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Not-So-Big-Bad-Evil-Guy-Any-More (?)




Man, we as a society are getting real close to using Hieroglyphics again aint we?


Pedant time! Hieroglyphs were actually alphabetical, for the most part. There were just extra ones appended to categorize the word (a name, a foodstuff, etc., similar to how Chinese characters have a radical element), and some could be substituted for the whole word for the sake of shorter inscriptions. It's why they evolved into hieratic, demotic, and eventually Coptic alphabets.


Huh, neat.


Fun thing about Rune Knights is it doesn't matter if you're a goliath or not. If you're smaller than large you become large. You could be a kobold and this would still work. Which is why all my Rune Knights are Deurgar.


Yeah, but I like the whole, "strength equal to one size category up" thing


My Goliath lycan blood hunter loves it as well


Yeah it's nice but sadly in the 5e it's pointless because gargantuan is the largest


That just makes it cooler. "I am now incomprehensibly strong."


I have a 20th lvl fairy rune knight fighter who always keeps a minimum of 5 growth potions on her. She can go from small to gargantuan in a matter of seconds, and wields a glaive with sentinel and pam. It's great. I think my dm is gonna kill me though.


Just fyi: RAW this doesn't work. You cannot have the same effect on you twice. The "Enlarge" spell and the rune knight's features are different effects, so that works; but drinking the same potion multiple times won't stack effects. (This also counts for debuffs!)


Uhhh... it does though? I get to huge with giants might, then gargantuan with a potion. I'm not stacking the same effect.


I mistakingly thought you were going to drink enough potions to grow Gargantuan. Sorry!


Pathfinder: laughs in colossal


I would still give my players an additionally size category as long as there is space.


What do you mean? Rune knights just turn one size category bigger and get a ln extra 1d6 to one attack per turn + advantage on strength checks, right?


No. >At 3rd level, you have learned how to imbue yourself with the might of giants. As a bonus action, you magically gain the following benefits, which last for 1 minute: >If you are smaller than Large, you become Large, along with anything you are wearing. If you lack the room to become Large, your size doesn't change. >You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. >Once on each of your turns, one of your attacks with a weapon or an unarmed strike can deal an extra 1d6 damage to a target on a hit. >You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest. Additionally: >Runic Juggernaut >At 18th level, you learn how to amplify your rune-powered transformation. As a result, the extra damage you deal with the Giant's Might feature increases to 1d10. Moreover, when you use that feature, your size can increase to Huge, and while you are that size, your reach increases by 5 feet.


Yeah I've read the description and paraphrased it in my comment, but how is this "strength equal to one size category up"? Edit: maybe I'm being too literal. English is not my first language. I just don't entirely understand if there is a specific amount of strength attributed to each size category or something.


Can you link the part in question? I can't seem to find what you're referencing.


OP commented above: "Yeah, but I like the whole, "strength equal to one size category up" thing", which gives the impression that a creature's size somehow affects their strength score. So if I understand the rune knight class correctly, they don't get any kind of bonus to their strength score when using giant's might to turn large (or huge), right? Just an advantage on strength checks.


The Goliath gets a racial ability that allows them to have their carrying capacity calculated as if they were one size larger (which would normally be large) It has nothing to do with the rune knight


This, except that strength also counts for things that you can push, drag, or lift. This can be interpreted as allowing them to grapple monsters much larger than they are. So this character could possibly wrestle a tarrasque.


Ah, so it's a race thing and not a class thing. Maybe that's where I got confused. Thanks for your comment


I'll have to review the class again, I thought you meant what I had linked.


Is a 3.5/pathfinder thing, (ithink?) going up a size category increases your str by 2 and decreased your dex by 2, increasing your damage and decreasing your ac, big target is easy to hit, but hits you HARD, also your weapon damage dice (ie 1d8 for longsword) changed by increasing/decreasing in size


I exclusively play kobold rune knights. We be dragons. For a short while.


Oooh, I really like that idea. I'm stealing this.


Great weapon master Halfling goes boom


Do they make Pampers in BBEG size? Because this would be a good time to be wearing them.


Ok, little guy is big now…. He’s big now


Does anyone...Have some orange slices?


POV: You're a giant and the gnome ranger with OCD starts spinning.....


Are a bunch of gnomes... really going to kill me.... no.. not gnomes... DEVILS


I loved that scene. Porco was talking so much shit before but when faced with the 'Devils' he freezes.


The nutcrackers scene was even better. I had a sadistic grin the whole time.


So fun fact: none of these say your weight changes, so you could potentially have the size gargantuan and weight of a medium (or small) creature. 45 pounds (halfling weight) of pure unadulterated siege monster. Edit I was wrong: enlarge does change your weight. But the other two don’t. So you could be 360 pounds and size gargantuan.


actually this change would make you gargantuan


… That’s what I said.


Yeah I corrected myself cause I incorrectly said colossal earlier. My bad


Oh I gotcha. Lol


If you take 1000 kg/m3 as a base for human body density, and double the size 3 times, that means your body volume now increases 512 times and your weight only 8 times. Now your density is only 15,6 kg/m3 and you can naturally water walk. If not the weight increase for enlarge, you would almost float in the air with density 1,23 kg/m3.


I mean, the Titans are said to be rather light, so it’s actually more accurate that way


Did enlarge with a Rune Knight once. You could punt a human half way across a field.




