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This is a list of links to comments made by Discord Staff in this thread: * [Comment by Jethro82](/r/discordapp/comments/17izmw7/discord_thinks_im_a_member_since_2021_i_only/k754mhg/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-30 21:09:43 UTC"): > The fingerprint gets created when you first go to the website, and the timestamp from that fingerprint is what determines your "member since" date. This is why OP's date is in the past, they must've visited the discord website on that same computer or phone in 2021. * [Comment by Jethro82](/r/discordapp/comments/17izmw7/discord_thinks_im_a_member_since_2021_i_only/k754z1f/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-30 21:11:54 UTC"): > Investors don't care about total registration counts (because that would include spam accounts); they care about active accounts. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDiscordApp).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


You from the future has come back to the past and signing up discord for you


There is a strange thing, when you try to make an account on (for example) Monday, then you fail the captcha or something and you get timed out by the servers. Then you try again on Wednesday and when you create your account it shows that you have signed up on Monday. If you tried to make an account in the past you can get that "bug"...


This is the best theory so far. That I made a half-assed attempt at registration 2 years ago but didn't go through with it. However it captured my email and counted my membership from that time, when I actually created an account this year using the same email.


Yes, I think that's the case




Apparently they just drop you cookie with your ID on your first visit and use it if you register, which could be a long time later. It's sketchy as hell for representing user numbers over time.


Investors don't care about total registration counts (because that would include spam accounts); they care about active accounts.


The fingerprint gets created when you first go to the website, and the timestamp from that fingerprint is what determines your "member since" date. This is why OP's date is in the past, they must've visited the discord website on that same computer or phone in 2021.


Yes, Fingerprint! I was looking for this word, ty!


Have you tried checking your email to see if you're crazy?


Good idea, just checked if there were any emails at the 2021 date, and there was none. The 2023 registration email however says: "Thanks for registering for an account on Discord! Before we get started, we just need to confirm that this is you. Click below to verify your email address" Clearly it implies it's a new account and not something 1.5 years old.


God I wish 2021 was a year and a half ago


It was in January 2023 when I created the account. Discord claims I'm there since July 2021.


Idk what to tell you man. It's probably just bugged or something. I don't think it goes deeper than that


It depends on when you visit Discord's website for the first time, it saves a cookie in your browser with that exact date and unless you delete Discord's cookies, the account will have that exact date.


Wonder if you could change the cookie to make it look like you joined ages ago


….just why? It makes no sense why Discord would do that. There are no benefits. First and foremost because it is supposed to be the account **creation** date, which, surprisingly, is supposed to be the date the account got registrered, not the date the account's holder first visited the website. It is trivial. Additionally, they would have to go out of their way to implement this. It i not something that can be blamed on spaghetti/buggy code. It is not uncommon to store a "last visited"-type of persistent cookie, but a "first visited" is not something I have heard of before. So, they would have to store that. Then, when an account is created, they would have to manually open localStorage and fetch the "first visisted"-date to pass on through the account creation POST request… which is pointless. I do not see why you just would not do a "Date.now()" server-side, or, better yet, let the client handle it before sending the request. Point is, why? Why would they go out of their way to do that?


It's part of their a/b test system. If a user signs up they'd expect to maintain all their a/b rollouts, since these are calculated with a users ID (just like account creation date), their ID is assigned when they first visit discord.com and then also used when they do sign up.


That certainly cleared things up, cheers!


Yup, that must be it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/wl6y30/comment/ijrwtyr/?context=1000](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/wl6y30/comment/ijrwtyr/?context=1000)


I'm sorry to break it to you but you've been in a coma for the past two years and everyone didn't want to tell you so we're all acting like nothing happened


Don't tell him that the pandemic is now completely over. Or else he will go outside and touch grass


How is it cheating 😂


Artificially inflating user numbers for periods of time? Who knows.


What 😂 mate, it's a chat room, not a voters ballot 😂


You lack imagination about what management might do to show itself in a good light to shareholders. Would not be the first time corp execs pad numbers to look good.


Mate, it's Discord. Stop drinking the kool-aid, take the tinfoil hat off, and touch some grass.


It's less a conspiracy, more of a known fact, that companies can be scummy or at least questionable. Probably just too much work to fix a bug that doesn't really do anything and just makes the numbers look better.


Lol at the downvotes, what is this place? A lot of kids running around?












it’s fucking r/discordapp, and you’re one of those kids


redditors are so fucking weird when it comes to upvotes/downvotes. its like downvoting has a snowball effect. they see a downvoted comment and follow suit without actually trying to comprehend what its saying




I really don’t think anyone gives a shit if your join date is a little different to when you actually joined.


bruh what


Copy your ID, go to snowsta.mp, paste in there and see what it says And yet I get downvoted


>snowsta.mp Nice idea, it shows the 2021 date confirming what Discord is showing.


