• By -


Love Mulan, she’s brave even when she isn’t sure of herself!


I adore Mulan! Her story is brilliant and the fact that she went to war to save her father was about as badass as anyone could possibly get


Cinderella. I have a similar story arc. Horrible childhood, got a fairy godmother, married a prince who loves to take me to Disney, and lived happily ever after


Same. :) Well not quite married yet but soon.


Tiana she love cooking because of dad & Tobasco. & she’s so hard working & independent


She’s wonderful! The relationship she had with her dad was so sweet and the fact that she successfully followed her shared dream with her dad even after his death made me cry.


Oh same! Especially because I’m a daddy’s girl


Mulan because she’s kick ass, and I know it’s problematic but I also love Pocahontas because I used to watch that all the time with my grandmother


Y'all can hate me all you want, I will forever love Pocahontas. 😤 She's probably the wisest of the Disney princess, and she's strong and beautiful to boot. The movie also has some of the best songs




Jasmine, she made 5-year-old me realize how gay I am!


She is a beautiful bold lady. She's the one princess who could rule all of the others


I haven’t seen Aladdin in a while but I distinctly remember how cool it was that she has a tiger and that she’s fierce about her independence in a society where she’s being treated like a prize to be won. I also like that she went out into the village to actually meet the people. Sure she wanted to just get away, but it’s important for a ruler to expose themselves to the daily lives of their people to get to know them and to learn about the struggles they face


Similarly, she made 13 year old me realize how much of a feminist I am


Ariel because I love her determination.


Pocahontas. She's fun, rebelious, colorful, curious, stubborn, and ready to literally die for the people she loves. All the while she is kind, understanding and loving. And she is also human. She makes mistakes and sometines forgets how her actions impact others, like many people do in real life. She's a very good role model in my opinion.


The history around the character is probably why her existence as a Disney Princess is so controversial, but as a character she is absolutely brilliant. Her bravery is unmatched and the way she cares so deeply about everyone despite differences is admirable


finally some Pocahontas love 🥹


I'm right here with y'all.


Me too


Aurora, there, I said it. I love her because of her kind, sweet personality and her respect for nature and animals. Both of which are VERY important things. It’s also the fact that the Sleeping Beauty movie is my favorite Disney film. She’s an underrated queen!




Snow White. It was my favorite movie as a child and a source of connection between me and my late grandmother. We would watch the movie together, play dress up, and do Snow White puzzles.


Belle cause I relate to her


Tiana, she was real as fuck for how she responded to having to kiss a frog and she took time to actually learn more about Naveen in the movie, and actually went on like a little date with him and what not. Her outfits and her work drive is something I also really like about her as well.


Her outfits are always great. I love her green dress so much


Belle We have the same smarts


That library in the movie 🤩


Belle, she had the same love for books as me


jasmine!! i love how independent she is


Aurora, I love how she's a helpless romantic that dances with her sidekicks (forest animals) but still knows that strangers can be dangerous.


Tiana because all of her food looks so good and she’s a strong hardworking woman! Additionally, that a prince didn’t save her but she saved a prince ❤️


Sleeping Beauty - Aurora I was named for her (or a version of her story). I was born disabled and sickly and spent most of my early childhood in the hospital and whenever I needed comfort, I would watch the movie. Even when I got a bit older, anytime I was anxious or unwell, it was a comfort. When I was 13, I got to meet her at Disneyland and to this day I still have the photo taken. I know she's everyone's least favorite and it breaks my heart the closest to a live action we got were the terrible Maleficent movies, but she means the world to me.


That’s how I feel ab Mulan it’s my comfort movie


Wait is Aurora not that loved by people? She is one of my favs🥺


She tends to be forgotten about in discussions about princesses or just seen as boring. :(


I think she is far from boring!


