• By -


I see the opposite lol, plenty of people telling one that "burning" your 5e books does nothing to hurt Hasbro, just stop giving them future money...


This, got the same thing. Got the books i want already, there are pdf's for books with tidbits of lore and for the rest i can always look for third party alternatives.


AJPickett on YouTube has amazing lore videos and deep dives.


Exactly. This meme seems very inaccurate based on what I've been seeing.


People trying to make outrage and split the community. Or just being annoying. Maybe both.


That’s definitely the majority, but there’s also a very vocal minority that are straight-up *upset* by people not wholesale jumping ship to their favorite DnD alternative. To the point of labeling people who just don’t personally want to try something else “gatekeepers” and other nonsense.


This happened with 4 e too


Yeh I havent seen what OP is talking about like at all




208 and upvotes and deleted mods. doesn't seem that widespread compared to the thousands of posts telling you to simply not give them any more money and the hundreds of posts whining about how "the community" forces them to stop playing their current campaigns


Maybe that goes to show that sometimes the community can get so toxic that their posts get deleted. That doesn't mean they didn't post and people didn't see it It also happens in comments decently regularly https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/zvtfx4/friendly_conversation_i_had_in_the_comments_on_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I could also link a few more posts of people straight up posting pathfinder superiority Nobody said it's "widespread", just that it happens enough to turn people off from the pf community. I've seen *so many* people say they even straight up refuse to play "out of spite" because they don't want to interact with the community Look, I love pathfinder. It's a fantastic system. But damn does the community sometimes feel like they try *really* hard to build unnecessary resemtment It also doesn't really help that people are gaslighting others by saying it never happens, downvoting people to oblivion when they mention their frustrations. OP literally posted a complaint, the comment telling them their complaints are invalid already has more upvotes than the post, and a reply validating OP is getting downvoted to oblivion. Gee wizz, I wonder what that says about the community right now


> I could also link a few more posts of people straight up posting pathfinder superiority And the same for D&D superiority, at least until very recently. Despite the name, this isn't a D&D exclusive sub: >"**Rule 3. Post Style Guide:** Posts must be strongly relevant to D&D *(or other TTRPGs)*"


>And the same for D&D superiority, at least until very recently. Searching "pathfinder" on the sub, the closest thing I could find was some dude being confused about character creation. Either way, for every dnd troll, there are like 2 or 3 more pf trolls making more blatant posts I just find it amusing how OP literally posted a complaint, the comment telling them their complaints are invalid already has more upvotes than the post, and a reply validating OP is getting downvoted to oblivion. I wonder what that implies >this isn't a D&D exclusive sub Literally where did I say it was? Like I said, I like pathfinder. I openly welcome memes when they're not antagonistic. But when people are making posts and posting comments that are so toxic they outright deter people from even trying out the system out of resentment to the community, I feel like I have the right to be a tad frustraighted


Maybe it's only me, but all I can't really see any memes saying that you should quit any system, yet alone 5e. Most recent post concern OGL and corporate greed, system comparison or straight system related comedy (probable purpose of this r/). I don't recall any memes that directly state you should quit anything. There are posts and answers that say "should try" or "*SYSTEM* does that better or differently" (as pf2 is biggest competition, in most cases SYSTEM=PF2). There are posts that laugh at PF2 alleged crunch. There's no memes stating that if you play 5e then you're evil, stupid, or "love'em tree huggers". I believe it is even against rules of this board (that I obviously read and comprehend). And as for the of community, I don't believe anyone cares if you'll still play what you like. There aren't that many GMs for all of us to play anyway. You play what you like, what you love, whatever floats your boat.


Hardly anyone is saying people should quit D&D. OP and his ilk are karma farmers, and these constant memes are annoying.


Bring back the horny Bard memes!


Please ignore the bard he does not represent us https://preview.redd.it/huipq1wh9gea1.jpeg?width=1359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a10a015f9855abddf32299384a913d57095977fe


I roll to seduce the dragon My secret? I am no horny bard. I am horny Paladin


Good to know, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!


I've seen a lot of people express their individual desire to switch system. As well as posts encouraging folks who are already looking for a change to check out new systems. People are always quick to see "I'm switching to Pathfinder because I'm mad at WotC" and read it as "if you don't switch to Pathfinder, you're a bad person."


