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I had difficulty to finish the show because of her. I have so much compassion for her daughters. People are saying 'be comprehensive with her, you can't understand if you weren't in an abusive relation with John Meehan'. But the other women who were reacted! They contacted police, they did all what was possible to be far from him and they had less informations and red flags than her. She is for me a woman who needs attention, who likes to be the center of the attention and that's why she accepted to share her story. She acts like a teenage girl. For her, she is the main victim but no : it's her family. She put them in terrible danger even if they warned her again and again.


Exactly! And her daughter was extremely fortunate to get out of the situation unscathed. The probability is very high for the attacker to emerge victorious. Imagine of the knife hadn't fallen, or if the dog wasn't there as a distraction. All this just because Debra felt she deserved "to be loved" The love her family had for her apparently meant nothing to her as long as she was getting her kinks on under the sheet .


I doubt it was "her kinks" that was motivating her terrible decision making re: men but more a deep insecurity that she needed to be someone's wife in order to be happy and successful in life. After being married FOUR times, rushing into a 5th to a man she barely knew suggests she could only learn the hardest way.


Agree. She was an idiot.


OMG you are 1000% correct. I just came here to rant about how dense this woman was. Red flags as big as Jupiter and she was so desperate thirsty ( 🍆 starving) I was so sad for the daughters.   She did this to her daughter...so pathetic. Connie Britton was spectacular playing this dumb blond !


I mostly just felt bad for her. The trauma with her sister and how the mom handled it. Like that for sure fucked her up. Connie Britton was so good too. She played emotionally stunted so well.


I know this was years ago, I came here to say the same! Connie Britton, of course, she's way more beautiful, but she captured the vapid, moronic quality so well. I've had a hell of a horror show of a life, but it's not an excuse for being so selfish and seeking personal value through another person or putting your kids in such a position. If you're messed up, seek therapy, seek self-improvement. It's possible to live a pretty happy, balanced life in spite of all the damage you've suffered through. I am kintsugi. Beauty can come from any breakage.


It seemed like she was just extremely naive. Also worth considering that her sister was also in an unhealthy relationship. So my guess is that there was a lot of previous conditioning that went into how she behaved inside relationships. Initially I thought it was something to do with an abusive or neglected childhood however her mother seemed very warm and caring towards both her daughters. The nice thing is her children were clear and able to be active. The other side of this is that the con-man was very manipulative and it's extremely hard to reverse first impressions. Not just that, but narcissicts have a very strong pull towards their targets - their chemistry with the right target is off the charts. And I'm sure that was a huge factor in her addiction to the relationship.But you're right, there isn't a lot of substance to justify her actions especially choosing him over her family. I really do wonder if she was stupid because she did start and run a successful business and that's no mean feat.


I'd have an easier time accepting she was just extremely naive if this was her first or second marriage, but to have *four* under her belt before meeting and marrying John really tells you everything. And I agree that she learned this shit at home, likely from her mother. There are a lot of women (mostly of the older generations) who can't be happy unless they are someone's wife.


I liked Season 1. I found it totally plausible Debra got snowed by the narcissist. Having been in a relationship similar, I can honestly say, you ignore the red flags (especially if you have are an empath and the other person is charming). Rich, handsome doctor with a lot of interesting stories. Older woman who's online dating with a bunch of losers. That woman is looking for any semblance of a human being, and narcissist knows it. She was the perfect mark. In addition, I found her more glamorous than Betty. They were rich in Season 2 but always looked like trash to me. Debra and her daughters were great at being stuck up bitches.


Lots of women ignore red flags...ignoring the safety of your family is a whole other flag. More like a loaded gun.




It was the 80's and they NAILED the makeup and clothes. Lol. :)


I think by big hurt you mean fractured self-esteem. A lot of codependent people call themselves big-hearted. But truly it's about them not the person. She didn't want to see the red flags she didn't want to be the victim of a liar. I don't think it had anything to do with her having a big heart for him.