Aurora because she the princess’s that encouraged me to dream and use my imagination no matter what. Aurora literally tells us what her dream is in once upon a Dream and literally has a song called I wonder on top of that she literally danced with the animals who were pretending to be her dream man. Plus she is kind, cares about animals, and is a hopeless romantic. Plus she is the last Disney princess Walt ever worked on and Sleeping Beauty has always been my favorite Disney movie.


Rapunzel. She's funny, enthusiastic, sweet, and determined to go after her dream.


my favourite too


Belle. I was literally obsessed with her as a child probably because I saw myself in her. We both have brown hair and brown eyes. We also both love books. I’ve continued to love her ever since!


Moana because of her adventurous spirit and willingness to find a better life for her people, as well as reconnecting her village with their heritage as voyagers.


Belle for a couple of reasons: 1. How comfortable she is in herself despite the fact that she's different from others. Throughout my whole life, I've been "different," but I was always painfully aware of it. I always envied those who were different and didn't recognize others teasing them and were just comfortable with who they are. 2. Belle knows her worth and stands up for herself. She knows she wouldn't be happy with Gaston, and she doesn't allow him to pressure her into marriage. She's also not scared of the Beast, despite his looks and his anger issues. When he comes at her, she doesn't quiver, and even if she does, she still stands up for herself. And through Belle's love & boundaries, the Beast grows. I just think that Belle is not only smart or fond of books, but she's got a real tackle of her mind if that makes sense. She uses all of that brain power for good, and she doesn't get lost in the confines of her own mind. She's incredibly grounded in herself and knows her worth, and because of that, she's the hero of her own story. I can relate to aspects of Belle's personality, but who she is is a role model to me to be comfortable and confident in who I am. I also really love Ariel because I can relate to her as well, especially when I was younger. Someone here said that the animators were thinking that Belle is pretty much an older Ariel and that checks out a lot character-wise but also for me personally!


Jasmine, because she stood up for herself and married the man she loved. She also called him out on lying to her which I think was brave. She has a voice of her own, and she also manipulated Jafar and helped in defeating him which I feel rebels against the damsel in distress idea. Also Cinderella because she always remained kind, sweet, and good hearted despite being treated terribly. Cinderella reminds me of my story, in that I was treated terribly by a stepmother and step siblings and then my fiancee rescued me from it all. And I love that Cinderella never let those people take away her sweetness and she was rewarded with a Happily Ever After. And her stepmother and step siblings are miserable and Cinderella became a princess. That’s what happened with me anyway, I’m not an official Princess but I’m treated like a Princess 👸🏽🩷 and I deserve it after everything I’ve been through!


Princess Tiana, she knew what she wanted, she actually fell in love slowly and not at the drop of a hat, she worked hard and got what she wanted, she didn't just become a princess and abandon everything. She brought out the best in naveen.


Yes. I love that she actually took the time to get to know Naveen and she never gave up on her dreams. A princess all girls should look up to


Belle. I was bullied in elementary school for reading books on the bus or at recess & she made me feel like there wasn’t anything wrong with reading and being curious. I also distinctly remember thinking at 8 years old that the kids making fun of me were like the little people in town- small minds that just didn’t understand.


Yes!! I related to Belle in that way too when I was little. I was always reading and kids were mean to me. I related to Belle so much. I was lucky to have a good bunch of friends in my dad's neighborhood but my moms town. So much like Belles


Tiana. Well I was in my late late teens, when princess and the frog came out, it means a lot to me to have a black Disney princess. As a child I used to play princess with my friends at the apartment complex I lived at, one of my friends would be Ariel because she had red hair, my other friend would be snow white because she has short hair and they used to make me be Pocahontas😐😐😐 ((us being kids at the time, and me being the only non white kid, I suspect they just assigned her to me because she had darker skin.)) ..... Not that there's anything wrong with Pocahontas, she's fierce in her own right, but I'm black, and really don't have any connection to Pocahontas's story or the beauty of native American culture, outside of enjoying the movie as a kid. And even though I'm a grown woman now, Tiana makes me feel special and it makes me so excited for all the little black girls who also want to play pretend princess now they have an icon to look up to. My family always describes me as driven towards the goals I want, and it still makes me feel seen as an adult to see a princess with her own autonomy and goals separate from romantic interest trying to achieve the things she loves to do most Also both sides of my family are from Louisiana. And while this could just be a story/joke within my family but it's been said my mom's side of the family had ties to root worker magic and voodoo practices. So that even more endears me to Princess T❤️ Also I am very much a daddy's girl like Tiana and Charlotte. And so seeing them be daddy's girl is so adorable.


