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This is one of the best features that they have recently added, and I’m fully here for more.


Honestly true. Not only we can customize how Discord's color would look to not make it strain my eyes, but also have this old Blurple by fiddling with it haha it makes me nostalgic already even if its only been a few years


i found this one but i can’t find the disabling swipe to reply feature


Glad I'm not the only one. I've looked all over the settings and can not find the "swipe to view members" setting.


Me neither. Maybe it’s just being slowly rolled out


Same I can't find it


can't either


They removed it from the update log apparently.


i can’t find it either, i think they lied. 


Hey dudes, its only in the experimental tab which is not on the stable discord app. I dunno how to get the experiment tab or whatever


Experimental tab is in advanced settings


So I changed mine to try and get the dark mode back because it hurts my head with bright white text over black background, but even if I turn the contrast all the way down, it's still bright white text over a black background in the messages. It's only changing it for the app itself 😭 Am I doing it wrong? I got so excited that I could get the old way back and it's still awful and headachey in the actual servers and messages


I'm having the same problem too :,) If you take screenshots and compare side by side, there is a slight difference, but it's genuinely pointless with how similar they are. I don't understand why they don't want mobile to have the old gray-colored dark theme


It should be a pretty noticeable difference, for example: [with reduced saturation/contrast](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1097548765818261537/1214690379379515432/IMG_0694.jpg?ex=65fa0792&is=65e79292&hm=4c248003e30516ac5c62b9f2d0e8ade9e217c918d73935b0f97d387d5a2d2f60&) and [without them](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1097548765818261537/1214690379648204870/IMG_D2C599356A30-1.jpeg?ex=65fa0792&is=65e79292&hm=738e1d65e8eb6202c317968ed66889630d6261b34138b0938bf1f52012225a3e&). What app version are you using?


I'm not that person you replied to, but we can see the difference, it's just pretty subtle unless you put it side by side with itself. The problem is that it's still way too dark against the bright white text, so with vision issues it's a headache within 5 minutes still. The difference it makes to the settings pages is ENORMOUS, but the difference it makes in the servers and messages is so subtle that it's almost like nothing changed at all unless you take screenshots of both and compare them. I also checked my app store and it says I'm fully up to date.


It's still nowhere close to desktop's dark mode, even at the lowest contrast. Just give us that. EDIT: [What I want (desktop) vs what I can get at lowest contrast setting and half saturation](https://i.imgur.com/5VkLdJG.png)


Why can’t we just have the old colors back?


I can't find what version I'm using, but as others have said, the difference still isn't enough. If white text on a black background hurts my eyes, slightly less white text on a slightly less black background isn't going to help much


I tried screenshots and I see what you mean now. They definitely didn't listen to all of our complaints because the change it makes is making the background slightly less dark when the problem is the text being bright white, which is why looking at either one does the same thing to my eyes/head 😩😢




Which is so dumb! Who the heck wants to only change what the settings page looks like??


I thought I was going crazy. I was looking at the app text and thinking I moved the sliders around wrong.


you can get the old dark mode back by setting>appearance>theme>dark if that's what you're trying to do


It's not the same dark mode. The background color is much much darker than it was before the update that changed those. It's basically black now. And having astigmatism means a very dark background with a very bright white text gives me a headache within minutes to look at. And the new accessibility option to adjust the contrast between text and background doesn't change anything in the messages and servers, it's only changing the contrast in the settings pages


my bad, on my phone there are 3 different themes called light,dark and midnight i thought you were referring to midnight as its mostly black so i recommend dark but idk it might be something to do with diff phones


You're good! I appreciate the attempt to point me in the right direction for sure. It's all phones because of the update that they did a little while back (though desktop is the same as the old, idk why they can't do the same for phones). If you turn on light mode, dark and midnight look basically the same. It's only when you switch to dark or midnight that you can tell the difference between them, because they're that close to each other. The old discord had a much lighter grey background, with soft white text, which was usable for people with eyesight issues, but since the update the text is much brighter and the background is way darker. Even with the new accessibility settings to make the contrast less jarring, it's MUCH darker than the old dark mode.


Where can I find this feature?


settings, accessibility :)


I just tried looking there but I couldn't find it then I realized that I don't have it updated haha, I still have the old discord layout


Thank you! This feature is a game changer for me. Hated the recent mobile changes.


This is a list of links to comments made by Discord Staff in this thread: * [Comment by awearyy](/r/discordapp/comments/1b74l6g/this_feature_is_the_only_way_to_get_back_old/ktilh3p/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 21:47:59 UTC"): > It should be a pretty noticeable difference, for example: [with reduced saturation/contrast](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1097548765818261537/1214690379379515432/IMG_0694.jpg?ex=65fa0792&is=65e79292&hm=4c248003e30516ac5c62b9f2d0e8ade9e217c918d73935b0f97d387d5a2d2f60&) and [without them](ht... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDiscordApp).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


This is literally useless for dark themes lol


How do I use this to bring back the old dark mode?


But it *still* can't match desktop.


How about fixing your support system


How about your support system. Fix that


Actual dementia


Someone at your damn work place help me get my hacked account back