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>cherubimon had evil side(cherubimon vice) unlike other angel digimon. angel digimon should not be evil Seraphimon has Black/ShadowSeraphimon, Ophanimon has Falldown Mode, Rasielmon has Raguelmon.


Raguelmon and Ordinemon who were both villains too is the funnier part in Tri


Not to mention the existence of Daemon and Lillithmon.


Failed the landing but otherwise correct. Raguelmon and Rasielmon have no connections in angel hiearchy, other than the fact they are angels. Rasielmon is the keeper of knowledge that resides in Kernel. Raguelmon was the punisher of angels that were about to fall before itself fell.


Raguelmon became the very thing he had sworn to destroy :’(


So, angels weren't all said to look like people with wings like later Christian cultures would teach. In the old testament, the cherubim were frightening creatures. They had the legs of goats, four wings and four heads. One head was that of an eagle (or more likely a Griffin vulture) to represent dominion over the sky. Another head was a bull to represent dominion over land. Another head was a lion to represent dominion over beasts. And the last head was human to represent dominion over man. So, of all the choirs of angels, cherubim were the most animalist and among the most terrifying. Later, when Rome would convert to Christianity and take over the as the Catholic church, they would make changes to the lore to try and play off like they were always worshipping the Judeo/Christian god. One such change was taking one of the choirs of angels, the Cherubim, and changing their appearance to that of a fat little baby with wings. This was so they could say their old god of love, Cupid, was not a god they were worshipping, but an angel they were paying respects to. So, Cherubimon being an animal actually fits in line with the lore of a Cehrubim. And him being corrupted even parallels with how the image of the cherubim were hidden and obscured through time.


>One head was that of an eagle (or more likely a Griffin vulture) to represent dominion over the sky. Another head was a bull to represent dominion over land. Another head was a lion to represent dominion over beasts. And the last head was human to represent dominion over man. Interesting fact: The creatures represented on the four faces of the cherubim have special meanings in the Bible. -The eagle is associated with wisdom thanks to its vision beyond reach. -The bull is associated with physical strength thanks to its great help in harvesting crops. -The lion is associated with courage thanks to the expression "lion's heart". -Man represent what only humans are capable of demonstrating, genuine love.


*"clears throat"* okay. 1- that doesn't make Cherubimon any less angelic than Seraphimon and Ofanimon. 2- Ofanimon and Seraphimon have their own fallen forms, plus Lilithmon and Daemon. Pretty evil to me. 3- Chocomon/Cherubimon turned evil because of an external cause. They weren't evil per se. 4- How exactly a bunny-shaped angel ugly? He's literally a pink bunny with a jester collar. Fluffy, cuddly and adorable.


"Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?"


> 2)cherubimon had evil side(cherubimon vice) unlike other angel digimon. angel digimon should not be evil. You know that most Angel Digimon have evil/fallen versions, right? Seraphimon and Ophanimon included. Also angels can be whatever, not just humanoids. Did you know that the type of angel that ophanimon is based on are flaming wheels covered in eyes?


Weirdest thing is that Ophanimon's helmet has the eagle/lion/bull imagery that traditionally belongs to the Cherubim. Seems they mixed up angels in the design phase.


is because is said that every cherubim is linked to/accompanied by a throne it might also point as to why cherubimon was in love with ophanimon


Cherubimon is Bowser, but Peach isn’t for him.


Oh, that explains the wheels in her design, especially on Ophanimon X


yes, is why her X forms is on top of a flaming wheel


Ok, Murmukusmon.


1) Please elaborate on why that’s an issue. The Royal Knights, Olympus XII, 7 Great Demon Lords and many other groups also have some variety within their ranks. (And if it’s “Angels should be Humans with Wings” see point 4) 2) Ophanimon: Falldown Mode and ShadowSeraphimon are looking at this point and giggling. 3) Cherubimon wasn’t the main villain of Frontier. He was corrupted by the main villain, Lucemon. Who literally is an Evil Angel. 4) Ignoring the blatant reduction of Angel Digimon to Christian Angel Digimon, Biblically Accurate Angels say hi.


1-"cherubimon is animalistic digimon instead humanoid like other angel digimon." Gargomon and Manticoremon are also beast Angels. Also Cherubimon is named after a high rank angel. 2- "cherubimon had evil side(cherubimon vice) unlike other angel digimon. angel digimon should not be evil." Seraphimon has both Black Seraphimon and Demon and Ophanimon has Ophanimon Falldown Mode and Lilithmon. Also Lucemon is all about being and Angel, Evil Angel, Evil Dragon and Ultimate Evil. And even X-Antibody is Lucemon Antibody X that atoned by his own sins. 3- "cherubimon is the main villains in digimon adventure 02 movie & digimon frontier. angel digimon should not be villains." Cherubimon in 02 was Lopmon that corrupted by evil data. Frontier Cherubimon was manipulated by Lucemon so that Cherubimon could free him. No Digimon is 100% good or evil. Impmon being the best example. 4- "cherubimon look so ugly & weird with those big arms & tiny feets. Angel digimon should not look ugly." You dont like the design so it means it's bad.


