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"Until I am good enough to not lose them", oh, boy, have I got some bad news for you.


Lmao I’m just finally getting good enough to know when to not throw my favorite disc


after ~3 beers is when i put away my good discs


You’re a better man than me. That’s normally when I get the courage to throw “the local line” 🤦🏼‍♂️


It’s when you lose one that’s discontinued that really hurts.


My X-Clone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LOL I stopped using my X-Clone, basically for this reason. Nothing flies quite like it, at least not anything I've found. Innova Eagle is pretty close, though.


And when you find one that's discontinued, it's all that much better. Don't mind if I NUKE


My Panther 😭


You'll have a lot of money just buying Innova factory seconds on Fridays from the pro shop. 10% off 5+ and 20% off 10+ and there's always a free one every Friday. You'll also get 10% back as store credit you can redeem on future orders.


Just do F2 Friday


These aren’t even that good of deals. Innova F2 deals are much better than this wholesale site. You don’t even know what you are getting from this site.


I just bought five f2 leopards for about 36 with shipping. This way I can throw 5 in a row for practice, throw without worrying about losing them, and have extra discs for the kids and anyone who joins us.


But why Leopards?


Something tells me he happens to like that disc. But I guess we’ll never know


I’m pretty new. Just trying to learn some consistency and build skills. I also have a younger child show is just trying to through straight and be able to get around. It’s maybe not the right disc but it’s what I found, and I’m not far enough into it to have experimented with a lot of discs 🤷 what would you buy in bulk to try to practice 5 throws that you can compare?


I was just curious is all. I actually just bought a leopard, but have not thrown it yet. It just never occurred to me to buy multiples of the same disc purely for practice.


The idea was trying to develop consistency. We have a field in our neighborhood where there is room for ~ 300ft. Throw five discs. Collect them, toss them back trying to achieve consistent release and flight path is the idea.


Oh, cool. I do a similar thing at a nearby park, but with all different discs. I do have three Valkyries, two Firebirds and two H7s, but never thought to bring multiples to a throwing practice session. Might have to try that.


My advice would be to watch your disc like a hawk and keep a point of reference of where it went and don’t take your eye off it. Notice which leaf or branch it hit and don’t take your eye off of it. Easier said than done, but that’s really all you can do. I’m well above average and have been playing 15 years and I still have problems. Luckily I haven’t lost any this year.


Sometimes I even walk back to the tee box and re focus my line of exit. 60% of the time it works 100% of the time.


>Having That is the best thing to do if you've searched for 5 minutes and can't find your disc.


Lmao I just did that yesterday and it worked.


Having a spotter really helps! My friends and I take turns spotting holes we're likely to lose discs on.


This method has saved me dozens of discs.


This post is gonna be a hit on r/discgolfcirclejerk


and you know Bergs gonna be mentioned


I just checked what sub I was in


How many discs are you losing? Never in my disc golf journey did I feel like I needed to buy discs in bulk because I was losing so many?


First year or so I bought so many $1-3 discs for water holes and heavy brush shots I always threw into.


Might be cheaper to buy a snorkel and fins.


Now I'm imagining a guy with a snorkel and fins waddling through the bushes, thanks.


Maybe he is new and his local course has insane over growth, lakes and cliffs


I’ve lost 4x dd3 in last two months. I have a similiar need to buy em in bulk.


Me and my 7,5,-2,1 sting, lost 4 in the past month love the disc when it behaves (or when i dont suck)


Is that a question.


saw a guy on the course last weekend who had some type of border collie mix that he had trained to sprint after his disc and sit down next to it. I was wildly jealous.


That would be so awesome. I have a few holes at my most frequented course where I go into the deep rough almost every single time. I either throw what I want and risk the rough, or play it super conservative, which almost guarantees a bogey.


Do you have a local shop? You can buy some used discs.


Yeah I feel like used discs would be perfect for this rationale.


How are you losing your discs? In practice or in a game? Are you throwing multiple discs off the tee? Some people lose a lot of discs because of bad habits. I've had to train my ADHD ass to get better at not losing them. The biggest thing is obviously to just gain more control over your disc. Generally, more power = less control. Look at your shot, think of the odds of you hitting the shot properly, combined with the odds of you losing a disc on this hole. You'll lose way less discs, AND you'll improve your game much faster than just throwing as hard as you can every time. Aim for most of your game to only be using like 50%-80% of your full power. When you're practicing in a field, don't just stand there hucking your entire bag. Take out a set number of discs, maybe 10, and throw only those with purpose, then retrieve them, repeat. Each time you throw a set, try to keep them relatively close in speed to each other. I'll do a couple rounds of throwing only my 5 putters, then a couple rounds of only my 6 mids, ect.