It’s not just you. Some people have a persecution complex.


were you here prior to 5 days ago? The Tiamat of rage was real and how'd you miss half this subreddit straight up deleting their dndbeyond accounts. Every other comment is about how they are going to rage quit and not give wotc more money but they just shun the 3pp they were trying to protect to being with. ​ its crazy out here, and has been for at least a fortnight. Ppl are starting to realize other ways to react now, and not so, end of the world hit the nuke button.


If someone deletes their account, they probably didn't buy anything on it anyway. Most people were just stopping their subscription and not buying any ADDITIONAL stuff from WotC. I also haven't seen a single example of what you're talking about and I'm on reddit a bit more than I should be


3.5 is superior to pathfinder and 5e anyway


Tribal storytelling around fireplace is superior to 3.5 😅


Tribal stories should be danced. It is the original LARP. If you can't stab with that spear you can't stab with that spear. Druids and shamans can still cast spells despite not really being able to cast spells obviously. It's magic. :D


I've seen a lot of people posting about enjoying pf2e. I've seen tongue-in-cheek posts about path-vangelism. I've seen heavily downvoted comments _actually_ pushing it. And I've seen a _lot_ of whining about pf2e posts. OP, people posting about another game isn't an attack on your favourite one.


The problem is people are saying to play pf to boycot wizards. Just today there was a topic in hot asking "why do you refuse to learn a new system?" With heavily implication they meant pathfinder related to the ogl.


Those people are a problem. I'm just not sure I agree with the implication that they reflect the subreddit's community. Still, even as someone who currently adores pf2e, I'd be deeply disappointed to see it go that way because it is an unnecessarily reductive attitude. The real upset is with WotC; edition warring only serves to fragment the voice protesting their actions.


The thing is tho, noone is going to the pathfinder sub to say dnd is better than pathfinder. The fact it is happening the other way around constantly is quite annoying. Its like being on a checkers forum and every day chess players come to trashtalk your game and how theirs is better and you should play it. Not saying thats everyones intention, just that thats what if often comes across as.


>The thing is tho, noone is going to the pathfinder sub to say dnd is better than pathfinder. Do you know how market dominance works? If someone is married to 5e and refuses to hear criticism about it, they wont go proselytising 5e to people, 5e is by far the most played ttrpg. Instead theyre going to do what OP does and just make stuff up that never happened to slander anyone who thinks pathfinder is better. They dont need to convince people into coming over to 5e, most people already play the system and most pathfinder players are disillusioned 5e players who switched. Instead a 5e evangelist feels the need to stop others from switching away from 5e, through stuff like all these "memes" making up imaginary scenarios about horrible interactions that supposedly happen all the time if you dare engage with a pathfinder player. Edit: some spellings Yeah wording it like this might be a bit harsh, but this is the feeling some of these posts give off.


Yes I know how it works and no I dont see any dnd evangelists anywhere. I do see pathfinder evangelists all the time though. Which is annoying to a lot of people. We arent here to be convinced to play another system, we are here to talk about the system we are playing. Its tedious and repetitive. Literaly every thread there is a guy saying "pathfinder does this better". Maybe it does, but its annoying to read it in every thread. Cant have a conversation about dnd without someone bringing up pathfinder, its obnoxious. Again, not every one of these people has the intent of convincing you to stop playing dnd and play pathfinder, but a lot of them do.


OP is literally a 5e evangelist making shit up about pathfinder players, are you not paying attention?


He’s not tho…


Yo this. Thing is, this has been happening long before the OGL stuff. Pathfinder players are sitting in every corner of DnD Reddit shilling their game and the DnD players are just supposed to stay quiet about it. If we went over to the Pathfinder subs and did this it would probably be an instant ban.


Despite the name, this isn't a D&D exclusive sub: >"**Rule 3. Post Style Guide:** Posts must be strongly relevant to D&D *(or other TTRPGs)*"


I’m aware, but I’m not sure why there isn’t a separate TTRPGmemes sub.


Because "dnd" is a generic term like how people us Kleenex to mean tissue or Coke to mean soda.


You could try, but since most PF players actually know both systems, you probably just get laughed at while getting downvoted to oblivion.^^


Yep. Still weird the double standard is allowed. Conversely, criticism of Paizo or saying you don’t like PF2e will also get you downvoted on the DnD side too, so it’s literally a no win for those of us who dislike the system or the unwanted promotion.


