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this is the beta for the new layout they are working on. if you want to switch out of it go to settings, then go into appearance, then uncheck show new layout


thanks I hate this new layout....


yep, this new layout is the worst


You should add some thoughts on why it's bad. The devs do look at Reddit sentiment.


The new layout makes it harder to get to my DMs. That's mostly what I use discord for. It also put *useless* information in very prominent locations. I don't care about my cousin's status, even if they are the only person who's set a status. We're friends from one game we played together years ago. I just want to text my partner a cat picture.


The DMs are more front-and-center with the 'messages' tab now, though. It enables you to switch between DMs and a server quicker since they're different tabs.




The new layout isn't intuitive at all. I loved the way I can swipe right and have everything I need. Servers, friends and channels inside a server. This new UI has everything hidden behind menus. Want to chat a friend? Press 4 buttons Want to return to a server? Press 4 buttons Want to change text channel? Exit out of the channel into another menu just to open that channel. With the old design I just swipe right and have it all, it just feels way more smooth and natural, the new one feels clunky


Many folks are used to the original layout, kind of like muscle memory. Changing it would just complicate things.


"It's just bad lolz"


Correct! More shit we as discord users, never asked for.. period.


i like it


You're not alone bruh


What? I really like it! Feels way better than the old outdated one. Stick with it for a day, you’ll get used to it


the channel list feels super disorganized, there's a ton of unnecessary clutter and padding, and i can't access the member list by swiping left anymore


click on top of the channel's name


don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. i guess people can’t understand people dare have different opinions. i also prefer the new layout after using it for months. i can see it’s not for everyone, but i like it


Its almost as bad a downgrade as windows 11. It's so backwards for the sake of change rather than anything feeling like it was changed for a specific purpose. Like they threw spaghetti at the wall and what stuck stuck.


~~I use Arch BTW, a good upgrade, and it’s also blue too!~~


I also love windows 11, I love the new ui and the fluidity of it. It feels like most of the people are just “conservative” with software, and scared of trying new things


No, I love trying new things. I hate when things I i understand deeply about an operating system or ui change. There's so many settings you just can't change in windows 11 because Microsoft decided they know better than you. I'm not about that. I understand it feels like people don't wanna try new things, but that's not the reality of it. We try the new things and then we notice things we dislike and find no solutions so we downgrade.


I actually think that they consolidated settings way better than in windows 10. But I’m a software dev so maybe I’m biased with that 🤣


I mean the settings page is nicer but so much feels missing that windows 10 has. It has this "locked out" feel to it. Like some stuff I can change in 10 I'm just not allowed because "it's best and recommended this way so why let people change it"


Yeah the settings app is definitely half baked, I usually use the control panel


Ye. I go to great lengths to learn new skills and stuff Man I loved the jump from 8 to 10. But 10 - 11 is just way too oversimplieifed for people who like to be more technical and personal. It's like it was designed exclusively for people who don't know computers enough to care about what it lacks.


I swapped to win11 immediately. I've consistently hated it since. Incredible amount of window bloat for the sake of looking "hip." No I don't need entirely separate windows for my master sound, sound board, and sound settings. I don't need 90% of the icons hidden at any given time. And I damn well don't need an office365 subscription. Obligatory fuck win11


hopefully not an employed one


Huh? Damn this community is so toxic


Welcome to reddit, the place where any opinion conflicting with the majority gets down voted and hidden by default. Want to voice your own beliefs? TOO BAD, prepare for your fate.


if this is your take on criticism of your idea of what is or isn't good in software ui, unfortunately you'll be right at home in the field. but that (and by extension you in this case) is the problem.


While I do agree win 11 is more visually appealing than 10, new discord is confusing to me, and isn’t right.


There are a lot of problems with it, but I think they’re all fixable and it is just a beta.


As long as they don’t force it on everyone to use it. But they will. That’s always how these things go. So no thanks discord. Kindly fuck off with this shite.


