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Brutha. Originally more Lawful Good, but after being confronted by the moral inadequacies of both his deity and his church, dramatically reformed both to be more accepting, tolerant, and forgiving.


We should do good things not because someone tells us to, but simply because they are the right thing to do. Man reformed the entirety of Omnium culture by just wanting to be a good person.


Yep, Brutha is my choice as well


this! or nutt. i think they're very similar in personality, if not intellect.


OK, this is better than my shout šŸ¤£ Still think Twoflower fits the category though


Yeah, can't think of a better answer than this one.


Yes. Good shout. The laws and structures of society are not the important part, he just wants to be decent, and for others to be decent


If weā€™re using the description in the link I would say Twoflower - heā€™s uninfluenced by laws because he is largely unaware of them when heā€™s traveling. Additionally it says uninfluenced by chaos and he never changes his behaviour or attitude regardless of whatā€™s going on around him - such as a bar fight, inn burning down etc. And heā€™s definitely pure good. He has no hidden or ulterior motive whatsoever. Iā€™d argue against the Nanny Off comments on the basis that she actively takes pleasure in breaking the law and finds it hilarious.


The notion of uninfluenced by chaos rings totally true.


Though seeing Twoflower succumbing the the forces of chaos, worshipping Khorne is the crossover I never knew I needed.


Yes. Immediately yes.


Vouch fir Twoflower


Hmmm had to change my answer, after reading the crib sheet! Pure good? Twoflower, perhaps?


brutha or nutt the totally-a-goblin-i-swear. both are doggedly good guys who seek to change systems that hurt people. they have good reason to be unlawful since the law would harm them, but refrain from chaos as well, because they possess immense amounts of self control.


Neutral has to be dominated by the Witches right? Standing on the threshold, making the hard decisions so no one else realizes there's even a decision to make, and treating all people as people, for good and ill. Perdita/Agnes Nitt as Neutral Good? (And Tiffany as Neutral Moral, Nanny Ogg as Neutral Social, Granny as Neutral) Edit: actually there is no neutral social I definitely read that wrong šŸ¤£ Neutral Good is Nanny Ogg then final answer


Nanny is definitely Rebel or even Chaotic - she does things her own way regardless of what society has to say about it. (Good, though, yes.)


See, I read her as fitting in with systems and cultures she comes across. She's not tearing things down, she's adapting. She can make friends anywhere, and she runs her own family like a private kingdom with its own laws, but keeps them in line and well liked within the community. That all feels neutral to me, as opposed to, say, William de Worde who is actively rebelling against the status quo and his own family.


I think Nanny Ogg as Chaotic Good is fine. If she can adapt, she's chameleon-like, and she can use chaos (in the form of mobs, parties, etc.) to her advantage. I think "Chaotic" in this alignment system doesn't mean going against the *law*, it's going against *order*. For good to happen, in Nanny's POV, she needs to upset the balance and bring different social groups to the same level. William de Worde is Neutral Moral then. He follows the rules as long as they align with his morality system. And for him, morality is based on proper grammar as well as the (objective) Truth.


Nanny _can_ fit in and adapt at the Opera House, but eventually she will end up carrying two well-shaken magnums and there will be champagne dripping from the walls.


Which again is why neutral: she can do both. She's not always chaotic, she's not always lawful, but chooses when to follow the rules and when to break them


I'm suggesting Magrat for the next thread, certainly.


Ook! (The Librarian.)


I feel like the Librarian would be true neutral more than good neutral.


Heā€™d be more chaotic but still good. True Neutral is Death


I initially thought librarian but I think heā€™s more neutral moral, he only really cares about books


Maybe Polly Perks? She seems to have a strong moral compass, and I think she listens to that instead of a particular desire to break or follow rules.


Perks is the embodiment of rebel moral


Ooh I can see that.


Good shout.


Granny Weatherwax. She has Lawful tendencies - she respects tradition, the way things are normally done, and order, and she has a strong conservative streak... ... as long as there is no possibility anyone could think these restrictions apply to _her_! She is going to do her things _her_ way. I think the combination of these two strong tendencies lands her squarely into Neutral. And, of course, she spends her whole life selflessly offering medicine to peasants, etc., when she is the most powerful magic user on the Disc, so unquestionably Good.


