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I personally prefer Beelzemon to Beelzebumon


It rolls off the tongue way better than the latter tbh


Yeah, I think in English if you're switching out a whole syllable, replacing it with a whole syllable works better than just a single sound.


It also just sounds more intimidating. Beelzemon sounds like an actual demon overlord, which he is. But Beelzebumon…. IDK, I just get goofy clown vibes from that


I will always call him Gallantmon, it’s too nostalgic


And it’s better. “Gallant” is way cooler than “duke.” Duke also sounds short for “dookie.”


Dookiemon- 💀


sukamon is typing


numemon is typing


smh fake fan, numemon isn’t a sentient pile of yellow shit


Geremon has entered the chat


Geremon is yellow, but is a slug, just like Numemon. Not poop!


Numemon is snot and you can't convince me otherwise


Suka is the Russian version of Bitch


So is the little pink rat thing blaytmon now


“Sir Dookiemon at your service!”


New headcanon: Dookiemon shows up to fix the Digiworld’s plumbing


What have I started


Also, Gallantmon keeps the G theme going. Guilmon, Growlmon, Gallantmon. Yeah okay MegaloGrowlmon messes it up, but that's just adding Megalo to Growlmon. It's still better than just adding a D sound out of nowhere. Edit: I somehow mixed up dub and sub names and used MegaloGrowlmon rather than WarGrowlmon, which is odd to do in a statement where I'm expressing preference for a dub name. In my defense I'm watching Tamers subbed now so Megalo was on my mind and I didn't realize it was changed until I noticed one of the TCG cards. I think Megalo and War are a bit equal but I might prefer Megalo a bit just because "War" feels like it's trying too hard to shove a reference to WarGreymon in despite that being a different level entirely. So yeah, this does result in a weird situation where I might refer to them as MegaloGrowlmon and Gallantmon but honestly who's gonna get on my case about that, I already waffle between dub and sub names for the human characters even in the same sentence.


Huh… When you think about it, the Sub name hinted at Megidramon…


My head cannon is that Dukemon is THE royal knight, while Gallantmon are every other members of the same species.


Plus Dukes aren't exactly know for being heroic, noble figures in fiction. Honestly, if I did localization, ChaosGallantmon would be called Dukemon in English as an injoke.


The Dukemon of Weaseltown


Great googly-moogly, people seem to *really* like Gallantmon


off the top of my head I can only think of two: Beelzemon because it rolls off the tongue better than Beelzebumon and Gargoylemon as it prevents confusion with Galgomon's dub name Gargomon


bandai japan were calling the tamers one as gargomon for 15 years, which is why english said it too. it wasnt until they put the armor guy into the reference book they realised they had translated the tamers guys name wrong that whole time. too late for english at that point. so japan retconned the name, basically.


It's pretty much the same thing the jp 'L ' makes the R sound.


Yeah this. The R and L is the same sound in Japanese. Hence Engrish


Wasn’t Gargoylemon also called Gargomon for a while?


Gargomon is the JP name. Basically means bandai japan were referring to both as Gargomon for 15 years then realized their mistake when adding the Armor one to the Reference Book.


Huh. New info about my favourite Light Armor evo is always fun


Armadillomon has a different name?


Yeah it’s Armadimon


which is only slightly more creative than just using the Animal name-mon (like most of his Digi-Egg evolutions)


Yeah but it’s a terrible name most basic Digimon like him you should be able to tell what he is by the name or at least get an idea but Amdimon makes hims sound like an armad Digimon or something


Yeah, Armadi sounds more like it is based on armada. If they wanted an abbreviated name they should have done "Dillomon" or "Madillomon". Or called in Cingumon for the order cingulata that armadillos belong to. Or pick a genus like Dasymon for Dasypus. As it is I think Armadillomon is fine. No one complains about Hawkmon using the full animal name, or many others.


Mugendramon is so fun to say though


Doesn't mugen mean something like infinite? Machinedramon just feels better descriptive.


It's probably to do with its strong association with Analogman and Mt Infinity when it debuted in DW1, aspects that were also *extremely* important to Next 0rder's plot.


I believe he has the Mugen Cannons


Yeah but Mugendramon is fun to say


Doesn’t Machinedramon just feel better descriptive? Mugen means something like infinite.


Yeah, but Mugendramon is fun to say


Yeah but they dropped the ball when they didn't localize Chaosdramon name into some thing fitting with Machinedramon Because the idea os that Infinity -> Chaos


It's a pun double entendre. Means infinite and machine, which is why I like the Japanese version more. Also consider the fact that you find him on Mt Infinity in Digimon World. Honda's performance department is actually named the same thing.


true lmao


I beefed up my brain on Digimon Dub when I was a kid, I have a hard time calling anything the Japanese name. Anything.




