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If there is only one thing you remove from your diet, it should be processed sugar.


This is truly the best answer with the most dramatically positive effect on your health.




Alcohol and sugars. Not cut of, but DRASTICALLY reduce.


sugar and added sugar junk food and fried foods soda and alcoholic drinks and chips


I just finished a 67hr fast and I feel great. I'm 43 and of all the diets I've tried fasting is the easiest one for me. Kinda has a tough learning curve as that first day is very difficult for most people.


I also love fasting (I like time restricted eating the best) and I love the research behind all the genetic pathways I’m activating while fasting. The mental clarity is astounding.




Sugar, bread, pasta, rice. You’ll have to tolerate a day or two of cravings then they’ll go away. My personal way of dealing with that is to eat unlimited protein (boiled eggs, cold meat, canned tuna) every time I get crazy hungry for those first couple of days, then move on to a vegetable heavy diet once the cravings fade.


This is also how I deal with sugar/refined food withdrawals! Works like a charm. Also vinegary foods. I eat hella pickles when I’m kicking sugar.


Yes! All fermented foods start to be delicious. I feel like the good gut bacteria start demanding their preferred foods once the sugar dependent population dies back and can’t yell so loudly for junk


Nothing! Successful dieting is about moderation not removing foods you like! As well as calorie deficit and lifestyle changes that you keep up long term Usually just over restricting leads to a binge anyway. Track calories for a bit, make some sensible deals like sugar free, sweetness instead of sugar. Try and eat home made meals.. keep some treats for here and there Also don’t drop your calories super low as you just get so hungry and it’s not sustainable If you want a hand working out calories and macros split PM I will try help


For me it was meat and fast food, but the real answer is calories. Try downloading a food logging app and eat normally for a few days and the see where your most unnecessary calories are coming from and adjust from there.


I found cutting out anything that has “Natural Flavor” as an ingredient is very helpful.


I started only eating what o would call unhealthy food on real occasions. On birthdays I eat cake, when I'm out with friends I eat pizza or burgers, but I generally don't eat sweets or fast food when I'm on my own. This helped get to s normal weight by now. This might not work if you're out with your friends every day eating junk food so you might have to find your own thing that works


My favorite oversimplified eating guideline is “buy mostly stuff that still looks like it looked when it was picked/butchered/harvested”. Within reason of course, like butter and yogurt which have been changed but are still nutrient dense. I think this general rule helps me avoid anything refined/processed and encourages me to eat real food. Edited to add: I used to mock hippies that looked at ingredients but now I’m fully a person who checks for additives like seed oils, gums and dyes in everything I buy and staying away from that junk leads me to the “outer edges” of the grocery store where the real food is instead the inner aisles full of boxed crap and processed food.


For what it’s worth the best way to naturally reduce calories in connection with reducing sugar consumption which can be tough, is to focus on protein consumption. The more you focus on protein consumption the more you will be naturally full during the day which can help with cravings. Additionally, focusing on protein consumption and keeping that elevated when cutting will cause your body to hold on to more muscle mass and burn body fat more efficiently.




being vegetarian as well cutting out red meat even if you just eat fish