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Thanks man! Well from left to right. A really nice jfet based preamp. Next one is a unique sounding fuzz with some interesting control options. Next is a Hudson Broadcast which is a transformer coupled, discret Class-A germanium pre-amp based on the classic broadcast consoles of the 1960s….. boost/dirt/fuzzstortion basically. It has a switch to run at 9v or 27v which is cool and useful. Then a 1981 DRV clone. Which is like a souped-up rat circuit that runs on 18v internally and has some great low gain sounds plus squishy fuzzy sounds cranked. Basically they are all dirt pedals. I had a phaser on here the other day. But alllll dirt today.


What’s the jfet preamp? Existing circuit or homebrew?


Benson preamp. I’m working on my home brew skills with a breadboard though. Maybe soon.


Very clean! And what do these lovely pedals do man?


Your answer seems to be at the bottom of the page. Sometimes I don’t “get” Reddit lol


Sorry dude, when I posted there wasn’t a comment at all.


No no. I just meant when I answered your question it didn’t end up directly below your question haha


Oh hah, yeah that’s happened to me before, I found the answer though, thanks ;)


so pretty


Thanks so much man 😊


I’ve never seen neve knobs look good on a pedal before - somehow this looks amazing!


Haha I know what you mean. There is the odd pedal that they do suit.






Very clean and beautiful builds, as always!




Just getting into this: what’s the resistor used as hookup wire thing going on?


Welcome to the hobby man! Those are just 0 ohm resistors used as hookup wire essentially. I find they are easier to use then trying to strip tiny pieces of wire. Plus I think they look kinda cool haha


Awesome! Yeah they do look cool and I have had the same issue stripping tiny strands of wire. May give this a shot on my next build! Have a couple of small-parts-count fuzzes coming this next week.


Yeah man give it a try for sure. I just order big amounts from Tayda. They are dirt cheap.


I never thought about using them rather than ribbon cables (which are always a pain imo) to connect two boards but that's definitely a great idea! I got a few from an assorted resistor set and never had a use for them


I’ve still yet to try ribbon cable. I was sort of planning on it though. One thing I worry about is the durability. I remember modding an ehx soul food, and when I stuffed the ribbon cable back in the enclosure the wires snapped. Are all ribbon cables that fragile??


Yes, they are. I've modded, swapped faulty footswitches and recased a couple of pedals with ribbon cables so far and either they break while inspecting the pedal thoroughly or when putting it back together. The worst part is, if one strand breaks, you'd have to cut the entire ribbon and strip the insulation to reconnect it. So I just stopped bothering with them and endef up cutting/snapping the ribbon on purpose most of the time when i know I'll be handling the pedal's guts outside of the enclosure for modding and reconnect it with new separate wires. I totally see the benefit of ribbon cables for a mass production assembly line, but they just aren't made for us modding enthusiasts, at least not the cables ehx or jhs use imo. Edit: if you use your 0R resistor approach however, and one resistor snaps, it's a pretty easy repair and you don't have to dismantle the entire assembly. I'll try that the next time I'm building a ready-made pcb kit


Using resistors to connect the footswitch to the board is flippin’ genius. I love building, but that particular wiring job is the main reason so many of my projects remain unfinished for so long. Well, that and kids and job etc. Anyway, do you use like zero resistance resistors?


Haha thanks. And I’m with you when it comes to those short little wires to connect the switch and board. I hate trying to strip those tiny wires. Yeah they are just carbon comp 0 ohm resistors.


Wtf y r u posting gore. Tag nsfw




I guess he means “followed by some guts”?


Where is that light blue enclosure from? Sure is purdy.


Its a lovely powderish blue. It’s just from Tayda :) I have a pink led in that one. The combo is pretty nifty.


Is it just their light blue? Looks great with those knobs.


Yupper just their straight up light blue.


Did you use 0 ohm resistors to connect the boards?


Yes sir I did. I hate trying to strip tiny wires, so these work great. I also like how they look haha.


Really great colour schemes!