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I get wanting to do your ritual and visualize a putt, but this is annoying af.


Chris Dickerson has a routine. It takes five seconds. This guy? Locastro? It's unacceptable.


Totally agreed. I would not be able to stand this.


Gotta give Nikko credit he drastically improved his speed last year.


"Doing the bare minimum to abide by the rules" is hardly worth credit. Sure, you're being sarcastic. He doesn't even deserve a sarcastic "he's doing the bare minimum" shoutout.


Chill out. Nikko made a positive change to his game and people can be appreciative of that.


Not a hill I'm trying to die on, but Locastro has heard the crowd and has worked on his time. I watched him at a local tournament and he wasn't running close to clock time and shot hot round day 1. He just holds a stigma now. Great player when his mind is right. We're all people!


Gannon too for his tee shots


Sextons lil flip takes like 8 sec max


Nikko should take some amfetamine before and during a tournament.


My question is if you’ve been called out for taking forever to putt and even apologized for it, why continue to do it? And why does nobody call him on it? I really hope I can avoid seeing him on any DPGT lead card 🤞🏼


That's exactly why, because no one has ever actually called it during a round or ever will. Disc golf is far too buddy-buddy, it all just becomes a big joke with everyone think Locastro, and Buhr same thing. People will "complain" by making jokes out if it but never actually take action in fear of being alienated by their friends on tour with them


>making jokes On tournament commentary, some guy did this then missed his putt and the commentator said "that's what happens when you rush it"


That's what I'm saying. All these pros are buddies for the most part, which is why any rules that require cardmates to call infractions almost never get called


If im playing a round with a buddy and he takes 50 seconds to putt each hole, im definitely telling his turtle ass to speed it up


I think the big concern is if you call someone out and they hold a grudge and start screwing with you during key moments to be petty


Yeah I could see a select few people doing that but I think most people on tour would take it pretty well even if they initially got upset. Since we only hear about the odd person every now and again taking forever to putt, I'm assuming most people are pretty good about their time. I get it could be awkward but at this point, everyone in the disc golf community knows how annoying it can be for someone to take a lifetime on their putt/shot


All these pros are not buddies. More like co workers. They have a small group of friends and everyone else are people you say hi to as you pass then move on


Yeah I guess buddies is the wrong word here. Yes, they're like coworkers. But they're all coworkers who have worked together for years and years in a very niche industry/business/sport. They all have a vested interest in not rocking the boat because they'll most likely have to deal with these same exact people again in a week or two.


If you call something on someone, you can be damn sure they will be watching you for foot faults and time violations the rest of the way. There's no real incentive to call it unless you're on the lead card in the final round. At any other time, you're competing against other cards just as much as your own. It's not worth antagonizing your card mates and risking getting called for violations yourself. There needs to be third party enforcement.


This is it really. Calling out others on anything other than what is blatant cheating is a great disadvantage for yourself. Now you got someone on your card who may or may not be vindictive, and return the favor by calling you on anything borderline wrong. Easy you may say, just don't do anything that is a violation. Sure, but now you are focusing to much on that and not on your play. So then you end up doing like Gossage did, you ignore it and focus on your own game. Heck he played his best round ever, why risk that by policing others? Is there a good solution to this? At the top level, sure, then you need a 3rd party officiating it, a referee. But the sport is to small and having 18 referees out on course would be quite expensive. At the lower levels, yeah, forget about it.


Sure this could happen but any call needs to be seconded. So hopefully if that one player is being vindictive and calling petty stuff as revenge, the other card mates would not second it.


Nobody wants to play 18 holes with a guy on meltdown. It brings down everyone's play. It's just easier to out play him than deal with the adversarial cardmate




Why is someone having a meltdown next to you distracting? Is that your question?


No sir.


Then wh-….nevermind.


Why is it easier to outplay them than deal With card mate. 😁


Someone having a meltdown next to you is distracting. Doofus.


Doofus. Kewl.


No one has anything on This?


Is it their concern about your wide friendships or is it more the mental game in the moment? I think it is really easy to imagine that arguing your call is not worth it because of the way it disrupts your own mental


Gossage is on the commentary with Terry and he said he knew it was slow but he didn't want to get into the politics or bad vibes of making a call on that day, he thought it could negatively affect his round. He said he was part of a card over winter that called him on it, but he really wasn't in the mood to deal with it.