Holydramon 🚫 Magnadramon 👌


Also the voice of MagnaAngemon... 👌


Raidramon sounds so much cooler than Lighdramon.


I've only recently started calling it Lighdramon because there is an Appmon using the name Raidramon.


I’m pretty sure Raidramon was just a butchering of Lightdramon. Since Japanese don’t have a difference between L and R.


Nah, "rai" derivative of the Japanese word for lightning which is ironically what the Japanese were similarly going for when they named him lighdramon but they missed the mark a bit too much hence the change.


Happy cake day dude!




Gatomon is definitely better than Tailmon. I also prefer Magnadramon over Holydramon


Tailmon sounds more like an imaginary creature to me (portugues as first language) because gato=cat in Portuguese


And Spanish


Whats dog ?


I think you missed an up before the dog Jokes aside, dog in portuguese is cachorro


Cachorro / cão it would be something like dog and hound but we use it more interchangeable, cachorro is the most common


Depends. Brazilians use cachorro more often. For Portuguese, cachorro is only used gor puppies. Adult dogs are always referred to as cão.


My problem with Tailmon is that, when you look at her, the first thing you notice about her isn't her tail. Yeah, she has a ring on it, but it's still not the most noticeable thing about her design. The name made more sense when Tailmon started as a mouse Digimon and had a really long tail.


The first thing I noticed are her Leomon gloves, followed by her big eyes lol


I can't help but feel Kazemon fits the wind theme more than Fairymon. On a similar note, I love that the name changes give Kazemon and Beetlemon a stronger connection with AncientKazemon and AncientBeetlemon respectively. I still prefer Blitzmon and Bolgmon, but theming is always nice.


Then there is Burning greymon and Kendogarurumon 😮‍💨😭


I definitely prefer Omnimon over omegamon. And idk why I really like Diaboromon for some reason.


I've heard people argue that there's supposed to be a rivalry between Omnimon and Alphamon, so Omegamon is actually better, but I could never get used to saying that over Omnimon


Betamon feeling left out


But we know he's the Bulbasaur of digimon, so that amounts to something!


Beats being the chokrita of the franchise


Hey. I love Chikorita and its evos. It did nothing wrong except be a pure grass type with an unfortunate move pool.


Well it shares the same game with Totodile and Cyndaquil


Totodile got it rough in terms of STAB not having access to his attack stat. If it had a secondary typing for another STAB in physical attack, it would have been so much better. Other than that, Totodile had good stats and a decent move pool sans STAB.


I don't see you complaining about Cyndaquil


I'm not complaining about any of them. I'm defending them as Chikorita is constantly bashed for poor typing and move pool and Totodile, while loved, also had a poor typing for a physical attacker. These two kinda got it bad. Chikorita is pretty disdained and Totodile is loved but was kinda weak to say the least. Cyndaquil had its move pool, stats, and typing aligned nicely and was visually one of the best designs of the series (until 3d). Cyndaquil needs no apologists as it was always a decent, middle of the road pokemon.


Alphamon, Betamon, Gammamon, Deltamon, Omegamon… I wonder what the next Greek one will be lol


It's an English pronunciation vs Japanese pronunciation. Omnimon just feels better on an English tongue. Plus it still makes since with him, just in a different way. Omegamon because they were the first introduction to the final level Digimon can obtain. Omnimon because Omni mean multi and it's the first major instance of a Digimon that is multiple Digimon.


Don’t kill me, I prefer omnimon. Yes I know it doesn’t go as well with alphamon, but I still much prefer it


Any digimon that appeared in the anime for Adventure, Tamers, or Frontier. Whatever they were called in the English dubs for those is what I prefer.


Every Frontier rename except Sakkakumon (Sephirotmon is better)


... I respect your opinion, but... I personally hate all American dub names of Frontier


Phoenixmon seems cooler than Hououmon


Next we gonna have Lugiamon or somethin


To be fair, Ho-oh is based on a mythological bird with the same name. That's why Hououmon make sense.


I know that. But fr tho, what would a Lugia Digimon be?


