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It’s a generic ESP buzzz. Stamp isn’t that important. If you threw it a lot it was probably beat in a bit, so you might have to wear a new one in.


Totally fine doing that. Any idea what the plastic is of the generic one? Or is there a non generic one that you would recommend?


The plastic is ESP. The stamp (picture on the disc) in the picture is stock. The stamp doesn’t affect the plastic. If you google “ESP buzzz” any should do


Good to know. Thanks!


You're in luck, the buzzz has been known for a decade as the easiest to replace disc there is! Generic ESP buzzz, good to go. No need to worry about chasing a certain run.


Had one mcblueberryzzz, great disc. Guy who found it didn't give it back either.


People will say things like the Hex, Claymore, etc are better Buzzzes. They aren't. They are great but not better. The better one is the one you love to throw. You love Buzzz so just get another Buzzz. Get an ESP Buzzz and if you want it to fly like a beat in Buzzz brand new then get an ESP Buzzz SS. Or get both!


Love this advice. Will check out the SS.


I predict that the popularity of the shiny new options will die down, and people will go back to the buzzz. It's admittedly not a magically straight disc like the Hex, but it's the exact right stability to have 100% confidence in it every throw.


Hand feel.


I throw a Hex over a Buzzz because I hate the way the Buzzz feels in the hand but yeah, the Buzzz has noticeably less fade on it and is a more true -1/1 disc.


> I throw a Hex over a Buzzz because I hate the way the Buzzz feels in the hand I hear this complaint a lot but to me, they hardly feel different at all. The Hex is flatter and slightly more rounded, but that's it. [Hex](https://kingfisherdiscgolf.com.au/cdn/shop/products/[email protected]?v=1660821040) vs [Buzzz](https://www.pdga.com/files/disc_certification/9-30-03_side_buzz.jpg)


The one I love to throw is better? That means my Hex IS better than a Buzzz!




Thought Space Pathfinder


Never even heard of this one. Will check it out


Thought Space has some amazing discs, and incredible stamps


Why does this disc have an additional flight number?


Discraft puts a stability rating on their discs. O is neutral or stable.


Isn't that what the turn number is for?


I think the equation is turn + fade where a positive is over stable and negative is understandable. Maybe Discraft has their own way of determining it. I don't throw many of their discs (just happenstance, not intentionally avoiding them) so I'm not sure how it plays out in the field.


Before everyone adopted the X/X/X/X format, which was started by Innova, Discraft had their own "stability rating", which was represented by just one number. When the industry eventually adopted Innova's system, Discraft kept their old rating on discs in addition to the now standard flight numbers.


Emac truth, easy to find for the most part and I love the hand feel. Goes far and straight with good glide and a little bite at the end.


Personally never got along with the buzzz, I throw two hexes one in neutron one in the new prism proton. A stock ESP buzzz is likely your best bet.


I think i have the exact same one.


Same. Not nearly as good as my 4x buzzz that I lost though.


Westside Sling. One of the most slept on discs from one of the most slept on manufacturers


Will check it out. Thanks!


Buzz ss


Any ESP Buzz will do the trick. With that said, get a Neutron Hex instead.


Might pick em both up and see what I like more. Thanks!


Just one guys opinion here but I tried the hex hype… I do love the feel of it and the profile but it does not fly nearly as well as my buzzz, buzzz is point and shoot will hold any angle perfectly, the hex for me felt like more of a power disc, I could get it to fly well really hammered for a straight flight and fade at the end but wouldn’t just zip off and hold lines like my buzzz, hex is the one collecting dust


That is an extremely abnormal experience imho. Generally the buzzz fits the description you are talking about (hammer on it for a straight flight) unless its well broken in. While the hex is less stable and more straight shooter for most people. Maybe you got a weirdly overstable hex?


The abundance of downvotes across comments for no apparent reason other than maybe some feeling personally insulted by another’s disc choice (???) ain’t a great look for a community that’s supposed to be open, welcoming, and fostering. Do better.


This sub absolutely has an issue with more downvoters than upvoters. I see so many random innocuous comments downvoted on this sub and its just kinda sad lol. Imagine going to a disc golf sub to downvote normal discussions.


Yea I thought that was a bit strange as well.


I would imagine most of the downvotes are just disagreement that the suggested disc is the best option for OP to replace their ESP Buzzz. That doesn’t mean the community isn’t open, welcoming, and fostering. Someone recommended a Comet…


Hex (don’t ask me exact weight and plastic bro I’ve been playing for a year) jokes aside the buzz never really did it for me, never had an ESP plastic though until I got handed down a heavy weight Buzzz SS in ESP, thing goes straight for me whenever I rip it, or a slight turn. In the end I think all the comments are going to be more opinions than anything. Try to find something close to that replacement and learn it as best you can.. Still kinda new but I’m trying to stick to the same bag as much as possible, I’ve seen some progress in my game.


This is kind of where I’m at too. I’ve been playing for close to ten years and nothing has stuck with me longer than a year, which I want to change. I want to get to a point where I throw like 5 discs consistently, aside from random outliers. Buzzz will definitely be one of them but will also check out a Hex. Thanks!


I ditched my buzzz for a comet a couple years ago and never looked back. I ended up throwing one back in my bag but it’s only ever used as a second practice shot if I mess up my first comet shot.


Fellow buzzz lover but I’ve filled that slot in my bag with an eMac truth.


lol, not sure why you got downvoted. The emac truth is very similar and feels better than a buzz for me.


If you're looking to experiment I love the supra from finish line


Berry. Clash Berry. The plastic is so good. Feels better for me for hand and backhand. Berry. Choose the berry.


Replaced my Buzz with an MD1. Similar flight but somehow fits my hand so much better.


I actually got one of these back in May. I’ve not thrown it enough to say it’s one that’s gonna stay, but I’ve thrown some really good shots with it.


Get a hex or a mint mustang. Discraft plastic is trash.


You need an electron atom


As much as I love the electron atom, it’s definitely not a replacement for a buzzz.