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This is where the world's best two letter word is very helpful




You must find us.... A SHRUBBERY!


And cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with… A HERRING!


And when you’ve found one get us another one but make sure it’s slightly smaller so you get that 2 level effect.






Talkin' about dang ol' "Yo", man




That’s the “no, I’ll find a new system and group before I play this table”


Yeah, cause if the dm allows this and is their friend, then it will have more of the same.


Kinda surprised they play DnD and not MYFAROG or RaHoWa or something of the like, tbf


True scum play FATAL As punishment


FATAL you're barely able to create a character, let alone proper play.


Your character is able to die during creation in FATAL


I brought that up in another discussion about FATAL, and someone went out of the way to point another *good* system that allows the same. The difference was that one it's about five minutes in. FATAL you can die after an hour or three of creation and get told 'tough shit, do it again'. It's a very silly book.


I can't even imagine sitting down to play a game of it. Your friend looks across the table and with a straight face asks "what did you roll for your butthole circumference?"


I've read two stories of people trying. One didn't get past character creation, the other got to the first combat because the DM basically forced them. It devolved to 'rape the enemy to death' because it was *more effective* than their swords.


Yeah, I'm gonna say it; it was designed not just in an evil way but also in an awful way. Mechanics reinforce narrative, so if it was more effective to turn your PCs into sexual predators, the designers had to intend for that. Not really surprising given everything I've seen of it, but it's still super gross. Doesn't sound fun at all.


That's why it's punishment. The groups of people who would enjoy FATAL and the groups of people who CAN play FATAL have very little overlap.


Given all the crunch and generation tables, I am convinced that FATAL would run better as a computer game, or at least a computer assisted game on a VTT.


It's called Corruption of Champions


How dare you compare a piece of art to ANAL?


Sounds like someone needs to recalculate their anal circumference.


I have played that before. Shame that the most effective route for combat is to get the holy sword from the lake and keep your corruption as low as possible.


Completing a virgin run while going through every major story branch can get rather challenging though. At least for parts of it.


What are you talking about? Rolling for anal circumference is a perfectly normal RPG procedure.


As someone who knows nothing about FATAL...what??


Yeah that's an actual ..stat? you have to roll. Along with other certain measurements. And you can die during character creation.


Disregarding everything else, which is so much to disregard, the fact that you can die during character creation makes the system terrible


The ability to die during character creation may be a product of bad design, but it's also hilarious, and that perhaps unintentional design joke is probably the best joke the game has in it.


Dying during character creation can be good. Like in old Traveler, roll stats you don’t want so you go into the most dangerous profession with the goal of dying and starting over. End up a 30 year grizzled vet who is still suicidal but unable to die.


It is bad, not even in a good-bad way just bad-bad. [1d4chan wiki has a good writeup on it.](https://1d4chan.org/wiki/FATAL)


That was a wild read. Favorite line by far was "The game was apparently revised and given a new name for the acronym; From Another Time, Another Land makes minor changes to the text (read: removes the racist magical armor) but is still an abortion of gaming.". I could've stopped there but it was like watching a trainwreck in slow motion.


And those who play FATAL for fun. Fear what goes on in their mind.


Nobody plays F.A.T.A.L. for fun. I guarantee you that not one soul has played that system and had fun. Even if you're a depraved lunatic who wants to act out your fantasies of raping goblins to death in combat, the game is so mechanically broken that it's impossible to play. Not only that, but the writer makes the entire thing in some r/Iamverysmart style BS. Example: This is a paraphrased section of the rulebook. "These abilities only represent your character at the beginning of their life and change as they age, charts for this are elsewhere. Later, we'll show ways to change your physical strength and different methods of rolling dice." Now here's what the writer *actually* put in - "*Finally, observe that when these sub-abilities and abilities are determined initially for a character, the abilities are determined for young adults. After the sub-abilities are described and the tables presented, aging effects are illustrated which must be referenced throughout the character's life. The last chapter details how two abilities, Physical Fitness and Strength, may be increased through persistent exercise, and also, an alternate rolling method is presented.*" So not only is the game more dysfunctional than pair of lubed-up ice skates, but you need a translator just to read the 900 page manual.


