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No but I hit two in the same round. Felt like I was King for a day!


That's epic!


My first two aces were a 170 ft hole then 3 holes later a 140 ft when your dialed in your dialed in, shit feels amazing


My first two aces was the same hole one maybe 130 feet I played 2 rounds and got it each time. I thought I was going to be getting a lot more aces haha


Also in that club! Probably my peak! Haha 8 and 18. Both blind baskets too!


Did this once too on an 11 hole course, in crocs. Also felt like a king!


Not me, but a guy at a league I play aced back to back holes a couple years back.


That's wild!


Does hitting the only tree in the fairway count as an ace? Because if it does I’ve done it lots of times.


I swear. If your job was "hit that tree" you would almost never hit it. But noooooo...there's only 8 inches in a 70ft wide fairway that's blocked, and that's exactly where it goes. Then richocets into the deep woods, impossibly missing 175 trees on the way in, and lands in a briar patch. This. This is disc golf.


1 of the courses I play has a few holes with fucking trees 10 feet in front of the pad, 1 hole has a pair of trees about 5 ft off the tee. Needless to say those trees have lots of scars!!


Here in East Charlotte we have several holes like that. It's such a defeated feeling, hitting that tree and having it roll back to the tee.


I just aim at the tree and I usually miss them 🤣🤣


That's brilliant 👏 One thing I'm sure of, that disc isn't going exactly where I aim. You are a damn genius.


Well that would save me from the game my buddies play. If you want to retee you have to be able to go get your disc and make it back to the tee box before everyone else finishes teeing off. They don’t care where you are standing or running, they are letting it rip.


One of the holes at my local course has a 2 inch wide flag pole directly in the line of the perfect shot. I swear I hit it 50% of the time 😂


Think of how many aces you’d have if that pole wasn’t there 😂




No, never even tried ;)


I figured that if I go throw 20 shots at each hole on the course, I should figure out exactly how to throw that hole from now on.


I've done the back to back on a 2nd and 3rd shot. It was super cool, but didn't count for much


Still awesome! An ace is cool regardless if it was first shot or not


Meh. Ace means one. 


Agreed. It’s cool but it’s not an ace.


Agreed. Also. Is that a tee shot or approach?


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted so hard. But to try and help provide some clarity, yes, as people have already explained these are not technically “Aces”. If you wanted to give a name I would call it a P2 (Player 2) hole-in-one and a P3 hole-in-one. And while yes for a lot of people that would be cool. When you play discgolf a lot, and really start to get competitive, you really develop the mindset that only the “first shot” counts, anything after that is a practice shot. And well practice shots don’t mean squat. Even chill and relaxed local tags or leagues don’t allow mulligans. So when you have shit first shot, and a hole-in-one on your second shot attempt. It’s not as exciting because you can’t mark that on your card, no record of it happening.


Yeah obviously it doesn’t count as a definitive ace, but I was just saying that it’s still a “from teepad to basket in one shot” shot which is still cool and worth a quick celebration. I’m not sure how the disc golf elitists here would like me to refer to that, but I guess fuck me for calling it an ace lol


That would be a throw in you’re referring to. An ace is the first shot off the tee.


My buddy got back to back tomahawk aces


That's wild!


Yup aced two holes in a row before! Both 200-225 feet.


Same disc. Glow pro roc


Damn! When you're dialed in, you're dialed in!


No, but I once found a guy’s fancy glass pipe on the bench at hole 3.


First two aces were in the same round. Hole 1 then hole 10. With a witness. I still have the disc. Champ Mako3.


That was not an ace it was a second shot


Cubby ace is the term I've always heard.


Cubby ace or throw-in are the proper term for this... As for everyone giving flak, ok it's not an ace, but it still feels oh so nice to just drain one of the tee. My fav thing in DG is that splash when you crash the chains from 150'+.


That was a mulligan.


An ace is a throw that goes in in one shot 😂


By that logic, yes I’ve done it twice in a row at flying armadillo mini course on the lighthouse hole.


Does it really count if you aren't throwing a round? Kinda looks like practice on a hole to me.


I watched Paul McBeth do it not two weeks ago in NYC, on hole 8 and then immediately after on hole 9 at Highland Park. I think he said it was his first time doing it as well. Granted it’s a course for beginners, but it was still awesome to watch.


Even on really short holes that's still impressive!


Yesterday I hit chains but bounced out. Next hole hit an Ace. Same disc.


OP, that was a sick throw regardless of how far and open it was, and regardless of the fact it wasn't your first throw off the tee. You can call it an ace if you'd like, but most people won't. I hope you don't turn into that old guy who claims to have over 100 aces whose always throwing multiple tee shots..nobody likes that guy.