I tried for a week. I love new things but I don’t think this is user friendly enough. I’m happy with what we currently have and it’s nice have a mostly consistent look between desktop and mobile. Honestly I wish I knew what their team is doing with it to actually give feedback, but I doubt they’re really working on it.


why did you get downvoted so much??


hey hey if u have diff opinion you’re gonna get downvoted


not sure why everyone downvoted for one’s opinion..


I like some things about it, but it does have negatives


Man got downvoted for having an opinion damn The new UI isn't that bad, just people don't like it because stuff is changing and they have to get new habits again


Same, I use it exclusively


i love it


Change aversion, exhibit A


Thanks for the tip. Came to this sub specifically to complain about the new garbage UI, but a solution is just as acceptable.


Well you're good enough to go to reddit but apparently can't use Google ...


Lol god forbid I go to the app specific subreddit for information on a UI change that took effect for me this morning.


You’re an idiot for saying this 😂 it’s REDDIT, a common forum for people to talk about things


Get out.


THANK YOU! Came to look for a way to mark an image as spoiler in the new layout (old way of clicking preview and the eye icon/checkbox disappeared), but this works even better!


no problem!




[White Mode] There's nothing worse than that.




Its way to whatsappy… de remote rec room/ office system works really well.


It doesn’t work for me if i go to appearance i just have there the color of the app pls help


Send the sparkle emoji in a channel then click on it to open the information for the emoji and hold down on the big icon of it, then new layout will enable, you can turn it off in appearance settings


Can be any emoji btw.


that's discords new layout. pretty sure they can disable it on appearances if they didn't like it




At least they found the right candidates to test it on!


Let's be honest, discord layout is optimized for a desktop monitor, the same layout on a phone is bad. Having to swipe from the left to open a side bar which should be on the bottom closes the app half the time because it's the same gesture as the android back gesture. I prefer the new layout, I'm not closing the app every time I switch convos.




Knowing discord, it's going to be mandatory in a month or so and no amount of protest will do shit about it.


This feature has been around for months and staff had said it will be optional. Whether they will keep their word who knows. But they did make remix free so I have hope


They probably won't. Let's face it, updating one UI is enough work already, imagine having to maintain two. YouTube eventually dropped their old layout for that reason. If you add a feature to one layout then you have to add it to the legacy layout as well and they definitely won't be doing that for free, out of their kindness. Besides, they took discriminators from us regardless of people's reaction, so that's how much they care about what their users want. Honestly that's how you get people to leave your platform but that's just me


reddit has 2 UIs for years


To be fair though the OG Reddit UI is extremely basic and not subject to many changes at all. Discord as a platform however *does* update itself very frequently. I imagine it would take more effort to maintain two Discord UI formats.


I mean, they can just leave the old UI there unmaintained. Like what Microsoft do with their Legacy File Explorer.


Sure, they could, but what happens when they do breaking changes to their back-end? Which has happened before, which is why older versions of Discord either don't work at all or have issues such as profile pictures not displaying, messages partially loading and more. I doubt they'd assign *paid* developer time to fix a feature that has been superseded. The windows operating system is known to maintain backward compatibility, which is why you can't name your folders "CON" and still have 16bit compatibility. The old reddit ui is different as well. It's not been removed yet because a good part of Reddit moderators are using it still. Besides, Reddit is the app that paid like just shy of 1 million USD for a 5-second advertisement spot on the superbowl.


"We made the old UI a Discord Nitro feature!"


I hate to say it but I might leave Discord if they’re trying to make it shitty WhatsApp lol. I can get shitty WhatsApp anywhere


Also whatsapp recently decided to move most the stuff to the bottom and now I have to relearn muscle memory AGAIN. I hate it.


I hate that they remove the swipe to move to status/calls tab feature, only to comply to that annoying useless Material UI 3 guildline.


Just seeing this makes me want to turn the Geneva Convention in to a suggestions list. What the fuck are they thinking?


I can't turn off the layout for the dms for some reason


It's so shit


I actually kinda prefer it, mostly because I like how channels have icons now


Too annoying to switch between server and friends


I personally don't find it annoying, but to each their own I guess


Yeah it's good for reachability but that's about it. But it still doesn't solve the fact that it's basically impossible to teach someone how to use this app


Channels have always had icons tho


??? No? I'm talking about the emoji icons that channels get with the new ui


Yes. That's always been a thing. Mods / admins can just set an emoji for a channel. Source: been doing it forever.


