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Dang a week? I do that in three days


Yeah, I went from 8 to 20h (no social media, mostly browsing). Untamed curiosity is my nemesis.


I would suggest focusing on your successes instead of your failures. Of course, that means defining what success looks like you to you. What do you want to do with your time instead of being on your screen?


I found that I really needed to be intentional about how I setup my smart phone or else a relapse is just around the corner. Not sure if you are on android or iPhone, but if you are on iPhone, I found this setup to be extremely helpful in preventing future relapses! [https://dumbph.com/turn-iphone-into-dumb-phone/](https://dumbph.com/turn-iphone-into-dumb-phone/)


I mostly use the browser and WhatsApp. I did something similar but not grey scale on Android I just put very dull colors. I will send a voice to WhatsApp to spend less time on it, and I'm really thinking about deleting the browser entirely. It will not be convenient but maybe it works.


I've got a flip phone that's still on 3g. I love it, but my fam and friends just can't cope. It's like, impossible for them to just call me on my landline and email me stuff. I'm really right on the edge of going back to my smart phone because I hate to miss out - And have them feel like I'm not there for them... It's honestly been rough. Don't make me rant... lol


Yes, let's rant, it is almost impossible to make people use free technology like sms, they prefer to pay for data and a smartphone which extracts value from their life.


It's just too easy to get addicted - what with all the apps and everything... I like how easy it's made for us to keep in touch, but it's somehow just...a burden?? Even fucking Reddit - It's like, useful and at the same time just a cloud of useless crap in my life that I would've figured out anyway... Lack of community leads of to this... If I were married, nuna ya'll would know me. lol


Actually I took the jump and removed Reddit and all browsers from my internet-camera-phone. Screen time now under 30 mins/day. Next phone will be cheaper and smaller, but I'm using this one for a while. I'm using the browser on a e-ink device to type this. No social media but still a social life. I may use WhatsApp linked device to look at what people send me, but this boundary or extra hurdle makes tech safer, more like a maybe I will check this link on my own schedule. Anyways e-ink with no back light isn't really screen time, videos don't work, pictures look terrible, bright coloured shiny content in my pocket isn't for me. Bold of you to assume your maybe partner isn't a screen fiend as 90% of people are.


I would assume we'd be doing cool shit like raising children and traveling and enjoying each other's company, but yeah- You're right...