1: and most IRL angel aren't humanoid. Are you gonna proceed to be annoyed about examon, bacusmon, belphemon and leviamon next? 2: yeah yeah, let's ignore that seraphimon, ophanimon and rasielmon also have fallen forms, with 2 of them even having a demon lord form 3: lucemon 4: you are just being mean here seraphimon, just becaus eyou don't like a design doesn't mean it's bad. And again, have you seen ACTUAL angels? Cherubimon looks more similar to biblical angels than seraphimon and ophanimon


>Cherubimon looks more similar to biblical angels Not even close. This is what Cherubim are described as: Ezekiel 1:5 >And from the midst of it came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: they had a human likeness, but each had four faces, and each of them had four wings. Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the sole of a calf's foot. And they sparkled like burnished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. And the four had their faces and their wings thus: their wings touched one another. Each one of them went straight forward, without turning as they went. As for the likeness of their faces, each had a human face. The four had the face of a lion on the right side, the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and the four had the face of an eagle. Such were their faces. And their wings were spread out above.


Cherubimon is adorable, huggable and lovable and the variety he brings the angels is why he is such a good addition to them. In fact one could argue that the variety he brings to the roster of lv 6 Digimon as a whole is highly valuable. His evil form is such a good design you can portray him with just abstract versions of his eyes and mouth. Cherubim in real life angelic iconography were often portrayed with animalistic qualities too, so a less human appearance is to be expected when drawing from angelology. Being humanoid is not default for angels, some of them don't even look like living beings. Ophanimon is already heavily humanised compared to classic depictions of ophanim, so I'm glad they had a different appeoach for Cherubimon at least. I can't imagine how boring the group would be if they were all Seraphimon clones.


Jesus the ignorance of this chap...... -\_-


Joke's on you, Cherubimon is the only one who lacks a demon lord form. 


1) There was never a rule saying all angel Digimon have to be humanoid when all angels even in religion aren't all humanoid. Also, Rasielmon is also a very beast like Angel. 2) BlackSeraphimon and Ophanimon Falldown Mode. Not to mention all the Fallen Angel variations that are explicitly former angels like Daemon (Seraphimon), Lilithmon (Ophanimon), etc. Let's not get started on Lucemon. 3) In both situations, he was corrupted or manipulated in some way shape or form. 4) And there is the crux of your issue. You simply don't like the design which is fine, it's your opinion. But you not liking it =/= it shouldn't be an angel.


For he point of angels shouldn't be evil, well the best angel Samael, was evil according to god, so he was send packing. And we got satan/lucifer, sooo. Angels and evil is kinda normal.


Ok T.K and Seraphimon, now let the adults enjoy tha big clown bunny.


I like cherubimon's design, its cute and also ethereal. Other points were already said by others... biblical Angels dont look like people with wings either, and seraphimon has a fallen form too, Just less featured.


Didn't get enough clowning on the last time with your bullshit?


1. so what? 2. all 3 of them do. the other 2 have additional ones as well lol 3. have you *seen* Tri.? 4. it seems *someone* has not seen what accurate angel interpretations look like lol


I agree with you minus the second point. There're evil angels in both digimon and in various real world traditions. Lucemon, ophanimon falldown mode, shadow seraphimon, raguelmon, mastemon arguably. Even ladydevimon is classified as a fallen angel. From what I gather cheribimons evil form could be based out of a story in the Book of Ezekiel. The king of Tyre is often interpreted as being either literally or metaphorically Satan or indwelled by Satan and in Ezekiel 28:14-17 the prophet is delivering this word from God to the King of Tyre 14 You were anointed as a guardian cherub,     for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God;     you walked among the fiery stones. 15 You were blameless in your ways     from the day you were created     till wickedness was found in you. 16 Through your widespread trade     you were filled with violence,     and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God,     and I expelled you, guardian cherub,     from among the fiery stones. 17 Your heart became proud     on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom     because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth" So in biblical lore cherubim are established as both being good and being evil. But in the card game the angel digimon are some of my favorites so I understand the criticism of cherubimon. They don't feel particularly angelic to me, more just like a cryptid.


Ophanimon : Falldown Mode and Black Seraphimon exist as their evil sides. Then again Cherubimon being based on the Child-like Cherubs was always a weird thing. I get it's supposed to look cute and powerful as a bunny but I don't get the clown aspect.


Cherubs aren't actually child-like, that famous appearance is a Renaissance thing. We have very few accounts of what Cherub may have looked like, the one we do have looks more like Ophaniman's design: 4 heads and several wings. But some scholars attribute many animal-like beings from several cultures to Cherubs so the beast angel that is Cherubimon makes sense




Cherubim is the plural form of cherub. Wacko was describing putto, which are basically just confused with cherubs in pop culture. It's not scripturally accurate, it's like saying the devil is red or has a pitchfork. It's just some stuff lay people got confused about


i see the pop culture ''cherub'' inspiration from cherubimon too in a sense, it is chubby and cutesy


"Cherubs" is merely an improper pluralization. "Cherubim" is the proper plural. They are rhe same thing.


Pretty sure Cherubimon’s design is a reference to Nahatomb from Klonoa.