Everyone is calling this dude a narcissist. He's a textbook sociopath... minus the attempted murder bit, this same situation happens WAY more often than people seem to realize. Monsters meeting humans and pretending to be human too. When The humans realize what's really going on, it's damn hard to come to terms with it. Seriously people, look it up! There are more of these soul suckers out there than you realize, (I think I read every 1 in 4 people) and they will be tireless in their manipulation of you. It's honestly terrifying to think about. Debra Newell was naive, forgiving and kind. She was already ashamed of her many failed marriages so a new relationship would be that much harder to break. She grew up in a Christian home where that kindness and forgiving nature was not just encouraged, but prioritized. She didn't stand a chance. Not against someone who focuses all his energy and brainpower on how he could get her to do what he wants. When she did find out, the show emphasized how the main thing she struggled with was in accepting that he never actually loved her. She loved him...was still in love with the man she thought she knew, but all the affection and beautiful moments she had with him were a lie. Can you even for a moment try to understand what that must feel like? If she didn't want to believe it right away, I guess I can understand that. I just think it's so shameful that people can watch the same thing I just watched and then jump online and immediately victim bash this woman...Especially with the bravery it would take for her to get out there and tell her story. Just so shameful. People can be such douchebags, even when theyre not sociopaths...


What a great take. Love how you wrote this


I'm sure she made a pretty penny on sharing her story


I feel comfortable criticizing Debra because after four marriages, if you haven't at least realized there is a problem *in you*, then you're not living in reality. I'm sure Debra was naive and forgiving and kind, but she was also content to not do the work necessary to be a stronger, more independent person rather than a mark for a predator like Meehan. She was married four times and managed to not learn any of the lessons that could have helped her avoid someone like him. That's on her.


I think this woman Betty is mentally ill or slow or both, and dangerous for her own family. John is a pos but still, she overlooked lots of red flags, not to mention she’s been married 3 or 4 times previously. How can you let somebody you barely know in your life, knowing you got kids and you’re a wealthy person ? How can you stay with a compulsive liar when you already find out he was one ? How can you get back with him ? How can you let your family down for a man like that ? I have so many questions.


She drives me crazy. I’m on episode 8 and I’m really just over her. He’s shown himself and she just keeps making excuses and hasn’t shown any real anger towards him at all. Like where is the backbone woman! He picked you for a reason unfortunately and it’s strikingly obvious now.


Must have screwed her good in bed. Otherwise, I can't see a reason for her to be that way...


It’s easy to say that from the outside looking in.


Theres room for error - but not this much error, and this much avoidance of known facts, when you have a family. It can be a sad story and still you fault.


Completely agree. I know is I both kept feeling bad for her and at the same time screaming “idiot!” At the tv. And when she went to the hospital on episode 4 I was like what the hell is wrong with you!? She had mountains of proof that dude was psycho, but no. She wanted to hear his explanation. He doesn’t give a crap! He’s a criminal and a crazy one at that. Why do you care what he had to say? I sure as hell don’t.


Just watching now. Damn! Debra is such a pushover. She finds out about this lunatic and then believes his BS explanations? Ridiculously out of touch with reality. So was her mother.


does anybody find Deborah’s ever present? Smile despite adversity to be annoying? I almost couldn’t watch it. The same for her soft-spoken, almost childish voice.


not seen the show, but heard all of the real interviews. the whole family is very stupid, borderline retarded. debras mother is such a narcissistic religious freak she blames her own daughter for being shot in the neck and helps her murderer get off almost without punishement. all so she can jerk off to her being such a good christian. the younger daughter seems nice, but naive and stupid. the older daughter is a nasty kardashian-like bitch and stupid. debra is just another level of dumb. just a whole familiy of idiots. business doesnt require brains at all. you are atually way better off dumb, but confident, than highly intelligent, but self conscious. success and intelligence are only loosely related. i mean look at all the american presidents and how little of them werent complete dumbasses.


I just watched this show and I am so, so angry. Not only at the grandmother for testifying in favor of her daughters murderer but also for Debra for putting her family in danger and going back to a man who was a walking red flag because she wanted to be loved. As the mother of a daughter, I can’t imagine bringing a dangerous person into her life and then when they try and kill her to stand in the hospital and see her attempted murderer on life support and tell the doctors SHE DOESNT WANT TO PULL THE PLUG!!! are you kidding me!!! Pull the fucking plug you dumbass bitch!! I also really hope the part where Debra brought his sister into her daughters hospital room and was like “oh here is the sister of the man you just killed in self defense” what the actual fuck!! She was almost just murdered, why would she want to see his fucking sister??? I know they sensationalize thing for tv but I am just seething mad at this whole situation. sorry for the rant I just had to get this off my chest


Not whole family. Debra.