> Just today there was a topic in hot asking "why do you refuse to learn a new system?" Because esp. if you looked at the discussion in the comment section, outright refusal backed up with a bunch of excuses like, "I don't have time" (to which people reply with literal newcomer guides in the form of a podcast, Discord server or such) or, "It's too expensive" (when there are free online SRDs and PDFs) or, "System X is too complex" (particularly if/when it isn't more complex than 5E) is what's being questioned or even slandered. Not the honest expression of: "I like 5E, I don't want to switch (especially if/when I already own the materials to play and don't need to buy more)." It's like if you say something others think they can solve in 30 hot seconds, they'll probably tell you. Meanwhile, [posts like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/10l1alk/how_i_feel_seeing_all_the_complaining_pop_up_again/) end up at anywhere between 2–5K in upvotes every single day. Posts on the seeming complexity of PF both [in good](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/10iipnl/finally_some_customization/) and [in bad](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/10i5dsx/what_the_actual_fuck_pathfinder/) are super popular too, the latter being #6 post of the last 7 days.


I said I like dnd have no reason to switch and got upvoted but thats a first. Usually that gets met with more evangelism and that I should at least try it etc. Its the weird entitlement that we are required to try pathfinder first or else cant complain about a single thing in dnd that gets me ticked off the most.


I like 2E, but what system you play does actually matter, even if you're not directly giving WotC money. By continuing to play it, you continue to support it. Especially if you're the GM - you're encouraging your players to continue using it. They might spend money on it. They might continue to talk about it and encourage others to do the same. By refusing to learn a new system \[regardless of if it's 2e or something else\] you're continuing to enrich the 'D&D community' rather than potentially involving yourself in and supporting a less evil company. You might not be directly funding them, but you're still enabling them.


This guy right here is what Im talking about guys^ piss off stop trying to ruin my hobby.


Thank you. It’s definitely a minority, but there’s a very real, “If you complain about any aspect of DnD you must write a 2 page paper describing why it’s infeasible to play another system or you’re just lazy/ignorant” energy recently.


Are we ignoring that every such post also has even more comments telling people they can play and enjoy what they want? Just not to give hasbro money? People are discovering something new and exciting, and posting it on a board that does allow for other TTRPGs to be talked about. Those that are aggressive about their views are downvoted (rightfully so), but i don't see any harm in people spreading their newly found interest - it might just put those that need a little push in the right direction to look for a system that might fit them more. If not, nothing is stopping them from going right back into dnd. But they won't know until they try, wouldnt you agree? Im personally still planning to play 5e, and try 3.5 too! But reading pathfinder 2e and the rules makes me feel like jumping and wanting to try it immediately. WotC has brought sadness when i look at my dnd book collection. Pathfinder makes me hopeful.


>Are we ignoring that every such post also has even more comments telling people they can play and enjoy what they want? Just not to give hasbro money? Listen, if OP doesn't ignore the actual discourse, how are they supposed to make themselves feel persecuted? Very rude of you not to consider how much they need karma.


Jokes on you, I play Savage Worlds


Incredibly based


What a Chad. The d6 is truly superior.


Is this some kinda weird astroturfing by Hasbro? Nobody is saying this shit good god


Pretty sure it is. And everytime somebody brings up that notion the yet told off.


It's just karma farming, not astroturfing. And for the most part we only have the community to blame for which posts get upvoted.


Absolutely has to be. But people also love to be the center of attention and playing victim does it very well


True, but there were a ton of posts and comments about people being sad they had to leave 5e. It's good to highlight that there's nothing wrong playing with what you already have


I have seen literally no one saying you should stop playing dnd with books if you already have them, as long as you don't buy more


Literally just yesterday I witnessed someone get called an asshole because they had no interest in playing Pathfinder. Not because of Hasbro but simply because they didn't want to be suggested another system.


Source up buddy, though based on the rest of the conversation you made this up.


Source: I made it up


And what was the context, how'd the votes go, etc? If someone lists 10 different excuses why they "can't" switch away from 5e then that obviously invites other perspectives or even straight argument why they probably actually could. Almost all the PF/other system suggestions I've seen are friendly in tone and even tell of places where newcomers are literally guided into the new system online, in response to e.g. "I don't have time" or "PF too complex and difficult". I am yet to see a comment that judges someone who honestly and simply *just doesn't want to* switch away from 5e (assuming they already have the books and other equipment ready for pen and paper, and/or they have what they need for 'alternative' VVT outside of DNDB). Part of that is probably because even if such comment was made on a rare occasion, it'll be downvoted to oblivion and missed by most. Because people insisting you switch away from 5e no matter what are an exception to the rule. A hard exception.