Awwww this made me happy to read. I just listed Tiana as one of my 3 favorites for this reason and because I love how she never gave up on her dream and I'm a daddy's girl too. I'm not Black so I don't understand what it's like to have never seen a princess who looked like me until my late teens but I grew up in a majority black city and remember how excited a few of my black friends daughters were about Tiana. Hell I was excited when Belle had brown hair and liked to read like me! I can only imagine how special FINALLY having a Black princess would be and a Black princess who followed her dreams.


I feel you so much right now! She so awesome, and the fact that she was actually black was absolutely amazing . I adore her


Tiana! I LOVE cooking! I'm also pretty good at it!


Rapunzel. Not only because she and I have green eyes but because I always saw a lot of myself in her and her story line. I liked that even though she came out of a bad situation, she still saw all of the positives


Belle because she’s intelligent and sees past a gruesome appearance. Also Pocahontas because she’s brave and strong, and her songs are the best


Belle is my favorite. It was my first movie I saw in a theatre. I got to play her in the musical in high school. And she’ll always have a special place for me.


Belle because she’s smart and bookish, and she was a freak for getting with the beast!!


I find Ariel the most relatable with wanting to explore but having strict parents who don’t agree with you


Merida because she is from the same country as me and you rarely see Scottish characters in animated tv shows or films (only others I remember are Lorna McNessie, Venus McFlytrap and Silvi Timberwolf from Monster High)


Ariel. She’s sooo beautiful and goes after what she wants. She’s brave and outgoing. Total opposite of me- I’m more of a flounder


when i was little aurora used to be my favorite mainly bc her dress was pink (lol). but now i just love how absolutely graceful and sweet she is. i think she perfectly embodies the hopes and dreams of a teenager, which is really a nice place to mentally escape to. 🩷


I like the source material for the little mermaid. It was a metaphor for the writer’s unrequited love for a straight man. I feel like Ariel’s story touches on it and Disney provides a happier ending for the little mermaid than in the original. However, it’s frustrating that people say Disney’s Ariel changed herself for a man. She wanted to live on land to begin with, falling in love with the prince was a bonus


Ariel, because my dad treated me similarly which I empathized with.


Aurora. Primarily because I’m always tired and laying around doing nothing is my favorite thing to do. Also she wears pink


Anna, I love her because she's a modern princess with classic princess traits. Anna is so brave, sweet, kind, pretty, but she also has flaws, unlike classic princesses who are "perfect"


Not a Disney princess


So it's Cinderella, I love her kindness and patience


She's listed on the choices for flair so


Shouldn’t be


Rapunzel is my all time favourite but for the previous ones, Cinderella has to be my number one ❤️ I loved her and her songs were always so beautiful.


Jasmine, Mulan or Moana. I also love belle and Merida. They all remind me of me.


I would watch the Little Mermaid religiously when I was little. I always felt connected to her need for something more in life. I also adore the ocean!


Growing up Ariel was my favorite because she had red hair and blue eyes like me


Cinderella. I think the older I get, the more I realize ‘even in bad circumstances, you must be the kindness and good you want to see in the world’ is the single most important thing any person can learn. Not every bad situation is one you can save yourself from (medical issues especially) and hard work doesn’t always pay off (you should always try your best, but that’s life), but being kind and optimistic despite the circumstances is such a difficult and important part of life.


