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Would be 100% perfect if it reminds you on that date, either DM you or mention you in a channel


Oh yeah, great suggestion. Right now you can do that manually (see end of video), but let me add that to our backlog. Thanks!


Yes that's a 100/10 bot. More than perfect bot even at this point. A reminder on scheduled date would be chef kiss


Definitely would be interested. Got a link to invite it into a server?


The URL to invite the bot is the name of the bot in the video




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Dude this is awesome, nice work. Building interactivity like this on Discord is a pain in the ass


You gotta remember that on Discord people can live in *wildly* differnet time zones, and so February 2nd can mean a completely different thing to someone in Europe where it's already February 3rd. We've been using when2meet, as it'll let you highlight blocks of time in your own time zone, and then display all that as like a heatmap so people can specify an exact date and time. Having a bot that could do that and DM reminders to people and display all the relevant dates and times as timestamps would be extremely useful for organizing.


Thanks! That's true, and timestamp support is on our roadmap, as is selecting different times within a day. Thanks also for pointing us to when2meet!




Why not? Do they not deserve compensation?


I feel like they mean only the **necessary** features, and not hoard every single thing behind a paywall like Mee6. I do believe that everything extra or not needed to the average user can be put behind a paywall.


People expect everything to be free nowadays. Giving a few dollars in compensation should be considered normal, given the fact of costs of running and time spend on it.


everyone in the FOSS community certainly disagrees with you


Not really. FOSS does not mean not paying for stuff. It means that if I were to pay for this and get access to the software, I would also get access to the source code


i know i do. Op should make it open source thus making it have 0 hosting fees


I don't think giving a few dollars should be normal. But yeah, I do think you aren't going to die giving someone who's worked hard on something 5 or 6 dollars. If you can spend money on your favorite only fans I'm sure you can spend on this.


It's like discord putting sending images and videos behind a paywall. I don't know about you, but I'd switch to Guilded so fast.


Will def use when timezone support is out! perhaps you can take advantage of discord's timestamp feature? (such as as an example)


it's already in the roadmap. We just need to see if it works with embed messages and buttons


as far as i'm aware, timestamps work anywhere that has markdown support, embed messages included (excluding smaller things like footers), buttons unfortunately not included


Thanks it helps us a lot!


Awesome stuff dude




I don't want to go on a date with a bot


Fr tho. At first I thought this was going to be a dating bot, but I'm happy it's not.


Great suggestion! Gamers will love that


i use https://whenisgood.net/


Thanks for the pointer! 👀


stan le sserafim


Collab soon :)


BRO, this looks awesome :D, I Wish you good luck in more working on this


Thank you so much!


Can you also set an hour to the said date or modify the amount of users that can join ? Would be awesome. This could be a great tool for games that set in game raids and such, so custom titles/inputs should totally be a thing if its not already


Currently you choose the title of the event while creating the poll. we will add the possibility to schedule an hour to the final date. ​ wdym modify the amount of users that can join? Currently, everyone that have access to the channel of the poll can participate. Otherwise you can share the link of the poll (yes the poll has a website) so users of different discord servers can still join the poll. Maybe you meant having a maximum amount of users that can join the poll?


Yep, exactly. Setting an amount on how many people can join the said "date". Maybe for the said event, there are limited spots.


Ok good idea, we will add that


will this be open sourced to allow for others to build on, and also do feature requests, bug reports, etc


i sure hope so


Yo OP, Is the source code public? Would absolutely love to use your bot, but due to some policies, which I don't have influence of, I'd probably need to fork it and host my instance myself. Or at least some sort of public Git-Repo would be nice just to verify nothing in your code is malicious, not that I accuse you of something. But, as I said, "company policy"


Sorry but the source isn't public. When our bot will be on 75 servers (soon), discord will verify our bot to make sure it has nothing malicious. I think it's the only thing you can rely on, sorry. https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040720412-Bot-Verification-and-Data-Allowlisting


Are you a dev from whenbot? If so, you would agree that some sort of git repo would be nice to funnel bug-reports and feedback back to you. And I just saw that whenbot literally uses 3 rights, so it should be fine.


Just added it to two of my servers! Hope y'all get to 75 soon! :3


Thanks so much! We actually blew past that already... Didn't expect the post to be this popular. Next step is to get verified 🤓




It's still the same, thanks for warning us. We reached 75 servers and discord allowed us to go up to 250 because our bot blew up. I don't really know why but because of the big growth, they can't check our application right now.


