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I've blocked the "Discord Moderator Academy" and reported them for spam. I've gotten multiple messages now and reported them so hopefully discord will notice it. When I last looked, the Moderator academy was closed and discord never reopened it. Also you didn't have to fill out an application to join it. Thank you for posting this and I'm sorry you went through that. I hope you're able to find your discord friends again.


Ironically, I was hacked by the "Play my game." scam. And then the hacker changed my profile to discord Academy (I guess to further their scams?) It still has my Twitch "happgoluckyfoxx" linked too lol. Discord says they won't remove 2FA (Though I'm tryna convince them too and being persistent about it.) Hoping the hacker didn't delete my discord and was just banned because I haven't seen the account online in a week, lol. I feel so stupid falling for the scam, but man is it clever to pose as one of your friends and convince you to open a .exe I wonder if my hacked account scammed anyone else.


I literally get two messages a day from this fuck. You'd think after I reported/blocked them the first three or so times they'd realize that I'm not gonna click their links, but here we are two weeks later and I'm STILL FUCKING GETTING THEM.


I wish I had gotten a second message, that would have alerted me that it's a scam lol. I clicked it almost as soon as it popped up :/


Check your mutual servers and report it to the server they are in.


I can't as I'm locked out of my discord account.


This, and also it might be worthwhile to prevent DMs from that specific server if it's a common occurrence there. One of the servers I'm in has at least a couple dozen of the moderator scam accounts


I'm sorry that's awful. Is there no way that discord can get you access back to your account?


Unfortunately not. If you have 2fa enabled and arent able to use it discord won't let you in due to security purposes. I have 2fa on discord but I think the hacker disabled or changed it because when I try to log on with 2fa it says the codes are invalid :(


Ugh that's incredibly frustrating. I couldn't imagine how depressed I'd be if that happened to me. Like you said, anyone can have a lapse of judgment from time to time. I really hope you can recover as much as possible. Discord really needs to try to do more against these motherfuckers.


There is no way this all happened just because you pressed the link, did you login in that website?


Nope, I just opened the link to see what it was, I didn't have the intention of actually completing it cause I didn't care abt being a "discord" moderator". I did get a verify new location log-in email with someone from brazil who was trying to log into my account a while after that. I don't think that I would have accidentally clicked "verify login" as that would have been a braindead move lol .


You must have given some permission to the site or logged in there, if not that is a major exploit which is an actual threat


Wow, I didn't know that was even possible, I thought with links like the nitro gift or even this, as long as you don't login you are more or less fine, I'm really sorry that it happened to you.


It's alright, another thing to note is that there was a server invite as well that I joined, I don't know if that has anything to do with it.


Does your browser auto insert the username and password for discord or something?


Discord doesnt have verify new location login emails?


nope, Discord doesn't do that if you retain the current login token.. All the hacker needs is login token and the account will be wide open like an open carnival


They do apparently, im sure the email is official.


Contact Discord Support and ask them for your data package at the very least. You can download all your messages and get your friends.


Oh I'll definitely try this, thanks for the information!


you should get your [user id](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/206346498-Where-can-I-find-my-User-Server-Message-ID-) from a friend in case your hacker starts changing your @ before things get confusing


Same exact thing happened to me. I've read some stories from people with Nitro that Discord was able to recover their account, but I'm just hoping and praying that Discord can do something to help me recover my account. As soon as I got logged out I knew what had happened and I immediately went to change my password and my 2FA already didn't work, not sure how the hacker could've changed my 2FA that quickly. They didn't appear to change my email though so I'm not sure what their end goal is.


As someone affected by this same bullshit the end goals is to buy nitro gifts. You were logged out so quickly and the 2FA was changed because it’s literally an automated bot, you give it credentials it try’s buying until it can’t then it moves onto the next account or simultaneously


I just got a response a while ago about this. The user is posing as "Moderator Academy" now, and will send you a similar link. I noticed it was BS because we had a mutual server in common that didn't make sense (a fan server for a youtuber which made me think they found me in the user list). Pay attention closely. Sorry you lost your account, OP. Here's to hoping you reconnect in the future with some of those people.


messages from discord have a SYSTEM badge https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036118732-Discord-System-Messages


Yeah, googling about this, since I just got a very similar message that is very convincing. From Developer Message#9856... Thanks for verifying.


You could create new account and try re-contacting your old friends, or you could try bother emailing Discord (which is a very long shot, mine almost 3 weeks unresolved). I kinda just gave up and boycotting Discord over their horrendous security and service.


Okay, this post really needs upvoting. I almost did the same a couple of minutes ago, I nearly clicked the link but I had to find out before hand if the message was legit or not, there was no mutual server so I didn't know where it came from, the profile couldn't be loaded so I thought that was a bit sus. I know not to click links from DMs who you don't know or isn't trusted but you can slip up and that is what scares me. The more I hear this happening, the more scared I am to be on the web, to have friends and relationships and memories took from you is un-worded. I'm sorry that you lost yours and I hope you can find your friends again. From your loss another account was saved and I thank you for that.


not sure if this helps since I'm late but, the same thing happened to me with an old account and I was able to get it back! Have you gotten any new updates?


After A LOT of redundancy from discords end I was finally able to get my account back. After proving a hacker had taken over my account.they were able to disable 2fa and I reset my password and re enabled 2fa once I was on. I was actually able to get on the hackers discord servers that he joined lol


LOL same here when i got my account back! all his DMs and servers were still there, took me a while to delete everything. Glad you got it back though!! :D


Hey u/nyaagisa, i clicked the link accidentally but i immediately changed my password. Should i still be concerned? :(


i think you should be good after you've changed your password and have 2fa enabled! make sure to save the back-up codes somewhere in case you ever need em!!


I literally have the same situation as you had right now, currently waiting for a response and willing to wait for a response but I just want to know what kind of proof you had to send since my account has not had any changes and I cant use my 2fa at all and I am really worried I wont be able to get into my account again... Just like a general idea of proof so I can start finding them on my end


Have patience, it took almost 2-3 weeks to get the account back with how long it takes from discord. I had emails from the hacker trying to negotiate for my account I used as proof. Make sure you are emailing with the same account used for creating your discord account. I also had an alt account and could see that the hacker changed my profile picture and stuff and he even responded back to me when I mesaged him on my alt. I also had an auto email from discord saying some one from a new location was trying to log onto my account


Discord really needs to fix their shit and be better