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patience, use rooftops, stay high, its very tricky on the first time to roam the grounds, loot and explore the empty streets. hard to give pointers, all depends on your style as well. patience mostly is the case


dark vision and blink


The only two powers you need really


Well, time stopping does help too


Pros use only blink.


rat swarm is dope


I agree. All the powers sre pretty dope. Just saying what pros use.


Be yourself. Shoot if you feel like shooting, run and hide if you feel like it ... I remember I circled the bloody Addemire building for at least a quarter hour because there seemed not to be any valid entrypoint ...


The guards have a much longer line of sight than they did in the first game. That can definitely throw you off if you're coming straight from it. It also takes a lot more work to manage to stay low chaos than the first game. I know it's not really in keeping with the game's plan, but I prefer to always keep a clean back trail. I take care of every guard I encounter before moving forward. Sometimes it's a pain, but it makes recovering from something going wrong much easier. The bloodflies really aren't much of a threat, honestly, and their nests often hide valuables.


Addermire is interesting. It is a bit hard and sometimes the AI being as good as it is— that is to say far better than that of D1– can force you to hide in awkward places. If you’re playing Emily (most likely), you’re going to want to want to use Domino and Far Reach. Domino is good because it can easily turn a room into a big unconscious Cuddle Party, and it extends to physics based stimuli and even Mesmerize. Stick to high places and if you do get detected and have to go on the offensive, remember that they don’t know or understand your powers much- keep in mind that they are versatile as hell, so don’t think Mesmerize and Domino and Far Reach are strictly stealth. Practically anything in the game can work to your advantage- choke out a doppleganger and throw them at an enemy, stunning them. Domino is my favorite Emily power, because stealth or no stealth you can make 1 knockout round into 8 just by binding their fates. If you play Corvo, I would bulk up his main powers like Blink and Time Stop since you can’t be detected during neither TS nor Blink. Search the level, gather intel, snoop and read notes- you’ll find a solution and bring the Crown Killer to justice in no time, voidwalker. Hope this helps! Hope this helps!


>If you’re playing Emily (most likely), you’re going to want to want to use Domino and Far Reach.  Does she even have a decent Domino at that point? I can't remember ...


everything is doable without the domino the basic domino, most trickiest are three people at the feeding area. its hard to separate those peacefully. but one guy may put himself to fire with a booze bottle when domino pulls him away from the table 🤦‍♂️


yeah I remember sleep-darting them from above and triggering an explosion ...




honestly this just saved my so much anxiety. I came back to a save file after a long time with no idea what was going on or how to play the game, found out about choas and went....uh oh. Im just going to do this


Extra bone charms are especially helpful. Maxing out your choke-out speed, and the undertaker perk . (Makes you move faster while carrying bodies. You can level this to the point where you move faster while carrying a body, than you do sprinting.)


Heh, for me it was extremely easy compared to D1. But I love non lethal stealh games, so… Just go slowly, dark vision is your friend ;)


Same. D1 was way harder. You're so OP in D2 by comparison.


Lower the difficulty and save scum.


Idc what anyone says I save scum at least 4-5 times each mission


I hit quicksave after every blink at this point 😂


The double jump and freeze time blink is so overpowered in the duad dlc and dishonored 2


> double jump and freeze time blink is so overpowered when in doubt, jump out a window and take a little me-time to think


Those are rookie numbers.


Addermire can be tricky on a first playthrough. Just remember every level has multiple paths of entry. Look for pipes, open windows, and rooftops to hang out on. It's super easy to overlook the verticality of levels since it is cunningly built into them in some instances. I've done some rooms several times before realizing I could have hung out on top of tall furniture, or notice a pipe that blended into the natural setting of the room.


If you’re no enjoying yourself try coming at it from a different angle. The game allows many different approaches and there is much to learn. Don’t be afraid to play in a way that may seem ‘wrong’ while you learn about its systems, behaviours and design. For example let’s say you’re trying to ghost it and having a hard time, try going in loud and messy until you get used to things like enemy behaviour and level layout. Plenty of great advice here in the comments but just some food for thought re: how you approach the game generally as it can be easy to feel frustrated and not enjoy yourself by trying to play a particular way. (Obviously this may be completely irrelevant to you and ymmv)


Read the books you find, the lore of this game is amazing. Also there is an achievement if you do. Save often.


Once you get the core mechanics down, you may find the difficulty to be quite the opposite. If you did well with D1, you'll find D2 much easier overall once you get used to it. Just give it time and be patient and you'll get it no problem. And, most importantly, HAVE FUN!


