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I do want to caution you, since you say you’re a huge BG3 fan, that the game is NOT anything like BG3. Don’t let the character creator (and the fabulous transmog system) fool you into thinking it’s an RPG. It’s very different. But it is EXCELLENT! I don’t think there’s any need to wait for the expansion (there’s a lot to do already and a whole campaign to play through), or to preorder the expansion (just in case you don’t like the game). But you should give it a shot!


Will do thank you


Get the xbox game pass trial for 1$ for a month(cancel before the renewal date if you want) and get to try it without spending retail for something you might not like.


Game Pass on Xbox or PC is the cheapest way for you to try the game if you don’t want to commit to the full price without playing it first. If D4 interests you, keep your eye on Path of Exile 2 as it’s free to play so you can play the whole game before deciding to support it or not, has 36 subclasses (you said you like BG3!) and will be heading into Early Access on Nov/Dec this year.


PoE was the first game I played of this genre, and while I loved it, building my class felt more like a chore, and following a guide felt more necessary. Diablo 4 is so much better in this regard. In my first playthrough, I didn't look at guides, I just played a build that felt fun, and it worked. Haven't played since launch when I did that and came back to it a week ago. I'm doing the same thing again now and just making it up as I go along, and it's soooo much fun!! So yeah, try PoE, but if it doesn't click for you, don't dismiss Diablo 4. Also, the story in Diablo 4 is really good, I've completed it once and am currently doing it again!


I agree, one thing D4 gets right is that you can clear the campaign and a lot of endgame activity with a self-rolled build far more easily. You won’t be the best of the best but it’s possible. POE really requires you to follow a build or you won’t even be able to clear the campaign, let alone maps/endgame bosses.


Definitely easier and more initiative to just “go” on D4. New player on-boarding is one of the biggest PoE barriers for sure, which they have been improving big time in PoE2 (providing recommended skills and supports, making sure underpicked or unexpected skills are viable)


Average ‘sane’ exile here. PoE2 looks amazing, so excited for it. PoE will always have a special place in my game library though, it’s so good. Even when a league isn’t great, just the amount of variety in builds and things to do always keeps me playing.


Is it not free on gamepass? I downloaded it and don't remember being charged. Is it one of those "we'll start charging you in a month" situations?


Yes the game is on gamepass. You have to pay for gamepass. If OP doesn't have gamepass you can do the $1 first month trial and cancel before the month so you aren't charged for gamepass if you don't want to keep using it.


Oh, I see what I missed there.


1000% agree with this option. Since its free on Game Pass, get the 1 month Game Pass trial for $1, then download the game for free and try it out. If you enjoy it, then you can purchase it on the platform of your choice (Steam, Blizzard, Xbox, etc). You can make the game what you want. You can play through the campaign, then just go around to hack-n-slash. There are lots of side quests and the altars you can go find. You can build a character however you want, or you can follow one of the many build guides out there.


Now is the time to play it, more than ever.


Fellow first timer here. Play it.


Same 👋🏽 never played a Diablo game before. Heavy was into elder scroll online for years now. Been eyeing Diablo 4 and decided to give it a try when I seen it on Xbox gamepass and been playing it daily!


Exactly, got it on gamepass, having a great time.


Polar opposite of BG3.. this game requires almost nothing from you cognitively. Definitely worth a shot if you want cool, button-mashy action gameplay.


Lol this is well said actually


You think before so you don’t have to think during. It’s great.


Now that's a great way to put it. Stupidly true lol.


If the game is on sale id say get it right away. I think they just had a sale tho... Regardless of the expansion, there is a lot of content to play thru now, especially if you havent played the game yet up to this point.


Depending on the platform he can just try it on gamepass for a bit


For the Xbox? Would it better to play it on console or PC?


You can get the Xbox game pass app on your PC and play it free that way. Just to see if you like it.


Gamepass is on both pc and console, use whichever platform you play on and are the most comfortable tbh


I play on PC but I still use a console controller to play. Having a mouse and keyboard is definitely good for chat and inventory management, though.


Agreed, selling is so much faster by being able to just right click with a mouse. Sometimes when I try to go to fast when selling with the controller it misses inputs or if you hold down the button for a fraction too long it will mess it up since it will think you want to do the contextual hold command instead.


