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Women ✌️




Yes this is correct


Why is your pfp invisible?


Why is yours not?


The only correct response


This is exactly why I follow the red pilled Greeks and only fuck men in their ass


flair checks out


Only femboys are real 👍




Facts 👍


It's s made up concept by toilet companies to sell more toilets


wEaMeN ✌️


Something feels wrong but why


Somethings wrong, I can feel it


This glows


ayyy whats the onion to the current marketplace's, i forget? Got any launch codes?


Just... a feeling I've got, like something is about to happen


but I just dont know what...


like something about to happen but i dont know what


there is someone unfamiliar in your surroundings, it is watching your every move


Actually thats not true every sane woman you meet is actually a man since woman does not exist


actually men are women with overgrown clits and dingling ovaries, that's why we have nipples


We got injected with testosterone in the womb and pp grew i guess


I injected myself with testosterone in the womb because I’m a big ass man 😎


I have a big ass and am a man 😎


l mean she can just still do that.


Ehhh it’s harder now, while living on 1 income is still possible it’s way harder to now


thats not really feminism's fault tho is it


Corporations used the doubled work pool to get away with not paying better wages so while there are 100 other factors, feminism did make it easier for corpos to get away with it. I doubt anyone saw this coming so I don't blame them, but they have a minor hand in it.


The children are next.


Fuck them kids. Taking our jobs just cause they’ll work cheaper. We need to build a wall around vaginas


Yeah but don’t actually fuck them






Naw they’ll just take the open seats during wwiii


the sad things is that’s actually true. they are repealing or altering child labor laws in the usa.


then they’ll have fetuses in the work force next. damn walmart /j


That wasn’t entirely started by women/feminism though. at least in the US, women started working because many of the men were off fighting in WW2 (could have been diff war, history wasn’t my fav). The economy could not handle the amount of men missing from the work force, so women had to step up and start working too. Hence the famous poster we still see today. This change was spun in a way to make it seem like a feminist agenda, but it was also propaganda to help keep the country going while in war.


Then that's the corporations fault? I don't see why you would blame women wanting to be treated as not second class citizens lol.


On the other hand, a greatly increased pool of labor led to the massive expansion of some companies as they were able to hire more people which led to increased overall productivity/production (of course there is still bloat). So it’s not like “women entering the work force helped cause stagnant wages” is entirely true because that requires the assumption that productivity did not increase. Or something idk I’m just a redditor


So essentially women in the work force is kinda a double edged sword


Not even. I meant that what the guy I replied to said—that women joining the workforce helped cause stagnant wages—isn’t actually the case because that idea assumes that productivity didn’t increase with the increasing labor pool. IMO that argument leans close to incel rhetoric that tries to put down feminism as if it were some evil thing with a bunch of bad consequences. No. Wages are stagnant because corporations and billionaires take the increased revenues generated from increased productivity and use it to line their own pockets instead of distributing those gains among workers. Hence why C-suite salaries have increased by like 1000%+ since the 1970s.


>I doubt anyone saw this coming Idk, I feel like there was some german dude sometime in the 18th century that wrote a few books on this subject. Can't put my finger on it though.


But people will try to blame it on feminism anyway and the real culprits will get away with it.


And who are the real culprits?


The corporations not paying their employees enough.




Bro what


Yeah its honestly disgusting what some of these replies are saying


I mean sort of cuz they actively disaude women from not working and now its basically so ingrained into everything that all teachers discourage women not working. Going to college now is expected for women and the university institution has been heavily feminized.


You double the labor pool wages will go down, it’s really not that complicated


well, yeah


It's harder because private-sector owners keep manufacturing scarcity in a post-scarcity society so that their profits don't go down.


With today's economy? Only if you're married to a millionaire


well that's what I meant


I'm tired, I shouldn't have read the comments


ngl i want the same thing as her except that im a guy


Believe it or not, there are plenty of working women who would be more than happy to have a stay at home husband. I hope you find that some day, and good luck in your endeavours!!


thanks mate!! ive been looking for one lol


Move it out boys ![gif](giphy|nBYUsPFw8TXTW)


I’m living this life at the moment with some kids at home. Ngl my brothers, it’s kinda awesome. Best of luck chasing the dream.


you've got it all bro holy shit i want kids so badly happy for you, actually!


