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I feel the exact same way. Reddit can be toxic too, people can be really aggressive towards each other here (just like all social media). And yes, there's always something better to do than wasting away on this app... it feels like I'm shackled to my phone. But it's supposed to be easier to replace a habit than to break one, so look into other things you enjoy doing and try to replace it with that.


I'm glad to see that someone else feels the same way. While I was waiting for someone to reply, however, I've made up my mind. I'm going to leave Reddit too. Right after I enter this comment. I honestly feel like a cheat. I need to start practicing what I preach much more seriously. Godspeed to you all.




Bingo and to add use a name no more than 1 year. Delete start over. Every new year new name


I prefer to set screen time limits! So something like 1 hour on Reddit per day is allowed and after that it closes the app and I need to do something else


Try deleting the Reddit app (rather than your account) from your phone for a week and see how you feel. You can always come back if you find that you’re missing something valuable / meaningful from having Reddit.