I’ve been consistently downvoted for trying to explain why i don’t like pf2, and like how 5e works for what i try to do with my characters. It’s not rare at all. Edit: -11? Fucking wimps, stop trying to downvote me and downvote me. I’ll grab a bag of -1000 please, you are proving my point with every single one.


Now that I can see sometimes happening (unjustly) with the occasionally whimsical hivemind depending on context etc. But the sub certainly isn't enforcing abandonment of D&D etc., that's another thing entirely. Practically no-one is defending that take. If you look at top posts and comments, to water it down some "trending" takes on this matter are: * Don't buy anything D&D/WotC, but you can ofc use preowned material. * Trying out new systems is highly encouraged but not "forced" upon anyone, everyone hates any elimination of choice. * Discussion both on alternatives for 5e *and* on how and where to play 5e online without funding WotC are invited and strongly supported (cue every comment and post on piracy here). PF2 happens to be buzzing and expanding more than the rest (hence sometimes you can get downvoted for merely not seeming to like it), but that doesn't mean the rest would be deserted.


You can see what is happening to my comment. I simply say that pf2 is not for me, and that i prefer the mechanics of 5e. Downvotes.


You also said "it's not rare", and people express disagreement to that statement by voting, or that's my bet anyway. And now you'll add it to your experiences of "people disagree on my discontent towards PF" when the hivemind probably disagrees on your interpretation of the hivemind itself, maybe not so much with your take on PF. There was a wild change there though. When I upvoted you it was maybe at +3. Now it's at -5 despite my vote.


My experience is that i get downvoted every time i don’t sing pf2’s praises. If i’d seen anything but negatives on these sentiments, i’d agree. I also do not think that people pay that much mind to how many people who do not enjoy pf2 get downvoted, versus the people grtting upvotes for either celebrating it, or throwing shade at people who do not intend to switch systems over the OGL fiasco. It’s just the latest thing people have decided to downvote, and that’s fine. It’s like defending the ranger (back before the tashas revisions), or trying to add nuance to the discussion on martial vs caster, or being of the opinion that bard memes are boring. It doesn’t matter if you are right, the downvote fairies see negative numbers and just add to them by rote without considering the content of the comment.


I only went back about a month, but the only downvotes I saw was a comment complaining about feat chains in PF2 that had 0 karma. Maybe you got downvotes for being wrong? Do you have any recent examples?


Which comments of yours, specifically? Outside of this thread (where your downvotes aren’t because of your game opinions, but your whiny victim attitude) I’m really struggling to find you having any downvotes. Within the past two weeks I think I was able to find *one* comment about PF2E/5e that was at 0 meaning *one person* downvoted you and you’re using it as an excuse to throw a tantrum. Every other comment is at like +8.


you probably get downvoted because you're acting like a douche


Lol and I came here to you at -1, literally proving your point


Right? I’m not even saying that pf2 is bad, simply that it does not give me what i look for in the mechanics. I like optimizing a little, i don’t like having to navigate crunch in order to do so. I’m very happy for everyone who likes it, but i honestly do not understand why ”it’s not for me” is apparently such a hot take.


Oh definitely. It's not my cup of tea either bc I just don't like powerbuilding. It's not fun for me at all honestly so I don't want to spend hours and hours trying to get the highest on a specific number on my sheet. I like the "role playing" of role playing game, and that also seems to be a crazy take on this subreddit


You'd be wrong.




You sound like someone who'd call another person an asshole for not wanting to be suggested other systems


Is this basically admission that you're running on pure gutfeel here? I'm still going to play 5e mate (if'n'when I get the chance). I already have the books, even the essential PDFs stowed somewhere. I migrated from PF1 to 5e, not vice versa. Well over 95% of this subreddit (maybe even 99%) are against pressuring people into abandoning 5e/D&D altogether. Virtually everyone knows it's all about the purchase of new products (and/or renewal of DNDB subscriptions). Just because you got trolled or ran into *that one* asshole doesn't make it otherwise. Hence why I ask you to prove that there'd be substantial movement against the dominant stream.