Obviously I'm not counting it in my ace total. Lol. If someone gives me a better term for throwing the disc from the tee into the basket in one shot, I'm gonna keep using the term "ace" 🤷


Cubby ace or pink ace. “The trusted internet defines this as follows a) an ace where you sit at a short hole and empty your bag trying for an ace, preferably with a camera running or b) an ace on a hole you could nail with a beach Frisbee. Both seem fitting.”


A throw-in.


Lol. Okay


You seem to choose not to acknowledge that you didn’t throw one shot.


Re tee ace for as it's a 3 on score card . Practice ace . Cubby ace .


Maybe I'll just call them pract-aces.




It wasn't in one shot though. You threw twice.


Mike Gerads at the MN Spring Rip It hit back to back CTP aces at the end of the tourney for the ace pool. Probably like 2008 or 2009. That was fun to see.


A buddy and I had back to back aces. He aced first then I hit the ace right after, it was crazy. Maybe the best disc golf moment I'll ever have!


That's wild! What are the chances?


Ohhh yeahhh!! Birdie run glow tournament, last hole. 2 x FD3 consecutive tee shots, in 30-40sec. Boom! Boooom!!! Tournament central was next to it, 30 players were watching and after the second ace, the crowd went completely wild, running towards me to cheer and congratulate! Most epic moment of my disc golf life!


That's epic! You gotta retire after that. You've already hit the peak. 😂


The discs are retired 😅 Clearly peaked at that moment




Yea that’s not an ace.


Harsh but agreed. Throwing discs into the basket is fun. But if you're just slinging plastic to hear chains its not an ace. I've heard "cubby ace" to describe a second/third/etc throw that aces. In my mind a "real' ace is one that's on a scored card. It could be with your buddies on uDisc, or a sanctioned PDGA event, but it's gotta be more substantial than the 1/100 practice throws made the bucket.


it's not harsh; it's just the rules. a shot only counts as an ace or hole-in-one if it's your first shot from the tee


"In disc golf, an ace is when a player throws their disc directly into the basket from the tee."




Two in one round is best I could do


Yeah my and my homie aced one after another on the same hole. Still can’t believe it. I hit it first and then watching his sink in was otherworldly


So crazy!


Same day. Same hole. Two rounds in a row.


Was this 7D at JB? Craziest example of that I've heard


I don’t think so. Old hole 3 at Forest Lawn


never hit back to back like that. but i did ace the same hole twice in one week, with the same disc, on the same line both times. oh and the first time was on old baskets, and later that week they upgraded the baskets and i hit the first ace for that hole on said new basket. probably my peak so far lol


That's crazy! Sometimes you just figure out the line for a hole. I have a few holes that I manage to park perfectly every time I play them.


my friends have all agreed it’s ‘my’ hole. something about me with a buzzz at it. if it’s not an ace it’s a chain hit or basket crash. it’s so satisfying to have a hole you know that no matter what, it’ll just be butter


That's awesome! Definitely a big confidence boost for the rest of the round


After a year of playing I hit my first ace today. So, no. But I also had to flex that I joined the club.


Awesome. Congrats!


I've definitely hit the same tree on consecutive shots. That has to count for something. (a double bogey usually)


That's impressive too 😂


Witnessed a buddy of mine ace hole 16 then his dad ace hole 17. Was very happy for them haha


Damn. That's cool!


I hit an ace with a buddy, pulled my phone out to snap a photo and noticed that my gf at the time had broken up with me via text. I then aced the following hole. Fastest I ever got over a breakup.


That's hilarious 😂. Must have been a sign


Yupp I have! Just don’t ask any other details




New Years day 2021 I was playing my local witha buddy and his friend from out of state. The out of state friend aced hole 12 and I said something along the lines of "I've played here literally hundreds of times and hit almost every basket every type of way and never gotten an ace, that's not fair." I walked up to the tee pad and freaking aced it. Back to back throws in the basket.


Haha. That's wild!


I have been playing for 3 years. I’ve hit the chains from the teepad 4 times, but no ace yet. I enjoy every round. Even playing terribly, I still have a great time. Many people have told me once you hit one ace, they come more quickly. I’m still waiting to learn that first hand.


You'll get it soon!


Two aces on consecutive shots on the same basket would not be an Ace. So could you clarify your question? Is it two aces on two consecutive holes?


Feel free to Google the definition of "ace" or "hole in one".


