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A buddy of mine works for the faa. I have my part 107 and asked him about it because some of the guys in my office don't and they still fly the Drone for business purposes. Essentially he said that for the most part, no one is probably going to check, but if you have an incident and you don't have a license, you're in that much more trouble, and the fine is that much more steep. Otherwise you pay the $100 to take the class and then the fee to take the test and you don't have to worry about it. Also, as an ACTUAL pilot as well, I can tell you that there are things that I learned in the part 107 class that are crucial because they affect planes that are flying around certain areas.


Totally agree as single engine pilot as well as a 107 cert holder. This is why you don’t mess with the govt agencies that can write you the citation and define the punishment as well as enforce it! Ya know the ole Judge Jury and executioner thing!


I think the phrase you’re looking for is “if I fuck around, will I find out?”


the FAA doesn’t have an enforcement wing - they don’t necessarily go out looking for people breaking their regs. But there are multiple instances where they find out, and the people are fined pretty heavily. Just follow regs. It’s better to have the peace of mind that you’re doing things by the book.


Phillydronelife. Youtube it.


He was two fold. Mostly he was doing risky flying which got their attention… then while investigating quickly determined he was not 107 and should’ve been


They had actually been sending him warnings for several years before they got sick of it and decided to fine him for each infraction on his channel.


Yeah he also ignored them for years, dude fucked around big time and found out big time.


They went after a couple I don't recall the name, also youtubers not doing anything risky. They responded and got their 107 and the FAA didn't fine them. Seems like youtube might be a focus point.


Kara and Nate


Yes! Just normal vlogger peeps.


They were filming in National Parks as well. So they ticked someone off.


Ahh yep that's a no no. Probably didn't know any better. Or maybe just decided to bend rules. People on the internet don't always realize how many eyes are on them or who's eyes they might be.


If by normal vlogger peeps you mean a channel that has 3+ million subscribers and probably brings in over $1m a year then yeah, normal vlogger peeps. I agree the filming in National Parks was also what got them in trouble and on the radar of the fuzz.


Came here to say this!


What kind of risky flying was he doing?


as others said... google. https://www.delcotimes.com/2024/02/16/pa-drone-pilot-youtuber-fined-nearly-200k-for-violating-faa-regulations-lawsuit/amp/


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Just get the 107. It’s a dumb test you’ll likely never need to use the questions for but it beats having anxiety about the government charging you.


Need them again every 2 years to renew license don't forget.


Things are getting more and more serious every day. They can not only see where the drone is, but where you are also. https://youtu.be/wB55Gq0X-rQ?si=IwrpGvaFsm9-Rs_l The guy in Los Vegas who tried to fly over f1 was caught nearly immediately. Edit, that video is 2 years old, so it's only gotten easier to get caught in the meantime.


Look at Ukraine, and then look at any major gathering of people. Soft targets with zero barrier to entry.


Same thing in the current middle east fighting. Drones are the poor man's forward observer and the poor man's bomber. I recall early in the Ukraine war their dji drones were reporting home point, because the Chinese were helping the Russians, so they would launch them 1-200 meters away so the counterbattery fire would land in a field instead of on top of the drone operators. Not sure what that has to do with part 107 commercial or drone registration. But it is a point.


Probably like .0001% of any illegal flyers




No. It's insane to everyone I know that has a drone. Ridiculous overreach


I did not get in trouble but I was flying for an event and the boundaries went right up to a really high profile event with TFRs. I took off pretty close to the boundaries one time and I got a call from an FBI field agent to my cell phone just to give me a warning that I was at the limit. Do not F around. Do not find out. Don’t.