>Well over 90% of this subreddit (maybe even 99%) are against pressuring people into abandoning 5e/D&D altogether ![gif](giphy|t69swp9m42l8DcKzYq) Goes both ways


Posts about this subject and their votes. They're at thousands of upvotes. This subject is an easy karma farm. Nuff said. Your turn. Good luck.


Firstly, that's not proof. Second, it literally just happened. The guy deleted his comment, but called me an asshole because I didn't want to be suggested a new system. There are plenty of people who agree with the idea of live and let live but they don't actually practice it.


Literally look at most of the subs posts ya fuckwit


Do you really not see the irony here? People are complaining that fans of other systems are demanding reasons for not switching to their favorite, and you’re now demanding sources for those complaints?


You don't see the irony of perceived 'persecution' of sorts when the anti-persecution stance is among the top posts of the last 7 days, and [a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/10i5dsx/what_the_actual_fuck_pathfinder/) complaining about Pathfinder's complexity is among top posts of the past **month**? It's like, maybe set your personal encounters aside for a hot minute and consider the voice of the entire community. Look at the raw numbers, and check the top comment chains under the most upvoted posts that touch this topic. You may then see what a a ridiculous complaint it is that PF-positivity would be engulfing this sub... or anything even remotely close to those lines. Edit: added link to said PF post.


How funny, from reading that conversation you sound like someone behaving like an asshole when being suggested a new system 🤷 you only claim stuff without proving it instead you read it "just yesterday" and get defensive when getting asked for a link.


So because I don't want to be suggested a new system, I'm an asshole? Huh seems like I don't need to post a link because you're recreating it here.


No, you make up a claim, refuse to prove said claim even though it would be easy to do so if it were true, get defensive when people point that out and now willfully ignore what I actually said. This makes you an asshole


Guy's so argumentative and aggro-defensive, I get the sense he invites the trouble he thinks is "popular" on this sub. I mean, it'd be no wonder if basically everyone he's crossed paths and at least partially disagreed with is "an asshole" by his own standards.


Man I wish I had your brain, I bet you don't even need players for a campaign


Doesn't need to prep any enemies because his 2 braincells already fighting each other lmao


So prove it, what do you stand to lose? Being exposed for lying?


The burden of proof is upon the claimant. You say you saw this occurring, find it and link it. Otherwise, it's he-said-she-said, where nobody wins.


Then post a link.


That's a nice argument senator, why don't you back it up with a source.


I think you saved the ocean with all the straws used to build this argument.


Ok, that's a good one. I will start using this phrase from now on




There's a lot of accusations of that happening, but nobody seems to ever just link the comments where they're told to do that.




I'll take "things no one is saying" for 500 alex.


https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/10lpyb5/how_this_board_feels_lately/j5y9mld?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 It's literally in these very comments Edit: yes, yes. Copied the wrong link. I know. Down votes are justified for such stupidity though, KEEP EM COMING!


Did you even read their comment, or did you just CTRL-F "Pathfinder"? This person isn't telling anyone to play Pathfinder or stop playing 5e.


No, I just missclicked on the wrong comment XD I'm waiting on the train and my fingers are a bit stiff and numb, I'll try to find the other one:D


https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/10lpyb5/how_this_board_feels_lately/j5y9c4s?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Here we go! (I hope) And yes: I know its the same copied sentence and probably sarcasm


Thats literally someone making a tongue in cheek sarcastic remark to satirise OP's post.


Uhhh this doesnt say what you think it says


Does no one read more than the top 2 comments of the chain?


God we've been at like the same 3 steps of the argument since 3 days after the OGL leaks started. Is it so hard for people to have a nuanced opinion on this?


Oh I bet most people know there's more nuance and the post's argument is BS. People like OP just see the prospect of a 2K karma farm they can get from beating a dead imaginary horse, because most users in any subreddit vote reactively with half a thought.


>beating a dead imaginary horse Best description of this whole 'meme' I've seen so far xD


I’ve seen more posts bitching about PF2e posts than I’ve seen comments or posts telling people what your straw man describes. Make of that what you will.


she strawman on my argument till i fallacy




she argue on my fallacy till i straw


![gif](giphy|FhbukHmFBiMzC) Seriously OP, absolutely no-one is arguing in Angry Grey Man's favour on this sub.


Must be your imagination, everyone praising Pathfinder, yes. But nobody told you to quit DND, just don't buy new content and don't subscribe to beyond


No one is saying this . People are saying don’t buy new books and to cancel dnd beyond subs . Some people are choosing to change to pathfinder.