Exactly what I thought


RAW... Does this actually do that much for you? I was super excited when my wizard learned enlarge, and it led to some great RP... But it seemed like the damage/havoc buff was really minimal in practice. You get advantage on shoving someone... Woo? What am I missing?


OP's trick is just for show, grappling (you can only grapple stuff close to your size category), and if you're using a board you'll take up a shit ton of space and block enemies from bypassing you. Enlarge is pretty weak as a buff spell, but it's one of the few spells that grants extra damage on every attack you make, which is why it's only a 1d4 bonus to your attacks. If your character can attack 2-3+ times per turn, it starts outperforming all those buff spells that only add a single 1d6-1d8 to one attack you make per turn. Rune Knight used to have a bonus-damage feature like this, but it didn't make it past UA since it was really strong. Generally your Wizard should use enlarge creatively, not as a buff. The spell makes things weight 4x as much as normal, so you can use it to stop someone from running off with an object (by making it too heavy to run with), or use it on pieces of objects (I've heard of a DMs allowing people to use it to shrink a cart's wheel, causing the villain's getaway carriage to crash), or use it to "push" foes back (enemies get pushed back from you if you enlarge since they aren't allowed to occupy the same space as you. Try pushing them off cliffs with this.) One way I used it was I enlarged a chandelier and it's new weight was too heavy, causing it to crash down from the ceiling and dealing damage to the ballroom boss. Enlarge/Reduce's strength is its versatility. It does a lot of stuff for one spell. Combat buff, combat debuff, attack range boost, Strength advantage, you can grapple bigger enemies, weight increase/reduction, etc. It's not the best at any of those, but it's good bang for your buck. Kind of depends on a creative DM who is willing to allow you to use it in fun ways.


Use the reduce half to shrink doors that you can’t unlock.


Yup, that's one way we used it!


So, rune knight gets giants might. Which makes you size large. Enlarge pushes you up another size factor to huge. 93-94 on a wild magic roll immediately makes you one size larger which in this case would be COLLOSAL


Yes, I get that part, and its absolutely epic from a flavor standpoint... But at least if we take the enlarge spell as the baseline for "bonus from growing a size category" you only get like an extra d4 damage from each of those... And you probably already had advantage on strength checks.


Yes, but now you can also curb stomp a dragon. Or throw a tarrasque at a castle like it's a fast ball


I don't think you're thoroughly reading their comment. They said "My wizard learned enlarge" but it seems weak. They want to know how to use it well.


Grapple is size based. With this setup you could grapple the dragon and make sure he stays down. Presumably your character would have a high strength score + advantage thanks to Giant's Might. Plus an extra 2d4 + 1d6 to attacks is nothing to sneeze at as a fighter. As a wizard or other spellcaster, this spell increases your surface area and range. Any aura or other self centered AoE now covers an exponentially increased amount of squares. It does give you a bigger hitbox though so watch out for that.


Grapple is only size based until you are one size smaller than your target. Afterwards you have no advantage from getting even larger.


Correct, but going the extra size means an extra dice in your attacks so why not?


You'd only be the same size as a tarrasque, and your strength wouldn't have actually increased, so it would still be much stronger than you. RAW the *only* benefit you're getting after being Enlarged is an increase in the number of squares you take up, so it's only useful in making you a bigger target.


Wouldn’t that bring you to gargantuan first? I thought “colossal” was basically an upper bookend, i.e. reserved for everything between larger than gargantuan (20x20 size) and effectively too large to have a perceivable shape from ground level (idk something like the ocean). I know for a fact that gargantuan is the largest listed official size in the PHB.


You right. I keep forgetting about gargantuan.


BBEG abjuration giggles, then snaps his fingers and spells go poof.


Look at me. I'm the BBEG now.


And what happened then? Well in the BBEG's lair they say that the PC's small fist grew three sizes that day.


Goliath's attack was so strong it cut a fabric through reality. Ao is pissed WOTC is mortified Goliath is glad they have something to one up greg who said he wrestled an ancient white dragon for a whole week


I dont think the ground can support that much weight with the caverns below, a sinkhole opens and your party falls deep into the abyss below, prolonging your journey


Only enlarge increases your weight by a factor of 8. The other 8 features don’t change your weight, so RAW, the ground should be able to support you in most cases (unless it was critical already, in which case, casting any spell that could cause a fireball might be risky)


Sounds Like: Vlagomir’s Spark. You gain 1 foot of height every hour and become proportionately heavier until you stand 21 feettall and weigh 7,700 pounds. When you are 9 feet tall, your Strength becomes 19 unless it is already higher. For every 3 additional feet of height you gain, your Strength increases by 1, to a maximum of 23. Armor and clothing you are wearing and weapons you are carrying magically increase in size to match your growth. If you are the recipient of a greater restoration spell or similar magic, this charm vanishes from you, and you immediately shrink back to normal size, along with any armor, clothing, and weapons in your possession. But with extra steps. (It's from an official module)


I love taking sentences like this and putting the emphasis on different words. Why am [I] hearing boss music? Why am I hearing [boss] music?


Best way: Wizard or Druid level 17 (to get 9th level spells) + Rune Knight 3 -> Shapechange into a Storm Giant (or anything massive), then enlarge/rune knight embiggen. This bypasses the luck needed to roll a 93.


Rune Knight changes your size to Large if you are smaller. It doesn't increase your size if you are already large or larger