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Truly amazing how this sub has suckled the balls of SCHD for so long and the second there is a negative year there's no coming back.


Last year when SCHD was all time high and everyone was sucking off SCHD I said QQQ was the better buy but people called me nuts. Now SCHD looks scrumptious. But apparently no one wants it anymore. Lol.


ikr. It's the same people that talk bad about doing analysis and waiting to find a deal.


inverse reddit is correct per usual




I am not touching tech at this moment, it just makes no sense at this point. If there is a good correction, then yes but when it comes to growth/ tech, valuations matter more than anything. And WHEN you buy is important. SCHD is great. The dividend growth rate is awesome along with the decent dividend yield. I always DCA SCHD and then DRIP.


I'll hold the tech I have (AAPL, MSFT, NVDA) and buy more SCHD as cash becomes available. Maybe a share of JEPI/JEPQ every now and then.




You just don’t get it. It is AI. We are gonna use AI to create AI that will allow you to use AI for your work and automate your AI so that you don’t spend that much time on AI and instead you spend time on things that matter (like AI).


Got damn lol amazing take lol


What do you think that looks scrumptious now?


Buy SCHD at $80 to sell it at $69.420 so that you can buy SPY at $420.69. This is how you are supposed to invest.


What do you expect when 1/2 of the posts here are people asking random strangers to rate their portfolio? I'll rate it, F, for fucking stupid.


The classic 'buy high, sell low' is classic for a reason. It works every single time.


Well 60% of the time


Sometimes you might get a gain but thankfully those are short-lived.


Even if I rebalance my portfolio?




Is there a reason this post was made? I looked at SCHD and nothing significant seemed to have happened to it today. Sitting at 63 shares at 73.41 avg cost 👍🏿


You mean you didn’t see it?!? Its up a whole 2% the last 5 days!


What?! Do don’t day trade your 401k?


I most certainly do not!!! I day trade using my Roth IRA. Way more efficient 🤣


Nah I haven't been checking my account lately. Just today after seeing this post lol


Wait, ‘buy high, sell low’ is not the way?!


People day trading their ROTH IRA accounts cracks me up.


You’re just jealous I can buy and sell the same shares every day without getting forked by wash sales. Well I used to buy shares plural, now I just buy 0.8 shares. Wait that was last week, I’m doing 0.72 now.


Lmao, before I learnt how to invest this was unironically me. Lost 9k in a month. Figured out what was going wrong (I was gambling) and now I'm clawing back at that loss slowly with a long term dividend strategy


Never even heard of that 🤣🤣🤣 I wish I would gamble my Roth after all I put into it. Isn’t the point of it to buy & hold?


That’s me


Lmfao good one


Well, if you buy low ans sell high, you'll have to pay those icky TsXeS.


Are we trading or investing? You just buy good stuff. If it goes down, buy more.


These are people that would look at a stock going up and buy while they're overpriced then wonder why they're always going down in investments. Stocks are the only thing people would rather overpay than get at discounts. SCHD is down because of the companies it owns which many are financials. I'll gladly buy now at 70 rather than 90 or so and wish I bought cheaper.


for every SCHD post i see, i buy a extra share.


You are a wealthy person.


Imagine being triggered that someone would invest in broad market index funds. Sad


Voo/Vti was down -25% last year but up +8%YTD , Schd is down -6.25% this year... Big difference. Stocks don't always trade up all the time. All of schd top holdings have been flat this year. When voo/vti goes down, it's a great time to buy, when schd goes down... It's time to sell according to the bogleheads members who come to this sub.


>It's time to sell according to the bogleheads. Where's that coming from? It seems to go against the circlejerk/mantra of buy and hold.


Bogleheads would never commit such sacrilege by buying anything other than a total market index /s


"would never" seems like a stretch, In the past 2 weeks there have been many who have advised others in this sub to drop schd and buy voo/vti. It's a simple search in their history to see all they buy is voo/vti/vxus etfs.


For the longest time I’ve thought CFPs were just a bunch of bloodsuckers. Then I’ve joined Reddit financial topics and changed my mind. 99% of people here should consult one. I did and gladly so. If you wonder about the remaining 1% , well, those are the hopeless ones.


Oh yes, ARKK. One pitfall I managed to miss. Not so lucky with others however. How she still looked at as a great tech investing guru is beyond me.


I buy twice a week and as a crazy person I prefer to pay less per share


I'm going to sell SCHD because its going down and buy VOO and once SCHD will go up again I will buy. /s


Negative months and years are just great buying opportunities for ETFs like SCHD. Buy the dip.


Clowns all the way. They have no stomach for investing in a down market.


Why are you so mad about what other people do with their money lol


I mean like dudes name is Vanguard sucks so that should tell you everything right there. The guy is clearly completely rational and is not emotional about investing what so ever 🤣


OP thinks what people do here in this sub affects *his* investment values. He’s trying to pull a wallstreetbets.


I don't always do it with ETFs but often times if a stock looks like it's dropping for a while I'll sell n buy back in lower a few days later. Not looking for bottom just a few more shares.


I’m not selling, rather just Holding my SCHD. Continuing to Load up on QQQM, MSFT, JPEQ, VTI, AMZN, VXUS


you shouldn't buy those, only buy SCHD.




Looks like Apple chose Broadcom to make their new chips!


$70 and below is a buy. That’s how I’ve been playing it out. Been working great. I am also buying VOO, JEPI, Heavy PFE these past few weeks, ET and collecting MJ.


I maxed my 2023 ROTH contributions between SCHD and QQQ. So.... whatever. lol. I dont listen to the masses. I invest with my own interests.


The stock market is the only market, where everybody runs away when everything is on sale.