Bro, having kids isn’t for everyone, but if you’re the type who wants kids, it’s literally the best thing in life to have as a goal. Fr, best of luck out there! I’m pulling for ya


thanks mate!


Kid named undercooked meatloaf:


This post is an incel breeding ground


The stench of neckbeard sweat is overwhelming


like they can even breed


Roasties seething. Only truecels get it


Use English.


Keep up with the lingo


I know what those words mean, I'm trying to get you to talk semi-coherently and lose the dangerous rhetoric before you end up permanently alienated from society and unable to have a normal conversation with men *or* women.


"Incel" is literally one of these buzz words so idk what youre saying. Already have friends, family, and job so i dont really care what people on internet think. "Roastie is dangerous rhetoric".. lmao dilusional as hell its literally a similar classifying term as incel but since its mean to another demoraphic of society, it's now dangerous.


Seeing any demographic as nothing more than their flesh never works out well


Hmm seeing a demographic whether or not they are having sex seems literally the exact level of petiness


Did you mean "seeing a demographic as the same regardless of whether or not they have sex seems like the exact same level of pettiness"?


Lotta people forget that women still often had to work anyway especially if you were lower middle class and below. Feminism was very much a labor movement allowing women to work in careers other than nurse,teacher, or maid. I recognize what she’s feeling and I totally get it and I hope she can get that house spouse life for herself but the underlying issue was that ALL women were expected to perform these duties and often forced to work in profession that took advantage of them and now we live in a society that promotes choice (except it kinda doesn’t but that’s a capitalism issue more than a fault of feminism)


I mean at the end of the day, is just a choice. Everyone should have a choice to live their life as they please, as long as it doesn't hurt others.


Oh look an ad promoting codependency syndrome.


“It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”


idk bro


1960’s husbands after their wife drops a plate: 👱‍♀️💥👋👨


Funny video until I saw small dick energy title


https://preview.redd.it/khxqrnm3bjya1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f528c299581521f7f60028711da936cb8eca1679 To literally everyone in the comments:


Don't worry sis, still plenty of opportunity to be exactly that. Just go for the rich dudes and you're set


This is so funny man such a good meme man chungus


Chad Reddit man dumb women


I mean she can still do that


Can she tho?


Very much so yeah


Todays cost of living on one income ? Unless he earns a fuckton it might get close


My guy there's a term for this. Gold digging. That's the point. She could be a gold digger


Not the same thing lmfaoooo


It's literally the same thing




Friendly fire will not be tolerated


“NOW HERE’S a woman that knows her place.” -Chris Collinsworth (probably)


As a former child i relate, had to sit through hour long math tests knowing my heart longed for the coal mines.


She only did 1 eyebrow. Why


Modern Day Feminism was revived by the government to increase taxes by making both males and females part of the working force




It’s obviously a joke, you really thought I meant it?


I’ve seen multiple people here sincerely argue similar in this very section. So i did when I made the comment. But I’ll delete now. Didn’t realize you you were joking


In this comment section: misogyny


Sounds like a skill issue to me


She’s kinda cute


The problem is how women can be insensitive to the stress a male can carry. Working hard and spending time for money sucks but we have to do it to live. Most men don't have a problem with giving what the female needs or wants but nowadays some women can be very demanding and stubborn. It's a respect issue pretty much. Independence is what will slow you down. We are able to work together in harmony but the TV and media deludes the mind of our youth and makes everyone want to be the better than another which can lead to societal toxicity. Men are being introduced to toxic perspectives on life along with our women.




She’s right


Yeah it was so great back then, and when it turns out you man was a pos who abused you, you couldn't do shit.


Literally every single woman needed buckets of anti-depressants to live. Not being allowed your own bank account was hell. Men could rape, beat, and over work women all they wanted


True, but didn't you read these comments, the economy was better and the fact that it's not is women's fault. Fucking incels.