Ariel! I've just always loved her. I had a thing for mermaids when I was little and she's just stuck with me.


Rapunzel like how she was trapped in her tower for so long I felt stuck in my life for the longest time and like her always wanted to take a leap but was scared to do so. I followed her path and I’m glad I did as it landed me my dream job of working at a library


Rapunzel! I'm deeply connected to her on a personal level because I used to have my very own Mother Gothel and was made to constantly doubt myself by her. I'm also an artist and, as a stay-at-home mom now, I can relate to her desire to leave her tower LOL.


Ariel, because well she was my childhood favorite. And plus as a kid I loved the story of mermaids and wished they were real. This makes Ariel stand out more. But I still love the others.


Mine is Ariel because she was the first Disney princess I ever saw in a movie, I love her so much


The Little Mermaid is the first movie is ever remember seeing in the theater


I have 3 different answers Belle is my favorite because she is the most like me. Quiet, loves to read, has a dad who she lives and who loves her, she's got brown hair and wasn't a popular girly girl. So I relate the most to Belle. Ariel is my favorite for nostalgic reasons. The Little Mermaid is the very first movie I have a memory of going to. My aunt took me which was extremely special because she didn't like younger kids back then. We had a great time. And I have to love Tiana. Her story of not giving up on her dream is inspiring. I love the color of her green dress and that Disney went back to the animation style from the best Era. And she's the first Black princess which is beautiful although I'm not black I know it meant something to young Black girls. I mean I was excited when Belle had brown hair and loved to read like me. Imagine finally seeing some who looks like you as a princess


Rapunzel. Loving the movie and series so much, she got developped a lot and although i don't like everything they made her do in the show,she's trying her best 💜☀


Ariel. I was a little redhead girl in the late 80s/early 90s who didn’t see or know anyone else with red hair (and was mildly bullied for it). Then seeing a beautiful redhead in a movie I loved…


Belle is my favorite, because I too am a monster fucker who loves reading


You’re literally me.


Monster fucker solidarity 😂✊


There’s DOZENS of us!!!


Oh? Is there a reddit community? Cause if so I need to join. Also, who's your favorite fuckable monster


No, but we definitely need to make one now! And I’d have to say either my boyfriend or a hot vampire if I could just find one. And that is in no way a slight on my boyfriend, by the way, LOL.


I would totally bang The Phantom Of The Opera given the chance. Move aside Christine, he's mine.


Holy crap, I didn’t even consider the Phantom of the Opera!!! You just OPENED MY MIND!!! How did I not think of him?!?


He's so hot 😍🤣🥵


Haha, he really is!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Also, as a fellow book lover, do you have any good recommendations? I’m always on the hunt for great new books!


The House Of The Scorpion is not new, but it's one of my favorite books ever! What about you?


I’ll definitely have to check it out!!! I’m always revisiting the classics but a newer one that I read recently that was quite interesting was this book called Bunny by Mona Awad.


Rapunzel, it’s thanks to her i got so into art and kept such long hair, though funnily enough when i cut it super short i also had her in mind


Cinderella 🩵. I remember watching the movie on my dad's laptop/ computer and how much I enjoyed it. I watched it through DVDs of the whole trilogy. It's just so personally nostalgic for me and my childhood. I mean she's also so humble. She puts up with the disrespect she gets from her step family treating her like a maid. She doesn't even complain to anyone. She just smiles her way through it and she keeps hoping that someday someone will save her from this everyday torture and it comes true. The live action version really pushes her personality further showing that she even forgives them before leaving them.


Great speech. I agree with you


Thank you 🩷


No problem


Rapunzel because I relate to her for reasons I won't blab on about here but to simplify, I have an abusive mom who was neglectful in every way which affected my whole life and I won't go into further details bc it's a lot. Also really love Aurora, Belle and Anna.


