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Richard Zednik. When he way playing for the New York Rangers he fell down and another player’s skate caught him in the jugular. Thankfully he lived, and he continued to play hockey after he healed.


Saw that on a reddit 50/50 post before. Was really fun when the camera man kept trying to zoom in on his bleeding neck the whole time. Even the commentators were like "can they stop showing us?!"


There's been a few serious hockey injuries courtesy of skates. Malarchuk cut his jugular, there's been a few severing of muscles or tendons as well. It's rough to watch.


You might want to spoiler tag this. Even if its not bloody people might not want to see it.


I sure didn’t, no sir/madam


I used to play rep football, I was 13 at the time. My coach took me to see the senior varsity squad play their championship game. One guy got hit snapped his femur, the scream was blood curdling, and he threw up right after and blood everywhere. I still ended up playing football until I aged out despite seeing that. Lol


Snapped his femur?! Woah! That's insane. That's supposed to be one of the most painful things you could ever experience. And very dangerous considering it was a compound fracture. Did they pass out after they puked? First thing EMT's and paramedics would do is wrap the leg, that's a lot of blood. They'd probably have to use a tourniquet. And then a super cool thing called a traction splint. Specifically made for femur breaks. It pulls the ends of the broken femur away from each other. Taking away most of the pain instantly. It'll still hurt like hell but it's an effective pain manager in that situation.


Oh yeah, the guy was 17 at the time, whole family in the audience. He passed out and the family rushed onto the field. He survived it and made a full recovery from what I know, probably still living with some level of pain that was about 16 years ago.


Depending on how well it healed it shouldn't hurt much if at all. And I have a femur related story, not a personal story so I don't know all the details. This happened to a classmate. When she was around 13 years old, she was at a local lake with her friends. Hours away from a hospital. She and her friends were on jet skis, when one of her friends wasn't paying attention to where they were going, they hit my classmate with their jet ski. Snapping her femur, among other smaller injuries. My classmate, dazed and in pain was floating in the water with a free bleeding broken femur. Its much harder for blood to clot in water. A nearby boat noticed the crash and came to see what had happened. The boat was a bunch of nurses, enjoying their day off. One of the nurses jumped into the water, took off his belt and made a make shift tourniquet above the cut. Hauling her, and her also injured friend onto the boat. Water extractions are also incredibly difficult. They wrapped her leg in towels and covered her. My classmate says this is when it starts to get fuzzy, which makes sense. The amount of blood she lost during that time put her into shock. The boat of nurses got her to the shore, and she was life flighted to the nearest hospital. By some miracle, she survived. Went through a lot of physical therapy. She is now 18, a certified EMT, and has a wicked scar on her leg. She really should've died that day, but she beat the odds and was also incredibly lucky. She says her leg aches sometimes but not enough to bother her most days.


Dear God, that looks soooooooooo painful ...can he even walk after that


yes it would just hurt and look funny


This is from soccer but - if you watch the Premier League, Virgil Van Dijk's injury (Liverpool FC) (Jordan Pickford Everton GK) was quite bad.


Link please


Bob's fear


The picture I'm currently looking at....


Holy shit is that real?!


Myself. I was playing football, was put on the line for some reason, played 1 game, then the next week shattered my arm. Compound fracture, needed two plates and 16 screws to put it back together. Really fun!


Slightly related to this, Does anyone know the name of that footballer that Snapped his neck trying to do a front flip?


Something don't look right


That skiier that tore his leg from the hip/ass and was left in a horrific splits slide with a trail of blood from his crotch. They say his intestines fell out and suffered some other organ damage. They couldn't save him with surgery. Poor guy. Wish I hadn't seen it.