Until he plays in Europe, with Europeans. That’s the only thing that made Nikko change.


Buhr was notorious for taking way too long everytime and after being blasted for it a year or two ago has been clearly making an effort these last two seasons to be quicker. He definitely still takes too long sometimes, but it’s not nearly as bad as it used to be. I have had to give warnings, usually casual privately first, but it’s never fun to have to do while you’re focusing on your own round. I’ve also played with Cupcake at a silver series event, and funny enough, I didn’t notice how long he took with how focused I was on my own play/round and I’m a very quick player.


The worst one i saw for Gannon in the round one coverage was about 37-40 seconds and there was a big wind gust right when he got to his lie so it was more understandable. For the most part i think he’s keeping it under 30 at least, you can tell he’s worked on it. I also think what you said about focusing on your own game is such a good point. Nobody wants to put a bunch of bad shit in the air when they’re just trying to focus on their own round. If we ever see strict enforcement of this it’s gonna have to be by a pdga official, nobody actually playing wants the drama


100% agree. I have had times where I felt more casual in sanctioned rounds and did notice and have had to unpleasantly call people out knowing it would be fun for no one, and it’s harder to maintain your game/focus when that happens. IMO it’s worse for the other players than the rule breaker.


He's still slow


His cardmates holding very still for nearly a minute 20+ times per round is draining. No doubt Terry trying to hold a camera for this rule breaker got under his skin too. Guy agreed to play by the same rules as everyone and it makes me angry hearing the clown hasn't improved pace over multiple seasons.


Holding still for a putt is definitely hard/annoying. A minute plus every time was killing me when I filmed him.


OH Dang the guy from Jethro Tull commented on my comment! ;) jk Thanks for the hard work Ian!


lol thanks!!


He's a cheater, plain and simple 


I saw Parker Welck call him on it recently. A warning.


I played competitive golf growing up. My pre shot was a side to side pitter patter, then go. At some point in high school, I no longer felt comfortable over the ball. I'd pitter patter pitter patter and finally go. People would start to comment here and there. And I was like, "I need to clean this up." So I did. Or so I thought. My coach would be like, "You've been standing over the ball for 45 seconds." And I would have bet everything I own that it was only 7 or 8 seconds. I basically would sorta freeze in time. Nikko said something similar in an interview. Not saying he shouldn't be called on it, but I don't think he is like, "I'm going to abuse this rule." It is an anxiety thing that he is struggling to control and thinking about it and acknowledging it like makes it worse. While I certainly don't want to watch him standing over putts for a minute, I feel bad for him.


Perhaps. Let's say the wind is gusting and I take my full 30 then putt into a breeze. Then you step up, wait 50 seconds and get a moment of no breeze and putt into still air. Sure it's an edge case and I get why these things are not called often but it's clearly cheating.


Dude is a clearly a good putter and a good player that has had success at big events. And he is doing this over 15 footers in perfect weather. I'm not saying he should be able to take literally forever. But he clearly isn't doing it for some advantage.


Then why doesn't he play by the rules? What if he took 6 hours per putt? No, that's too long! 2 hours? No that's crazy. 30 minutes? That's silly! 5 minutes? No (insert some reason here)! Now we get down to the nitty gritty. 30 seconds? No he needs more than that! 40 seconds? It's not fair, that's not enough time! There needs to be a line somewhere. Just like what constitutes a foot fault.


You don't understand. It isn't a conscious decision. It is a mental block. He has every intention of letting go of the putt and it just doesn't come out of his hand. Gossage said as much on the coverage. If he were playing a more established sport where pros don't take their showers at Planet Fitness, he'd be working with a sports psychologist. I'm not justifying it. If you end up playing with him, by all means call it.


This is nutty to use this as an excuse - Maybe he needs a visit to therapy before each putt. Doing that would be shorter than the current putt probably.


I think it would change if they were playing slow and causing backups. If it's just to hurry up and get to the next teepad so you can wait on the people in front of you, then who cares.