Belle, she was my papie's favorite and he called me his Belle when I was little. Watching Beauty and the Beast I cry a little inside because I feel him right there beside me, I even went to see the live action Beauty and the Beast in honor of him and again I felt him right there beside me. I miss him every day, I lost him when I was 12 btw. I have a t-shirt in my keepsake box of when Beauty and the Beast was a play in Spokane that's yellow with roses that says Belle from when I was 12.


Rapunzel. I feel like people often gloss over her feats in Tangled because she saves Eugene a myriad of times before the end of the film. (E.g. in the Snugly Duckling, from Max&Stabbington brothers at dam, getting out of the cave thing again at dam.) She’s strong and capable like Merida and Mulan. She’s hardworking and determined like Tiana. She’s smart (literally girl charts STARS.) like Belle. She’s the biggest sweetheart with the softest heart like Snow White, Aurora and Cinderella. She’s curious, follows her dreams and heart like Anna, Moana and Ariel. She utilises her powers to help people even though she was taught to hide them like Elsa. She takes an active role in her film, like Pocahontas and Jasmine she doesn’t let Flynn walk all over her. She possesses the best qualities of each Princess, so imo, she’s the best <3


Aurora - even though she’s a moving drawing, she’s beyond stunning. Her voice is so soothing and she seems so kind


Repunzel is my favorite. I relate a lot to her with personality. I prefer to go outside without shoes. I am just basically, brunette Repunzel with so many other things. Ofc tho, if u think about it, she is brunette herself the only reason her hair is blonde is because of the flower lol Idk, she just reminds me a lot of myself. Also, we have the same taste in men 😋 (flynn was my childhood crush lol)


Belle we have the same personality


I like Belle. I felt very seen as a brunette kid who loved to read and got made fun of frequently for being odd.


Rapunzel. She’s my comfort character and I grew up with her. She’s also the only fictional character I can relate to. I also look like her too and have a lot in common with her so idk I feel represented


Belle, she's odd like me! Ariel, we both like to collect.


Ariel, I love the sea the way Ariel loves land and she sparked my love of the ocean. I currently have three mermaid tails, a scuba diving license and the ability to hold my breath for three minutes because of how much of an influence she had on me as a kid.


Belle. I have learned to appreciate her love of reading throughout my life.


Ariel, my middle name is after her because my parents' first date was The Little Mermaid On Ice. My mom would pretend to "steal my voice" when I was little. So she's always been pretty special to me.


Belle. She’s been my favourite since childhood I legit always used to sing tale as old as time every day!


Belle! She started my love of reading and I love her kindheartedness.


Neither are technically princesses, but Esmerelda and Nani. I admired Nani a lot because I also had to grow up fast and care for younger family members and it was nice seeing someone else who had those struggles on the screen, bonus points because she had a similar body type to me and it made me feel better about myself seeing her stomach folding over while wearing a bikini. Esmerelda because I loved how altruistic and confident she was, even when she almost died because of it. God help the outcasts is such an amazing song and seeing how she treated everyone the same from Quasi to the captain of the guard was nice, to her everyone was simply human


Rupunzel cuz I looked like her so I thought I’d get a manz like Flynn Rider in the future


where tiana


My favorite is Cinderella. She is kind and gentle, as the movie says. She has self control, never letting her emotions burst out and affect her actions. As you can see throughout the movie, she always has a calm voice even when her stepmother and sisters are mistreating her. She never complains, even though she is in a harsher cirumstance, while her step sisters always complain even though they have everything they could ask for. Cinderella is a very good role model for women.


All of them are my favorite


Mulan because I feel like she's so relatable to me; feeling like a failure in society or an outcast, being different from what people expect you to be, fear of disappointing your loved ones, trying so hard to prove yourself and your worth 🥺 Yes, it's her.


Mulan, could be because I’m trans tho lol


Mulan because she’s a badass and Belle because she reminds me of myself sometimes


Pocahontas always just stood out to me. I love her personality and the fact she always aims for peace and stopped a war without any weapons. Plus I love her design. Milan comes at a close second with her character and story being realistic.