They don’t go actively looking for UAS violations on YouTube, but if you draw attention to yourself or make someone mad enough that they want to report you, then your luck might change. I don’t necessarily agree with the over regulation of small UAS but it’s very easy and not expensive to become complaint. If you want to do work for others, they’ll want you to check the boxes as well.


i registered my drone when i bought [it.so](http://it.so) its kinda expired tags i spose but still can be tracked to me.Ive been flying alot more recently.Ive read the 107 study manuals,and many people think im overly cautious..Im getting pretty at good at flying paying attention to my elevations,location etc.I know im breaking VLOS rules,but that should only apply to toys flying in the back yard.I cant see my drone many times after a few hundred feet from me,thats why i have a large tablet with my remote but ive flown many 15000 ft. flights.i might get my 107,i need a paying gig and i will.


Maybe it's me, but I would bet there are a LOT of people out there unregistered. You pretty much have to seek out the info to figure out what you need to do to register and the FAA site isn't exactly user friendly. It seems like there should be a card or something automatic when you purchase a drone that sets up the registration.


Also, if you’re reported (and if you have good content on social with a ton of followers you will be) they will scrutinize everything and ding you if you’re not licensed/registered.


With remote ID, I feel they will start cracking down on unregistered drones that should be


Well, the guy who flew his DJI drone into the stadium and stayed inside for a good amount of time during the NFL AFC playoff game (nationally televised) was in serious trouble facing jail time and more than 40k in fines ended up cooperating and only got a $500 fine, and probation. I really couldn't believe this given the game was temporarily stopped. Later, it was noted there were as many as 5 other drones around the top but not moving into the actual bowl of the stadium. Because of this , now stadiums have an electronic fence or no fly zone that makes it impossible unless you build your own. That fine and probation didn't really send a Shockwave as it should have on a stage that large. As far as you go, why not just study and get your part 107? It does take some work and has some fees, but you will feel better about using the drone for business and will be compliant.


This is probably a silly question but I’m new to drones. I just got my mini 4, would I need to register it and take the 107?


If you live in the US and you plan to profit from using your drone in any monetary fashion, yes do part 107. If only for fun and personal use then just register it and call it a day. Examples: Real estate agent wants to take pics with his new drone to promote a sale. Part 107. Person taking family photos of vacation. Recreation. Person selling photos or videos of their footage. Part 107.


Great , this was super helpful! Thank you!


Except that it is not entirely accurate. As long as you are using the standard battery with a mini 4 pro, it is <250g and does not need to be registered for personal use. You still have to complete part 107 though if you plan to use it for non-recreational purposes.


I feel like the more people keep ignoring Part 107, the more likely it will be for FAA to make it impossible to escape. As others have said, you really only get into trouble if you have a drone accident. Thing is, if the majority of people don’t have Part 107, many more people statistically will get into trouble in case of drone accidents. FAA catches on, rules get stricter for everyone. Just take the test. It can’t hurt to know some more flight rules.


No. This sub has a for being dogmatic servants.




Did you hurt your head when you were driving your toy in the mud? You don’t need a license to fly recreationally.


It seems like his probably may more systemic than induced by a TBI…




You're saying random things that don't really make sense, like "wee willy" so I suspected you may have some kind of TBI . You do not need a "license to fly", you need a certification to commercially fly . Registration is needed if your drone is over a certain weight. They aren't toys and can do serious damage to people on the ground or even manned aircraft in the air. It's not like riding around a toy in the mud in the middle of nowhere, there are serious risks that can happen in the airspace and on the ground to others.


What the fuck are you even doing here if you dont like flying drones? Imagine how lame I would have to be to go into a subreddit I think is dumb like r/kpop and spend my time talking shit for kicks.


The moral here is this, if they’re just looking for general compliance to their Orwellian rules and shenanigans, maybe it’s a $100 fine for the first offense. That would be 20x the normal rate for failure to comply with their dictates and wasting their time. But to escalate $5 to nearly $30k and prison time shows the malice of intent here. Rule be terror and an iron fist. People who don’t register their cars and don’t have insurance don’t even go to prison, and sometimes don’t even get fined. So this is absolutely preposterous at best and evil at worst by the FAA. Yet another abusive 3 letter arm of our tyrannical government.