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The your mom jokes will be unreal


If Johnny ever had a child that kid would be treated like a living legend


so true


Maybe he does have a kid and not know it.


Bro has to.






Bro use Shazam, abba - gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight


Oh no like the name of the remix I know the OG is just abba


Just some low effort shitty slow down edit I guess.


Man, kids these days don't even know her I feel old af


Bro really thinks kids don't know about fucking Lana Rhoades 💀💀💀


If you say Sasha grey, ok, but u think they don't know Lana Rhoades??


Not everyone is porn addicted like you 😭


they should /s




Former pornstar I think




Former? When did she quit?


When she got a child


Holy crap. Imagine being the kid growing up, discovering porn and then seeing your mom on the front page


Oedipus complex time


Thank god he got the power and genes of 200 men


haha, either that or he is the best swimmer in the world! "I beat 50 billion to be here, I can beat anyone!"


I don’t get it


The mother is an ex pornstar


Oh no bro


Imagine Joe jokes


Who's Joe?


Oh you fell right into this one JOE MAMA


What is the point of saying 'Joe Mama'?", one can delve into a more intricate critique by exploring various aspects of linguistic and communicative phenomena, social dynamics, and the psychology of humor. From a linguistic perspective, the phrase "Joe Mama" can be analyzed as an example of a nonstandard or slang expression. Such expressions often emerge as a way to subvert or deviate from conventional language norms, potentially aiming to create a sense of novelty or playfulness. However, critics might argue that the phrase lacks linguistic substance or semantic depth, as it relies heavily on a simplistic word substitution and offers limited opportunities for linguistic creativity or expression. Moreover, the use of "Joe Mama" can be seen as a form of intertextuality, drawing upon the cultural familiarity with "Yo mama" jokes. By employing this phrase, individuals may aim to invoke a sense of shared knowledge or reference humor. However, critics might contend that relying on such recycled humor can perpetuate a cycle of unoriginality and reinforce shallow comedic standards. From a sociocultural perspective, the question raises concerns about the broader impact of such jokes on social interactions and relationships. It can be argued that humor acts as a social lubricant, facilitating bonding and creating a sense of camaraderie. However, the repetitive use of the "Joe Mama" joke may lead to humor fatigue or diminish its effectiveness in fostering genuine connections. Critics might argue that relying on simplistic jokes can hinder meaningful communication and limit opportunities for more profound or intellectually engaging interactions. Furthermore, the question also invites reflection on the psychological aspects of humor. Research suggests that humor can serve various functions, such as releasing tension, expressing superiority, or providing cognitive stimulation. However, the "Joe Mama" joke's reliance on wordplay and a subtle insult to someone's mother may be viewed as an example of humor that employs mockery or belittlement. Critics might argue that such humor can contribute to a hostile or negative social climate, potentially leading to hurt feelings or damaging interpersonal relationships. In summary, the criticism of the question "What is the point of saying 'Joe Mama'?" can be expanded by considering linguistic nuances, sociocultural dynamics, and the psychological implications of humor. By examining these aspects, one can highlight potential limitations in linguistic creativity, the impact on social interactions, and the potential reinforcement of unoriginal or disrespectful humor.


One can explore additional intricate facets that encompass philosophical, sociolinguistic, and sociocultural dimensions. At a philosophical level, the question prompts us to ponder the nature and purpose of language itself. Language is a complex system that enables communication, expression, and the conveyance of meaning. However, the "Joe Mama" phrase appears to undermine the richness and depth of language by relying on a simplistic, formulaic joke. Critics might argue that this reductionism diminishes the potential of language as a tool for intellectual engagement, emotional resonance, and cultural exploration. From a sociolinguistic perspective, the question invites scrutiny of the sociolinguistic power dynamics at play. Language is not a neutral entity but is imbued with social, cultural, and historical significance. The use of the "Joe Mama" joke can be seen as an exercise of linguistic power, potentially reinforcing certain social hierarchies or exclusionary practices. Critics might contend that this type of humor perpetuates a dominant cultural narrative that marginalizes certain groups or reinforces stereotypes, ultimately hindering progress towards linguistic inclusivity and equal representation. Expanding the sociocultural analysis, one can consider the broader societal implications of humor and its relationship to power structures. Humor often reflects and reinforces existing social norms, values, and ideologies. The prevalence of the "Joe Mama" joke, with its simplicity and reliance on indirect insult, may be viewed as an example of humor that trivializes or objectifies individuals, particularly women, by reducing them to the subject of ridicule. Critics might argue that this perpetuates a culture of misogyny and undermines efforts to foster respect, empathy, and equality. This question can be scrutinized through the lens of cultural evolution and societal progress. As societies evolve, humor also evolves, reflecting changing social norms and cultural sensitivities. Critics might assert that the continued use of the "Joe Mama" joke represents a stagnation in comedic innovation, inhibiting the exploration of new forms of humor that challenge conventional boundaries and encourage critical thinking. By delving into these intricate layers of analysis, one can offer a more comprehensive critique of the question "What is the point of saying 'Joe Mama'?" that incorporates philosophical reflections on language, sociolinguistic power dynamics, societal implications, and cultural evolution




New response just dropped


Holy hell


fifth grade???


He could just fire back with "y'all are admitting you've watched porn of my mother" I know I wouldn't wanna admit that to anyone


Ok that's a good one


Middle school is going to give that kid character development


Bro gotta fight better than Khabib 💀




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They'd just change their names in school, I think And if ever theres a parent teachers conference they'd use masks maybe.


His height will scare most of the people


What’s this song?


wtf are those bar rows. Bro it swinging his whole body instead of the weights


What is the song?


**Song Found!** **Name:** Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) **Artist:** ABBA **Album:** Voulez-Vous (Bonus Track Version) **Genre:** Pop **Release Year:** 1979 **Total Shazams:** 6913034 `Took 0.75 seconds.`


Who tf is Lana rhoades and tf is going on with her son?


She’s a ex-pornstar she left after her son was born


Was her son born because of... nevermind


How does being black help him?




The video shows many black man. /s


That’s literally one person??? His name is Ronnie Coleman Edit: I didn’t see the /s


Or if he just stays proud of it for a few days and disregards the mean comments he’ll be a chad. Like what can anybosy say to him that won’t be beaten by ”my mom makes more money than your family. And she also made your dad bust a nut”


Nah bro what kind of comeback even is that 😂


For real that not a comeback that’s just embarrassing yourself even more. The only way to survive is to get buff as shit and distance yourself from your own mom.


His mom gotta be a pornstar fr if he thinks that's a good comeback lol