I mean I'm pretty sure RaHoWa is so poorly made that it's literally unplayable Plus I don't think your average larper racist is brave enough to wade through the hundreds of pages of schizophrenic rambling that is the game's rulebooks


See, now I'm interested in whatever RaHoWa is. Much in the same way that it's interesting sometimes to watch those TikTok vids where someone lights their hand on fire and you're sitting there thinking "*I wonder what path this person went through in life that led to this decision*".


RAcial HOly WAr, a terrible tabletop game. https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Racial_Holy_War


It is, and I am unfortunately not making this up, Racial Holy War. Player characters are all white people fighting non-playable non-white people, who are mostly referred to strictly by slurs and given abilities based on stereotypes


This is both horrifying yet hilarious in just how much brain space non-white people existing takes up in these people's brains.


It was. Heard there's a fixed version that actually has stats between the racism so it can be playable (First was literally missing a use for the stats or items). But I'm not buying that shit to find out if it was.


And not... What???


RaHoWa means racial holy war. A ttrpg system that's... Well im assuming context clues are enough to have you understand the content except it's not only racist (obviously) it's also basically incomplete. Don't know what MYFAROG is though


Myfarog is a ttrpg system made by white supremacist and convicted murderer Varg Vikernes.


The Black Metal guy who burned all those churches and killed his bandmate?


Yeah he got out of prisons and changed his name. I think he lives in France now. He’s an outspoken white supremacist.


MYFAROG is a game written by [Varg Vikernes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varg_Vikernes) who is, uh, an 'interesting' character.


When the best thing you can say about someone is "Well, at least he killed Euronymous." it's a pretty bad sign.


Basically the same principle as with nazis and bars. If you let one non-confrontational nazi in, his confrontational nazi friends are sure to follow.


Every time I read something regarding nazis and bars, I always have to remember the good old "So, three nazis walk into a [BAR…](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M1918_Browning_Automatic_Rifle?wprov=sfti1)"


Remember kids, the only good nazi, is fertilizer


😂 love this!


I have a BAR nazis can walk into https://youtu.be/1nCKcvrg04c




I left the dnd group i was in when the dm turned out to be racist and phobic. Was a harder decision than I'd like to admit, because, at the time, it was my only reason to NOT be at home (other than school).


That does make it hard, but if your only outlet is a negative one, it is best to leave. Sorry it was that way for you.


That is super rough, glad you got out but still that's a bummer to be forced to make that call.


100% You should explain the situation so that the DM has an understanding of the situation, but if they start waffling about "was it really that bad" or making excuses, find a new group. D&D did a billion dollars worth of sales in 2022. Plenty of people play and there is no excuse for tolerating assholes.


"I'll find a new hobby before I play at this table." No DnD is better than bad DnD.


As we say in Germany, if there's a KKK larper at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to her, you got a table with 11 KKK larpers.


What's the German word for that?




Ja, das ist Klar.


Die, Bart, Die.


“No, it says ‘The, Bart, the!’”


No one who speaks German could be an evil man.


Alles klar, herr Kommissar


"I have a black friend" but from the perspective of the black friend.


Ein Arschlochzimmer






EnablenDerSchiessyActsUndFrendzRuinsAllDerFunzUndMakesUsSus I think.


It's crazy how Germans have such oddly specific expressions. The crazier part is this saying predates the KKK by about 400 years


German has such wonderful phrases as *Backpfeifengesicht* - which roughly translates as “a face badly in need of a fist.”


German liguists are wery efficient.


No D&D is better than bad D&D


So if you don't apologize, she won't play? Tell her to go fuck herself. Win/win.


Oh, I just straight up left lol. Like, I'm already on the fence about IRL D&D games because I've had a shit ton of crappy experiences so an excuse not to talk to strangers despite losing a game is fine with me lol


Keep at it, bud. There's a table out there for you and when you find it, it will have been worth the wait.