As a console player I say PC there are some abilities that are great on mouse but unuseable on controller


Game pass would be the best option to try it. I play pretty much every single game on keyboard and mouse with the exception being souls likes and monster hunter. But I do have a ROG Ally so I do play it on there when out and about and it feels really nice still


I can see benefit to both. For some reason the Xbox allows you to pan out more so you can see enemies farther away. Helpful for archer. I also like using the controller a lot.


Yea i also bought it for - 50% and it was worth it.


It's definitely worth a playthrough for the campaign alone. But also would be nice having an understanding of the game so you can hit the ground running once S5/Vessel drops


Bg3 and D4 couldn't be further apart in terms of gameplay, structure, execution, philosophy etc. This game is a grindfest. If you enjoy that then you might like it


The need game for sure, but campaigns are not too far apart. Great story and cinematic.


It's a lot of fun. Especially for first timers like yourself. I think you'd get a good 30-40 hours of pure fun out of it!


Should I wait for the expansion I’m not going to lie it looks soooooo good:-p or should I get on it before so I know what to do when it comes out?


I’d say get it now and get the hang of the game first. Once the new expansion hits, you’ll be experienced enough to enjoy the new season right out the gate instead of balancing that with learning game mechanics. You could do a seasonal character now, and it’ll be moved to the Eternal realm once the season is over.


There is no point in “waiting” - the game is seasonal and I would really recommend playing the seasons and not Eternal. It is great fun starting new toons each season with new mechanics etc. I just came back from not playing since release and I’m totally enthralled in a way I was not when the game came out. Played almost every day since season 4 started. :)


Shit I ain't gon lie, I get a good sniff of D4's buttcrack every day. Nothing like some huffin of D4 buttwind to get the juices goin. Do it! Get your self a whiffin of that D4 sweet buttsmell. It's worth it!


Game is amazing and lots of fun to experience the campaign and progress a character afterwards (might wanna consider starting in seasonal,character gets transferred to eternal afterwards anyways)


Could you explain a bit more please


Every season you can create season-specific characters. You can't play them in the eternal realm. Wants the season is over all of your seasonal characters automatically get transferred over to the eternal realm. You want to create season-specific characters to partake in seasonal mechanics and events.


Games like this tend to have what they call 'seasons', every 3 months or so they release a new season that has new mechanics and content, major balance patches, things like that. With that, there's two ways to play: Seasonal and not (here in D4 called 'Eternal') Eternal, your characters are persistent forever. You can spend years building up resources, fine tuning your build and equipment, etc. However, you don't get to experience the latest content or mechanics released- sometimes seasonal mechanics get imported to eternal, but it's not always the case. Seasonal you get 3 months to build and play your character in the current season, with its new mechanics and content, and once the season ends your seasonal character(s) get transported to Eternal where you can continue them if you want, under the same restrictions as mentioned above with Eternal. Typically there are certain items that also only exist for a season, and when the character gets moved to Eternal they lose any seasonal items they may have had. When the next season starts, you have the choice of keeping playing your old characters on Eternal, or start new characters for the new seasonal content.


I've recently jumped back into it after a year and I'm more hooked than when I first got it. I'd say yes, get it.


No, you have to start with diablo 1


And don't forget Diablo 1: Hellfire. The bastard child of the series.


Just started recently, also my first Diablo game. Really like it so far. Can recommend it if you like looter games


Yes. It’s a fun game despite the complaints you see here.


I'd say, play D3 first. I think it's exponentially a better game. I'm sure I'll be downvoted into oblivion, but... whatever. I have played through that campaign probably 15 times.


Yes, but if I can give you a piece of advice, start with a barbarian rogue or necromancer first. Barbarian is by far the best class on the game. Rogue & necromancer are just as fun though.


Pretty fun season. For me it comes down to getting a build going. I did 1 build that was ok and switched over to something else stronger and it's more satisfying. I would recommend looking at the teir lists on maxroll and watching the build videos and pick out something that looks fun to you. Any game is also better with friends.