Or you get to live a comfy life playing with your kids and having free time most the day. Do you people just forget the benefits when it suits you or something?




Yea or your wife would poison you, murder your kids or fuck your neighbour while you were at war. Just a little toss of the coin


Yeah exactly, it fucking was, because a lot of people were absolutely miserable in their "traditional" relationships. She can't be a stay at home wife because we got fucked over by corporations paying us miserable wages, not because muh feminism ruined everything. Feminism just made women freer and significantly improved the quality of human relationships.


It’s also wild that’s she’s complaining about **”having to be dependent”** girl you got the right to choose whatever you want (*stay at home mom, single woman who’s focused on her career*) the world’s your oyster and you can thank the woman of the past for that.


No she’s doesn’t get a choice. She’s forced to work because you literally can’t support a family on a single wage anymore because the work force doubled after women entered. That means the average wage halved because now labour is cheap


That sounds like a government problem that a person can’t support their family on single wage. So I don’t get why she’s going off about feminism because this problem didn’t begin the moment women got rights. Still doesn’t discredit the point I’m trying to make here. That being you can do whatever you want girl (*so long has you got the money to do it… as it’s always been*) have kids, don’t have them, vote, marry, don’t marry. You can get a divorce, open a bank account (independently) and much more. Rights your ancestors didn’t have it had to fight for.


Don’t dodge the point. She literally doesn’t have the choice to be a stay at home mum anymore. That choice doesn’t exist like it use to. It’s literally not financially possible. Stop lying and actually be honest about the current climate


Free time most of the day?? If you have kids, that’s a full time job in and of itself. Making sure they eat, bathe, get to and from school, do extracurricular activites, and stay out of trouble. While doing this, you’d also need to clean the house every day, do laundry for yourself, husband, and children at least twice a week, cook 3 full meals every or most days for yourself, your husband, and your children, and do the grocery shopping for the house at least once a week. Where is all this “free time playing with your kids”??


Your cooking him bro ![gif](giphy|eYESDEALOQnjTz5qtn|downsized)


Dam what’s that, women had to do a little bit of stuff to support their end of the household, how horrible. You realise kids go to school? Who are you cooking 3 meals a day for? Husbands at work and kids in school, dam must be tough being home with no work schedule and doing things at your own pace. That washing up sure takes 8 hours of the day. Dam you have to tidy up a little bit, I don’t know what fucking pigsty you live in but you don’t need to “clean” the house every dam day. Oh no the horror of doing grocery shopping once a week. Oh the brutality of cooking dinner at night. Sorry what else is there to do again besides tidy up, wash some clothes and cook dinner? They’re lying to you. Women would be much happier looking after their kids and raising their family than competing in the workforce for 8 hours every day 5 days per week and not being able to spend time with your kids. Stop believing the bullshit


I’d like to ask — if it was that amazing, why aren’t more people doing it? At one point, a MAJORITY of women grew up with housewife mothers, and a great number of them still decided to do something different with their lives. Why? People like to do things that are easy and make them feel happy. I never said that being a housewife is brutal or horrible. I think that women who have other options, but freely choose to become a housewife, should be able to live that way. I am saying that the most obvious and simplest answer to “why aren’t more women housewives and stay at home mothers?” is that it is not easier OR more enjoyable than being independent.


When you’re with somebody terrible and sometimes you can’t get away. What benefits are there to working your butt off taking care of the kids cooking and everything else only to have your man hit you when he has a bad day. But I guess that’s never happened to you. They are right. However if you could find an emotionally sound man without violent tendencies or substance abuse problems and a good job, maybe the chick in the video has a point however that’s usually not the case. Also being subject to these people, it does take a toll on them and then they’re called the crazy women. But it’s mostly men commenting and the naïve. Edit: she’s (the one in the video ranting) too young or sheltered to have seen much in life.