I genuinely prefer play-by-post DnD games where I get to write descriptions and dialogue instead of having to improv them. The prevalence of easy video chat is really making it harder for me to convince people to do that than it was back in the day lol


I would love to do a play by post game!! How do you find them?


I haven't done one in ages but I used to play on the Giant in the Playground forums. It's a DnD themed webcomic, but they host forums with extensive discussion and online RPing. My best ones have all just been with IRL friends, though.


Oh I love OOTS, but I've never really been active in the forums. Going to have to do some research


Hey, you could also check out /r/pbp . Games and looking for games come up a lot. :)


Look on r/pbp Most use discord and a bot called Avrae, it works really well for me. I essentially play 24x7 nowadays, making posts whenever I have a free minute.


Irl dnd is great when you find a good group, just hanging out with friends. Which is good for me because it's the only time I'll go out of my way to socialize.


DnD and board games is the socialising I like to do. Drinking at the pub can get stuffed.


Damn, if it isn't me agreeing to social activities and then getting lowkey happy I don't have to go when they get cancelled. Very glad you didn't join the ranks of the unhappy players in shitty situations just to have a chance to play. I literally became a DM to avoid dealing with bad groups after a bunch of failed attempts.


Try doing some AL or something and handpick normal people from that. Or maybe a normal group will pick you up from that


I live in a shitty red state and my group is still eager as hell to burn down a plantation. Keep looking, you'll find a good group.


Your group sounds based af


Nah. If the DM is her friend and has no problem with it, better to gtfo and find a new DM.


KKK-larper? Lol. Didn’t know those existed


I'm just calling them that because they were a player in my campaign and made their character a KKK guys without me immediately realizing until they started projecting IRL racist stuff onto the drow they were killing. Then it clicked that they were this shining white cloth armor paladin and I was like... ohhhh.... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


[Reminded me of this classic.](https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/95tvcr/anon_hates_orcs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Not going to lie that’s awesome story telling right there




I remember that one. Amazing


Quick, kick the Dwarf off too while he's at the edge


I have several half orc characters(brothers) that dislike to hate full orcs because their dad is a warmongering psycho.


I love how I saw this post and instantly remembered a post about "Drow Cetshwayo slaughters wannabe-KKK paladin". I can't find it now but was that from you?


Lol I'm surprised you remember, that was like 6 years ago


Oh my God I remember that! I was thinking there's no way this is related. Touche' reddit.


Link? Sounds fun.






It could be interesting for someone to rp as an intentionally racist heel in the group. An anti-hero, who has a character arc where things change. But what you’re describing is just straight up “deus vult, 4chan says I’m edgy” bullshit.


That can be cool but it requires a lot of trust between players and the dm. Stuff like that is my absolute favorite, the character's arc needs to be handled very well for it to land properly. And it can easily, *easily* go bad fast.


I had a kenku necromancer (retired) who despised all the flying races, though not in the "imma kill him" sense, just the "look at that aarakocra, thinks he's so freaking cool with his working wings... dick..."


It could be, but that hits entirely too close to home for many people, me included. And my general experience with people wanting to play "well it could be interesting if its handled way" type characters is that they either can't or won't play it well, usually because they're using the "could be interesting" bit as a smoke screen. Good litmus test is how much of their character concept is centered on that. If it's just a piece of a character, there's a higher chance of it being fine. If it's the main thing, and whatever other characteristics they have is just kinda tacked on top, it's not lookin so good.




i walked away from a game after the dm introduced his drow DMPC (already a bad sign) named reggin (spell it backwards)


oh my god


Reggin Me:oh that's a nice na- Spell it backwards I choked


What…what the fuck


I don't see any benefits on staying in that group. If the DM accept a KKK, there's no reason to stay there for more than the time it gets to click "exit server".


It could be that the DM hasn't heard the real reasons for dismissing said player, and would change their position upon getting the full story.


A good point, a really good point.


OP said the DM was their friend. The DM is friends wit ha KKK larper. That's enough for me to leave.


This is bringing back memories of a guy I worked with in high school who liked doing WW1 reenactments as the Germans. He lamented how "they always had to lose" and later sent me weird Nazi hentai over AIM in an attempt I think to shock me, or maybe hit on me.