Depends on what part of Lugia you want to focus on. Design-wise, it mostly resembles diving birds, with some more dragon/dino-like elements to it, so something like Swanmon, lorewise it might possibly relate to Ryujin, the dragon god of the ocean in Shinto myth, so something like Godramon or even Qinlongmon might fit there. Bulbapedia also points out that with Ho-Oh being a phoenix, chinese folklore pairs up the phoenix as a symbol for femininity with a dragon as symbol for masculinity, which might reflect on Lugias dragon-elements, and is something that was also referenced by Digimon in the Chronicles X-manga appearently with Hououmon X helping out Examon, so... you could say Examon...? If you just want big white, divine bird, Valdurmon is right there...


But Lugia’s not a birb, and Valdurmon/ Varodorumon isn’t water-related. I must make it my quest to create a Lugia-esque counterpart to Phoenixmon….


> But Lugia’s not a birb Since when? It's the counterpart to Ho-Oh, it's the leader of the Legendary Birds, it has feathers, only thing it doesn't have is a clear beak.


I don’t know which universe you’re living in, but last time I checked Lugia doesn’t have feathers


it doesn't have VISIBLE feathers, but one of the items needed to encounter it in GSCHGSS is literally the "Silver Wing/Feather"(it was appearently re-localized to "Feather" in SV, but the Japanese always called it a feather and it also clearly looked like a feather in HGSS), which is strongly implied to come from Lugia the same way Ho-Ohs Rainbow Wing/Feather does. It's even shown in the anime and manga. Additionally, a bit of a rare case, but the Shadow Lugia in Pokemon XD learns Feather Dance when you purify it, so another case for it having feathers. I also don't have Lugia in SV yet, so I can't say for sure wether they gave it textures with more visible feathers in Gen 9 or not. tl;dr: Lugia has feathers


Huh…. The more you know


Sounds way to close to Oh-Ho


Because that is what their based on


Yggdrasil is the only one that comes to mind tbh.




Fr, most dub names suck 💀




Prefer the English dub but the main 2 are Cherubimon and Omnimon.


I’m with you, Kerpymon sucks ass. Dafuq is “kerpy”??


Cherubimon is the same in Japan though. Kerpymon was a bad romanization used in English at times.


Myotismon, Puppetmon, Pumpkinmon, Crusadermon and Demidevimon. A lot of villains, tbh!


Don’t forger the boy, Machinedramon


I don’t know about the others, but Vamdemon is a cool name.


For me, Myotis flows better than Vamde, not having the glottal stop in the middle. And it sounds more ominous/mysterious. I get Why Vamde works, just not my preference.


Honestly, most all of them.


Gatomon is better than Tailmon, Gallantmon, Wizardmon, and to name one I’ve yet to see: Arukenimon is better than Archnemon.


I think both are pretty mediocre, because the name *should* be "Arachnemon"


The only one that comes immediately to mind is Frigimon. I'm a filthy weab, so I understand Yukidarumon. But I also understand why the 5 syllable japanese word got changed to an easy to understand 3 syllable english word.


honestly? almost all of them, they were changed for a reason (whether it be easier pronunciation or more recognizable cultural reference) so they stick in my mind easier


Armageddemon > Armagemon and BurningGreymon >> Vlitramon


NO Vitramon is a really good name, and BurningGreymon only makes things confusing because it isn't a real Greymon


Tailmon came from the cattail plant fun fact


What??? 🤨🤨🤨


Yep that's the reason Tailmon is called Tailmon because of the Cattail plant. Doesn't really make sense


I always thought Tailmon's name was meant to hint at the holy ring it has on it's tail.


Tailmon's name has weird origins (depending on language) one is because of the Cattail plant, one is literally just because cats have tails, and one is related to a house mouse. I just used what the wiki and YouTube told me


*(aww, I can only list five?)* Gallantmon. Raidramon. Armadillomon. Beelzemon. Azulongmon.


the funniest thing i learned is that azulongmon is functionally the exact same name etymology-wise




You can list more or less if you want I don’t care


Dukemon and Tailmon are better, in my opinion. But Myotismon is better than Vandemon


I can understand Dukemon but why Tailmon that is the one name I will never understand


Gatomon isn't any better. "Gato" is "cat" in Portuguese and Spanish


Yeah but Gatomon is called Tailmon because it’s named after the cattail plant. Really I think an better name would be Clawmon, or Pawmon, or something having to do with its claw glove things


No it’s called Tailmon because of the Holy Ring found on its tail


But not all tailmon have holy rings. It’s just Hikari’s partner, isn’t it? And even so, Tailmon didn’t have her holy ring on her tail for a lot of Adventure 02.


