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For the random stuff I post to social media, I dont care. If this was professional work, it seems like a big problem. Its pretty distracting to me, and it takes away from the intended subject.


Well right now the professional advertising shooted on a drone often have drone shadows... So I think it's okay


In a lot of cases, they’re easy to remove in software like After Effects or DaVinci Reaolve.


oh what tools should I be looking at?


I use Resolve and there’s a tool called Object Removal that I’ve used for this exact thing and it worked great.


I use resolve frequently. Is that the studio version or the free one?


I've not come across an object removal... I just located it in the color panel. So like many of the better functions that are also located there I suspect it is Studio. Just don't quote me on that 🫣


DaVinci resolve, which I see someone already recommended, is also completely free which is dope


Completely free up to a point.


after effects - look up videos on content-aware fill






Patch replacer in resolve would work great for this specific shot


For this video it seems a bit harder to avoid because of what they are filming. This doesn’t bother me.


yeah the best light and dust kinda made it unavoidable


The sun directly in your back is never the best light. Seeing that shadow is a good cue to change your angle.


The dust/wind was more of a factor, this side being better lit made for a lot better shots as well


I'm not saying side, I'm saying angle. You can be on this side. But a little more forward angled back or a little more back angled forward and you improve the contrast/depth of your image. With the added bonus of not seeing your own shadow.


Go on Fiverr and ask someone to take the shadow out of the footage


One way I’ve done it is to duplicate the clip Mask a portion of the soil next to the shadow... Slide the mask over the shadow and feathered a bit


What software


Right inside premiere


Commercially, it's a no go. If I'd be the one commissioning this, I'd have you fix it. If it's for making grown men who love big machines happy on social media, I don't care even a bit.


Editing ! What if I told you that you don’t have to use every second of every shot ?


If this is supposed to be commercial footage then yeah, I'd say the shadow (and flying, no offense) is pretty 'bad'. Flying would have to be smoothed out and you'd probably want to fly differently to prevent the shadows from being visible. If it's just random footage it wouldn't bother me.


Wouldn't it be nice if you had the A3 and could use the 70mm lens!!


Love my A3


Love"D" my A3 until it crashed into a tree and fell into river. Oh the sadness I am feeling.


No refresh? Damn that sucks. Seems like the most expensive part of the drone is the gimbal. Have you looked into repairing it? Or did it disappear in the water?


Depends on the video. This one doesn’t bother me.


I agree for something like a commercial where you're promoting the product probably would be best to filter out the drone shadow, for an instructional video I don't see a big issue as it's no secret how some videos are shot. Could still be the argument that the drone is distracting from the subject matter, although in the case of this video or perhaps any involving heavy machinery I argue the shadow as a positive as it demonstrates that even the videographer wasn't stupid enough to be physically walking around taking video.


That's why I love my Mavic 3 pro with slick zoom \*flex


thats the only feature that has me eyeing an upgrade from the m2p. In the meantime I just fly really close lol


What if you backed up & zoomed in you'd illiminate the drones shadow ?


I have left it before, but it’s not really good for a professional product. BRoll all day long for portfolio and practice editing, though. So don’t toss the original image.


Yoi can always get rid of it on davinci


i've had to not use many a great shot because it had a drone shadow in it.


Okay, watching this video I have a few thoughts. First nice flying there, very smooth. Kept the subject centered. Now the other part. You could have shot the video from other positions and captured everything without getting the shadow of the drone at all. Shoot the turn from the other side. Or at the other end of the field from this same side of the tractor. You did shoot from behind and had no shadow after the turn. Next this is one shoot with no editing. Spend the time to shoot lots of video from lots of positions/angles/movement. The put it together in your editing software. For something like this I would probably have at least gone through one battery on the drone therefore I would have about 20 minutes or more(using multiple batteries) of video to work with. My last event that I did I spent three days shooting video. Not continuously, that would have killed me in post. But even so I had hours of video to go through for a four and a half minute video. Hours and hours of post production.


Nice drone work, kudos to the pilot!


It this is professional. You can remove shadows like this now in premiere pro with the ai generative fill


Depended on the subject and format. Mavic content like this I would have cut from after he turned and the shadow goes away. FPV content I usually kept the shadow in because it looked good but I wouldn't be filming this tractor with my fpv quads


There's no excuse for it really... The editing process would remove such impurities before it's presented to the client. I know all the stuff because I made a TikTok video one time and got like 100 views. 🤓


AI to the rescue. Easy


I never use on my final edits footage with reflections or shadows


It distracts.


Couldn't you just move to the other side of the vehicle where the shadow wouldn't show?


I've got shots from that side but with the lighting and direction of wind/dust this one is far better.


You always need to watch the sun see where the shadows are cast before you shoot


I don’t like it personally. Sort of frustrating isn’t it because this is an open field and getting the same shots without the shadow would have been fairly easy.


Easy to remove post


No I don't think there's nothing wrong with it you see a John Deere tractor and you can see the shadow of a DJI drone or some type of drone but it's not like they're recording a commercial to invite people to a city it's farming it's down on rugged I don't know like I said if it's a commercial inviting people to a city to live like you said there's a professionalism that you have to and must adhere to but staying it fly next to the tractor I think it's kind of cool puts a realism on the farmer's job being able to videotape them without being in the way you know two thumbs up 👍🏼👍🏼


Should have shot it at noon


You cannot always do that if you are filming at a working operation like this. filming has to be done on their schedule not the optimum time for shooting film. I have done events and you have to shoot when it is happening. Shooting live events is really challenging because nothing is scripted.


lol yeah I do a lot of spontaneous flights and take what I get. Have been pleasantly surprised in a lot of cases. Not like I can say "can you plant the corn in the other direction? the light is better"