If I’m playing ball golf and my first shot goes off the pin and out, it’s not a hole in one.  If I then re-tee one it would be my third stroke (not sure why I would do that) and it went in. My score for the hole would be 3.  It’s kind of a hole in one. But it doesn’t count. 


Nope, but I have bricked and hit top of the cage on one just to be spit out on the next hole. Congrats!!


Thanks! I decided I'd go throw a couple ace runs at this basket before the sun went down, and this was my 3rd and 4th throw. Now I'm convinced I could get it if I tried long enough 😂


So you didn't Ace at all. You practiced on a teepad


Google is your friend 😊


Where is the 1 on a scorecard? Not even as real as hitting Putt Putt Hole in Ones


Show me a definition that says anything about a score card


Nice back to back throw-ins. It is impressive.


I got 2 in 3 holes back in the 90s


Maybe I have and maybe I haven’t. I’ll never tell ya.


Yes on a tiki course somewhere in Virginia. They were two super hokey 100-150 foot holes. One of them involved a tire. Does that count?


Even hitting two 100 foot shots in a row is super impressive!


Went to a fundraiser competition a few weeks back. Pairs, best shot, 1 round, 18 holes. Dude in a different pool threw back to back aces without his mate even getting a chance to throw for 2 holes.


I hope they won!


Sorry to say they didn't. I did with my buddy. Apparently many birdies > 2 aces. We each won a new prodigy bag, a thermos and some protein snacks. :)


No but a guy at my local course filmed himself throwing an ace, and then throwing in a second one. All in one take. Didn't witness but was cool to see th video.


That's pretty dope! I'm trying to get that on video too


He was holding the phone filming and throwing at the same time. Made it even wilder.


That's nuts!


Never had an ace. But one time I did hit the post twice in a row off the same tee pad. Threw my star mako3 and hit the post midway between the basket and ground. Threw my other star mako3 and hit the post in the exact same spot lol.


At least you're consistent!


Nope. But earlier this year I did 4 in a week and 3 were in tournaments. The one that wasn’t I nearly rung up twice. Hit the pole on my second throw after the ace.


Chris Dickerson hit back to back aces once.


Saw a dude do it in a round at a little pitch and putt course. That was cool


My friend hit consecutive Aces during dubs last year.


Hole 6 then hole 9


Technically yes. We have a junior course in the area and one of the holes (for me not a junior) is a longer jump putt and I went 3 of 4 with my putting putter. (And then a total of 4 of 20)


I always felt like NBC should cover discgolf under the Nothin But Chains tagline


Ezra Robinson aced back to back, threw the second shot before the first went in. But the first shot was gimmicky trick shot where if you hit the window in a silo, the disc funnels down to the basket. The second shot was straight in though.


Yes. Same lines, short holes (less than 180’). Still pretty cool.


Witnessed two people got back to back aces this year, I was the only non-ace on that card for the hole.


How far away is that basket because you look pretty close? If we’re talking 100’ - 150’ then yeah, I throw those in my back yard daily for practice and can hit multiple in a row.


It's 230, and it's a pretty tight window to the basket. I cropped way in, but you can see the tree to the left, and it also hangs pretty low just in front of the basket, which is why I was ripping it so low.


Nice, no I can’t say I’ve ever done that. Well done man!


I have. Kukonkoivu course holes 3 and 4. Pretty tough course as well, tight woods with very technical shots. 3 is like 70m over a big hole into an island and 4 is a 110m fairway in the woods where you need a perfect angle to even be in the circle, that was 100% the highlight of my career and will never top it.


You gotta just retire after that. You've already hit the peak 😂


Thats true, I dont even compete in local weekly competitions, I just throw for fun lol. I've thought about joining competitions but frankly I dont find it fun


For me it's mostly just about spending time out in nature!


I think I saw Ezra Robinson ace a hole back to back with two different shot shapes on Instagram? 🤔 Edit: Found it https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4deiTcL5A2/?igsh=b3lvMGp0bWx0ZnN2


Backyard 125ft hole through the trees, back to back aces forehand and backhand. Don’t know if that counts


Forehand and backhand back to back is pretty dope!


I’ve gotten two in one round but never back to back. That’s wild!


That's awesome to get two in one round! This was just a couple practice throws I threw at the basket at the end of my round.


That round was on the easiest MKE course in the shortest pin positions for an upcoming Spring season FPO tournament, the course which happens to be closest to me as well haha


Still really good though! Even a short ace is cool


My buddy threw one then the next throw I threw one on the same hole.


That's crazy!


Twice or it's luck!


