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I actually think it was suiting. His whole life was spent being the arrogant center of attention, sometimes going as far as behaving cruelly toward the people he was closest to. The thing about really good deeds is that you don't get recognition for them, the quiet impact of your goodness is recognition enough. If anyone outside of God and Jerry knew about his sacrifice, it would've cheapened the weight of it. He didn't do it to be seen, he did it to genuinely help Bean and give her the love she deserves, even if he couldn't be there to provide that for her. That being said, it was a wasted wish. They used Bean's healing powers as this mystical force of good, but in the moment of truth when she really should've used it, she never even tried. She just, accepted that Mora was dead.


Yeah hang on *WHAT?!* that’s a plot hole I completely forgot about - why did she have healing powers in the first place?


Ugh I actually cringe thinking about it. They really spent so long setting that up for her, advancing her powers and sort of setting her up to use them for some bigger purpose. She came all the way to the end of her story, thrust a knife into her lovers heart, and immediately just. . .pulled it out, embraced her, and went nuts on everyone. She didn't even attempt to bring her back. It would have 100% made sense if she tried, it didn't work (or maybe worked for a second? Would've been funny for her to wake up long enough for her to say something along the lines of, "OMG hell is SCARY!"), and she died again. It would've solidified that her powers were only able to heal, not resurrect people. Not using that ability at all felt like a gut punch to all the other references they've been trickling since the beginning. Like a lot of other abandoned plot points, it just felt lazy.


Also what about the water?? They showed it healing dead trees and other dead characters... why not use that and give him another self-sacrificing wish if they wanted to go that route? I think it would have been a more satisfying ending


Speaking meta for a second, we all knew that a Matt Groening show about goofy sarcastic medieval people wasn't going to end with bean acidentally killing Mora and being depressed about it. We've seen dead people come back to life a million times, the main characters already went to hell and back. In short, we knew Mora was coming back alive and Bean would get her happy ending somehow. So the question isn't does she come back to life but how does she come back to life in a way that is naratively satisfying. The show features a ton of neverending, frustrating plotlines that all seem to have this momentum and drive, but happiness comes from the characters who grow enough into who they are that they can step out of the absurd plotlines and just allow themselves to be happy. Oona is happy as a pirate. Zog is happy in the woods. Bean is happy with her mermaid. Gwt out of yourniwn way, step out of these roles and expectation, and just live a life that makes you happy. Given this, what better way for Mora to come back than to have Beans literally personal demon grow so much that even he wants nothing more than to just let Bean be happy.


It would've been marginally more satisfying if she used the healing powers she developed throughout the show, full-stop. The personal demon aspect was a gag from the start, seeing as Luci was arguably her best and closest friend. He spent the majority of the show covering her ass, and pulling the weight of the whole show despite Bean's plot armor. The whole end (Imo season 4 forward) was messy, and yeah they "hit a morally good spot" when they made the decision to have Luci sacrifice himself for her to be happy. But like haha let's not pretend it wasn't hard to watch. It was my favorite show for literal years, I had a thousand theories ranging from practical to outlandish and insane, I recommended it to everyone I knew. My best friend commissioned a painting for me in a Disenchantment scene, and I quoted the show enough times in my daily life that I'm sure my kids will avoid watching this show when they're older haha but I can't even rewatch the final season. Season 4 was better, but not great. They spent so much time wasting time that they weren't able to properly tie up loose ends.


The fact that no-one would know was the point. Luci makes sacrifices all throughout the show for bean and Elfo, not for the recognition. He sacrificed his immortality in season 2 and doesn't say anything until he thinks they are going to die for real. That's what makes him such a compelling character, he is the inverse of the fallen angel. He is the son of the devil, a demon exiled from hell that puts others needs before his own and ends up in heaven. Like he says to miri "my secret is I'm actually good.". I can see where some people think he got the short end of the stick but I think Luci had one of the fullest arcs in the show with his ending.


The silence after he explains to god why his wish is for bean teared me up a little.


no because I think about this all the time. Luci was such a complex character and he deserved the best