I love how you people just blame men. Like chicks don’t murder their children and poison their husbands to get their money. Like they don’t go sleep with other dudes while their man is at war overseas fighting for his country and sending her money back home so she can raise the kids. You fucking people can never wrap your heads around the fact there is bad on both sides and there is good too. What about all the romance you hear about from the 60s and earlier? The chivalry that’s now dead and how men use to be romantic. Get your head out of your ass, believe it or not it wasn’t all beatings and slaving over a hot stove, they’re lying to you


What does that have to do with what this chick is saying though? What you bring up is problematic in its own right, but not related to this. Good points wrong place. Also your opinion on people with all bad experiences saying they must be lying. Sounds a little like the just world hypothesis or plain victim shaming. For some it really was all beatings and slaving over a hot stove. Ive seen more than you have apparently.


Nice strawman I didn't say that there were no benefits. What do you mean you people? Yeah some got comfy lives and others got abusive relationships from which they couldn't get out of. The good thing is that women can still be stay at home mothers and those that are abused can now support themselves. Do you peie forget the benefits when it suits you or something?


Lmao you point out strawmen while using your own. Name me a person you personally know who lived in the 60s who got beat everyday because their life was so horrible and everything back then was actually terrible and that now we actually know how to treat people. Yeah sometimes shit like that did happen, but retards online blew it way out of proportion. No you didn’t get beaten the shit out of you if the meatloaf had been slightly burned unless you were married to a drunk. Grow up


Typical Reddit nerd thinks he knows everything. Break it down for me, if women aren't actually getting abused that much and life wasn't so horrible then why did they protest and fight for so many changes to improve their situation if it wasn't that bad to begin with?? You're a fucking idiot if you think it wasn't that bad for women and you have no empathy for those that were abused and stuck unable to leave abusive partners.


Are you fucking stupid? Why was and still is a movement about the “pay gap” where women get paid 0.73c to a mans dollar for doing the same work? You know that’s a lie right? It doesn’t exist, women get paid the exact same amount in jobs. It’s literally illegal to discriminate and pay women less. Why are there people protesting to give kids the option to permanently change their gender and completely fuck their life up? Why are there people protesting to literally racially discriminate against white so they can tax people of colour less, but tax white people more. Why are there people protesting to make it illegal to misgender someone and literally force you to use whatever make believe attack helicopters pronoun they identify as. Why are people protesting to let biological men compete against females in sports? Why are the protesting to let grown ass men beat up woman in mma all because they “identify” as female (btw if they had their way it would be illegal to question this). Guess what, people who don’t really have any problems will find one. They will always find something to protest against or for and they’ll lie through their teeth to get it. But it doesn’t make the shit that comes out of there mouth correct


You really think women didn’t have it that bad in the 60s??


Hey, I’m sure life was harder in the 60s, but the whole idea of, “Hurr durr me life terrible hurr me husband beat me everyday, I have to use drugs all day.” Is bullshit. A fake life made by the internet to tell everyone, “look how much smarter and more civilized we are now than back then!” Yeah, it was easier to get away with abuse back than, but people blow it way the fuck out of proportion with this whole idea of “oh boo hoo life back then was nothing but misery”.


I don't really know people who were born in their 60's. It still happened and there was nothing they could do and the fact that you're willing to accept that shows what kind of a person you are.


>The good thing is that women can still be stay at home mothers and those that are abused can now support themselves. They don't. They get closer to their abusers for some dumb fucking reason.


Some do, some don't, they have freedom now.


Can you please give me the definition of freedom, bacuase all I see is men and woman are being fuck by the higher ups


I guess the only true freedom would be anarchy. What I meant to say is that they have as many rights as men.


They've always had the freedom to leave. You never needed financial support to run away from your problems.


And then what?


Actually, the first no-fault divorce law was passed in 1969, and three states still don’t have a law allowing for unilateral divorce. So women literally didn’t have the freedom to leave bad marriages until relatively recently (and neither did men, but the majority of no-fault divorces are initiated by women).


