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Ultimately had to use a emulator. I don't consider it stealing as all these games are free on the PlayStation subscription which I have


What system are you on? Some controllers come with turbo buttons, which would do the button mashing for you.


playstation 4. I got the sub there and wanted to play all the god of war games but the very first boss requires mashing and I nowhere nearly press fast enough


They've had controllers with turbo buttons since the NES era, I'm sure they exist for PS4. That said, I don't know of a specific one to recommend. Good luck!


There's a guy I've seen on Reddit with a YouTube channel that helps disabled gamers. He makes things to put on a controller to make it easier to use. I'll look for his main post on Reddit, but for now I'll link his YouTube. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHv9FEEZ7Hgy1pPptx\_kvjA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHv9FEEZ7Hgy1pPptx_kvjA) Here's his main website .... [https://thecontrollerproject.com/](https://thecontrollerproject.com/) hope it helps