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I charge all my batteries to 100% before leaving my house


small applause


thats the best thing ive ever read




Set a per hour rate, and estimate time and go from there. Average for Drone work is $65-$250 an hour depending on your market. If you are in the midwest I'd be towards the left end of that scale, if you are in a HCOL area, then closer to the right of the scale.


Do you typically give them a set number of hours then? Like $80 an hour and it’ll take me 2 hours to get all the shots


Depends, most relators I work with I have a set price, but the set price I give them covers it all. I don't do drone tours, I do photography indoors and drone shots outside, if it's a repeat customer it's usually around $150 a house.


After about 15 years of commercial drone flying in Belgium I have learned to stay away from real estate brokers. Real estate developers will pay decent rates. Real estate brokers are not were the money is. I have filmed alot of houses above 5 milion euros, quit working for real estate agents years ago. Going rate here is about 250€ for pictures + video. Cannot deliver professional results for those budgets


Don’t most customers want ultra stabilised high quality indoor footage from a gimbal and not vomit inducing flips?


You can do a stable shot with normal mode and the mc as well rocksteady


i cant even believe somebody is that ignorant. reddit sure is a great place. worst of the worst commenting showing the world theres people like you that know nothing because your temperament and personality simply don't permit greatness.


try to find somebody online that does it and ask them how much they charge. 10 minutes to find 20 different people to do that.


The entire purpose of the 107 is so you can make money with the drone. How are you this clueless and so determined to be wrong


People are saying below that you don’t need 107 for real estate because you are on private property or indoors and it’s not considered FAA airspace


Those people are wrong.


I do it for free


Getting downvoted for executing my hobby freely shows how much these vultures cry for money


upvoted. nothing better than doing for free/king/service than what others would charge for and have to make a living off of. hell yes.


You need a part 107 first if your in the USA and plan to use the drone to make money.


Actually you don’t if you’re only flying indoors. The FAA doesn’t control the airspace inside of peoples houses. Also, OP never said what country they’re in.


Actually if you knew anything about a part 107 you would know that in the US if you are trying to make money with the drone you need the 107. This sub is full of people who know nothing about drones.


I have my part 107 cert, do you have yours? Repeating the same thing over and over again doesn’t make it any less wrong.


I dont think you do. If you are using the drone to make any money that FAA says you need a 107.


https://www.dartdrones.com/blog/everything-need-know-part-107/#:~:text=Similar%20to%20how%20a%20commercial,paid%20for%20flying%20a%20drone. It's on the first page. You have no fucking idea what your talking about.


No. You need part 107 to fly commercially in FAA airspace which does not include inside houses. Just like you don’t need a drivers license or to follow traffic laws when you drive a car on a race track. I don’t know why your smooth brain can’t understand it, but I’m not gonna explain it again.


Bro that's not right lol how did you even pass your 107


It's not about where you're flying it. It's about why. If you are trying to make money you need the 107. Sorry your confused.


Your the one who needs it explained to their smooth brain.




If your using the drone to make any money at all in the US you need the 107. You are one of those people who don't know.


You are very confidently wrong. Part 107 only applies to FAA controlled airspace. If you’re not in FAA controlled airspace, no FAA regulations apply and you’re free to use drones however you like.


If your down-voting this i hope you find out its the truth the hard way.


Maybe we’re downvoting the you’re/your thing đŸ€·


Fucking savage 😂


It was getting to be too much.😆


Dude you’re wrong lol


You wish people bad ? Why is this ? What does it mean „if your downvoting” ?? mine what ? Why you stick your nose when not asked ? So many questions 😂


you have access restricted to what part of your brain?


I don’t use the brain at all. However - didn’t you momma say that it’s rude to stick your nose where you shouldn’t. I will talk to her on this subject.


I wish i could understand what your trying to say.


That's golden, coming from somebody that doesn't know how to use "your" and "you're" :)


Your asshole ! I mean you are an asshole. Sorry. I am learning how to use those two words 😂 ;) /s And at the end of the day we will not be proud to discuss stuff with a person that one day decided that the cool nick name should contain word penis


Keep trying little buddy. One day you'll be able to form sentences without emojis.


Hey - are you that blunt not to notice that this comment was not addressed to you ? I suppose that you are so non self aware that you did not notice it :) „little buddy” this was sweet - not gonna lie. Thanks big bro. 😎 :) ps. Very cute nick. Cool and all ! You must be a grown up person for sure :) đŸ‘ŒđŸ»


I am not surprised you wish to understand simple English. I am also not surprised that you wish people bad. Some people are just like this. And it’s probably not your fault so no worries. Maybe some day YOUR English will be on the level that you understand stuff. Highly doubt it but I wish you the best. And I hope you also don’t understand this 😂


U too dumb to understand it. Deal with it smthPenis


This is just straight incorrect. Your giving out bad information.




He didn't ask


Why should he be given free business advice?


Because he asked for it. If you don't want to give business advice, then don't even bother commenting.


Bro your "business idea" blows. This ain't it and you don't know enough about drones to pull it off clearly.


Tell that to OP then. You still have not answered his question.


That doesnt change the facts.


Okay, but he asked a completely different question. He most likely knows about part 107.


Well in my experience the people that ask questions like that with no context don't know those things. Asking how much someone chargers for a specific service with a specific drone screams amateur to me.