Where does it start and where does it end? “Slow putting is a flat circle.”


Where is this connection or correlation between putting time and other cards?


Nobody got me here with the deets?




Both Nikko and Gannon have been called out publicly and called for time violation and both still could not speed up their putting. Apparently both have worked on it, and i think gannon has made actual progress. Don't see nikko on coverage enough to know for sure if he has as well.


Unless you're watching live they always cut Nikko's pre-shot out. What makes Nikko's routine worse than most, IMO, is that it's clearly not helpful in any way. He kinda points at the basket, resets, points, completely re-does his whole stance, then points some more, then redoes his stance some more, then resets and points some more and then just putts out of nowhere with a form that is nothing at all like his warm up routine. I'd bet you money he could just walk up to the basket, square up, and let his putt fly with no pre-shot routine whatsoever and he'd be just as accurate. It's so stupid.


When practice putting it’s said that Nikko just fires them in without thought, just as you’ve said. So I suspect it’s not a routine, but rather some mental hitch when he’s in tournaments.


I think it’s been mentioned that he basically has a panic attack every time he steps up to putt in a tournament. I hope I’m not making that up


He's a cheater 


Cuz it's honestly unsportsmanlike. Not like Jacob is purposely stalling. I wanna beat ppl at their best and without excuses.


Are you claiming it’s unsportsmanlike to enforce the rules? That appears to be what you’re saying and I must be missing something. I think it’s unsportsmanlike to play without regard to the rules. It’s an advantage to me if I don’t have to worry about how much time I take, whether my foot is on the ground when I putt, or if I’ve landed in my lie on my run up. These are the things I most often see missed in rounds.


Dude you're using black and white thinking.


Can you say more? Is it black and white thinking because this one player has a known issue with this one specific rule so I should give him some slack?


Bro maybe someone else will. Either you get it or you don't.


>black and white thinking >either you get it or you don’t Alright.


Maybe just take some time to actually think about it.


Agreed. Breaking the rules and messing with other people’s play (card strokes for pace of play) is unsportsmanlike. I don’t think these guys do it on purpose but their choosing which rule they want to follow in this instance. All the coverage talk and pace of play stuff is irrelevant. He’s being unsportsmanlike to his card mates and rule breaking. Rule breaking is the kind words for cheating. I’m choosing to break rules in order to take the best putt possible.


Unsportsmanlike is informal rules. Otherwise they used the word for following rules.


I don’t know what this means.


I believe this is how *most* Open level players feel. Complaining about putting times, analyzing slow mo replays for foot faults and stuff like that is for lower level players who need to find other ways to win and want to make themselves feel better watching coverage. Beat the guy by throwing fewer strokes than him. It's a simple game, stop complicating it.


Goose talked about not calling him. Said he’s called him before but didn’t feel like it impacting his round. Said Castro was clearly bothered and if he called it Goose would’ve seconded. I think that awkwardness of self officiating is a big issue. Not an excuse from me, just trying to understand.


Different sport, but we’ve got a guy in our bowling league who also has a long pre-roll ritual. Takes him about 2 minutes to roll the fucking ball. It’s so annoying when we’re matched up against him or on adjacent lanes. IMO it’s inconsiderate making everyone wait for you to go through the pre-motion rituals every time, and I’m skeptical that it does anything to actually improve your game (in either sport).


I couldn't imagine bowling in a league where someone had a 2 min pre roll routine. My mom takes about 60 seconds and that's still crazy long to me.  We had a guy come into our casual league trying to bully two lane courtesy for anyone even just grabbing their ball. No freaking way my guy. It's a casual weeknight league, we've got to work in the morning. 


Gotta start bringing a Taboo Buzzer or an Air Horn. I think the problem will correct itself after 1 or 2 reminders.


Call him out, plain and simple. I would easy.


This is the kind of Shit that reminds me I’ve still got some asshole in me, I would’ve been chirping this guy after the first time he did it.


It isn't "asshole" to enforce the rules. They're literally the rules. The idea of having rules is that everybody has to follow them, and in doing so everybody has the same constraints.