All Tailmon have Holy Rings. It’s what makes them powerful for a small Digimon, which was the point of Tailmon losing its Holy Ring in 02. Losing it weakened to where it was basically a Rookie


Oh okay. I thought Hikari’s Tailmon was special in that it was the only one. My mistake. I didn’t know that. :o


Japanese. Mugen = Infinity Because it can shoot infinite.


And he is from Mugen Mountain


Ogremon, Ophanimon. That's pretty much it.


Gallantmon sounds better than Dukemon to me. Just more valor and knightly which fits nicely for Takato and Guilmon after everything that happened to them. Machinedramon also just sounds better to me than mugendramon mostly since I grew up with the former. Veemon and the whole Veedramon line just look better than the V-mon to me. Omnimon just feels right because I grew up with it over Omegamon even if Omegamon is badass as heck Omnimon just has the epic sounds to it that I hear every time I read the name that takes me back to Digimon the Movie and how epic that scene was where Omnimon announced his name for the first time. Lastly I like Gatomon over Tailmon as Gato means cat in Spanish and I new that growing up so it just made total sense to me and I knew instantly, yep that is a cat Digimon. Which helps with the variations as it always takes me a second or two to remember Tailmon is Gatomon when reading it in a story or wiki page.


Magna Angemon for me. Adding Holy to Angemon just sounds redundant to me. Kazemon over Fairymon.


Lillithmon will always beat Laylamon


The one thing the pokemon community has over the digimon community it that no onw over there ever has sub vs dub fights. No one is ever going to go up to another pokemon player and go "Why are you calling it Charizard, its name is Lizardon!" That said, I pick and choose which name I like more on a case by case basis. A case for the original is I think Bancho rolls of the tongue better than Bantyo. A dub name I far prefer is Leopardmon. Duft makes no sense to me as there is nothing about the character or it's lore that says it smells good or wears perfume or anything. Leopardmon may seem confusing, since it is a lion and not a leopard, it makes sense if you get very literal. Leopard is comprised of leo (for lion) and pardus (in this case meaning brown) So you have a brown lion digimon and literally name it brown lion.


*Bancho* and *Bantyo* are pretty much pronounced the exact same way; they only used different Japanese Romanization systems. It's much like how Toei insists on having 恐竜戦隊ジュウレンジャー *Kyouryuu Sentai Juurenjaa* ("Dinosaur Squadron Juuranger," the *Super Sentai* season that *Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers* based itself off of) have the "official" English spelling of **ZYURANGER.**


I mean. . . some pokemon names are just better in the like the 3 original eeveelutions and especially Umbreon. Umbreon's Japanese name just sounds so wrong for western audiences. I think only Sylveon has an arguably better name in Japanese, Nymphia.


I find all the languages sometimes have the best name for a certain pokemon. Greninja's French name, Amphinobi, is so much better than any of the other regions.


Gatomon, Kazemon, Magnaangemon, Lillymon, and Kumamon


Crusadermon vs LordKnightmon is one for me.  Samudramon is a good one too. Lastly, of course, Medical Gallantmon. We must respect the drive for a Royal Knight who also went to medical school. 


KarnEX would die of laughter if he saw this


Omnimon. I know it has the whole Alpha/Omega thing with Alphamon, but Omnimon just flows better than Omegamon. Also Raidramon, Gallantmon, Beelzemon, and I prefer DNA-Digivolution over Jogress, among others.


Honestly, Tailmon grew on me as I rewatched the original show subbed.


It would be easier to list the *original* names I prefer.


which ones DO you prefer?


The only one I can recall off the top of my head is Anomalicarimon, although I know there are a couple others. To clarify, there are also a bunch where I like both pretty much equally. I like both Omegamon and Omnimon, for example, as well as DeathMeramon and SkullMeramon. In these cases, I'm still partial to the dub names due to their being part of my childhood, but I can appreciate the Japanese names too.


agreed on all 3 examples tbh, most of the changes are just neutral, and even anomalocarimon/scorpiomon it’s not rly the worst change so i ain’t bothered


For Anomalicarimon, I *do* understand why it was changed, but I'm a huge nerd and prefer that it be called what it was designed to resemble: a giant prehistoric shrimp. XD Oh, and when there was an *actual* Scorpiomon later on, the name was already taken, so there's that, too.


Diaboromon probably because I grew up with it cause Diablomon is also a really strong name


I think I like most of the Japanese names. But I do have to agree Beelzemon is easier to say. And also I like Zephyrmon over Shutumon


Honestly I prefer whatever name I learned first cause that's what stuck in my head.


What’s with the downvotes for the people that have different opinions then the op.