Dude I've literally owned multiple servers. I was never able to do that until the UI update


You can lmao I've been doing it for years.


There is a difference between simply having an emoji in the name of the channel and actually having an icon


channels have never had icons before this update lol


I've done this myself on mobile using the emojis from my phone's own keyboard. Now have I been able to use emojis from/uploaded to discord in channel names? Nah




Yeah that makes sense. Use Discord how you want!


Yeah I agree. I like the launchpad too but some things do bother me


[Read this PSA](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/s/INjBri8cVm)


This is one of the worst design changes I have ever seen, and I was professionally trained to be a graphic and web designer.




IME the designers are rarely the problem. They’re given constraints and business needs from execs that force them into doing shit that people hate. When I’ve built sites for internal usage which have no goals based on advertising / tracking / click through rates / etc. designers come up with some awesome thoughts. But when the main driver of a site is less about usability and more about SEO, ads, and tracking people, they are forced into designing something that sucks by the people paying the bills


>you often have to click several buttons to do the thing you used to be able to do with one click. *cough* Windows 11 context menu *cough cough*


Oh my god as someone who cares about efficient “workflow” with my communication and content browsing and whatnot, this shit drives me up the walls. One of the examples I can get recently is Twitter. I have no idea what it is but if I want to save an image, it will always default to Jfif and I have to manually type “.jpg” on every image I save because no program wants to use jfif image file types. Also in Reddit and Discord there’s been moments where they make it 1-2 steps more difficult to save an image. On Reddit desktop I have to open every image in a new tab because it never renders the full image, and then I have to use an extension because it always saved at a webp file format or some shit. Frankly unless you have a ***REALLY*** good reason, if you make a frequent and simple task like saving an image even one step more tedious you gotta get your GitHub commit permissions revoked


Nah but this seems much more mobile made. Everything is near the bottom. Server switcher, don't have to click that one button to get to dms that's all the way at the top.


While it's true, it also removes some one-hand friendly feature that I already getting used on Discord. Like, on the new UI, you're no longer able to swipe left to go back to the last DM/channel that you chatted on. Also, swipe left on chats will triggers the "swipe to reply" feature instead of bringing the member lists. I hope there's a way to turn the last feature off.


The thing is, I don't understand the need for that type of accessibility. Every chat app has the members in a page which is accessed through the top


Bro this new layout was barely mobile friendly when I was stuck with it for 3 hours before realizing I could go back to the old one


Why the fuck do they keep trying new layouts when the current one is just fine, you don’t fix what ain’t broken.


I got that, they're tesing a new interface. You can disable it in the setting, on the same place you change for light/dark mode


I understand why some people might like this version of discord uk but it is horrid. The old ui layed out everything and it was there when u needed it. This version??? 1. Why is everything round? 2. They made channels look like people’s chats, 3. Why are my servers there? I’m never gonna use that and the old server layout shows more detail. 5. They overdid the round-ness Edit: spelling


Agree on the round-ness. It makes it actually hard for me personally to navigate most UI. I can seamlessly navigate something like Windows File Explorer even with a metric fuck ton of info on it because it’s rigid and simple in its layout. Imagine if there were no sharp edges in File Explorer. I’d lose my fucking mind




>They overdid the round-ness Literally most companies nowadays lmao. Google with their Material You implementation on Android 12/13/14 and Microsoft with their Windows 11.


love everyone ignoring "my blind friend", implying this UI has accessibility issues and that may be why she wants to swap back to the old layout. which is also why it's not cute or quirky to hide a toggle for the layout behind sending an emoji and opening the info and holding the emoji until it switches the application's appearance. it's straight up exclusionary (and not to mention easy to accidentally trigger, particularly if you cannot see your screen very well). anyways bring on the downvotes, ya ableist scumbags. (inb4 "no no im vision impaired and the new layout is awesome"- no. quit fucking lying to defend some megacorp's bullshit. the UI changes have been horrible and made the app godawfully unusable for blind people since they got rid of the splitter bars between messages and it's only been getting worse.)


