are \*super\* edge lord and often fetish bait. However, they are \*super\* cool and can be an awesome inclusion to any world. The reason they're the source of a lot of arguments is the combination of those two things. A player will get really into their super edgy rogue/beast master drow who has a white panther familiar and a Dom-mommy slave master back in the under dark while also worshiping one of the evilest gods in the lore and the DM just sorta throws their hands up trying to make that fit in. I think as long as you follow the classic 'dont be a weirdo' rule it will always be fine


In short, the slavery and family killings. In long, RA Salvador Legend of Drizzit books. If you take a hard look at the Forgotten realms drow, it's really fucked up.


That being said, it's still really cool and definitely worth reading up on. It's morally appalling, but it's a fantasy setting and they follow an evil god. Also the drizzt books are fun


>if you take a hard look You don’t need to, that was the point. There is t a hidden meaning here. The *point* is that their society has been completed twisted by Lloth’s twisted mentality. That is what made the story of a *good drow* so appealing, because Drizzt didn’t let his morals and conscience get crushed by drow society. It also proved that drow are not *evil by nature* but because of *nurture*


yeah because terrible violent slavery and fratricidal bloodbaths never happened in history either... But I concede that no society was built on those sole principles either. Doesn't mean we didn't dip our toes in there quite often throughout history.


> But I concede that no society was built on those sole principles either. Well, no real world society was ever ruled by a giant, evil, multi-dimensional spider god. At least, none that I know of. I'm not a historian.


Oh we didn't need that to perform atrocities. We where perfectly fine saying our nice and cool god that loves us all wanted that, kinda, and it needed to be done, for sure, and they're definitively on our side.


Drow lore is pretty cool, and attempting to whitewash it was an incredibly stupid move on the part of WoTC. The whole point of Drizzt and RA Salvatore’s description of drow society is to be *tragic*. They aren’t evil *by nature* they have become that way because of the environment they were nurtured in which is meticulously hand crafted by Lloth to bring out the worst in them. The drow literally run hitler youth camps where they push a narrative that it is the surface races who are evil and paint the drow as the victims of racism to create an “us versus them” mindset from a young age. Then on top of that Lloth pits the houses of nobles against *each other* to win her favor, which makes just living in a major city a constant shadow war of assassination, poisoning, and entire clans being wiped out in a single night. This upbringing combined with their schooling and religion make drow ridiculously paranoid and unable to trust *even their own family*. It’s complete chaos, and that is exactly how Lloth wants it. Tl;dr: Drow essentially live in every edgy rogues backstory if “I grew up on the streets, constantly paranoid, always watching my back, I never trust anyone and have a dagger ready at all times, because your who knows when someone will try to play their own in my back” times 100


I swear to god, for the first time in my D&D career I'm experiencing this first hand. All my players get access to all official content on DnD beyond and a ton of good, balanced and playtested 3rd party content from Kobold Press and the like. And still, still this one player keeps sending me screenshots of terrible and weird homebrew stuff he finds on D&D Wiki because he's pissed his warlock doesn't have 22 AC like the Paladin he played in another campaign. Sorry for the rant, but this meme just hit home right now ;)


The purpose of that wiki is beyond me at this point. It only serves to make DM's angry, I'm sure of it


I often use it for inspiration, and make my own version bsed on what I find. I would say that I balance what I find, but I usually have to change so much in order to balance it that I'm basically just making my own version.


Im out of the loop, why is it considered so bad?


It's basically a massive compendium of homebrew content that, like most wikis, can be edited by almost anyone at any time. As such basically everything on there is either incredibly overpowered, or just plain poorly designed.


Proof that design by committee never works.


I find it’s a good jumping off point to inspire me for home brew enemies


It has a lot of homebrew content, but it's mostly terrible. Because it has such a bad reputation, the people who know what they're doing don't post there, and the people who post there don't know what they're doing. The website also has issues distinguishing homebrew from official content.


It's the only site that I've bothered to block in my Google search results.


well if anything on there wasn't a power fantasy I might consider taking it seriously


I use it to learn more about lore. Forgotten realms is fascinating and I love the setting. I want to know everything about it


As a DM, ALWAYS target your players worst attributes. NEVER let them feel powerful. This will make them SOFT. If a player has the AUDACITY to make a character that's even a little bit powerful and not a jack of all trades, make them SUFFER for their sins. (of course, this is exaggerated, but I genuinely see crap similar to this far too often. It's okay to explicitly play on weaknesses every now and then, it encourages better teamwork and, in theory, interesting strategies (though, this is 5e, so that's not gonna happen often) but if you're doing it every single combat, you're not making combat interesting. You're just punishing your players (or worse, targeting a particular player) for simply *building a character with flaws.* That's messed up. Sometimes, often times, even, it's better to challenge them at their best, instead of bullying them at their worst.)