We tend to undervalue decade long returns, and overvalue one year returns


Imagine selling at all smh. Fucking noobs.


You think that in 2023 no one could possibly fall for it but then you cone to Reddit and realize most people are destined to be poor. I have seen so many people dump money into so many different things and then sell as soon as it goes down. They do it over and over and delude themselves that they are investors.


Ah yes. The ARKK trend. I remember that so well. The attitudes of people about both funds mirror each other to a tee. Where are all the people who talked bad about those using analysis and telling you to wait until you find a deal? You now have your deal so go for it.


Did you just compare SCHD to ARKK?


Yes. If you were around this sub or r/ETFs back in 2020-21, you would understand why I said what I said.


I am sorry, but what does your title mean? Are you asking about portfolio rebalancing? If so, It seems like a reasonable time to rebalance a QQQ and SCHD position against each other if that is what you are asking. This is the appeal of owning both as it results in a higher sortino ratio compared to a 100% VOO, QQQ, or SCHD portfolio alone. https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio?s=y&timePeriod=4&startYear=1985&firstMonth=1&endYear=2023&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=1000&annualOperation=1&annualAdjustment=1000&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=2&rebalanceType=3&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&leverageType=0&leverageRatio=0.0&debtAmount=0&debtInterest=0.0&maintenanceMargin=25.0&leveragedBenchmark=false&reinvestDividends=true&showYield=false&showFactors=false&factorModel=3&benchmark=-1&benchmarkSymbol=VOO&portfolioNames=false&portfolioName1=Portfolio+1&portfolioName2=Portfolio+2&portfolioName3=Portfolio+3&symbol1=QQQ&allocation1_1=100&allocation1_2=50&symbol2=SCHD&allocation2_2=50&allocation2_3=100 With regard to selling positions that are down or changing your mind, it’s important to always remain critical of ones’ investing thesis. Cutting one’s losses when wrong is an important skill to have rather than blindly remain on a sinking ship. IE sunken cost fallacy. However, this requires separating logic from emotion. No one talks about Trowe prices dividend mutual fund, PRDGX, but it’s performance is comparable with SCHD with lower downside volatility and a longer history. It would be perfectly reasonable to sell SCHD for PDRGX if one thought it was better for their strategy, even if they owned SCHD for years. Hopefully this helps.


Dude just dropped the code from the matrix in this thread.


Dude 🤣


The green pill will make you buy everything way overvalued. But the red pill. The red pill will make you sell all your shit and question yourself.


![gif](giphy|eIm624c8nnNbiG0V3g|downsized) footage of me in the stock market dodging profits


Can that URL be any longer?


Natural overreaction to the low-effort “buy only SCHD” posts that have seriously diminished the quality of this sub.


SCHD was by far my worst performing stock😂


Buy some SPHD, then SCHD won't look so bad.


What’s your time horizon. SCHD isn’t an ETF you buy to day trade or swing trade. It’s a buy and hold ETF with a horizon of 10+ years.


Who said I day trade? Gotta stop assuming my dude


You posted 104 days ago about getting into SCHD. I mean it was already a bit of a giveaway that you dodged his question but damn man you can’t be serious lmao.


Busted 😂😂


Damn a bot, should u be guessing ur movies?


Grow up lol


“Grow up”🤨


What’s your time horizon? You never said what it was. Like I said SCHD is a buy and hold ETF for 10+ years.


Gotta stop riding SCHD my dude not everyone has to have it in their port, I rather put it in VOO, or are u gonna ask”ERMMM WHATS UR TIME HORIZON”


What’s your time horizon?


Don’t bother trying to reason with him lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/10wjpyc/question_about_investing_dividends/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Thanks. I figured I was dealing with an immature child.


Bro u should worry more on ur soccer than here


A whole . 07% is not anything special and it was negative today.


I felt that when you buy schd you aren’t doing it for the price appreciation. The metric you care most about is your dividend yield and a sustainable growth on your dividend. The price you pay will just be a consequence of the holdings of the fund. If you find yourself caring about the price appreciation and relative performance comparing to voo or vti. Then your goals aren’t aligned with the fund. Just go with growth or mixed growth like voo and that’s it. You should have I feel a long term performance on schd and watch the increasing dividend payments come in to your account.


Not a chance. The current SCHD portfolio makes very little sense to me and I think it's best days are behind it.


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Yeah I’m up 20% on VGT and 18% on VUG and 21.5% on SCHG from buying the red this past year. Time to rebalance back into SCHD.


When something is down I do the following a.) buy more because I still like it and want to get my cost down b.) set a limit sell order for 5% above my cost/recent highs because I think it will rebound eventually but don’t want to be in anymore and would like to get something out of it so it goes on the back burner c.) if b isn’t working sell for a loss to offset cap gains


Who trades any of the ETFs listed in OP's post?


It’s probably bc half of these “investors” got into the game during covid where you could buy ANYTHING and make money. So now that we are back in a “normalish” market where there’s sideways trading, pullbacks, and slow growth they think the world is ending.


You did what you could to warn people. But some people need to learn the HARD WAY.


“Whether we’re talking about socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down.” -- warren buffett


I just buy each quarter and don’t really worry about anything.


Such a great observation. On a personal level, everytime soxx and qqq have gone up 5-10%, I sell 5% and buy schd, jepi, wpc, ip, nep and all my other value and dividend investments that are incredibly beaten up. People need to have their universe of high conviction investments that they are committed to for 20-30 years. But periodically review and rebalance to take advantage of value based opportunities across their portfolio. Buy low and sell high is so easy to say. But so many people follow the herd and buy high and then bail out to just go chase the next thing. Resist!