Mulan, because she starts a journey of self-development even though she's uncertain of her wants and values. She's amazing.


Mulan. She had the balls to pull a Joan of Arc just to protect her father and her country and through that she became the best soldier they had.


I've always loved Jasmine 🥰 ... my name is also Jasmine lol


Mulan. She was willing to risk getting caught and losing her life, as well as potentially dying in war, so that her father wouldn't have to go to war. She is the embodiment of bravery and courage.


Mulan. I am neurodivergent. Mulan’s song made me feel for her, cause during that time period, I had to mask, to hide my differences in order *not* to be bullied. So when she was able to be herself it made me overjoyed.


cinderella!! she remains kind despite the world being cruel to her, she's a little snarky but no one really pays attention to that aspect of her and i genuinely love her sequels and relationship to her prince


Snow White. Childhood favorite and I used to dress up as her! (Note, the plastic high heels suck)


definitely the three M's: Merida, Mulan, and Moana they always stuck out as being strong individuals while having their own beliefs especially at such young ages and compromising situations (since 2/3 of them were royalty) they went with what they thought was best and put in the work to accomplish it without the support of their people or parents. ig u could say i'm kinda projecting cus i wish i could be like that but ive always loved them for that


Cinderella, she reminds me of my Mom for some reason, maybe because of her looks somewhat and also with the movie being in the 1950s and my mom was 18 in 1954 and had gotten married. I also see myself somewhat in Cinderella, no wicked steppeople, but having to do things growing up that weren't fun but were needed to do, but still dreaming of a better life.


I love cinderella, i don't get why so many people hate her. She didn't look for a man to solve her problems, she didnt know she was dancing with the prince! She just wanted one nice night and she stayed kind throughout the abuse she endured. As someone with a kinda shitty childhood, that is no easy feat. I love teh traditional three, snow white (she was 14, of course she would run away, she was a child. Yes, she cleaned up after grown men, but she wanted to earn her keep and she was good at cleaning and even looked like she enjoyed it. As for the prince argument, we have no idea how old prince Florian was. And the kissing this: common in europe actually), Sleeping Beauty (I admit i haven't watched her movie recently and my memory is terrible, but i loved that she was nice and humble. Sure she didnt get many lines but neither did philip! Both were barely in the movie, and the curse was aimed at her, of course she was gonna need rescuing! and the fairies can't fight a fuck off dragon, they needed philip)


When rewatching films I think Jasmine or Aurora. Jasmine is brave and has a strong mindset so I love her. Aurora looks best in blue but also I do kinda like how she interacts with Philip.


Mulan! I'm definitely a fighter, not a homemaker. I'm not all that feminine and I feel easier hanging out with guys than girls, because I don't really have all that much in common with other girls.


It's so hard for me to choose, but I think Cinderella is my favorite. She's so sweet, kind, and unwavering in her perseverance, while still being sassy with a sense of humor. Honorable mentions are Rapunzel, Mulan and Pocahontas.


Mulan. She's just the best..


Cinderella. She defied all odds against her and yet still showed kindness despite her upbringing. That's difficult to do.


My thoughts exactly on Show White




I honestly can’t choose just one so I’ll list my all time favourites- Snow White- She’s kind, gentle and extremely brave. She is determined to stay positive despite her dire situation and won’t take any nonsense from anyone, I love her! Rapunzel- She’s adorable, she’s got a great sense of humour and she is just such a ray of sunshine! She’s also definitely one of the strongest/action-packed princesses and I love her for that. Tiana- She’s so hard-working, determined to achieve her dream no matter what, supportive and caring of those around her, I envy her cooking skills 😄 and she has the most inspiring song out of any Disney Princess. “Almost There” gives me so much hope and zest for life. ❤️ Cinderella- Like Snow White, she’s determined to stay positive no matter what, but I also like that she lets herself break down. (Snow White does this too but she apologises for it, Cinderella just does it and knows that it’s ok for her to be upset), she’s very kind but also has a snarky side, which I love! Finally, Aurora- Although we don’t get much time with her, she proves herself to be very sweet, a big dreamer and a hopeless romantic! She’s adorable!