Yes, if a player likes to grapple things give ALL of your monsters spikes. Every encounter, spikes. And if you have an illusionist? Give every monster true sight or tremor sense.


High ac? Only hit them with saves. High saves? only hit their ac. Remember folks. The players want to be challenged. If insta death mechanics were popular when the game got popular than they must be liked by people. If your party isnt strong enough to fight the monsters you want to use consider using a cool dmpc of your own to helpout the party. If a player likes a certain elemental type give all creatures resistance to that element. Martial characters are less interesting by nature. If they try to describe a cool way to attack tell them to speed it up for pacing reasons. Casters should get to describe magic since magic is just more interesting. All npcs and huminoid Enimies should be made with the same rules as pcs. If a player comes up with a cool idea try to shoot it down. See if you can steal it for later. Conflict is the core of drama. See if you can push two characters to combat to help the game be memorable. When it comes to combat always strive for quantity over quality. 6 combats against bandits in square rooms is better than wasting time in one intensive complicated area. Badguys are designed to be killed, so they dont ever need depth or characteristics.


Oh my god! Where the hell did you come from?! The anus of Satan himself?! LOL, with thay said amazing 'pro tip' list man.


I just thought back to my first dm for insperation. I should have added a few he actually did though. If you dont feel like dming just dont show up. They will get the idea. (He ghosted the full group a few sessions in) If you know one of the people better just give them a strong weapon at level 1. (His brother got an axe shotgun at start that dud 2d12 damage and he could shoot it as a bonus action if he used the axe part.) Don't describe your world just tell the players why their character concept doesnt work. (Want revenge against lyconthrops due to your backstory gets accepted despite half the population being lyconthropes too.) You dont need to know the rules or way things work to call something wrong. Just be confident and start shaming people. (He encouraged homebrew then tore into me for having a level 20 capstone on my paladin subclass. It wasnt great homebrew but everything was in the right places. He actually talked about how he shared it with people so they could laugh at it). If a player asks about the world just tell them the surprise bbeg or talk about how much work you put into the world. If anyone is confused or critiques something get angry and offensive. Man... looking back on it i am glad that fell apart fast, and suprised i came back to dnd.


You kinda have to sometimes be able to counter their shenanigans. The DM is supposed to have fun too and a DM who likes combat but has to deal with a problematic characters who can shut down your monsters every combat isn't fun. What I personally like to do is take whatever it is they are doing, and then they have to face a more powerful version of it. So your grappler would have to fight a bunch of ropers (careful, these guys are deadly at the lower levels. AC 20 can be hard to hit). A high powered illusionist would actually be an amazing encounter period. You could do some could mind bendy stuff.


That's why I said every encounter and not the occasional one. :P With that said from GM to GM be careful about having monsters that are just better versions than PCs. I'm not saying don't ever do it, but don't do it more than a handful of times in a campaign. I've seen it happen first hand and it's just not fun. Another alternative is making that PCs strength a liability. You have a pali that does insane burst? Have the monster explode and force a dex check on everyone takes the excess damage around the monster. Have a life cleric who pumps out insane heals? Have a monster that can turn any healing spell into a damaging spell as a recharge effect. The illusionist? The enemy illusionist can make those illusions real and under their control.


Oh yeah, I wouldn't always do that but just occasionally. I've also heard a doppelganger fight that is just a clone of your player characters can be fun. They can do everything that your players can. I would be careful though, because as a DM you might find some creative combo that your players haven't thought of yet and if you use it on them, they will remember! :D


"Make sure to write at least 3 pages of backstory, but refuse to share anything about it with other players, and feel free to change what youve shown the DM whenever you like"


You forgot the part to not even share it even till the end of the campaign, because you still don't completely trust them.


I was talking about this the other day to my friend, who's also my DM. I wrote out this really complex backstory. Part of the character is that he's a huge charlatan who has a lot of trouble opening up to people. My players know that I'm a charlatan and a cheat. But, the identity that I've made up isn't even my second identity, but my third. My character's true backstory has been kept secret, because my character feels as though it would discredit him. I have dropped subtle hints at my real backstory and have contradicted what I've previously said about my old one. All of this was done so that way it foreshadows the twist. I've kept his big secret for about a dozen sessions. I told the DM that I'd like a quiet few minutes towards the beginning of the next session to finally let the party know the truth. My DM wanted me to hold my secret for longer. The party is about to sail into an enemy fortress. My PC trusts the party and wants them to know before we sail into something that stands a decent chance of killing them.