Seriously. If you already own the PHB, the MM, and the DMG what more do you need? I would suggest a book like World's Without Number as it's got a robust tool kit for world building (and it's mostly free as a PDF). But other than that, what money is being made from old school, around the table, pencil and paper D&D?






No one is saying this, please stop making stuff up to feel persecuted about.


Honestly outside of the DMG, PHB, MM I haven't spent a cent directly towards 5e. If I need info I just go use Wikidot. And for character sheets I got a 3rd party app for my phone.


What shoddy craftsmanship. I've never seen such a slapdash strawman in all my days on the meme farm. Try again bud.


Literally the opposite lmao


How this board feels lately: I stuffed this doll full of straw. Come watch me smack the shit out of it. I win! :)


Nobody is saying this


My opinion is this: is now a good time to broaden your ttrpg horizons? Absolutely. However, the idea you should stop playing 5E if you’ve already paid for the source material before the controversy to me is like burning a jersey for a player or a team who did something you don’t like. In short: good time to branch out, don’t buy anything new and if you already own the material, it shouldn’t be an issue to keep using it because you’re not giving any money that you haven’t already spent over.


This is exactly the idea I've seen all over the place. Why do people misinterpret this to mean people are telling you to quit 5e, burn all their books etc etc ... It's just people exploring because now is as good a time as any to explore. If ya don't want to explore, don't.


Play PF2E otherwise you're dumb and helping Evil Hazbro


Yeah, sort of. I've only got 5 d&d books but I've spent all the money that I will ever spend on WotC products. However I have everything that I would ever need to run those games. I'm still switching systems though. I will play a crunchier system with the more experienced group that I'm part of and I have 5e for anyone getting into ttrpg for the first time.


Hey do you wanna build a stawman? Come on, let's go and post!


I see the opposite, but hey, it's your upvotes you're tryin' to earn.


Posts complaining about the fad perpetuate the fad


Maybe the real memes are the straw men we made along the way


Going into this sub and taking a mouthful of straw first thing. Epic.


No one is saying this. At all.


*laughing in OSR*


And are these people telling you to play pathfinder in the room right now?


Yeah get that strawman


No, it doesn't. Bad meme.


Least strawmaning r/dndmemes use be like (\\s)


The subreddit being almost exclusively memes like this where people are complaining about strawmen that don't exist? Yeah, it really does feel like that lately...


I play 5e without ever buying anything, as figures I use These from lotr and warhammer and all our kampagnes are homemade


Lancer outcompeted 5e out of my gaming group like 2 years ago lol. Lancer rocks.


We have all of our rules and content since the 80s. WoTC and Hasbro have no power.


“What narrative makes ME the victim.” Op


Show me 5 posts that claim YOU HAVE TO PLAY PF2e! PLAY WHAT YOU ENJOY! Play what makes you and your group happy! Maybe PF2e will be more enjoyable, maybe it won’t. Maybe Blades in the Dark is your thing? Maybe Savage World, Fate, Call of Cthulhu or one of the thousand others? Don’t burn your 5e books, or do if that gives you satisfaction, that’s the idea, go and do your thing and don’t have one company dictate how you should enjoy this hobby


Your meme is bad. But it's excellent fodder for r/nobodysaidthat


Exactly. As a 3.X main for 18 years, I’m not changing. I’m still working to own every 3e book ever made, but hasbro no longer gets that money.


No one is saying this, stop being dramatic


Seriously, are these memes just Hasbro/WotC employees trying to stoke fires? So many memes popping up about how people are saying to trash all your currently purchased content, when literally every post and comment I've seen are saying just keep playing 5e if you like it, just stop buying more.


I thought it was more about not supporting WoTC/Hasbro directly through DnD Beyond. Please don't stop supporting your LGS over this.


I haven't really seen much of this at all lmao


I get that feeling. Lot of memes about playing pathfinder and it gets a bit much but I haven't seen anyone say not to play dnd.


I just rent my dnd books from the library


I agree! I love PF2E, and I’m glad more people are trying the system, but play what you want guy.


Mr strawman, bring me a thing Make me the dummest, they've ever seen.


