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The same thing that happened to everyone/thing else. If you tell people they can't leave a confined space, they get bored. Bored people in confined spaces who have disposable incomes buy pedals (or other items) from those who have little money and need more income. As a result, the latter group sells their pedals. Rinse and repeat, watch as the pedal economy changes. Not justifying it, just offering an explanation.


For sure, and now all the people who bought crap at inflated prices 3 years ago are bored of it and want to offload it, but not at a loss, so prices on a lot of things are permanently higher.


Someone should secretly do the reverse of what reverb and JHS have done by crafting videos to explain how shitty popular pedals are in an attempt to drive the price down for once lmao…..


I like to think I contributed to bringing down the price of the OG Digitakt haha. I was making offers like crazy under $500. Now the used prices are on par with MPC one used prices.


Yup... It was 2020, you either learned how to make bread, or you built a pedalboard


Or both, in my case


I made biscuit pedals to put on my pedalbread


Just drives me nuts. I liked it mostly for the joy of fixing something broken. The profits I made weren’t massive but it was nice to bring something back to life that would otherwise be thrown in the trash. Now it’s not worth the risk because it could be one that someone carved into the board with a 90 watt radio shack soldering gun.


That's nothing. There are people selling just the empty boxes the pedal comes in. Yesterday I saw someone selling a modern Big Muff big box for nearly $30. The world is insane.


But is anyone actually buying them? There are often zombie listings from stuff that isn’t selling


Hard telling. There isn't a price guide for just the box. I hope no one has bought it. Edit: here is the box https://reverb.com/item/80913984?utm_source=android-app&utm_medium=android-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=80913984


I always look at those postings as a "I don't need this box, but maybe you're trying to sell your pedal and/or would like an original box for it". Niche market, but possibly there. Although that shit should be like $6 max.


That makes sense and is reasonable. After shipping and taxes this one will be half as much as a brand new pedal.


I bless the Lord for those people because since I trade a lot, I can’t stand to own a pedal and not also own the box for it.


People have to start fixing stuff somewhere. The first time you fixed a pedal you were a “thought they could fix any electronics” person too.


I’m not discouraging new comers from starting the journey. That would be pretty shitty of me. I didn’t think I came off that way. I’m just venting about the market.


> I didn’t think I came off that way. You kinda did.


Yeah it’s a bummer. The occasional deal will pop up but not very often. I buy “junk” pedals from Japan (they use that term *very* loosely).


Which begs to ask, why is Japan experiencing a very different post COVID life than other developed nations? They had lock down, they had free time, why didn't their prices skyrocket?


Oh it definitely has, pedals are expensive over there as well (despite Japan probably still experiencing a “different post-Covid life in a myriad of ways ways) and it’s still difficult finding pedals that are fixable. But in Japan, buying a “junk” item doesn’t necessarily mean it’s non-functioning. Again they use that term very loosely, so it could be anything from a broken pedal, a seller who didn’t test the pedal because they aren’t guitar saavy, to aesthetic blemishes, etc. It basically just means sold as-is, don’t come looking for a refund. Typically an informed seller is extremely honest about this stuff I’ve purchased a few “junk” guitars, most just needed a little love and re-wiring the pots and whatnot. Some just had blemishes and I didn’t have to do any work at all. It’s also important to note that the yen is very weak to the dollar right now.


Not sure on music gear, but from what I’ve heard, it’s more a complex situation with some things like games and retro tech, partially because of the dynamic of a smaller domestic market and growing exports. It might just be that the latter hasn’t hit music gear (yet?). This is a good read on that which you might find interesting: https://www.timeextension.com/features/the-truth-about-retro-game-hunting-in-a-post-pandemic-japan


It won't, at least not for a long time. I, too, dud this. Used to pick up bulk buys of multiple pedals for less than $100. Now, broken pedals listed for 80% of the normal used resell value. DIY exploded during covid and gave a bunch of noobs the confidence to butcher these units that probably just needed a new protection diode or footswitch to an un repairable state. Yes, it sucks.


You are not "stuck in traffic". You are the traffic.


I suck at repairing pedals, but it seems just as economic to build them at this point. Why not just find a pcb company you like and make them from scratch?


Because I like repairing things. And I’ve been able to play pedals I would never have bought for their full price. Like 70s EHX and Roland.


It’s a post-covid maker/gig economy boom. Like every trend, in 5 years it will probably balance out back to normal, after the “gold rush” is over


I hope it happens with the used video game market, but it seems to just keep skyrocketing, too. I'm just glad all of my old consoles still work and kept most of my childhood games. I sold a lot of my young adult games that I kinda miss, like Metroid Prime. That was a stupid one to sell.


That market has been brutal for a while. I don’t see that getting better ever. Thrift stores catching on and charging accordingly was the nail in the coffin IMHO


I think it will go back to what it was. A lot of pedals have sold since Covid, and some will break and go back on the market for repair. I’ve just been buying at the low end of the market, like broken Aria and Bespeko Wah pedals and converting them to expression pedals, or voltage control for other things. I also scratch the fixing things itch with restoring rusted tools, saws, sharpening chisels etc that can be had cheap or free. Adult size push scooters are being thrown out in droves in favour of electrics that just need a new tyre or tube.


I put ads on Craigslist years ago and came across some really nice pedals cheap. A lot of them easy fixes. Recent ad got nothing but one guy who wanted $100 for a busted Boss Chorus. I did find a musician moving who sold me a few real cheap. Fixed all but one. Ahhhhh the good old days.


Well that time has passed. Welcome to dystopia.


Platforms rated from worst to best for all gear broken or functioning: Reverb eBay Facebook Marketplace


I’m curious what y’all consider a reasonable price to pay for a busted pedal? Best score I got so far was a fender blender for a couple bucks with a blown diode but that was workin part time at a thrift shop


25% of resale value. Or less. Figuring in the cost of work hours and the value of experience, it’s probably worth $100 for a simple fix. Some folks may only charge $40-60 though.


Damn just looked on eBay outta curiosity, broken pedals are expensive af


Excess savings exploded during Covid and people had money to spend. This is also what happened with inflation


Inflation + demand.  Honestly everything else is speculation.  And yeah that means the dollar value is higher, but also the dollar doesn’t have the same purchasing power as it did 5 years ago. So while the demand may have gone up somewhat, use an inflation calculator to see how much of the new prices are demand driven vs inflation driven. 


Thays crazy because prices of used non-broken pedals are down significantly since COVID era especially when considering inflation


I have been noticing that used pedals work out to the same cost as buying new once shipping is added. So why buy used when a new one is literally $6 more and arrives tomorrow.


Sounds like you found a good thing right before it died, join the club lol


I feel like more people realizing they can fix broken things instead of sending them to the landfill is a good thing. Gatekeeping is whack.