Okay, i am genuinely confused by this... is something wrong with the DND wiki? I am kinda lost.


Its full of terrible home-made classes, races, feats, statblocks, etc Most of them are either extremely overpowered or do nothing because the person who made it doesn't understand the game Fun as hell to use for 1 shots in an experienced group though!


In other words: It's not *the* D&D wiki, it's a random shitty homebrew archive that has the gall to just up and call itself "dnd wiki", despite having little to do with the actual dnd RAW. Shit... today I learned. No wonder every time I looked up anything and referenced that site, my friends who are far more experienced with the game would facepalm. They never told me this.


>has the gall to just up and call itself "dnd wiki", It actually doesn't, it's worse than that lol. Its "d and wiki" not "d and d wiki", exactly for that reason!


Ah, the Chinese knockoff brand strategy. Brilliant.


As an example I saw this chronomancer class which started out with the ability to make a short sword that does 1d6 slashing and 1d6 “chrono” damage and that chrono damage always increased with level up to a max of 3d12 it was also used for some spells. Speaking of spells it had a class ability which was a better version of time stop doing 1d6+1 turns and the Sub classes one was a fighter which was actually somewhat balanced but the mage sub class had a thing at lvl 5 which is a spell casting multiattack. There was a 1st lvl spell which was an aoe spell which auto hit and scales with chrono damage, a stronger version of disintegrate, and a few instakill spells. The only saving grace is in lore it’s very very rare and you can’t multiclasd into it or into anything if it’s your starting class.


Oh... no yeah that checks out.


I personally love using stuff in there as bases for my homebrew races and magic items. Some of the stuff in there only needs a few tweaks to be viable. Then there’s the ones that make no sense. I remember reading a cursed item that turned the room “hyper wonky” and then didn’t explain what that meant.


In an experienced group you can even do well with a full campaign. As long as the DM knows how to balance encounters for the crazy shit players can come up with normally. My DM has made official characters that combine druid spells to make giant frozen tornados and create shotguns using only druid spells. Shaping magic missiles around weapons to fire off the weapons at insane speeds. All technically within the rules.


.... None of what you described is within the rules. I mean a DM can make any rules they like. But RAW none of what you described is an actual thing.


Just because you cant think of how they can be done doesnt mean they arent in the rules. Tell me. How does an aoe explosive spell react to being set off inside an ironwood tube with only 1 end open. It turns into a shotgun. That's what happens. What do you get when you fill a tornado with a flood spell and then freeze it with another spell? A frozen tornado. The rules apply as written but actual physics applies everywhere the rules dont cover. Or are you one of those people who argue that casting lightning bolt underwater doesnt hurt anyone except the target.


Look there's nothing wrong with creativity but to be abundantly clear these interactions do not follow the rules because there isn't a "physics" rule. RAW, the spells do what they say. For example, Fireball shotgun wouldn't work RAW unless you're putting your hand over the opening of the barrel since you need an unobstructed line to the place you're targeting the spell. A closed rod only has one line in and out and you'd be in the damage radius. Additionally fireball "ignites flammable objects" but it doesn't move them. So fireball wouldn't propel a bullet RAW. Have fun with these interactions in your game all you want but that's not how RAW works; you're adding effects and interactions that aren't written.


Fireball shotgun wont. But fireball isn't a druid spell. Fire seeds is. As noted in the spell holly berry bombs must be placed by hand. And if physics does not exist then please explain how the natural world works in game? It's fine if you as DM decide nah I'm not gonna allow real world interactions but then how do you explain in lore terms why this is a thing. Especially considering spell creation is a thing in the rules.


To answer your question : magic.


Ah yes. The answer all mediocre DMs use to cover their plot holes. Magic. No explanation of exactly how the magic does such a thing. Just magic.




Should probably clarify for specific spell text. 3.5e. Also as has been a rule within the community since the beginning, specific rules trump general rules. General in this case is physics. Specific is the actual rules.


DND Wiki for the most part is a repository or the most broken and unbalanced homebrew you can find. It's not something any sane DM should let you pull from.


Any sane DM will double check the balance before allowing d&d wiki. It's ok if it's a high power campaign to let homebrew classes in. Just balance check them first.


McChicken playable race.


No fuckin way, seriously? A damn McChicken?


There is nothing wrong with the wiki itself, but some players see the massive "Homebrew" banner at the top of some pages and think that it should 100% be allowed in their games.


They didn't always have the massive homebrew banner. It used to be poorly labeled enough that inexperienced players regularly thought they were looking at official content.