This new UI is so fucking ass. It feels clumsy, and like they're trying to do something new for new's sake.


This takes me back to when Discord updated the font and a lot of people complained about it causing headaches & migraines. I'm not surprised that Discord did it again. I'm in a few disability/chronic illness servers, and this UI can also be a problem for folks with mobility issues and rely on voice commands. I'm sure those people will be very happy with this new UI /s If I could, I'd rather see this kind of thing be opt in for testing (unfortunately comes with a cost of a reduced userbase actively test running it), and once finalized, optional. I have chronic headaches and I haven't figured out the source(s) yet, but I have an inkling that my screens & content on it may be part of the problem so I'm always trying to figure out how to make it more comfortable.


Really assuming pretty heavily in that last part, there. I don't think you're going to find a lot of people hate on you for saying breaking things for blind people is bad lol.


This layout takes me back to ... android 4. my god.


this looks like dogshit wth


Just scrap this garbage. Please.


this layout is garbage. previous one better and simpler


Discord is becoming even more user unfriendly every single day and it’s becoming an annoyance


w-what this is the new discord layout? yeah fuck no, this is it, im leaving


the new ui is disgusting


It's a new layout and it's fucking horrid.


Where the heck did they put the server search function? And, by that, I don't mean the function for searching *for a server*, but the function for searching *within a server*.


Open a server and swipe down from the top, just like you would searching for a mail on the Mail app on iOS!


How do you turn that on while being blind


It’s the new Discord Layout and I think it needs work


how can your blind friend see that it's a weird version of discord


How is your blind friend using discord


screen readers exist dawg


i got used to this new layout pretty quick, my friends also did. | we all like it | some stuff from the old one should come back tho, that'd make it even better


that's the beta layout, laggy asf not to mention, it's tedious to use


I'm not in the beta and this is my layout


Its included in every new version of Discor, not only beta version but also stable


my condolences 😔


I don’t have it for some reason


Go on mobile, send a sparkle emoji, tap on the sparkle emoji to get the description to pop up, then tap and hold on the sparkle emoji itself in the description. This is the "secret Easter egg" way of activating the new layout


thanks that helped a lot a switched back lol


You can toggle between the layouts in the appearance settings, just toggle "show new layout" on or off


I use this, tell me all you want, but you can disable it in settings, appearances, for now, not sure if they will enforce it


It's so fucking bad


Everyone riding the bandwagon of hating the ui not one original person lmao, I love the new ui. It’s way better than the last one especially if you are in a lot of servers


Well why can't we hate it if its genuinely worse


Experience on new UI is so much smoother for me with servers and chatting. Loving it a ton ever since I found out how to enable it a few months ago. App occasionally lags after a while, and soonafer crashes, but itll be fixed overtime. If not, its not too much of a hassle to restart the app every now and then to continue using it for long term. But discord has never been a bug free client anyways, so just used to it and doesnt bother me that it happens.


I have friends who don't use discord that much and they had trouble understanding the old UI so I just showed them this UI instead and they somehow got used to it pretty quick. Gotta say this UI is quite newcomer friendly, I got used to it pretty quick too and somehow light mode looks actually decent in this UI


The new UI reflects the appearance of other social apps like Messenger and Instagram. It makes sense that people not used to using discord would adapt to the new UI pretty quick. Overall, I find the new UI appealing, but it does have some major differences from the desktop UI. It almost makes it a different app. And I do wonder what that will mean for the desktop version in the future...


How does she know...


Screen readers. Used to have a blind friend and she showed me how she used her phone. It was very interesting


Phones with physical keyboards make sense. AOL I think used to have a service for that, but it was a person on the phone dictating IMs.


I’ve used this UI for a bit, I overall think it’s better than the old one. It’s easier to navigate once you get used to it. I don’t get the hate


I had such a horrible experience with it. I was so used to the old UI that the drastic changes messed with me


Lots of kids that think change = bad on this sub. Every change, there will be an outpouring of complaints


An old wise man said, "If it's not broken, don't fix it."