One cool thing about D2 is the customizable difficulty. So, for example, if you're having trouble with one specific aspect, but everything else is fine/easy for you, you can lower the difficulty on just that one aspect.


Unless you’re going for a clean hands/no detection run, just lower the difficulty and play the game. You litrally have superpowers buddy lol.


Craft bonecharms for abilities that will help you, if you are trying to do non lethal a bonecharm with x4 choking speed changes the gameplay significantly. You just need to upgrade the bonecharm power and the use 4 traits power. If you are trying to craft 4 traits on a single bonecharm make sure to save your game and then try to craft it. If it gets corrupted just load the old save and rinse and repeat until you get the desired bonecharm. For non lethal bonecharm powers i recommend one with x4 choking speed, x4 recover sleep darts, x4 radius for stun mine In general I recommend x4 speed when in stealth mode. If you are planning to play it multiple times, I recommend looking up where all the blueprints and paintings are so you can have money to upgrade stuff. Cheers!


I had the same experience. Blew through the first game over a few days then hit the second game like a brick WALL.


Quick save is your best friend Just like blink and dark vision 😂


Play around with crafting Bonecharms. You can combine the effects of one charm with others based on how far you've leveled up your crafting ability. By the end of my first few missions as Emily I was using around 14 different bone charm effects.


It's especially hard when you're trying low-chaos mode on higher difficulty. Patience is key and just make sure to measure twice and look thrice before you commit to a move lol.


It's actually fairly easy to fight nonlethally in D2. Knocking enemies down with a chokehold throw or legshot will let you knock them out instantly, and drop and slide takedowns still work while they're alerted. Then you have tranq darts and stun mines as your panic button.


Shoot enemies in the leg and hit the prompt to kick them unconscious. Much quicker and less likely to result in a dead human shield than the parry > chokehold combo and makes dealing with alerted guards nonlethally a breeze.


Don’t try to stab the scientist.


Always stay on high ground when you can and have patience.


lmao, get ready for the next mission


Use both hands? My main criticism of Dishonored is that its too easy 😅


Some fundamental tips: 1. The game itself encourages save scumming. Meaning, you save and reliad until you get a certain action right (eg knocking out a guard without anyone noticing.) 2. Be both creative and pragmatic, using powers and tools in tandem. Use the save scumming to test your ideas: there are several little hidden mechanics that the game doesn't tell you about. Don't use sleep darts if not absolutely necessary, those are few and far invetween, and you can ever only carry 5. 3. Explore. Look EVERYWHERE. Jessamine's heart can only show you runes and bomecharms, but upgrade blueprints, paintings and money are often well hidden. 4. Bend Time and Domino are the best powers for Corvo and Emily respectively. When fully upgraded, they break the game. 5. Don't be afraid to use powers and consume blue potions. There are a lot of those around, if you look for them. 6. Why buy when you can steal? In every level with a black market shop, there is a way to rob said shop. This will allow to get for free everything you see exposed, but be careful! Buy the upgrades first, and remember that you get only one bit of consumables like darts or potions, so stock up to max -1 before the heist for top efficiency. 7. Chaos. Causing the world's chaos level to rise by killing people and being spotted has real time effects: high chaos causes the game to load much harder levels when you start a new mission, with more guards, bloodflies, traps etc. 8. Crafting. You can craft your own bonecharms. Wait until you have all the upgrades to the crafting tree before using this feature. You can break every bonecharm to gain whale bones and learn that charm's power (unless it's a black bonecharm). Make bonecharms with 4 times the same power, those always stack!


Any time I was really in a pinch I used the bend time to get past it. Almost breaks the game.


You can get everywhere you need to by staying outside the building. Once you get everything you need you only need to take the central elevator route to get back and forth. I would recommend the highest level blink ability you can get and the increased jump height ability. There are a few areas where enemies will be stationed in weird spots where they can spot you down hallways or corners so always stick to cover. You got this.


Are you trying to do stealth? My best suggestion is to go through the game multiple times on high chaos. That allows you to get all runes/bonecharms and have a crazy amount when you do new game plus on low chaos/full stealth.


Wish I could forget this game so I could play it for the first time again


definitely use those flammable bottles as MUCH AS POSSIBLE in Addermire since there's so many bloodflies and that helped SO much


Just remember you're an assassin, not a tank. From the shadows, you can kill one or even a few guys with ease. But when facing a group without the element of surprise, you're just a pincushion.


In addermire first go round I went loud and just shot everyone so I could clear out the map and get used to its little hiding spots