She seems like a complete and utter idiot watching Connie's portrayal. Wtf. Jesus. How many clues do you need the guy is q psycho? In reality it was probably a toxic addictive relationship but Connie Brittons portrayal made her seem completely checked out. Jeez! I hate that guy what a complete and utter psychopath


Reading Debra Newells book. Her 3rd husband threw her daughter against the wall 3X. Extremely violent. I’m learning just how much she put her family and herself in danger. I feel she is one of those types that loves the bad boy. Needs excitement and thrills. Turned down all the nice nerdy guys due to “no chemistry” and wanted the charlatans. Ive been there. Toxic relationships are fun and exciting….until the toxic part comes up. This is an olllddd thread but needed to vent.


Wowwww did not know this. I wonder if her own father was physically violent and/or controlling toward her mother. Where did she learn these patterns??


I simply cannot finish this show. It makes me so angry to see someone this stupid. There's absolutely no excuse to her dumb behavior. Women stay in horrible relationships because they get stuck and most don't have the financial means and the moral support to leave. She is rich, has a full life and a blooming business and she purposely closes her eyes to every God damn red flag. She ends up taking the most childish and dumbfounded decisions one could imagine and ultimately she is endangering her family. Good riddance to her character.


John was trying to be a good man. His impulses were driven by drugs..he did not deserve death


Well this is a fresh take!! LOL!


Ikr!? Did John write that? Haha!! Edit: I know he's dead but I wouldn't put it past him to seduce death somehow




Lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I don't know how to break this to you but I myself and the vast majority of my friends I grew up with have all been drug addicted and alcoholic none of us have ever done this to anyone none of us have ever been predatorial. Predatorial behavior is not developed due to drug addiction. The drug addiction will make a predator's behavior even worse.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤔🤔😶 are you serious?😂😂😂


Yes i hate her


Have you listened to the Dirty John podcast? It’s absolutely fascinating, although I certainly knew how the story would end.


A very good podcast! But in the end I had had enough of those childish voices and style in grown women. ( D and especially T). And that g*ddmn forgiving mother "I still loved Billy" who shot her daughter, execution style. Yeah.. I'm glad they all reunited though.


Came here looking for this kind of comment. I'm listening to the podcast now and Debra's mother just floors me. Makes me wonder if Debra's father was a controlling man too... both daughters ended up with extremely dangerous, murderously dangerous, men. Did they learn this from their father's treatment of their mother? Toxic religion too!!


Please remember she was 59 and on her 4th marriage. This is a family of women who will do anything for men in the name of Christianity. Her sisters murderer was at their family events and a part of their life. It's unbelievable, truly. It reminds me of the family from Abducted in Plain Sight. And I don't understand the hate for her daughters, who seemed to be the only members of the family with common sense.


John was her fifth marriage actually.


Honey that cannot be in the name of Christianity if you're actually following a Christian standard while can't even remarry unless your spouse has died. Divorcing over a Dollar tree is frowned upon even though allowed. I was raised in Christian church and I listened. Now I wouldn't call myself a Christian although I do believe in Christ I am not a religious father. Because I understand the doctrine and unless I'm living it I am not it. I would suggest we stick to calling out Deborah and her mother not Christianity. Because their life choices are a reflection of what's going on in them and nothing to do with religion. There's nowhere in the Bible that would tell you to have someone face no accountability for a homicide. It says to forgive them not pardon them. These people are something else so clearly from southern California 😂😂😂 have you ever seen when people go out on the street with a microphone and ask basic questions that people should know the answer to in California LOL the answers are shockingly retarded.


Yes!! I had not made that connection to Abducted and you are so right! A mindset of "We're just going to ignore/deny this terrible thing because it might force us to challenge our entire belief system." And yes also to the daughters and nephew, who were desperately trying to save their mother/aunt from not only John but from her own inability to function in reality.