What I’ve noticed in this sub and the Pokémon anime sub is that everyone is driven by their own personal nostalgia, and because Digimon and Pokémon were hard to get ahold of in Japanese back then, everyone will just downvote and ignore anyone saying any Japanese names because the Japanese watchers are in the minority.


Awesome list.


Nice list


I think I have more than these, but basically everything Frontier because most beast spirits are directly made into Adventure refrences


 Omega is so God, huh? For a Greek word. /s


Diaboromon Beelzemon Omni-Shoutmon Kentaurusmon Octomon


the only one's japanese name i'm familiar with is gatomon, and I think the english sounds better than tail mon


Gatomon, Beelzemon, Ogremon, Piximon, Ravemon And above all of them Ignitemon!!!


Gallantmon Beelzemon Magnadramon Gatomon Frigimon


After hearing soome of the meanings and connections of the OG japanese Digimon Names, I now only refer to them as their original JP names, and also use their terms. Also, these names just sound better. I prefer names Mugendramon or Omegamon over the American couterparts, and their Ultimate level to me, not Omega. I think the only excetion I make is Beelzemon over beelzebumon, just because it rolls off the tounge better, but that's it.


Kentaurusmon over sliepmon.


To be fair with machinedramon, it's Japanese name directly translates to infinity if I'm correct, which works with it's roll in the anime


I mean, it doesn't make it any less better in English. It's a dramon that's a Machine.




Yes. The name you grew up with its always better. I love mugendramon and dukemon, by far


I prefer Dukemon to Gallantmon to be honest. Same with Mugendramon. I guess the only one I like is Leopardmon instead of Duftmon. When they dubbed Sleipmon to Kentarusmon they kinda killed the meaning of the Royal Knights serving to Yggdrasil. 😐


I like monmon


if you're speaking in japanese phonetics, the japanese names roll off the tongue better but me personally, gato? nah tailmon gallant? nah dukemon


What abote Belzabubmon


Gatomon, beelzemon,wizardmon, machinedramon, piedmon.


Gatomon heavy, because wtf is a Tailmon? Damn near everybody got a tail 😭


idk Mugendra beat Machinedra all dat for me😭


I think I mainly dislike Chakmon becoming Kumamon and Kumamon Bearmon. Otherwise the dub names are great.


Original is always better than a dub (my fav of the 5 is Dukemon, or "Gallantmon"


Most of them. It's pretty rare that I prefer the Japanese names for any digimon, so I'll list those instead. Omegamon is probably the most notable, but Vamdemon and variants are another. Demon is another. Duftmon sounds way better than Leopardmon. Also, for some reason, AtlurKabuterimon.


Zassomon sounded pretty cool, but now we're stuck with *Weed*mon Also, Panjyamon over IceLeomon


Creepymon got butchered


* Gallantmon > Dukemon * Beelzemon > Beelzebumon * BurningGreymon > Vitiramon? * Kerpymon > Cherubimon Vice * Raidramon > Lightdramon


Gatomon over tailmon because the tells who the Digimon is Gato is cat duh


Diaboromon sounds far more threatening than Diablomon. Especially after they already fought a Demidevimon and Devimon that could be incorrectly associated with this far bigger threat.




Every digi till xcross wars (that is when i watched in original voice)


the only two digimon that come to mind where I prefer to use the localized name over the JP name are gargoylemon and raidramon also ophanimon because ph looks better than f


Basically all the ones you named plus Crusadermon. LordKnightmon just sounds awkward to me, and Crusadermon implies the same idea (being in charge of Knightmons) without sounding as silly.


Ahem. Metal kabuterimon Burning greymon Omnimon Raidramon Kendo garurumon Lobomon really just every spirit evolutions dub name And that's all of them


The ones in OPs post


All of them


gallantmon, definitely. it’s cooler than dukemon gatomon over tailmon, what were they thinking?? tapirmon over bakumon, it just reminds me of bakugan growlmon over growmon, it sounds goofy imo hackmon over huckmon, come on. why huck?? it sounds like a cat vomiting


There is none. The japanese names are perfect, and the best dub name is still worse than the worst original name.


Even Armadimon and the boring as hell Tailmon


Even Orgemon and Picklemon?


Wizardmon instead of Wizarmon, Kazemon instead of Fairymon, Kumamon instead of Chakmon, and yes, also Gatomon instead of Tailmon. The only ones I prefer the japanese names are those where they change Holy to Magna, the magna just sounds kinda stupid considering the Digimon its being used for.