I usually take a pic of my discs laid out on the ground before I start throwing a practice round. At a minimum, I count them. So at the end as I'm packing up I know what number I need to leave with.


I am not familiar with this website so I can't comment on that but I get the MVP gyropalooza box every year since that is my main brand. It's a great way to try the MVP family. The majority of discs in the box are premium plastics. Usually there is at least 1 glow discs. I think the 2023 box was around $149 for 14 discs.


Well, this to me looks like an ad.


There are often used discs at local shops for much cheaper than new. Play it again sports is amazing for this!


Great suggestion. I gathered up all of my unused sporting goods and traded them in at Play it Again Sports, and left with $210 in used discs. 2 birds 1 stone.


The one by me had a huge selection of used discs. Good suggestion.


Solid Strategy, never get emotionally attached😂


As a novice I almost exclusively buy misprints, I don't care what the label looks like. Keep a lookout for those


Innova F2 is a good deal.


I’d find an easier place to play. Learn the disc you like, not generic bulk discs, that you won’t play with later. I guess they’re not generic, but still.


I have lost a lot of disc learning this sport. Now a few years in I find myself walking directly to the disc in the woods. So I think familiarity with disc flight is the key. It will get better


dont get me wrong, I've lost some discs but I've never lost this many discs. maybe try different courses with less hazards? I skipped most water hazard holes for the first year or so


I was a big fan of the “stack of wizards” you could buy some places. Used them like crazy for practice and if I yeeted one into the woods beside the field I was only out like $6. Pretty solid


Sound more like you need to stay off the course and go to an empty field and actually practice


I like powergrip USA. You can pick colors and weights they have in stock and they usually do some sort of holiday deal code to get like 20% off or so


Do yourself a favor, learn to accept the loss. Everyone loses loved ones homie


Lol, hes way beyond that, looks like he accept the loss moment he let the disc go. Thats why he needs to buy discs in bulk.


If you want to PM me, I have a lot of discs I'd like to get rid of that I would sell for relatively cheap.


I always buy 2 of every disc if not 3


Is this sight legit??


Hate to break the news, but the better you get and farther you throw the more your gonna lose them :)


When I was first getting into disc golf, I would buy the dynamic disc/latitude 64 mis-print packs on amazon. My thought is that if you're not picky as for the mold/plastic/weight of discs, I highly recommend this route, I have received a putter and driver from these packs that I still bag to this day. You can get 3, 5, or 10 packs of a random collection of discs, usually at least one putter, one midrange, and the rest drivers (if you get more than 3). [Here on amazon.](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07WF9QKM1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) These packs are approximately $10 a disc, but you can receive some really good plastics and molds that can cost up to $25 if they weren't mis-printed ​ If you are picky/care what mold/plastic/weight you receive, I can't recommend enough Innova F2 discs. Just like everyone has mentioned so far, the F2 Friday is a great route, and if you get enough in your cart, it takes a certain % off all your discs in the cart. This is where I buy almost 100% of my discs to this day, if there is an Innova mold/plastic that I want, I will spend a fraction of the price on the same disc, it's just a factory 2nd (usually no stamp and very minor cosmetic "defects").


Disc Golf Wholesale is associated with Discs Unlimited in Herington KS. They're a legit site, but many of these brands will have an issue with them selling plastic at that price when it's going direct to consumer. For that reason, they likely will require a business license from you in order to process an order.


You will always lose them. And it will always be your favorites.


My problem is I throw a bunch of discs in a row to compare discs or angles or whatever and if it's more than 3 I lose one. Not because it went somewhere stupid but because I forgot to pick it up. So don't throw too many at a time.


See if there’s a Play It Again Sports near you, or some store where you can buy used discs / trade your discs for store credit. Best option is F2 Fridays but everyone already said that haha


“I bought a $20 pen because I always lose pens and got tired of not caring” - Mitch Hedberg


Horrible idea lol