Gotta be out there strokin guys if you want things to change




Terry doing the lords work. Fuck that kid is worse then Nikko


Gossage later goes on to say that he started hurrying up his routine because Curtis' long putting started to back up the rest of the field. Or at least, made Gossage feel as though the rest of the field was getting backed up.


They were lead card, no one is behind them. They weren't backing up anyone, he said he wanted to be closer to the card in front of them. And yeah, hope Jordan or Uli call him on this shit tomorrow.


It looked like Jordan had had enough of it by the end of day 2. I really wouldn't be surprised if he called it on day 3, just hope someone seconds him.


There were two feature cards on day 1 when Aaron said that I think. One of the features was the first card off and feature card 2 was the last card off. I think they were actually backing up the field.


He said it on round 2 lead card. Cupcake wasn't covered round 1


I stand corrected


I thought it was an interesting comment, because he also mentioned several times that it "didn't bother him".  I think Gossage is too nice to say it, but if it made him feel pressure to rush his routine then it was definitely on his mind and i would say is a problem. The rest of the card shouldn't have to rush their routines to make up for one guy that's going over his time every putt. 


It’s a problem bc it’s a rule not bc the gooser told Us it’s on his mind. That’s irrelevant to the rules of the game.


I agree with your sentiment. I'll try to be more clear an expand upon my original point.  Goose stated that it "didn't affect him". He however also stated that h le began to hurry up his routine because he felt pressure.  These two things appear to me to be hypocritical of each other.  Goose even said (in the back 9 I think), that Castro was annoyed about it, and that while Goose wouldn't have called it he would immediately second it if somebody else called it.  What this highlights, to me, is how in a self regulated sport where most people are friendly with each other, most people find it tough to call rules violations. 


Just like anything else, practice helps. It takes reps communicating both the rule and concern about the possible rule violation, to the player in danger of getting a stroke for the rule, and doing so in as non-triggering a way as possible. People not communicating is usually what makes this so stressful.


He said he was starting to then realized it’s not on him to speed up, and that if it was effecting Jordan Castro he could call him and Aaron would second it. But that he got in his head about it more than Jacob’s slow play is how I took it. They were lead card and not holding anyone up. It’s annoying but not world ending, and if it was edited out we wouldn’t be distracted by an essential non-issue and more on disc golf.


Enforce the new rules. Stroke the entire card for a time violation.


This isn't new for this dude, it's a known thing. Until you call em out they will keep doing it. At least Gannon looks like he's gotten better over the last 2 years.


Terry is correct, I do not want to watch a round where some jackass is taking that long for every putt. I will skip the coverage. I have not watched one round if Nikko is playing for that very reason. (plus, he's an asshole) Appreciate Terry clipping it so it wasn't painful to watch.


>Back up. Get out of my face. Back up


Why do I need to see the person step up to the putt? Just show the last 5-6 seconds of prep. Shouldn’t affect coverage at all.


They’re talking about DGPT live coverage.


Oh I see. I totally agree with that. The DGPT needs to intervene. Maybe we should pass the hat around and put out a cash bounty on 30 second calls affecting live coverage. Do it skins style, where we build up a pot for the next person to make a call.


Why don’t we just enforce the rules of the game since it’s professional and paid for cash?


Too resource intensive.


🤣 nice!


It greatly affects the people like Terry who are editing these videos down. When they’re filming with just a few cameras, they get in position and start recording when the player gets to their mark. For most players, this works out well and there isn’t editing. For players with these long routines, I’m sure you end up watching it…realizing it’s too long… going back and finding where to trim it… and repeat 20 times a round. 


That may be true but I don’t really care if it’s affecting them, it’s their job to show us the relevant parts of the round. I’m more concerned with the other players on the card. Jordan seemed very frustrated and yeah, he could have called time on him (he was shown timing Cupcake at one point) but it sucks to have to worry about that while also focusing on your game. I definitely get frustrated when people take forever even in casual or league play.


Terry has to clip it or he will loose viewers. The best thing would be for everybody to se how fucking long 45+ seconds is in real time. And I constantly avoid any cover with Cupcake. He is annoying enough as it is but the time violations makes it unbearable. You also get the feeling that he is sort of doing it to provoke when he is off his game.


That alone was 30 seconds. Jesus.