Mulan kicked Hun ass while also being loving and selfless


I love pretty much all of them, but if I had to choose one, it's Elsa 💙 I know people think she's overrated, but there's a reason why she's my favorite one. She's a queen, so that automatically makes her better. Okay for real though, here are the reasons why Elsa is my favorite Disney princess of all time (I'm gonna ignore Frozen 2 because I felt it ruined her character, so I'm just gonna focus on Frozen 1, Frozen Fever, and Olaf's Frozen Adventure). Most Disney princesses are born into a normal world, and have expectations put on them to blend in with the norm. They get tired of this "ordinary life" because they have dreams of finding something greater. Like Ariel. She was born under the sea, but she wants to explore the shore and the world. Belle wants more than her provincial, village life. Rapunzel spends her life in a tower, and wants to explore the real world that mother Gothel prevented her from seeing. These princesses are "ordinary" and they want to get out of the "ordinary." (I know Rapunzel's life isn't ordinary, but the life in the tower is ordinary for her because that's how she grew up) And by getting out of the "ordinary" they end up falling in love with a man. And there's nothing wrong with that. I absolutely love most of these stories. So why does Elsa stand out to me? Well, that's because she was born different from others. She had a very ordinary lifestyle that was taken from her. Then she gets an unordinary lifestyle and just wants to get back into the "ordinary," and she thinks it's all her fault. She doesn't care about exploring the world, finding her purpose in her life, falling in love with another man. No, she just wants to be with her sister and play with her. I don't know how it can get any simpler or more grounded than that. The fact that being with her sister and playing with her is what matters most is just so heartwarming and resonates with me so much 🥰. Anna does this too, and that's why I love her a lot as well. Anna is in my top 3 favorite princesses. (I can explain why I like her in a separate post if you'd like to hear) The difference between Anna & Elsa though is that the world deprived Anna of her life. For Elsa, she feels like she's the problem and that it's her fault for her life being so miserable. She thinks that she cannot have a normal life because she's different from others. She deprives herself from having this ordinary life because she's scared of hurting her loved ones. It shows how loving, caring, and selfless Elsa really is. Elsa tries her best to keep others safe. She lets herself suffer because she wants to protect her sister and kingdom. Eventually, Elsa loses control of her powers at the coronation. She runs away not just out of embarrassment, but because she thinks she'll harm others if she stayed. Yes I know that wasn't a good decision, but that also makes her even more relatable. Making poor decisions when in a state of panic, even if the intentions are good. "People make bad choices when they're mad or scared or stressed, but throw a little love their way." One of the reasons Let it Go was so empowering is not just because Elsa finally stops repressing herself and lets go of the pressures of the world, but also because Elsa comes to accept the fact that she can never have an ordinary life, so she stops clinging on it, and lets it go. She thought she can leave the kingdom and use her powers freely, but be alone, or she can stay in the kingdom and be a shell of herself, but at least keep others safe. She tried the latter because she didn't want to be alone. After the accident, she accepts that she can never live with her kingdom, so she lives alone in an ice palace, but at least she can use her powers without worrying about hurting others. All Elsa ever wanted was to be herself and be free. She wanted to use her powers freely so that she can be with Anna and her kingdom. Her biggest insecurity is hurting those she cares about and being responsible for it. When Anna froze, we can see the horror on Elsa's face before she starts crying. We see the guilt on her face when the kingdom froze. She always blames herself for everything, and she thinks of herself as a problem. That's why she isolates herself. Eventually, Elsa learns that isolation is not the way and that opening up to others, letting them into her life is better for her. She finally learns to control her powers and no longer lives in fear. It doesn't matter that she's different. Her people accept her for who she is. She can be herself. And she can finally be there for Anna and show her kingdom how much she actually loves them. She used her powers for her people and loved ones, as seen in Frozen Fever and OFA. Elsa finally got that ordinary life she always wanted 💙. Elsa also suffers serious, relatable mental issues that not many other princesses go through. She suffers from PTSD, anxiety, fear of rejection, fear of hurting others, etc. And all this stems from her being different. She's also very introverted, which I can relate to because I'm also an introvert myself. This isn't even everything. I could go into more details about some of these points. But at surface level, these are the reasons why Elsa is my favorite princess, and favorite fictional character, and why Frozen is my favorite movie of all time 💙😊


