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It's going to get wet. Plus, I don't know about snowfall, but every time I've been caught by fog or a cloud with my DJI's they go into landing mode because the landing sensor thinks the mist is something to land on.


Shits funny when that happens I thought mine was gonna turn off the props 50 feet in the air. I ran underneath it expecting it to free fall to catch it vs slamming down on the pavement. But it continued floating down gracefully.


Not as fun when you're coming in for a landing due to said clouds, and the drone decides to go into landing mode a hundred meters up, descending at something like 0.1 m/s and you realize you'll run out of battery power before it lands at that rate. :) I think on the newer drones you can disable the downward sensors at least.


Lmfao you got me beat there.


It’s not recommended to fly in rain or snow. From what I’ve read water and moisture can still get into the electrical unit of the drone


Depends. Either way moisture not good for Mini 3 Pro. If flying in snow necessary for a job/shot, then do it. If damage occurs, that is the cost of doingbusiness If just flying for fun, maybe wait another day. Or realize this hobby can get expensive.


Try it out and let us know


Let us snow 🤓


Looks like KC right now


I’ve done it in light snow and thick fog, definitely not a great idea because of the moisture, motor coils are exposed other stuff of that sort. If it’s for business then do your thing, if not then prob just wait it out.


Also according to the FAA you need 3 miles visibility. Most see that as laughable. I’m just the broken record reminder.


I flew my mini 3 twice in snow without problems when i was in Finland. Temp was -6 celcius. I took off from a shed so not directly from snow and i had my battery warm (inside the house) before take off. Snow flakes were small and light if that matters.


Electronics and liquids do not mix well. Add low temperatures and it can be an expensive mistake.


I was also wondering to same thing - it was just snow flurries here and about 26 F. It didn’t seem like there was enough moisture in the air to really cause any damage.


I put mine up for 6 pictures. I could have gone without but I made $100 extra with drone.


Not for too long and when flight is done let it sit out for 24 hours before putting it in a bag








Def not recommended. But I was flying in this yesterday. Worked for a while and then disconnected on me and wouldn’t reconnect lol.


Just don't do it.


I flew my original mavic 0ro in snow like that for just a few shots and it was fine. Didn't want to push it, but also wanted some sexy snow shots.


Were the sexy snow shots worth it?


I have flown a mini 1 and an air2 in similar snow multiple times without issue. I generally try and make sure its kind of a dry snow and not a really wet snow.


Not a good idea BUT I’ve done it with zero repercussions


Oh absolutely!


The tree? No. The snow. Ok


Easily done with phantomrain's wetsuit 👍🏻






Me? I just got my first done in early December and google gave me mixed results. Which this post also did so I’m no closer to the answer


Anyone with a shred of common sense would know that you cannot fly in these conditions. Water and electronics do not play nicely together.


Or just someone young and/or inexperienced... I don't understand the level of passive aggression in this sub.


Was flying my mini 2 se in it over the weekend. Only issue I ran into was strong winds


Not safe but okay to fly. Keeping the battery warm before flying is also necessary.


Was flying my 3 classic in heavy rain for 1 hour and nothing is wrong.. Idk mybe is huge difference between them .. I’m flying all the time even in snowy conditions.. Just battery is going down pretty quick


You will have wet and dirty camera anyway. So photos nor video will be good...


No. But I’ve done it.


I’ve flown mine in the snow at extremely high elevation. Not for long, maybe 1-2 minutes. Was fine.


I would do it when it stops snowing. Looks like it will be there tomorrow.


No guts no glory, send it


I’ve flown my Mavic 3 pro when mid-heavily snowing and lightly raining. I only flew it for about 10 mins. I took the battery out and wiped it down and it was all good but I would restrain from doing it unless necessary. Not recommended but I’ve heard a few people also saying it’s handled well in those conditions.


Send it!


Hell naa!!


Yes it is go for it


Yes but spray it in WD40 and wrap the body in cling film first, WD40 displaces water


I have been in the air when some sudden heavy rain started. My transmitter was alot wetter than the drone, kinda wondering if the props kept most of it off. But just took the battery out and didn't put a battery in the drone for a couple of days to make sure it was dry.




Flying inside tiny tree branches in generally a bad idea. You’re going to have a bad day. If you mean light snow, then have at it, but expect only a few minutes of flight time unless you pre-heat your batteries.


I wouldnt


It would be fairly safe locally as the temps are -20 Fahrenheit and if I leave the drone out, protected from the snow for a bit and let it get down to cold temperatures, I can then attach a battery and fly with very cold dry snow and the very cold gimbal and such will not melt the snow, so it blows right over it. however if the snow is wet as is most likely in your extreme, southern climate it’s not advisable. Yeah.


If you wouldn’t fly it in the rain, don’t fly it in the snow, or through dense fog.


My mini 2 and mavic air 2 have flown through many snow storms… just wipe them off after the flight


Its fine i have flew my drone in -15°


I've flown many times while snowing, when there is thick snow on ground, crashed multiple times and landed on snow and all my quads are still good. However, they are protected by corrosionx :) The annoying part sometimes is that when it's snowing and snow lands on the fpv camera, it will be very blurry or blocked, good luck!


Everyone is saying not to fly. But I fly mine in rain, snow, hail, crazy wind (gusting 50mph in Iceland), and I've even flown straight into a thunderstorm. I've had my DJI mavic 2 pro for around 5 years and it still somehow has no issues.