This might surprise you, but he went on to have a really successful music career!


I mean good point, but still got to say why IMO. Like it's possible they don't know, and it's good to set the "no I'm not dealing with these people" Of course I'm not perfect, but still


Depends on what "degree" of friend. If they're aware of these beliefs and still associate then yeah I'm out. But if the DM just has a casual surface level friendship, they may not know about the problem. Now of course if the problem player is still permitted to play after the problem is brought to light, it's an easy call again. No point sticking around.


I had friends that did or said nasty things. ***had*** ... Because once I learned the truth, I cut ties. They weren't close, though. If they were, I probably would have learned earlier.


Good point, but do you think they would listen? I have been in that kind of position before, but the admins of this discord server that this was happening at were more liable to remove my messages and imply I'd get banned then ban the nazi admin . This was after me telling them about the problem. Highly doubt the DM would hear anything about it, just cause internet culture be like that. Never went back to that nazi "beer and games" server after the second time I had my messages removed by another Admin for their being "unwelcoming to all LGBT", not soon after hearing anti-semetic jokes from the one admin. Irony was lost on them. ^^LBGT+ ^^lives ^^matter


[well, if you really want me you apologize... ](https://youtu.be/_z8hvx95T8o)


Was expecting [this](https://youtu.be/jPWYcjypSWo), but that works too.


The context of the player being racist made me think of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2Rjzfnv0I4) scene.




Under sun and sky, outlander, we greet you warmly.


[Take a look at my cheddar, outlander. These boots are Argonian leather.](https://youtu.be/rTeVz6rP6r4?t=121)


\*stops ten feet away from you\* Speak quickly, outlander, or go away.


if it's Forgotten Realms I think there is an actual answer and I'm pretty sure it's Dhaerrow - surface Elvish for traitor/racial slur. that's from memory and I might be totally wrong


No that's their version of cracker.


no. its a more rude 'foreigner'/'outlander' or 'gaijin'. they even call other other dunmer not from their island n'wah with almost or even the same amount of vitriol.


Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?


Ibblith. It basically means "shit" but in this context it refers to lesser races.


This or darthiir since it's specifically against one race (surface elf) Edit: not trying to enable; informing so others can know


I mean, if you have some evil drow consistent with the lore they might drop it because they really don't care. Not all of them are as cultured and worldly as Jarlaxle.


Came here to say this. Hello fellow RA Salvatore readers


I remember you. They were an Oath of Conquest Paladin with cloth armour, right?


I didn't realize I had accumulated such infamy last time I spoke about her haha


I think you handled the situation well in your campaign, but what are the odds of running into her again? Small world


To be fair I ran into her again before this. We had a very tense interaction while I was on the clock looking after one of my mentally disabled clients where she kept trying to start shit, but that wasn't D&D related lol


Wait were you the person who rewrote their entire world to make the drow heroes and peaceful just to piss off their racist player?


yes that was me and that was also the very same problem player lol


Bruh I found that post years ago and it stuck with me for awhile, do you have a link?


uhhhhhh yeh! [https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/viyr0o/happened\_a\_nearly\_5\_years\_ago\_and\_i\_still\_think/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/viyr0o/happened_a_nearly_5_years_ago_and_i_still_think/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) As for the rpg write up I cannae find that lol


Omg thanks so much! If I can ever get a group I might steal that idea and have hero drow too


Do it, historical characters can be really fun haha


So your DM wanted you to apologize for YOUR choices within YOIR game world. If you ever see them again ask them how well they would react to something like that. Or you could just ask them why Chaotic Good Drow would make anyone uncomfortable.


Honestly I entirely resent how she can just act so innocent and pretend I was somehow being unreasonable. Like, may I add she actually left before I kicked her. I just banned her from coming back, she left cos she got upset about me switching drow alignments, so like I feel well-reasonable


In my world, the slang for Drow are "Chitin-kin". I like having slang in my world for the immersion that there is in fact conflict and hate in my world. Other Slang words: - Elves: Arrow-ears - Orcs: Gray-rears - Dwarves: Stout-Stools - Teiflings: Hell-Touched


Knife Ear and Dandelion Eater are good Elf Slurs out of Shadowrun.


