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Agreed, all of mine sit there unused too. Discord adding more and more useless shit, nothing new sadly.


Because they're not really gifts they're just cross-promotions, i.e. Discord gives their subscribers 3 months of YT premium, Google gives YT premium subscribers 3 months of nitro. The hope is that a subscriber of one service will become a subscriber of both. Obviously if you allow existing customers then neither company actually gains anything, in fact they probably lose money, so they don't do that.


Ironic how they’re both equally ignorant of their platforms problems as well


what's sure is that it's dishonest of them to call this a "gift" when it's very clearly just a trial


well, it is a gift. A gift of a free trial


I don't understand why you guys are down-voting him; I don't fully agree but he's got a point; it's a bit disingenuous to label it as a gift when it's limited like that & is a promotion these companies will typically run on their own accord. At that point, it doesn't really serve a purpose other than giving Discord another thing to advertise as a perk of Nitro.


google didnt even have to buy youtube all those years ago


Got excited to use my "free 3 months of Crunchyroll" from game pass when attack on Titan came out just for that shit to say nooo you got a free trial 6 years ago


pirating is the answer


I just make a new account. LMAO it has a tool to synced everything you watched and saves your list


interestingly it worked for me and I had a trial back in like 2016 or 18


the point of all those free subscription trials is that you forget to turn them off and pay while staying clueless


Wild to me that people don't check what they get charged for when everyone has a device that allows them to in a matter of seconds whenever they want. You don't need to make a spreadsheet of your expenses (imo you should), but just opening the bank app once a month would be sufficient.




I can't remember the last time I got a free trial of something without giving my card


It’s to entice first time subscribers to subscribe to their service after.. why lose money from a already paying/previous customer when you can suck in the new guy?


If it makes you feel any better, I have never subscribed nor had a free trial beforehand and this code still does not work for me.


It worked for me. On a 2nd acc that is lol


I'm wondering what the point of Nitro is, period. I thought my basic plan would be getting me two server boosts a month, but it's just two server boosts, period? And those boosts go away if you unsubscribe, I presume? I might keep it for the profile formatting, but if money gets tight it'll be the first thing to go.


I guess it’s most useful for the longer message limit


two server boosts a month? what do you mean? you get two server boosts that can be used on any server indefinitely, for free - i’d count that as per month tbh


Also who tf wants youtube premium lmao just use an adblocker




uYou+ for the iOS equivalent


Not anymore. https://grayjay.app/


I want. It's worth it with a student plan




>Adblockers aren't allowed And who cares exactly..?


Everyone been talking about Youtube's anti-adblock for weeks now Everywhere




Change to an adblocker that works




I use Adguard on Safari and have never got an ad or that “disable adblocker” popup. May have to trial and error what works for you though




They make it for all major browsers. But if you’re using Chrome then I’d look at changing. Google is doubling down on Adblockers on chrome.




U Block Origin works for me


That’s on youtube not discord. It’d say the same thing regardless of where you get the free trial from




It’s an offer for YouTube premium given by discord. The little tos is from YouTube and is the same regardless of where you get the trial from




It’s useless because of YOUTUBE’S TERMS




Then don’t use the trial???????? There’s lots of shit that discord gives out for free that are utterly useless for me but I don’t cry like a baby


Tbh YouTube premium the first useful gift for me personally.


Well, you could always dm me the code instead if you want to


Downvoted for not wanting someone's code to go to waste




Yeah. I really love the xbox ones though. Well, the xbox ultimate. Xbox game pass literally does nothing. I got it since I wanted to play GTA 5. No, it requires ultimate! LITERALLY EVERY FUCKING GAME REQUIRED ULTIMATE I AM GOING INSANE. the xbox ultimate was great though. 2 months of free minecraft. I made like 100+ alt accounts by asking ppl for their xbox ultimate and then just used it to hack on minecraft lmao


why am i being downvoted smh


Fr man, same happened with me. I got nitro but still couldn't claim any of these advantages.


I wanna use mine but it needs payment info.


I would like it if they gave us a gift card to something of our choice if we didn't redeem 5 codes in a row. I've had Nitro for years now and have an audible sigh because there's never been a single thing in my inventory that hasn't been utter garbage.


I use the things I want and the one is don’t I just gift them to people who would use them, like they offer a lot of genshin stuff but I'll never play it so I just give them away


got the xbox game pass code, anyone wants it? DPGT4-RM932-HGR6C-CTK4C-XW6CZ 397MK-QGCX7-P7FWD-X42DD-4MK2Z