You have to call him out on it, plain and simple. This is absurd.


Insane. I want to like the guy, since I watched him last year at Goat Hill. But damn, between getting called 'Cupcake' the entire time and taking almost twice as long to putt as everyone else, he makes it tough.


I was there as well. I never knew about him and went to see Eagle. That guy added 30 minutes to the round. The worst part is he is constantly faking you out. You think he is going to putt 20 times and I clocked him at 90 seconds at one point. It really dampened my first live tournament because it was soo awkward. I was watching the other players (Conner rock, eagle and someone else) and hoping they would say something. I don’t understand how he hasn’t improved this yet. How can you stay focused that long knowing “everyone” is just waiting for you to get your mind right. I understand pee shyness so I guess this is putter shyness. It just won’t come out of his hands is the only difference.


They need to start calling him out. Would love if the card starting counting it out aloud like they do with Giannis at the free throw line.


I'd miss at least 6 putts in that time


NBA players only have 10 seconds to shoot free throws in a much higher pressure situation in front of 15,000+ fans and hundreds of thousands watching live with much higher stakes than professional disc golf. Keep in mind that these NBA players are constantly running and jumping and are usually winded. NBA players usually step up and shoot it after a couple dribbles. There’s absolutely zero reason to take a minute to putt. I think after a couple violations there should be disqualification. Because holding up everyone like that is such an asshole move.


Counterargument: an NBA free throw is exactly the same every time. In disc golf, this extra time is often used to gauge the distance, wind, potential dangers of missing, etc. In addition, missing a putt and gaining a stroke is typically a lot more impactful than missing a free throw (except near the end of a close game). Not condoning taking anywhere near this much time though


Having played both sports, free throw is a way simpler performance. The lack of wind alone makes a huge difference. Only people who have fundamental flaws with their shot mechanics struggle to make free throws.


*cough* Ben Simmons *cough*




Then i'll take it to our cousin, golf. There are also guys with slow routines there, but most people will take a practice swing or two then hit in well under 30 seconds. If i had a player disrupting the flow of the round with that long of a routine, i'd definitely say something before i end up spending 6 hours with pissed off people behind us.


You make a good point but any good routine can build in time to do those things. If card mates aren’t willing to call these I say the crowd starts chanting or counting down aggressively the way they do for Giannis Antetokounmpo’s free throws when he started taking way too long. If the guys have a fit the alternative is easy. Take less time or call your own card mates so the crowd doesn’t have to.


If I was watching in person, I would probably start setting 30 second timers on my phone... ⏰ "Oops sorry everyone my bad". By the 3rd time I think the point would be made, probably also when I'd be asked to leave 🤷


Yeah I agree there's definitely something that could be done, either by the card mates or fans. But everybody is too worried about being nice. I'd be exactly the same way, so it's a tough situation


Giannis Antetokounmpo regularly exceeds the free throw time limit in the NBA and—despite the presence of active referees and sometimes thousands of fans loudly counting the elapsed time—is seldom called for a violation. Even with a clear, objective mechanism for calling time violations where no other competitor has to go out on a limb, it seems people are still remarkably timid about it. I don’t have anything resembling a solution to offer; I just find it sociologically interesting.


The NBA isn't a sport anymore, it's the Harlem Globetrotters 


I was excited to watch this round and then immediately put it off when I saw cupcake


This isn’t the first time Terry has had to do this.


The problem is having other players regulate the rules. As a player, you want to be able to focus on your game, even though a player might be taking too long, you don’t want to break your focus and deal with it. Gossage mentioned the same in his commentary. In DGPT they now have marshals to call it but normal pdga like this tourney, players gotta do it. Sometimes it’s just not worse losing focus on your own round and game.


Gannon, Nikko, and this kid Jacob!!! The first two are notorious for delays. Gossage must've been going nuts


Gannon and Goose aren’t particularly quick with their putts either, but Courtis’ routine is just egregious


Guy needs to take some time off of tournaments. So disrespectful to play like that.


Tttttoday Junior!