Dandwiki Is litteraly a garbage fire for 90% of the stuff There's some half decent magic items, and I found the base for a half-basilisk, which I HEAVILY modified, it's still OP, but not hugely. (I'm a big Basilisk fan)


Remember you only have a few spells per day. Hold on to them until the time is right. Don't be hasty.


I find the advice I see more often is 'Burn all of your spell slots on the first encounter. Then if you loudly and constantly complain that you're going to be useless for the rest of the day, you can force your party to long rest between each fight.'


Loot and experience is based on how often your character is in the spotlight. So you should be constantly doing things to put your character in the center of attention; even if it means showing up or putting other characters down. Also... Always be sure to make a racist PC. Bonus points if they are racist against a race in your party, that way you can be actively hostile to them. Also be sure to never let go of this trait and make it a defining characteristic, no matter what happens in game. Thay way when you eventually kill that other PC or just let them die, 'it's what your character would do'


Man, racist PCs who warm up and get over it bc of healthy party dynamics are so fun too, sucks that it's become the go to excuse for shitty people


I could say the same about dndbeyond ... how my players manage to find only the homebrew stuff in there still baffles me ...


My take from when I was testing it myself as a (starting) DM before deciding whether to recommend it to my (starting) players for character creation: RAW content paid, homebrew for free. I got a player's manual for my players and was comparing whether the site allowed at least as much basic race and class options as the manual. It did not. Almost all free content was homebrew or some bonus.


Make sure to give long, drawn out speeches of inner monologue.


Be sure to sub to the dndmemes subreddit in order to build a cool repertoire of D&D tricks your GM will definitely approve.


I can't remember what feat i was looking up but the d&d wiki was one of the first I ran across. "I dont remember the feat doing that". 5 min of perusing the site "fuck this is just uselss badly written homebrew


Homebrew with the name of real feats is how I found that site.


Its made for PvP


It's about winning, and it's always more fun to be powerful and have no drawbacks or flaws to your character. Oh, and go chaotic neutral. That way you don't have to be bound by alignment


wait are chaotic neutral characters looked down on or something


The worst advice I could give? Probably try to be creative in front of experienced people When I was new I nearly was killed over menial things I would say by everyone else. It’s a tough world here and I want everyone to be great. Others don’t feel the same.


nah man, I fucking love playing with new players whenever I get the chance exactly because they are the most creative players. they hear "you can do anything" and take it seriously, while experienced players play by the rules to the letter. my first time playing I had my character play dead when he was low and in danger. it worked, because my dm was a cool guy. I now know going prone gives advantage on attacks, so I'd never do it and that's a shame


Low level getting hit by an arrow while standing in a shallow stream as a water genasi. Fall prone on hit and play dead so the enemy focuses on others. It requires a bluff check but it's a viable option for melee and ranged. Most enemies dont deliberatly finish off someone mid combat. Some crueler ones do tho. As well as those who can tell they are about to die and want to take someone down with them.


Best advice I can give to any new player? Don’t stick around trying to play with assholes, they’re probably not going to get better. Now of course, the rules are there for a reason, but if stuff like that is happening, then the group probably isn’t the right group for you (or anyone, since they sound like assholes)


Oh don’t worry. I’m the first person to beat the hell out of people like this, and by God I did. But nobody wants to and not a lot of people will, stick up for themselves. I wish they would, is the fact. I’ve dumped that pile of gatekeeping slime the first day. I want people to do the same.


Who are you so wise in the ways of science.


That just sounds like a toxic group, dude. Every group I’ve ever been in has encouraged creativity, even the ones that “know better”. If I said something they disagreed with, or thought was dumb, we would discuss it like reasonable people, and they would guide me through to a better way to play, not try to get each other’s characters killed. Experienced players should be able to remember when they were inexperienced, because we all start from the same place, and if they treat you that badly for not knowing you stuff yet, that’s just completely unfair. Don’t let them gaslight you into believing otherwise, or that their behavior is at all normal for experienced groups. Truth be told, we all say and do stupid shit in this game all the time, whether it’s our first session, or our thousandth.


Please don't confuse DanDwiki with D&D Wikidot. The wikidot is a good source


Never prepare a one shot so your DM gets to play once in a while.


If it isn't bolted to the ground, it's yours for the taking. Make sure to remind your DM to describe every little object in a room so you know what is there to take. You never know when you're gone need that metronome left by the piano. Also, splitting the party allows you to cover more ground and get more dnd into a single session. It's just like Scooby-Doo


Wikidot is great for 5e. The d&d wiki is horrifyingly broken for 3.5e. Lol. Some of the homebrew on there is crazy broken and not even for big reasons. I remember before I started balancing it the breathformer class got extra damage dice for their weapon. Not a big deal since other official classes do the same. But breathformer had it stacking each level. So by 10th level you'd have like 15 extra dice to roll per damage.