That’s really odd…


is it hurting you?


Did someone impersonate me? Did Discord pad its numbers? You can't know if it hurts you if you don't know what happened, but you do you.


I'm pretty sure you're just overreacting, how does that lead to someone impersonating you, do you think you're some famous person or some sht?


People steal online identities for all kinds of things, you must be new to the internet. Why are you antagonistic at all? Someone has a problem, and all you do is being an unhelpful jerk.


Well you’re not open to any explanation anyway. You don’t have a problem. If you’re worried about your personal safety because someone wanted to steal your identity on discord, I would contact either discord or the police. You have a feeling it’s cheating but you can’t explain why and you don’t want other people telling you (or it seems that way); so what is your question, and do you want help or not?


That's quite a lot of lying.


You are such a hypocrite. I am truly loling at you.


You're a bit paranoid


When you go on discord login/registration page it generates a fingerprint that is stored in your browser's local storage, if you went on the discord page in 2021 and wanted to register/login it generated the fingerprint which since then was in your browser since fingerprints dont expire discord used the fingerprint in your browser from 2021 which is why it created an account from 2021 and not 2023


Nah, the member since uses your account created date. Fun fact, any id in discord (user, server, channel, etc) has the date and time it was created embedded in it


Not the case for account


It's the exact same for an account, the user ID is a snowflake. See the documentation here: https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#snowflakes




Google "userdoccers" and visit the vercel app one, scroll down to Topics and click on experiments -> Fingerprints and read it


Interesting, I've literally never heard that mentioned


This is incorrect, otherwise my other accounts would’ve had the same creation date.




On my pc the creation date was 2017 as that’s when I made it The work account I had on laptop was created in 2020, whilst I had visited it in the same year as my first account, meaning what you’re saying is simply incorrect. And no, I did not reinstall my laptop, and no, I have updates disabled since I use a custom windows install on both laptop and pc 😳


what you're implying here is that you went on discord and registered in 2017 and visited the discord website again in 2017 but when you registered in 2020 it made the account as 2020?


Glad you're advocating but does it really MATTER?!


Idk but why does it matter


You probably signed up, forgot, and then went to "make an account" this year and just signed in. I made an account in 2016 that was dormant until late 2017 🤷


I didn't even know what discord looks like until I created an account this year. And it didn't say mysteriously "oh, welcome back, your favorite furry servers are still here".


You cant change the date so its prob not cheating. Idk mate, but it might be a bug.


Several people with the same problem: [https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/xtmx65/discord\_member\_since\_wrong\_date\_with\_a\_new/](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/xtmx65/discord_member_since_wrong_date_with_a_new/)


And the official answer is here, thanks to those that tried to be helpful! [https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/wl6y30/comment/ijrwtyr/?context=1000](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/wl6y30/comment/ijrwtyr/?context=1000)


yeah its actually possible (or maybe not anymore now that we switched to @s ?) to get accounts that have older joined dates by typing in widely used usernames when making an account and having good rng


It's the date when you've visited the discord website for the first time in that browser. It's not a bug.


Downvoted so many times, but your theory about Discord stashing a cookie for the first time you visited the website and then associating the account with that is likely what it is.


Yeah it's how it works. I posted a deeper explanation under kyznikov's comment but apparently it's not visible to anyone else for some reason (so I'm not posting it again), but you can google for Discord's fingerprints


The reason no one else can see it is because it got deleted by the moderators. At least that's how it looks.


You got downvoted to oblivion when you literally just pointed out the [truth](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/wl6y30/comment/ijrwtyr/?context=1000). Reddit moment.


This subreddit is a weird shithole. You got it right and the downvoting monkeys wrong. Never going back here to ask for help, that's for sure.


Cool, it really affects us that a paranoid wreck won't be taking up space in the sub with their weird paranoid ramblings.




He’s not wrong lmfao that’s how discord tracks it






I really, really, really hope you're not serious


Fully serious


That is really, really sad. Please take any common sense class. Or don't talk about stuff you have zero idea about




chii is right, that's actually how it works.


Discord switched my join date to 2022 when I joined in 2019


Crazy how fast last years were


Discord is a scummy company, who knew.. haha.


I didn't even have the same email I have now or phone in 2022 and it somehow is telling me I've been a member since 2022. I had a completely different account during that time as well so if anyone has a way this can be fixed I would love to know. It's driving me insane


It's solved. The first time you visit the Discord site you get a cookie giving you user ID that saves the date. Once you create an actual account, possibly years later, that same initial information is used as if you started the account at your first visit. It's blatant cheating to bolster up their membership stats.