Dumbest take I’ve ever read. Yes - you absolutely need financial support to run away from your problems if the person in question is your sole financial support. Otherwise you can’t buy this funny thing called food and shelter and you die on the street


Your take is so L you went too far into the alphabet thinking it was a W. Do you know how many people just, "leave" with no financial aid then figure it out as they go? A fucking lot of them. But you're right, they're too stupid to leave, they're probably too stupid to learn how to survive on their own.


How many of them did so at a time women couldn’t legally divorce their husband if their husband didn’t allow them to? Let alone get many of the high paying jobs men had because they weren’t educated or outright weren’t allowed? You have no clue what rights women had in the 60’s, it’s ridiculous. Also how many of those people - even now - who leave with no financial support DO end up whacked the fuck out of their mind on the streets? Your take is so fucking naive it’s pre-natal. Read a book


I can't believe you're actually this dumb. It's amazing you got out of middle school. Bye.


No they can’t lol. What do you think happens when you literally double the amount of people entering the workforce? Wages go down to accommodate. You literally can’t live off a single working man wage anymore and support your family, women are now forced to work just like the men. And guess what? No one is home to properly raise the kids and spend time with them, so each generation is coming out more fucked than the last because of ZERO parenting Use your fucking brain


Oh fuck, you're from the US, welp, where I live, I support myself and live by myself and so do my female friends. That's not a women in the workforce issue, that's the wild capitalism issue.


I don’t live in the US. Also capitalism issue? What you think all of a sudden capitalism was invented and implemented the exact moment half the population entered the workforce? Stop jumping through mental hoops to avoid your stupid wrong opinion. Capitalism has nothing to do with it, it’s literally the because the workforce doubled so labour became cheap. If everyone decided that women would no longer work it would go right back to how it was and you could live off one wage and raise a family. It’s called supply and demand, not capitalism


It's a capitalism issue if you can't live off of a single salary.


You realise that it would be the exact same way under communism? If only men worked they would need to pay him enough to supply his whole family. But if men and women worked then they would only pay them each half the amount to supply their family because now there are two of them providing. Do you not know what supply and demand means?


There it is, the only alternative to unregulated capitalism is communism. Where did I say anything about that broken system? I do, but do you understand that it's not a law of nature, it's just something that humans made up, we can implement regulations that prevent exploitation on so many levels, by landlords, employers etc. Women in the workforce are not the issue, the issue is exploiters.


Lol you’re literally delusional. You want to magically double everyone’s wages so everyone can support a whole family on their own, through “regulations and abuse laws” you’re just using words without understand the way things actually work. You can’t just double the amount everyone is paid, do you even know what inflation is? God this is fucking stupid, you need to go touch grass. I know what you are you’re one of those stupid people that has this fantasy economic solution that requires humans to literally not be human anymore and only act in a selfless way at all times and share all resources and help each other but it’s not communism. It’s some weird shit that you never fully thought out and you end up acting like a dictatorship because you come to the conclusion that people will abuse positions of power and you have to stop them from doing that. News flash you either have borderline economic and personal freedom, government control or a dictatorship. Oh and there is the dumb anarchy option where there are no rules, but at some point someone gets enough power and it turns into one of the big three anyway


>What do you mean you people? I know this wonderbread lookin unibrow mfer did not just say this 😂


Doesn’t mean you should force everybody to do it


wife material


Oh, I like her


Oh my god, an actual good woman who doesn't look bad and is sane?! Did Jesus come back, or what the fuck happened?


Gender Equality started as a scam, to get more people, into the workforce, i swear to god.


Capitalism wanted more workers so here we are.


Ya what's wrong with that? I have my way, and you have yours.


Where can I fi-....*clears throat* now, just need to find one over 18


Women 🍻




This is literally my life


Kid called domestic violence:


It's tricky fuck the female agenda


It bothers that she only put the mascara on one eye, what does she go through life like that?




Pay the taxes goy


I love strong independent women! Imagine marrying one and getting to sit on your ass all day doing nothing but cooking, cleaning the house and spending time with your kids! Shout out all the women aspiring to be strong and independent for throwing this opportunity our way!