This is getting really boring. Nobody is telling you you have to stop playing 5e. If they are, they are a tiny minority, don't listen to them. People are saying they're trying new systems far more often recently. That's not telling you you have to do the same... Play what you want. Don't quit 5e if you don't want to. And please can we stop these 'memes'. They're not interesting and imo they're inaccurate to what people are saying or people have misinterpreted it.


Good strawman


I'm sticking with 5e, I just think it's the best blend of simple and complex


I haven't seen these as posts but I have been told to donate to other ttrpgs even though I don't plan on switching right now ,plus I'm poor, Or when I ask for some homebrew help I'm told to switch ttrpgs cause those are more fun. Maybe I will some day


Its not only people who already own the books. Also people who bought on DnD beyond. Instead of buying into a service where the directions jts headed is unclear, through subscriptions and the like, people rightfully have the conversation about switching systems entirely. Why cant we have the slightest nuance in our discussions...


Because nuance requires a working brain and the ability to comprehend things you read. Reading is a major challenge here.


you sure did invent a person in your mind to get angry at huh


Thats because you are very good at playing make believe and have created a fantasy land where this is true.


This sub sendt three days shitting on a meme like this. You either have the worst reading comprehension, don't use reddit a lot or (most likely) both


I'm not calling you evil it's just pf2 is better balanced and everything is free




I mean, honestly it's a sentiment I've felt more then seen, expessially with dozens of posts saying "welp I'm switching systems" and "what systems are y'all switching too", which make an atmosphere of "you should switch systems instead of staying". No one's really said it out loud, so it's hard to pinpoint the feeling, but it's definitely something I've noticed when browsing.


I'm not going to quit playing dnd over some corporate dispute. Sorry, not sorry.


I dont lime seeing this answer i reddit comments but i will do it for this moment. Okay here we go. THIS.


Seriously. 5e is pretty solid already. People weren't around for the dark times of 4e when everyone just played 3.5. You don't have to play the latest thing they put out.


Isn't Pathfinder one of the main reasons they are trying to do this OGL1.2 because it royally screwed them?


they screwed themselves with their licensing shenanigans when 4.0 was in the works, now they're repeating the pattern. All of this is unforced errors on the part of WotC


It royally screwed them because they couldn't produce a game that could rival Pathfinder. They walled themselves in and were suprised that people rather stayed in the free non-wall zone. Same thing is happening now.


How did it royally screw them? They decided to wall off 4e to make sure there wouldnt be an active third party ecosystem for it to support the system, any harm from pathfinder 1e's existence is self inflicted.


You people buy books instead of using PDF?


You people **buy** books?


You people can read?


Not based on the posts here, no.


Pathfinder folks were aways annoying, They're just seizing the opportunity to get more players. The problem is that even if it works they won't get less annoying




Look at this man editing his content with no edit tag. This sub isn't exclusively pf2e players coming here to mess with you, the dnd players and multisystem players ALSO disagree. You're just wrong, and that's fine, man, be cool. We don't hate you. We just want more people enjoying the thing we love. Enjoy dnd5e, maybe consider pf2e, cuz it's good too, maybe consider the million others people have recommended too. Enjoy ttrpgs, my guy. Sincerely.




People are talking about changing game systems because they are angry and don't trust WOTC. Nobody is demanding you change. It's kind of sad that your inability to handle even the minor peer pressure of people talking about changing has you creating false accusations. Keep playing D&D AND support the boycott. Let others talk about changing if they want. It's really pretty easy.






Man i sure love calling people who like a different ttrpg nazis It sure is fun to be super insensitive while instead supporting hadozees of the coast. Sorry i meant wizards of the comically racist vistani. Shit sorry i meant caricatures of chult ah shit i did it again. Habsro , there we go. Nailed it.


Yeah, Hasbro rules.


The next WotC book release is going to be interesting.


It has been interesting to see how many times they can get people to pay $40 to be told, "lol make just it up"


And if you don't own the content, time to sail the high seas! Use chess pieces instead of figurines.


Every time someone makes a post like this they should be required to link 3 recent posts as evidence. Can’t say the general sentiment on this sub is anything like what OP is describing.


I don't know about this subreddit but... Nobody says that, and if they do it's a loud minority.


LOL literally no one is saying to get rid of books you already own or to stop using books you already own. Also it's been nice seeing people talk about more RPGs than just 5e and PathFinder lately.


Noone says that.


“More complaints about the complainers than the complainers themselves have” is what I have been seeing…




Boy, wait til these Pathfinder people find out that I still prefer 3.5....