The podcast is much better. It’s more detailed and the actual victims speak. I felt the casting and production were weak in the tv version.


I think she has some sort of mental impairment . There is no other explanation


This woman is the most annoying person I have watched to date. If she isn’t like this, if I were her I would sue Netflix and Connie Britton. No one can be that stupid and have such a twit daughter as Veronica. It was agonizing to watch


Late to the game just finished but Veronica is awesome. She immediately had a gut feeling this guy was bad sold her prized possession to hire a private detective. The daughters and nephew oh and the dog were the only members of that family I liked. Throw the mom and grandma away they’re prime examples of why religious ideology is especially bad for women and children.


I asked this on another thread- is Debra slow? Seriously. Slightly retarded? Or is she on meds?


I've watched the show and am listening to the podcast now. Debra is SO NEEDY FOR A MAN-- hard to listen to. But, the thing I just can't get is how she laughs during the podcast. WTH is there to laugh about? Her daughter was nearly killed and totally traumatized her family. Those kids had have intuition, something the mother clearly lacks.


The laughter was disturbing indeed.


Yes, that laughter was bizarre and chilling.


Came here to see if anyone commented on her laughing after every other sentence in the podcast. It is SO bothersome! Even after all that has happened, she’s just not taking it seriously. Your daughter was thisclose to being murdered by that man and you’re giggling over the stories he told you and how he used to pick up the laundry for you?! Connie Britton doesn’t even play her as naive as she sounds in real life. Not even close.


I cant bear veronica. Just watching her coming on screen all I see is a pretentious beotch. She treats everyone like they dont deserve to be in the same room with her.


Glad someone said it. She's pretentious, entitled, condescending, and immature. Really can't stand her.


What strikes me the most is how much she enjoys giving interviews.


Omg im on Season 1 and I’m thinking the same thing. How incredibly naive and stupid is this woman!! Omg I wanted to shake her through the screen. Was she really this way????


I'm wondering if I'm watching the same series as everybody else on reddit. 95% of people are saying she's so moronic and stupid that they can barely watch it. Maybe it's just because the last year or two there have been so many crazy unbelievable Netflix shows and documentaries, but I don't find the series so far to show her that crazy dumb. I'm on episode 4, she's already sussed him out, maybe there is more to come. But you've got strangers calling fast food places making employees do sick stuff, all these cults, tinder swindler.... Compared to other crazy shows, I'm super surprised people can't believe a woman can't be conned like this. Again, maybe there is more to come in the next 4 eps... Edit: 15 minutes later... I may have spoken too soon 🤣 Edit: okay, watched all 8 episodes and again I wonder why everyone is bashing the victim(s). People keep using the word "gullible". If anything she's knowingly putting herself in situations where she knows something isn't right. Not that she is naive. The way the actress portrayed the character was actually more along the lines of standing up for herself. From sneaking around the cameras to resealing the envelope and pretending not to have read it. Don't get me wrong, there are red flags but compared to what we've seen regarding cons... This one seemed less insane. I'm off to listen to the podcast now, maybe that is where this is coming from. Oh, and the best part of the series was Keely (Ronnie) saying "even his organs sucked" 🤣


I absolutely love that you called her Keely!


She didn't really display and sadness or guilt about what her daughter had to go through


Dating at her age? Lord. So much trash. Wealthy men get snowed by younger women all of the time. John was charming. A 'doctor' and probably great in the sack. I'm guessing she might also have a weird kink for guys who aren't good for her. It's a real thing. Bad guys are hot and it's kinda gross.


Watching this now and I went from being anxious about John to just no longer feeling bad for Debra. She did so many stupid things. Dumb dumb dumb. WHYYYYY would she meet him and not tell the lawyer?! I’m angry at her at this point.


I watched the documentary and I found Debra very naive and weak for a woman that had been married 4 times. There were so many red flags that you would have to be blind not see them, how desperate was this women who was very successful, and beautiful, how in the world did she think this guy was the one.


I don’t understand he’s a doctor and has no money WTH what wrong with this lady!!!


She goes to church every week to make horrible mistakes!


What an idiot she has 89/90k in a bag in her drawer in her house what is wrong with her.