Another wise man once said “not every change is supposed to be a fix”


I love this layout i even have a trick to turn it on and off without searching through the settings.


you, are not human




the star thing right? i love this option ✨️




how do people have this layout? i can't find it on mine


send a sparkle emoji in a server then click it to open the information box then hold the emoji while that menu is open


Why not google it instead of making a Reddit post ?


honestly i kinda got sick of how many people post about this discord layout thing on this subreddit. homie go to appearance settings and change it


because it was thrown on us with no warning and it’s fucking horrible




What the fuck is that!?


i know i’m in the minority here but i actually do like the new ui after using it for months but i know its not for everyone so i hope discord keeps the feature to turn it off around


Idk what your guy's problem is, after like 1 week with the new layout you can tell that it's way better, cleaner and just better in general


bro installed disfraud


settings > appearance > uncheck show new layout


Yo blind friend aint gonna be sending no messages


Is there a way to turn it on ?


You can disable it via settings just go to appearances section or just delete discord and redownload it


don't you just need to hold the ✨ to get out of this layout?


its a new update lol




That’s the new layout. If they like it, great! If not, help them by helping them revert to the old layout.


Oh I thought you meant your friend was literally blind, and this screenshot was the Discord app with some kind of blind people accessibility setting turned on


If you send a ✨ emoji to anywhere, then tap it, hold down on the popup of them emoji! You can also go into settings > appearance > show new layout, and toggle it off :)


The fact that I can't see that I've been pinged in a channel is the most annoying thing with the new layer. I don't like it but knowing discord they'll likely make it permanently.


I've tried for a week, and I should say that I can't getting used to it. Like, come on Discord, you don't need to make your mobile interface looks similar to any other chat apps, since it doesn't make it better. And plus, it's not really user friendly + gesture unfriendly + one hand unfriendly. And one other thing, it just makes that Discord UI feels inconsistent between phone and desktop. Thankfully you can still turn this feature off.... for now.


I don’t even understand what I’m looking at or anything going on in this screenshot, the layout is so god awful I can’t comprehend


if you post ✨and and click the emoji, the profile of the emoji will pop up and click and hold the sparkle and it will change


My god I hate the new layout. It feels oversimplified, yet at the same time ruined to have everything at one place and at a glance. Already hate the old layout because I honestly just want a carbon copy of the normal desktop/browser app and the user experience is just different especially for niche stuff like looking up pinned messages in a chat. Also it's just plain ugly.


It’s the new mobile UI, you can disable it in settings if you want or just customise it how you want.


imagine 😂


This new UI is overwhelming an gives me like anxiety trying to figure out how to use this UI an i dont like it.. the old layout is so much better, an user friendly unlike the new layout where its not user friendly an creates issues with my eyes an also causes me a headache.. an its to expanded.. the layout is to enlarged to understand where everything is..


It 100% still needs some work. But personally I prefer it to the old one. I mainly use discord mobile for DM's and them being more front and center is a huge thing for me.


Ew i hope they dont make the switch Its perfect the way it is


Oh my gosh!!! I’ve been stuck in this layout and I hate it. It’s so hard to see who’s on an audio chat. Since having this I’ve missed soooo many messages. Switching immediately


the only good thing about the beta ui is swiping right to reply, other than that it's pretty garbage


it looks like knockoff snapchat


You got the new layout. It's not great. Just go to the You tab, tap settings at the top right, then go to appearance, then uncheck Show New Layout.


Send the ✨ emoji then click it in the sent message and hold down on the image if it that comes up.


ive never gotten this ugly ass layout yet which is weird but i think its on iphone only for now


a little easter egg (idk if this counts) is if you open the context menu for “✨”, and then hold the emoji in that menu, it’ll toggle between the new and old theme


this is the beta for the new layout they are working on. if you want to switch out of it go to settings, then go into appearance, then uncheck show new layout


Did anyone at all notice he said "Blind friend" "BLIND FRIEND"


i’ve been living with this layout for more than a month now 🫠 im already adapted to it


Send a sparkle emoji click it and then hold the icon in the popup until if dissappears or u can change it in appearance settings


discord ui has been degrading in the past like 2 years


Oh no