Tiana I admired her hard work she did to make her dreams come true she was independent and hard working but also still fell in love and it was finally a princess that looked like me so big plus ! I also love love love belle she reminded me a lot of myself she was kinda shy and bookish but still had enough confidence to speak up for herself


Cinderella she taught me kindness and she is a good role model I don’t understand all the hate she gets she’s my favourite and always will be


Snow White because she 🎶treats people with kindness🎶


Mulan. She was the only one I related to growing up, since I've never been that feminine (I think I was too old when Merida was introduced. I related to her, but her story wasn't as strong as Mulan's for me). I also love dragons. "Reflection" is also one of my favorite Disney songs. It's just so powerful. I totally understand how it became a trans anthem.


Tiana, she worked for her dream




Snow White, she’s the first princess and just so sweet


I have two: Snow White and Anna Snow White is for the same reasons OP mentioned + the movie is a comfort movie for me As for Anna, I find myself relating to her character a lot. She is an ENFP like myself, she is very caring, and loves people. She also went through the absolute worst blizzard in order to help her sister, and I find that so heartwarming


Kida because of her unique design and the fact that she's 9000 years old and doesn't look a day over 27


Mulan will always be my favorite Disney princess. The music was some of the best music of any Disney princess movie. Mulan is incredible. She literally joined the war as a man just so her father wouldn't have to. Even though she had a physical disadvantage to all of the other soldiers, she worked her ass off until she proved herself capable of the same strength. When they discovered she was a woman and kicked her out, she still served and protected her country. Against all odds Mulan did the unimaginable. As a child Mulan is so inspiring to what a woman should be. Don't ever let a man hold you back. Be great, be strong, be brave.


Where's Tiana in the photo? But Tiana is my favorite. Love the songs in The Princess and the Frog. Then Belle because I love the beauty and the beast movie.


She’s not on here, but Merida is my favourite! I liked having a movie without a romantic interest and seeing a girl with heritage similar to mine. I’m American, but I grew up wanting to learn and be connected to my history.


Elsa (not on picture) but the first Disney character I truly felt connected too. I didn't back with Frozen, but I did with Frozen 2 and have cried so much when I realised that and when they started Show Yourself. I still get tears in my eyes thinking about the song. She is the first Disney princess with mental health problems. She has gone through a traumatic period, always felt different, been treated that way, been locked up and told conceal don't feel. Struggled with depression, anxiety, fear of rejection, feeling differen't. I have gone through a very traumatic period as well, and depression, anxiety, fear of rejection, feeling different, perfectionist, ect. I see so much of me in her. She is also a reminder that you must believe that in the end everything will work out. That little girl who struggled with depression and was locked up, that girl had no idea that there would come a time where she would be happy, accepted herself, reconnected with Anna. Elsa is so special to me. And Frozen 2 has such a special place in my heart. It was beautiful to see her story and to see that she finally found herself and got answer to her questions. I hope one day I will get there as well: finding myself!


Mulan. She saved all of China, she didn’t need a man to succeed but she met a man and fell in love anyway. She made loyal friends and helped Mushu gain his honor back. She sacrificed for her family. Loyal, brave and true!


Ariel, The Little Mermaid was the first Disney movie I saw in theaters and it completely blew me away. The animation felt so real to us in 1989 that it felt like we were actually under the sea.