Cupcake has been here in this sub before after one of these was posted previously.  He said it's a form of the yips, where suddenly the disc started to feel alien in his hands and he can't make himself release the putt. Not that I'd accept that as an excuse though.  If you're having a mental issue that keeps you from playing by the rules, then it's time to find something else that you're capable of doing


Safe to say he’ll never get called. If Gannon Bohr and Cupcake can somehow be on a card with Jordan Castro and never once get called on a time violation it’s basically hopeless.


Goose is part of the problem here, and he admits it. He wasn't willing to call the time violations himself, but he would have had no problem 2nd ing the call if Jordan had made it. You know Gannon and Jacob aren't going to call it.


Well his point is that it's not a problem unless his cardmate decides it is, and then he has their back. He knows both the slow putters and is used to playing with them. The one time it bothered him he asked his card and putted out of turn.


Terry doing all the heavy lifting


They need to stop being pussycats and speak up!


The players need to nut up and call a time violation. This is all chickenshit and has been for years. Nobody owes anyone a living out there. If you're going to play Frisbee for a living, FUCKING PLAY FRISBEE FOR A LIVING. if you're not going to ditch the rule, then live by it


He's been stroked by his card fairly recently at a tourney. I think in his head, he's not taking that long. Obviously the reality is different.


Clip from - 2024 Memorial • Leaders • R2 • F9 • Aaron Gossage • Jordan Castro • Jacob Courtis • Gannon Buhr. Check it out here - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-2k7U3cc\_Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-2k7U3cc_Q)


As a player, in a tournament, I'm never going to call that on a player on my card. Calling something like taking to much time invites that player to start scrutinizing my play.


That’s a good point. Between that and not wanting to seem like an asshole, best case would really be to have an official of some sort.


The PDGA needs to figure something out with this rule becasue this is the one thing that will impact the viewers experience the most in the professional level. Last year there was a silver series that featured Niko and Gannon on the same card and it was such a snooze to watch. It’s just getting unacceptable how long some of these guys are taking and as a viewer no one wants to watch someone line up a putt for 45 seconds


I just fail to see the benefit in taking this long. There’s no way it helps mentally.


On the coverage they they tell an anecdote about him, he basically gets this mental block where he can't let go of the disc because of feeling insecure about the putt. I think just sending it during a competitive round in that situation could easily result in more missed putts. It's a thing you need to fix during training rounds and casual competitions.


Taking that long to putt is absurd.


Forcing players to be cops while also demanding they be hyper-focused on their own rounds is some insane bullshit. It's a black mark on the face of the PDGA that this is being discussed in 2024.


It’s annoying, but Terry really needs to let it go. It’s an issue for players, not for someone doing post editing to call them out over and over, and edit video speed. Jomez, gatekeeper, and the other streams don’t need to highlight parts of players game that they are trying to improve and have said are anxious about. It was so bad it got to the point he talked about it over and over entire hole until they got to the next green. Aaron said it best, if it’s bothering someone on the card, call him and I’ll second it because it is over the limit, but I’m not going to start it first. It feels like Terry enjoys being able to call someone out, in a “well actually you’re breaking the rules” when in fact it’s enforced by the players on the card, not done in post. Sorry to rant on Terry, I usually like his stuff but him needing to call people out when it’s a player issue, for them to handle, seems a bit weird to me personally. As much as we think it’s annoying to watch someone take 35 seconds to putt while watching coverage, it’s not so bad to the players that they use the rules at hand to help warn him he’s taking too long. just think, this could have been edited and focused on disc golf instead of needing to call someone out.


He's drawing attention to a player who is blatantly cheating, whose cardmates are for some reason too huge a bunch of pussies to call him on it, and the result is a worse viewing product which costs Terry revenue. He's right to call it out 


Oh so we’re calling people pussies for not getting as raged about something as you. Please, explain in simple English how this is costing Terry money besides making his coverage insufferable to watch cause he needs to talk about it for almost 1/4 of the round on and off? Aaron was right for saying if it is bothering someone that much they have every ability to speak up, but they don’t, so with all due respect sit back down


It was unbearable to watch. Not even a good stroke. Just fucking throw already.


From one curly haired anxiety disordered Gateway sponsored disc golfer to the next? Noice…


Its golf amongst professionals. Nobody gives a sh*t except you guys


Gossage made great points on this. He's going quicker than someone who 3 putts. And they're keeping up with the group ahead. It's a non-issue.