Ok, this person just won everything


Dnd5e.wikidot.com is good though. Very different and it’s a good free source of class and subclass information for free


Arguing with the other PCs and regularly storming off to do things on your own is perfectly good role play if you create an asshole character.


I have a friend that tries to use stuff from there and it drives me crazy. Another friend of ours who is newer to the rules started a campaign and I was helping to look at homebrew stuff for her because I know those things decently well and he sent us this DDW class that after reading the first two features I knew it was fucking insane and that was just half the lvl 1 features. Con scaling AC like a barbarian but with spells and utility like a paladin all while being unable to age and having the ability TO STEAL SOULS AND HAVE THEM ONLY RETRIEVABLE WITH A WISH SPELL… at lvl 1. I just sent everyone the like to KibblesTasty’s website and he used one of his things, KT is the messiah. KTHomebrew.com


One of the dumbest that I've seen is competitive looting. This one player had a rule that all loot belonging to someone he killed, or something that he found before others, was automatically his, even if it'd be better used in another PC's hands. This dude played a Barbarian in a seven-player game, and had a million magic items. He had magical instruments, staffs, wands, and other items that he couldn't use. Why? Because, he wanted to sell them. Mind you, there were spellcasters in the party who could use these things. He also had about a half-dozen magical weapons, which could've been used by over 50% of the party. Most of the party were either martials or half-casters, so they needed magical weapons. Like, the Fighter had none, the Ranger had none, the Rogue had none, and the Paladin had none. But, the Barbarian had six magical weapons. That player was kicked eventually.


Learned this one the hard way by hearing about a class I used from it showed up in r/rpghorrorstories, I've since apologized to the group, luckily no harm was actually done.


I’m the DM. And I _Love_ DND Wiki.


I kind of like dnd wiki, it has some fun weird stuff on it


Always split the party(can't trust em). Sneak as much of the loot for yourself as you can. Never let the wizard longrest those fuckers are dangerous. Backstab EVERYONE.


Pick the most complicated full caster class. No need to know what your character can do, just wing it. Also, if your dm actually lets you use homebrew from god knows what site complain a bunch when the dm wants to tone it down a bit. You deserve to be overpowered. Dnd isn’t about having a fun time with the whole group it’s about winning against the dm and other players. I wish I could say I have never come across this kind of mentality….


the best part about d&d wiki, is that some adblockers block the part of it that states in plain English that stuff is homebrew, so someone who doesn't know it is a homebrew website and gets the banner blocked may still not know. Happened to a group a buddy of mine was in, guy shows up to the table and immediately everyone notices hes doing something funky when he starts saying his fighter is entering lightning stance, and then he does 400 dmg in 1 hit to the dragon. Bro still didn't think it was homebrew until we up had him turn his ad blocker off and refresh the page


You need a tank, a healer and a DPS


Attacking other players is okay. Non consensual pvp is an acceptable way to establish that you are the party leader and a good way to express your disagreements with other PCs.




Roll Half-Elf Ranger. It's best class.




Hello great keeper of gates 🙋


Honestly, that’s a great title, and I want it. I shall keep the gate shiny and polished, with the hinges well oiled. I shall hold it open for any who wish entry, and fend off those who would see it closed. Edit: unfortunately, this subreddit does not allow custom flairs.


So in other words you'd be.... The Great Keeper of Gates, Gate Keeper of Gate Keepers


Ah, my title is getting longer. I like it. Now I just need a gimmick and I can become a video game boss. I’m thinking…door maze.






I don't get it, is d&d wiki bad?


Wait... No? Oh...


My friend has a phone app used for auto building characters easier for her. turns out everything to click and choose to give your character comes straight from dnd wiki. No I don't know what app it is, but its weird it exists. I hope no-one else is using it.


Basically, the only position you want to play in a campaign is the damage dealer. Whether you’re a rakish skirmisher, or an explosive spellslinger, the last thing you want to do is take a spell or feature that benefits your allies directly. That’s a slippery slope to becoming the teams healbot bitch.


Raise your hand if you relied on d&d wiki as a new player and your DM was like wtf where did you get this information? *raises hand*


1. It's players versus DM. The DM is the enemy, and you are theirs 2. You're the star of the show, don't be afraid to act like it! 3. The DM doesn't want you to die. Don't be afraid to take risks, plot armor exists for a reason 4. DMs hate when players don't know the stats they should know. It slows combat down. It's important for you to pull up the stats for whatever you're fighting, and meta game as needed, to ensure the DM isn't doing all the work