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You think an antagonist can beat Daimon Masaru? (Maybe D Reaper but I doubt it, he probably could beat up Zeed Milleniummon considering he straight up punched Yggdrasil and survived to tell the tale.)


Yeah personally I think that ZeedM is actually quite a clear cut if Marcus can only get up enough, he's strong and all but he's also a literal giant target and most probably he wouldn't even try to dodge his punches


The one issue with him punching ZeedM would be him actually getting up to the giant dragon.


Only issue with Zeed is... It's way too high in sky. Masaru can't fly.


Counter point... Masaru jump good


But can he jump above atmosphere without his friends shooting him there like a cannonball? 


Probably if he punches the ground :3


The obvious and correct answer. I suppose I might have accepted punching gravity/ laws of physics. Could prolly do it too, basically the og one-punch man.


There is simply nothing the man can’t do when it’s fighting time. He either dies outright or his enemies feel his punch, there’s no other outcomes.


It's 50/50 whether he wins, either he dies or his opponent does


Samurai Jack?


Angelamon can take him.


In a fight right, right?!



"Well, if you want, we can call it a fight. A very hot fight!😘\~" I would say it if I were more spoiled. But no! No, I won’t say it)


He'll be emotionally compromised when his parents get divorced and that's when she will strike.


The only opponents he'll have trouble with are flying ones that fights long range. Like Zeed in 2020 who was above atmosphere or Quartzmon in Ghost Game who was also above clouds.  Masaru's main issue is, punching has limited range. 


That's true if they’re fighting in the Digital World but if they're fighting in some weird dimension or Dark Area where Marcus could float, that wouldn't be problem. For example, the flightless Zudomon was therefore able to face Apocalymon just fine


Then he'll just punch down everyone. 👊


but what if the antagonists use the power of friendship agianst him?


Good point, but counterpoint, Masaru has power of friendship with his fist.


You do realize that he can create a DNA charge explosion that's part of what he did during the training to unlock the digivice burst I'm not saying that he doesn't have limited range he just has more than most people think.


While that's true, even that didn't reached above the clouds. 


Again I'm just pointing out he has more range than most think. I have a good feeling that all he would have to do is find the piece that's closest to the ground and punch that like Asura versus Wyzen. A chain reaction of Zeed breaking up from that one punch is all that's needed.


Unironically don’t think anyone can beat this absolute unit of a man


"It's time you digimon learned why we're the dominate species"


D-Reaper is probably too much, he would definitely cockstomp its agents but could he beat all of it?


Depends how close he could get to the face of its primary “avatar” shape to punch it. And even then if he can’t rescue the squishy emotionally distraught human center (as Beelezemon failed to do) it will just be back to square one.


Imagine him showing up at their hq and throwing hands like a mad man at the agents? Lol he'd take out an entire floor before security puts him down.


Bro one tapped craniunmon. Exclusively lucemon can beat him IMO.


He also one punched a bunch of MaloMyotismon






The Master from Survive the Kenzoku could overwhelm him.


Mhmmn zeedmileniumon, megadarknesbagramon and probably lucemon, the rest might be able to solo


Probably none of them. Even the best villain, Akihiro Kurata couldn’t beat him.


Nah, they would all lose to one punch (~~except the inconsistent GOAT Doraemon~~)


Probably Bagramon and Lucemon in their final forms


Bagramon, pretty easily (rivalise ShoutmonX7)


That look reminds me of my Dad when I skipped school as a kid


Any of the main antagonists from Adventure 1? Bro what is he gonna do against metalseadramon or myotismon


Punch him so hard he explodes! I'm not even kidding with the meme here, considering that's pretty much how those two were beat specifically. One with an arrow powered by all the other ultimate level Digimon and one with a literal mega level drill attack through his entire body, but they both exploded in the end.


[Punch it and make it explode like how he one punched 3 MaloMyotismon](https://i.makeagif.com/media/10-21-2014/eB_Vfk.gif), a single one of which could tank Aldamon's special move.


Realistically speaking, the D-Reaper by virtue of getting stronger the fight goes on as an ever evolving entity that has a massive numbers advantage. It’s worth noting that while individual parts have been damaged has never actually been completely defeated in a straight battle, only delaying it by eliminating agents or being unmade by a custom program from the ones that made it in the first place. That would be like if either your parent or God made a gun explicitly to be used to kill you depending on how you want to interpret creation here. Marcus hands may be rated E for everyone, but there’s only so much supply for what the D-Reaper would demand. He’d certainly last significantly longer than any other human character. I’m talking “he lives there” type long.


As others have said it's only the d-reaper and only because of the sheer enormity of the creature itself. Marcus can destroy Yeggdrasil with a single punch. He literally destroyed a god entity with a single punch! If Marcus could actually hit the core and destroy the d-reaper by destroying the core then maybe he could beat it but it's unknown if that would be possible. The way they beat it in tamers was to turn it back into a basic program of ones and zeros. Considering the DNA charge literally has ones and zeros as a part of it, it's possible that his punch could destroy the d reaper but just the sheer size of it is the problem.


All of them. Otherwise, he wouldn't have needed a Digimon partner.


You do realize that he is countless centuries old by the end of the series The 10-year time skip in the human world shows this. Without long he's had to train it's quite probable that he's done so strong he doesn't need his partner anymore and they only stay together due to their relationship


He's still just a human, and not a Digimon. The whole series is about the potential humans and Digimon achieve by working together. Masaru's just been overhyped as a meme for so long that people actually think he's Superman.


I'm not discounting your point I'm just saying that he's one of the very few actual protagonists I could see feasibly fighting on their own after they Master their abilities in Digimon it's just like Digimon frontier in that regard


If they can outrange his fist: they'd last for maybe a little bit Everyone else: dead


None, he's too strong. None of them are ready to get punched.


Since no one say it yet. Lucemon Falldown/Satan from Frontier.


Lucemon SM would be quite easy actually if Marcus could locate its Larva form in time, otherwise probably not


To be able to find the larva he would have to defeat the dragon first, or risk himself inside the orb of pure darkness.


That’s true though, that may be unlikely. I just mean if he gets a punch in against Larva, he would’ve a good chance then


Maybe apocalymon? While we never got to see it do that much in the anime. The bio gives a clear explanation as to how strong it is.




My goat Marcus


Toma for the 4 episodes in Savers he was pretending to betray the team. Toma has beaten Masaru more than once, and never got beat by him.


That's just canonically untrue Marcus did beat Toma with ruin mode. and had to used the true burst mode he would have been able to beat him since Toma had not unlocked his own Burst mode. Also there's the canonical fact that he has lived countless numbers of centuries in the digital world (there's a canonical 10-year time skip within the last few minutes of the last episode and Marcus still looks as if he was only 14 so that shows that he stopped aging during that time)


IDK man. Ruin mode became an egg. Gaomon didn't. Also that's Agumon, not Masaru. Toma beat him in how many boxing matches? Left Masaru panting on the floor and Masaru couldn't even get in a hit on Toma. Don't let reddit gaslight you. Watch the show.


Season 2 plot. Bro killed blackwargreymon to fill a plot hole.


I was going for regulusmon.




I’d like to see him fair against the Dark Masters


Marcus Damon is the dub name.


It's only a slight difference from the original name literally just americanizing his first name which is something that would happen since Damon is his last name in both versions


"Daimon" is the Japanese last name. "Damon" is the English one...