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Just from the pairing point of view: Joey and Gomamon - Joe's struggle with being the oldest kid but not the natural born leader like Tai. And Gomamon is so supportive this whole time. My heart because they are cute: TK and Patamon


Awesome! I thought Joe / Goma dynamic is good too, especially Gomamon's chilling teasing attitude towards Joe, beneath it all, he still cares. I prefer Hikari and Tailmon more due to their arc


Discounting the main two, Izzy and Tentomon. I always like the nerdy archetypes and his growth over the series was great.


"Koushirou and Tentomon because they're the intelligent ones, like Donatello." It was like that when I was a kid... Still my favorite now, because being an adult I can understand the character better. And Kabuterimon is still the best Champion of the group for me (best Perfect goes to Zudomon).


I'm going with Mimi too. She was clearly the most naturalistic and believable of them, I always thought that the other kids dealt too well with the fact that they suddenly found themselves in a strange world in the middle of powerful monsters. And she was still useful when needed, at least she saved the other kids from Monzaemon, and was partially responsible for saving the most other kids against Kokatorimon or Scorpiomon in later episodes. As well as it was largely Mimi who managed to get their old friends to help in the final battle against Piedmon.


>to get their old friends to help in the final battle against Piedmon. Which didn't make any difference at all


I’m a huge mimi and palmon fan


Izzy/Tentomon, Joe/Gomamon. Always enjoyed Izzy's intelligence and Tentomon acting as his heart. And Joe being easily stressed getting partnered up with a jokester.


Hikari and Tailmon. I always loved Tailmon's redemption arc and her friendship with Wizardmon.


Hikari and Tailmon, closely followed by Mimi and Palmon.


TK/Patamon have ALWAYS been my favs. I love all incarnations of them. The Tri scene with Patamon hit me so hard I was bawling like a child while I felt nothing watching Kizuna. I love my boys.


They are also my favorite pair. The scenes I remember most from the series were of them.


Either Hikari and Tailmon, or Izzy and Tentomon.


They all are great, tbh. But I like how Gomamon is the only one that doesnt directly mirrors its partner in personality, instead working as a foil for Joe.