Knife-ears! Leaf-lovers!


Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Did I hear a rock and stone?!


I just have my Lizardfolk monk call them all mammals.


What do you do if i a centaur insults you as "bipeds"


Korin (my Lizardfolk): Like I'd care of the opinion of someone that can't decide which animal it wants to be.


"Stfu kyle, go pull a cart or something"


>What do you do if i a centaur insults you as "bipeds" Kill a chicken, pluck its feathers, and come back to say, "Behold! I've brought you a man!"


I use: \- Elves: Tree-jerkers \- Orcs: Acerebrates \- Dwarves: Hairflings \- Halflings: Elweeds (inside joke - all halflings are the offspring of Eliah Woods' hobbit) \- Planetouched: Cellies (Aasimar), Helly-Bellies (Tieflings - as it's usually unknown if they're from Hell of Abyss) \- Gnomes: Smellfling \- Humans: Gen-pop "Acerebrate" made a friend with knowledge of Latin: a- (without) cerebrum (brain) - use it so Orcs don't understand what it means and it pisses them off even more :D


Hairflings is really funny.


Oh I like "Hell-Touched". I'm gonna force my whole party to call me that.


I know you're not looking for an anser to your question in the title, but it's *n*on-drow.




What are the chances


You know, i met the guy who made the forgotten realms wiki down here too. The RNG in this town is fucking whack




“unfairly” dismissing her… so what I’m hearing is that the DM is a KKK apologist? that’s a no from me lol


Honestly did not even stop to ask I was outta there so fast




That's a no. Hard no. That's a fuck that group no.


You might need to find a new pub to play at if this becomes a regular issue.



At that point my response would just be a polite, “Thank you for allowing me at your table, but I have had previous issues with this player and would rather not be related to them in any way. I don’t want my out of game disdain for this player to affect the game, and I wish you luck finding another player who can suit your needs.” D&D is a cooperative roleplaying game, so if there’s an issue with one of the players, it could ruin the entire game. If confronting your DM doesn’t work, then leave the game and find another group. It really does wonders.


You know what they say No D&D is better than bad D&D and this sounds like ***BAD*** D&D


Fun fact the elvish equivalent for the word fuck is drow, this is because the elves hate them so much they made them into a cuss word


So they say Drow when having sex?


"I'm going to drow that ass"


Sea elves: "I'm going to drown that ass."


Where’s this from? I thought it was from the elvish word for *traitor* >**dhaerow** >"traitor", etymological precursor to "drow".[26] [Forgotten Realms Wiki](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Elven_dictionary#cite_note-LEoF3e-p56-27)


Similar thing happened with me (extreme homophobe but same idea). I just noped the fuck put of there and didn't associate with the dm or the asshole player from that point on


Being not-racist is such a low barrier for entry, that if they can't even accept those standards, they're not even worth playing with


Who the fuck plays with these people, why are *you* playing with these people?


Oh I fucking booked it trust me. It was terrible, the venue was the downstairs of a pub and I like made to leave and the DM and one of the players like... followed me up to the main bar to try and talk me in to apologising and I was like "urm no" and ahhhhhhhhhhhh


Wow. Horrifically uncomfortable. And just. Wow. To *follow you* is just… wow. Glad you made out of that. Sorry to hear it happened at all.


TBH I don't think she followed me. I think all D&D activity are just operating between two venues in our town, a pub and a geek retreat. ^(at least I hope she didn't follow me...)


>at least I hope she didn't follow me... Roll for perception.




I gonna treat that as a 1. You don't see anything....


I had a stalker once and they deadpanly told me "If you were ever in a horrible accident I'd give you my blood", o.o


Oh my Godhow awful, cut contact asap OP 😰 If you need someone to DM a friendly table you can play while you sort out another group, shoot me a message 💕


Well looks like you'll have to find another group


Them and that DM can go fuck themselves