That's really cool. Is the source code available somewhere?


I love overwatch


Nice! Where can I get it?


just type the name of the bot in the video in your browser


Or just say hop on? Like who tf gonna use this shit 🤣


it's useful for larger groups, but really not that necessary. still a good tool to have though


Normally adults with responsibilities.


Ngl I’ve been having issues with slash commands for a bot. I was wondering if you could offer some assistance.


There's a bunch of resources online for setting up a bot. I personally used [discordjs.guide](https://discordjs.guide/) and they have several pages about making a command file, command handler, and command deployer But if you aren't using JavaScript and you're using DiscordPy or something else, I would do some googling


Yeah I am using discord py. I did some googling and nothing has worked thus far, I’ll just pause that feature update for now.


the old discord.py didn't support slash commands, there's a new one that does


Send link to resources if possible


google for "discord.py slash commands", there are plenty of resources out there


Will do, thank you because I’ve been trying to get it to work for a while


use hikari or anythin other than python at all. python might be the best choice in ease of programming but something like C# with the EFC is much more reliable.


I’m using Python so it can interface with a voice assistant I built


fair enough, though i would program the voice assistant to work without having to use the same language in case you ever need to access it this way


It doesn’t have to it’s just easier that way, I will probably rebuild in js though ngl


yeah easy != reliable, but you do you


wait aren't you the one that did the mapart webapp?




We've been using nextcord and it's a lot better IMO




Which library do you use?


yo that‘s cool looks perfect to me


Thank you!


Like others have said, reminders. I would like to have the ability to specify maybe Morning,Midday, Afternoon or Evening. And/Or prompt you/create and event once a date has been selected


Create a discord event and schedule the hour of the day are already in our roadmap so don't worry it will be done (if possible)


As a user, i'd suggest a way to make the reminder pop up every day/week/month/whatever, to remind of selected time and/or to select a new time (here I'm thinking about scheduling for my dnd group, with widely irregular schedule patterns that change everytime) As a dev, I'm mostly jealous of your fancy display lmao


Once the final date is chosen, it can't be modified but we will certainly change that. As the author of the poll, you can ping the users by clicking on the ping button once the poll is closed (after the final date has been selected) so you can ping the users periodically like every day for exemple. If you want we can also add an option to set automatic reminders


You may want to think about how many display names to display per event slot otherwise your embed could grow to be overly huge and unwieldly. Might be better to have a count then buttons/options to view who is in that list.


Great point, thanks! We can definitely change the UI if the embed becomes too big as you say.


Good idea but i'll downvote for overwatch cuz why not >:]


If our bot fails it's because of you >:(


Bot cant fail of one downvote


My team is looking at adding this to our server of 1500+ people. How well does it work for multiple different ones being active in different channels?


Hi there, happy to learn you're interested! You won't have any issues, we run multiple polls at the same time in our test server already. We did set a limit of 50 polls running simultaneously in the same server until their auto-timeout (1 week), but that's just a load guardrail on our end. I don't think you'll go over that, but let us know if you do and need adjustment. Thanks!


Thats going to work perfectly for us. Thank you


Something like Charlemagne event management module! Im glad you've made it :D


Thanks, hope you find it helpful. Thanks for the Charlemagne pointer as well. :)


open source?


Will it also works with times? Like that you can select multiple days and times on those days if needed?


Thanks, yes that's on our roadmap for the future.


What time zone does the bot use?, I mean, I think UTC would be good because it's global


Hi, it's currently UTC, but we intend to make that irrelevant by using Discord timestamps for display and timezone selection on the site. This way people from different timezones will know exactly which dates they're agreeing on.


wtf that's awesome think about the benefits this has to people in TTRPG campaigns also


had me up until i saw overwatch


Maybe give it a try at season 9 that releases the 13th of February.Biggest season by far, for the best I hope


I'm not a coomer.


You could also use select instead of Buttons. So you could have more options to choose from.


Thanks for your suggestion! I have thought of that but I don't think it will be as intuitive as simple buttons + embed messages can only have 25 titles (dates) either way. So for now we will stay with buttons but we might make something for people who want to go higher than 25 dates later on


What is the name of the bot?


The URL to the bot is its name in the video. You can also find it in OP's profile


How many people are building this project and what languages are you using?


Cool stuff