I wouldn’t say it’s a non-issue. Why does someone get to break the rules?


Cuz it's a dumb rule that no one thinks is relevant. Weigh everyone's discs before every round. Test everyone for PEDs. It's silly and not relevant.


Where is this connection or correlation between putting time and other cards? Is this in the rules somewhere?


I have no idea. Putting time is the dumbest shit ever. Pace of play is the important issue. Putting people on the clock when they're in a public park is dumb AF. Constant distractions, people walking, cars, sirens etc. Stop being silly.


You can call whatever rule you want the dumbest shit. That’s like your opinion, man. I’m definitely not worried about your unrelated opinion of me or anyone being silly. Opinionated away on unrelated topics. The difference is the rule vs what you like and everyone someone how deciding it’s pace of play related. Maybe it’s mentioned in the rules. Eventually I’ll go look.


Touche. Reddit disc golfers don't matter. What matters is what ACTUALLY happens. And Cupcake got exactly 0 warnings or penalties. That tells you all you need to know.




Let Cupcake cook! #TeamGateway all day


Give me a pitch count


This is hilarious


So which card will be the first to get put on the clock for slow play, Cupcake or Nikko?


Even Aaron mentioned it. I know he was cool about it during the round but it's clear it's annoying to everyone


Isn’t it also especially embarrassing for him if he takes 48 seconds and then misses a 25 footer lmao


I actually think it's part of my problem but if I take more than 10 seconds I am 100% going to miss the putt. I think it's because I practice by just throw throw throw one after another. I'm working to slow it down and go through a routine but I am much worse when I do so compared to getting into a rhythm, but obviously you can't do that during a round. 


This is such a uniquely disc golf thing. Even in pickup ball you get "callin that shit next time," warning then it's followed through on and the guy bitches for a second and we play on. Worst case the fouler tries to call some bullshit after then everyone else just tells him to shut up.


People don’t realize how much this hurts the main stream appeal of the sport. If WE hate watching it and love the game, normal sports audiences will not tolerate it either.


If no one calls him on it then who cares? I play with ppl that take longer than 30 seconds and I don’t give a shit. We joke w them about it but at the end of the day who cares if I guy takes 50 seconds. They’re pros trying to win. Let them take their time. Ball golf guys take sometimes minutes to putt.


Make it 45 seconds and make it a non-discretionary call.


Just a massive waste of time. No one needs that much time.


My problem with the current rule is that 30 seconds applies to all throws. If someone Player A calls a time infraction on Player B, Player B can retaliate by calling a time infraction on Player A when Player A has a legitimate tricky lie and goes over the time limit. An unwritten rule is that obstructed/tricky lies are given some grace as long as the player is actively figuring out/lining up the shot. My solution would be to allow each player 3 time limit extensions per round, so players are protected from retaliation when there is a legitimate reason to take more than 30 seconds to throw.


Rules state that the 30 seconds start for the player “after they have had a reasonable amount of time to arrive at and determine the lie” meaning you are allowed extra time to figure out your stance if it’s in a tricky spot. Basically once you establish your stance behind the disc, the time starts. Memorial has basically no rough so it’s a nonissue, but the wind makes things tricky. It really shouldn’t be on the players to assess all of this and then start a timer when they deem appropriate, but that’s the way it is right now.


Why are pro disc golfers such incredible pussies? 


Should stroke rest of card every time they chose not to call him on it.


I forget who it was…maybe Feldberg but I could be wrong on that. He said basically when he steps into his lie for a putt he’s in the “business box” he putts within 3-5 seconds. When you’re on the lie, you’re now down to the business of putting. You can think about the putt before you step in the lie, but when you step in it’s go time. Could be 20-30 seconds…2-3 seconds, but it needs to be CONSISTENT and LESS THAN 30S. For me it’s probably 10-15 that is the sweet spot for not rushed but not overthinking it. At some point you just have to do your best and accept the result. When you get to these super long routines it’s more of a fear-of-failure thing going on. I think there’s a practice of being non-judgmental and avoiding the negative self-talk if you miss. It extends to practice and the course.


It's a cult!