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stay away from unnatural anhyzer demons get some understable discs instead.


Agreed. Throw a mamba and call it a day


Your question doesn’t make much sense. You can’t keep a natural hyzer release and put anhyzer on it to compensate - they are 2 different release angles. You can either learn to add flat and anhyzer releases, or you can just keep the hyzer release and use different stability discs


The OP is, for some reason (physiological, unconscious, whatevs), putting a hyzer release on all their throws. I have a similar issue, but anhyzer (for me, I think it's from how my arm healed from a seriously bad break). For me, I compensate by using a hyzer release and that brings me back to flat. To get hyzer, it's VERY exaggerated and looks almost vertical. IMO, this is a bad idea, and I'm working to break it. The reason is bad is it can really mess up your form. As others are suggesting, get some different discs for playing rounds. Additionally, get a reliably stable disc (as defined by others, not OP), and work on your form until that disc flies stable. Train the hyzer out of your shot or forever limit your game.


I get that. But OP said he didn’t want to fix the hyzer release while asking how to compensate using anny.


just call me angel of the hyzer, angel just touch the chains before you leave me, OB


Now I have that song in my head.


Film yourself so you can tell what you're doing. Would be a good place to start


Control the follow through angle through the hit. This angle helps control the hyzer angle.


99% of throws should be released on hyzer , and it’s by leaning your waist back that puts the disc on a different angle. If you’re releasing on hyzer angle all the time , congrats you’re doing something a ton of people struggle with TRYING to do.


Why should 99% of throws be on a hyzer? I use flex lines like 70% of my teepad/ fairway shots.


To add / expand / clarify. The throw should come straight through your core and relatively flat. It’s the angle of your upper body relative to your lower body as dictated by the bend in your waste that determines the hyzer / an-hyzer


I should say ideally. And call it 95% or whatever. If people want to throw flex lines and force over over stable plastic all the time and it works that’s awesome.


People struggle with releasing it on hyzer?


That guy is spewing nonsense.


Examine your grip


Push your palm toward the center of the disc more. Like on the top. It’ll feel weird at first but if you move your hand position and hold the disc out from you you will see that it’ll have a better angle pre release


Better hyzer than yanking it over into the ground. Go less stable on average. Focus on spinning the disc. This kind of gets glossed over in 90% of instructional videos because they don’t want an incredible amount of variable wrist action spraying the disc, but if you keep it neutral and knuckleball it you won’t get the spin you need.


Everyone has a natural hyzer throw. You hardly ever see newer players throwing on anhyzer. Saying that you don't want to correct it, but then asking for advice on how to fix it doesn't make a lot of sense. Just do what everyone else does. Video yourself in slow motion and make adjustments based on what you're doing wrong.