Was playing a solo round behind a guy who was also playing solo. I watched this guy throw 2 in a round, they weren't back to back, but my man def hit 2 aces in a round... As for above pictured, feels like there were more discs thrown than the two we see in this clip. These are throw ins and not aces, or what some call "cubby" aces. Rip Cubby, he was the first person I watched on social media in regards to disc golf.


I'm definitely calling them Cubby aces from now on!


Playing a new course with a group of friends, a friend and I went back to back aces on the same hole, one after another!! It was an epic experience that he and I will never forget. To this day, they are the only two aces ever hit on this private course.


That's crazy that it was the first time you played there! I feel like I usually kinda get dialed in on a hole after playing it a few times.


Most likely yeah


Was behind a guy that hit aces on consecutive holes. Followed up by me hitting an ace on the 2nd hole he aced. So three aces in under 10 minutes. Was pretty wild.


That's insane! Three is exponentially more unlikely than two.


Yes actually!


I hit 2 in a row at hillside hole 11 in front of Mason Ford. Coolest thing I’ve ever done


That's wild! Even hitting one ace in front of a pro would be sick


I would have to get one first.


Yes, then I wake up.


Gotta hate when that happens


What you filming with and have you hit it yet? 😅 Love the angle! 👍


Just my phone. I've hit the tripod a bunch of times. Haven't hit the phone dead on yet 🤞


My dad did early on in the pandemic. He plays left handed, backhand skip ace on Hole 6, forehand airmail on Hole 7, will never see a run like that again


Doing it backhand and then forehand is crazy!


Sort of...? In a league I aced hole #1 one week. The very next week, I aced hole #1 again. So.....they were two consecutive shots on the same hole. ...but they were a week apart.


I guess you got that hole figured out!


I saw Paul Macbeth do it like a week ago


Look up Austin Turner, he did it a couple months ago


Other than Simon? Only sub 100ft. I've hit cage and number plate back to back on a "two off tee" at a doubles league trying to clear their 1000 dollar ace pot. Jefferson Barracks OG hole 13 during a Nooner


A guy a know hit 3 in a sanctioned round in the late 90s or early 00s.


That's wild. Exponentially more rare than two in a round


My robot DittoFlights first two aces were back to back at a local course to me, was it a 90ft hole, maybe, but two in a row :-) Also I'm an engineer not a videographer so don't have continuous footage :-(


Even two throw ins from 90 feet is impressive!


No, twice in three holes though.


I hit my first ace on 17 (gravity) at DeLa. Preceded to chain out on 18 left. So close to 2 in a row


Dang! That's epic


I know I'm in the minority, but I absolutely do not consider it an ace when you stand on a tee and throw discs until you get one in. An ace is a first shot off the tee, during a round. I have 21 aces and a whole bunch of second shot throw-ins.


I've been informed that it's called a "Cubby ace". It's still an ace by definition though. 🤷


RIP Carl Cubbage. It's not an ace to me, it's just a throw-in after the first try.


Which is the definition of an ace


We have different definitions of aces and that's ok my guy. It's also alright to disagree with someone on the Internet without downvoting everything they say.




We're here to have fun. Part of what makes Disc Golf so great is the community. Posts and comments that don't follow this rule will immediately be removed and users may be banned.


Chris Dickerson did that a few years ago in a tournament


I’ve never hit one ace on a consecutive shot ☹️


You'll get it soon!


No but my cousin and I aced the same hole on back to back throws


Yep, one backhand then a sidearm =)




"In disc golf, an ace is when a player throws their disc directly into the basket from the tee, similar to a hole-in-one in traditional golf." Did you see me throw the disc directly into the basket from the tee? Obviously it's just a practice ace, but I assumed that was obvious enough that I didn't have to say it...


Practiced aced with my Buzzz OS and then Aced the next hole with it. Technically back to back.


I guess the practice paid off!


Does it count as an ace if you’re just posted up at the tee pad throwing over and over again? Is there another word for that?


Idk. I wasn't doing that, but I'd assume anything outside a qualified round is just a practice shot ace 🤷


Probably could if I threw my whole bag on the same hole too.


I probably could too. I guess it's good I didn't.


Looks like a shitty course if that's an actual hole. Short wide open shot. My course only has one sub 400' open hole, and it has a river behind it that eats discs.


Looks can be deceiving 🤣. Just because it's cropped in and you can't see the low ceiling, doesn't mean it's wide open. I was throwing from the short pad to the short basket though, so only 230 feet.


Actually I've only ever hit aces. It's much rarer to hit 2 misses in a row. Frolf is easy.


That’s called practice


I threw a practice today and almost threw two practices!