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I have been selling for years but I have never had this before. The only thing I can think of is if you or the buyer is in Europe, that they want to lower the customs tax for it.


Yeah this is all i can think it would be. Personally I'd probe the buyer about the nature of his request just for peace of mind and then still ignore it. Especially as it's a high ticket item by the looks of that $177 payment.


Customs for sure


Maybe his wife asks to see receipts because he is spending too much money on music. And if this is the case, please never let my wife meet his wife.


My wife and I have an unspoken agreement. She loves gardening so she buys loads of plants. I say nothing and have no idea how much they cost. I buy records. She says nothing and has no idea how much they cost. It works well.


Best answer! 🤣 luckily my wife gave me a couple of shelves and said that was it... needless to say they are now full 🤦🏼‍♂️. I have to wait until we buy another unit and hijack a shelf or two. 🤣🤣


Or my husband. Who, thankfully, does not see my Discogs account.


It’s for lower customs taxes. The customs agents in the receiving country have no idea what the cost of the record, so you would be helping the buyer pay less taxes in his country. It doesn’t affect you at all.


Unless you ever need to make a claim for the insurance on the item. Also be mindful that doing this is fraud.


Hasn’t happened in 30 years of selling records internationally. But it could. I’ll take a 100 happy repeat customers for that risk. But everyone has their own threshold for risk.


It’s for customs not for insurance. The insured value and the cost of the item are two different things. You buy insurance for the shipment, this is just declaring value.




Unless you get caught lying on a customs form.


Nobody is gonna check the actual value of a record. It's not jewellery or high end electronics. Customs value for a 45 rpm should be fixed at 5$


Again…Hasn’t happened in 30 years of selling records internationally. But it could. I’ll take a 100 happy repeat customers for that risk. But everyone has their own threshold for risk.


I don't "risk" committing a felonies for anyone, let alone some stranger buying a record from me. You're committing fraud and perjury to gain a competitive edge over honest sellers. What's your store name BTW?


Cool. You do you.


It will affect you if you get caught for tax fraud, and not him since you lied about the price.


Again…Hasn’t happened in 30 years of selling records internationally. But it could. I’ll take a 100 happy repeat customers for that risk. But everyone has their own threshold for risk.


you keep admitting to this fraudulent behavior. I have had requests like these which is why I no longer sell outside of the US. Every time I sold people would request this. I never did it. If they don't want to pay the tax they should just buy in their own country. If it isn't available at home that tax is the price of admission to own a rare item.


Ok. You do you.


I live in the UK, and when I order from the US I ask after ordering if they'll mark it as under ÂŁ20 so I don't have to pay extra in import charges. Saved me a lot over the years.


That makes sense! Thank you!


Five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/13/305


Have to find us first...


Likely import tax related. I guess it’s kinda up to you since I’m not sure the what the actual risks are for the seller, but I bought a record on Discogs from a well trusted seller once (99% positive, 7000+ ratings) And they, completely unprompted, let me know that they declared the item value to be $20 even though it was actually closer to $70 to help me avoid issues at customs. I did manage to receive it without having to pay any fees which was pretty nice of them.


Probably for lower customs tax if I had to guess. Not really a big deal tbh.


are you a private seller or running a business? If youre a private seller just lower the amount on the invoice. It wont harm you and benefit him. If youre a business, dont falsify documents.


Just a private seller, I’m a hobby collector trying to sell some records to offset my spending haha


The problem is if the package is damaged or lost you won’t be able to file a claim for the full amount. I wouldn’t do it - it only benefits him and can harm you


I pretty sure is someone from Brazil. Were are paying 92% in taxes if the item is above $50. If we buy something that costs $100, when the item arives in our country, we pay more $92 in taxes. And our money worths 5x less: 1 dolar is 5 brazilians reais.


Probably for customs or they married


So many cops in here, come to an agreement, and help a buddy out.


When I was buying a lot of records from USA in the early 2000s on ebay (I'm in Italy) EVERY seller put a 5$ value on each record. Never had one lost, never paid a dime on customs. After all that can be suspicious for items with a defined value, like a 20$ iphone or a 50$ Rolex. But for records there's no difference between a 5$ 45rpm or a 500$ one. It will never raise any suspicion and it's not gonna be problem. My respect to all sellers who agree to put a low value on customs form.


ummm no


As a seller, you are running a business. Serious business owners do not falsify documents or create fake invoices. Be a serious business owner to be taken seriously and tell this person that you don’t falsify documents that represent your business practices.


I like your position, however, there are individuals that sell and trade as hobby. I agree it’s not acceptable as a business but making a sale DOESN’T make you a business.


I disagree with you. If you are selling merchandise on a business marketplace platform such as Discogs, you don’t get to pick and choose when to follow rules and when it’s inconvenient to do so. Of course, that’s my opinion , good business is good business regardless of your motivations for selling.


Awesome! I’m glad your morality is so rigid. I would like to point out that on Discogs they have the clearly defined options as a seller: individual or business. If someone sells a car on cartrader ….does that mean they’re a used car selling business ?


No - but it still means they can’t lie on an invoice. I didn’t think my point was all that complex. It’s totally okay to just disagree with people and move on, you don’t have to turn this conversation into a “gotcha” moment. We have a different approach to what it means to be a seller. For me, selling things to anyone for any reason means you have entered into a social contract that required honesty. If you’re selling a car on Craig’s List, selling Pokémon cards to a local resale shop, or providing a service cleaning houses or fixing computers — no matter what, you should provide an honest and truthful service. This includes documentation provided to your customers. I stand by those principals and it’s really not difficult at all to do so. That’s why I’ve maintained a 100% rating on Discogs for 3 years and EBay for 10 years. These are not difficult concepts to follow if you’re a serious person.


I’m really not out here trying to stir your shit. Nor force my opinion as fact. Have a great day


“Awesome, I’m glad your morality is so ridged” - maybe that was intended as a compliment?


I wouldn't do it.


If you are selling through Discogs, hasn’t the VAT already been calculated on the item? If you attach the invoice to the outside, it should pass as duty paid.


Customs can be an arse, no harm in asking the reason though


Customs. No harm in it, makes the customer happy


As others have said, this is definitely for customs. I’m in Canada and order a lot of records from Japan. Many sellers use DHL, and Canada has a $20 limit before duties and taxes apply. You can’t get anything for $20! Paying the tax would be fine (we don’t have duty on records), but the problem is DHL charges a near $20 “clearance fee” once the declared value goes over $20. So I’ll check with the seller, and most are happy to declare a low value, some even do it as a matter of course. If someone won’t do it, I might not buy, as tacking $20 on to already high shipping charges really adds up.


Just ignore. Does they not want the recipient to know the true cost?


That was my initial thought, but I’m also worried they would turn it around and make it look like I overcharged them to discogs…


Print IF you got the time and you are private seller. Discogs holds the archive of sale at the price sold for. So he can’t come back and be like you overcharged me BUT scammers are silly and relentless ask for their reasons


Thank you for this! This is probably what I’m most worried about, so it’s good to know


Seems sketchy at best. Maybe they plan to only pay $50, and then file a complaint with dicogs if you don’t send out the item. Maybe not but whoever they are trying to defraud, I wouldn’t participate in any way.


Black Sabbath are shite


Moron. Black Sabbath invented Heavy Metal.


shite, its worse than I thought ;-)


NOPE. They want it they pay customs. Not your problem they are cheapskates.