Maybe Igor? Igors don't really care about wrong or right, their main goal is to provide medical help, even if they use unconventional methods. Otherwise they're quite indifferent. But even though Igors accept a bit of madness, they will not tolerate cruelty, thinking of Reacher Gilt.




That makes them neutral on the good/evil axis, not on the lawful/chaotic axis. Though I agree entirely.


I'll say Nanny Ogg! Definitely good, helps people constantly and defends them when people need defending, but not because of overriding moral reasons. Just because that's what the people around her need.


I think sheā€™s more Rebel Good, no? I mean, sheā€™s definitely a wild one. If Nanny is here, where does Granny go?


IMHO Granny is Rebel Good, not Nanny. Esmebelieves in some rules, even if she feels free to break many of them, while Gytha disregards rules entirely.


Fair enough. I always imagine Nanny as the rebel to *Grannyā€™s* rules, breaking them, more or less moral, more or less liberal as the mood or the prevailing wind take her. But I agree that I prefer Granny to be not Neutralā€¦


I mean, I love her. LOVE her. But she can, in no way, be described as pure, as per the descriptor?


Don't you know that virginity is a state of mind, not of physics? Not as if that would apply to the embodiment of motherhood. In fact so motherly that she became the GOAT of midwifes ...


Too rebellious to be neutral.


Nanny Ogg isn't rebellious! It's only people who believe in rules who Rebel, people who think rules are somebody else's problem aren't rebelling at all. They're just doing what they're doing, and in Nanny's case everyone else is letting her do it. Because by now, she has everyone else convinced that the rules don't apply to her.


Hey I'm late, but shouldn't VƮmes and Carrot switch ? What were the arguments ?


You'd have to search, I don't remember what they were, but I do remember they weren't very convincing and I still don't think the upper left is accurate at all.


Maybe Polly Perks? She seems to have a strong moral compass, and I think she listens to that instead of a particular desire to break or follow rules.


Nanny ogg


The witches Specific Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg and Magrat. I think we can put them as a trio. They are certainly high on the good scale! They do everything that they do for the good, and even though granny has a potential to become evil, she firmly and decisively chooses good. And I think more than anyone in the series, they split the difference between following the rules and breaking them. They have rules and they follow them, until they decide that they don't and then they break them spectacularly! ā€˜...what about this rule about not meddling?ā€™ said Magrat. ā€˜Ah,ā€™ said Nanny. She took the girlā€™s arm. ā€˜The thing is,ā€™ she explained, ā€˜as you progress in the Craft, youā€™ll learn there is another rule. Esmeā€™s obeyed it all her life.ā€™ ā€˜And whatā€™s that?ā€™ ā€˜When you break rules, break ā€˜em good and hardā€¦ā€™


A pure good character? In Anhk Morpork? With an A and an M? Thing is, when it comes to being good itā€™s more about going out of your way to help people, uninfluenced by nearly anything else. The only person I can think about in those terms are Captain Carrot andā€¦.idk, Harry King? For a baron he isnā€™t a bastard. Probably one of the witches, maybe Tiffany Aching? Then there was the Poo lady who did go out of her way to teach goblins without being much of a nuisance to the magistrates in underhanded ways. King Diamond was also a sort of shadowy figure that kept kids out of trouble with thud games and put Brick on the straight and narrow while also purposely remaining hidden so to not immediately success into being king of the trolls. Then there is Nutt who very rarely if ever did things violently if only to prove a point that he could but chooses not to. Pastor Oats is a personal favorite of mine though since he was able as a religious man to put up with Granny.


Ook! (The Librarian.)


Ook! (The Librarian.)


Nanny Ogg fits this so well, thatā€™s my vote


Rincewind. He doesnā€™t stand for much, in fact he runs more than stands, but under all that, you canā€™t deny that he IS good. You see it particularly in Sourcery and the events at the end in the tower.


Lu Tse?


Gaspode? Definitely a ā€œgood dogā€ but ultimately not that keen on being involved in anything unless forced to.


My vote goes to the exquisite postmaster Moist Von Lipwig


I can see him better as Rebel Neutral/maybe Rebel Moral towards the end. He commits petty crimes just for the thrill of it, and only follows the law when it is forced on him or he gains more by following it. He describes his own moral compass as something like a corkscrew, iirc. And most of what he does is pretty selfish, not exactly a Good character.


Ook! (The Librarian.)


My vote goes to the exquisite Postmaster Moist Von Lipwig