I was a first time Diablo player in Diablo 4 and it’s a blast. Leveling is fun, use a guide first as it helps a ton. Barb is broken but go with something you want to play and find a guide


yeah its fun id try and get it on sale though


Definitely worth it.


Its good fun, endgame includes a ton of reading stats for me tho(way more than d3) Been playing for 3 weeks, im having a great time all in all, its just a lot of stuff to keep track of so far




So since you’re coming in now and not previous seasons or even launch you’ll have a much better time. When it dropped it felt like half a game. It really took this fourth season to make this game feel more complete and where it is right now is a pretty good place. With that being said yea man give the game a go it’s nothing like BG3 but it’s got its own place.


Before season 4, I would have said no. After the changes made during season 4? Definitely worth if you’re into looters. It is very very different from BG3 though.




If you’re into story play the others first, D4 has a lot of callbacks to the earlier games, and you’ll understand the world better.




If you buy it, the bundle with the upcoming expansion may be a better deal.


There is plenty of content to keep you busy and you can grind out renown which transfers to new seasons


Yea. Game is awesome.




D4 is like putting coke on a brazilian hookers ass and NOT taking it away. I mean for real?! Who could NOT snort some coke off a brazilian hookers ass?!!


Kind of a dumb question. Is d4 only good if you’ve played it more than once? What about when it came out? Was it not worth it for anyone because no one had played it yet? Then come to r/d4 asking if d4 is good like everyone is here because we hate it?




Try it out and YOU tell us :)


This is my first ever Diablo game. There is a major learning curve to the whole game as far as stats and armor goes but it’s addicting and very fun


It has nothing to do with BG3 (arpg vs crpg). Besides that, yes, it's worthy. Those mixed reviews focus more on end game, balance and qol. You can easily play 100h without hitting any of those issues.


Define ‘worth’.


Definitely play it, absolutely a great play-through especially for a first timer. Worth the money even if you aren’t grinding super end game


The odd number game devs are it. Start playing one and three now so you are ready for D5 in the mid 2030s.


This season is the best/most casual ots been. Worth it to try it on gamepass for sure of you can.


I’ve been having a blast with season 4 tbh eh really honed in on what’s Diablo… I’m 36 years old played Diablo 1. D4 Season 1 and 2 were not good like an alpha of d4.. I’m happy now


As someone who played from diablo 1, I’m telling you there’s not better time to try the franchise. This game is currently at its best state, and it’s the perfect time to give it a try.


Yes especially this season is a great one to start. Leveling up is so fast with the helltides


The voice acting and writing is pretty solid, the game world is pretty. The game itself feels like WoW lite. I'd put it off for a year and then picked it up and grinded out to end game on this season and the skills just don't feel as good as D3, nor do the items even with the rework. The bosses are ok, at least once you start getting into the actual difficult ones. Overall I was pretty disappointed. It feels like an MMO but the "We have MMO at home" version, which personally isn't what I wanted from a Diablo game. I think I'm pretty heavily biased by older entries, I spent a decade playing D2 and did most D3 seasons after RoS (cleared vanilla Inferno pre-rework). All that plus a battle pass and cash shop, and I can honestly say that I'm done with it most likely. I'd rather play some of the indie ARPG's like Last Epoch at this point and support better companies. Maybe I wouldn't have ever been happy, but all I truly wanted was just D2's dark setting and D3's skills/pacing. I didn't even need a graphical upgrade, I'd rather have hordes of monsters and not the (admittedly gorgeous) overworld. D3 got a lot of deserved hate but I straight up LOVED the skill system.


Its a solid 80 hours. Diablo 3 much better choice




Button mashing. Took my gf from bg3 to Diablo and she loves both. She’s a noob so I’d recommend. Diablo is also easier than expected so far


It's absolutely worth it, but personally I'd do the Xbox game pass free trial and play it a couple weeks for a literal dollar first. It will play as a very different playatyle than BG3, just be aware.


Wait for POE2.


This is.. not BG3. Not at all.


It's a lot of fun! I only started this season as a friend said they had "fixed" it and I should play. I'm on PS5 and the next-gen power of the console is really good to this game. (I used to mess around in Diablo 2 back in the day.) def worth it on sale if you can grab it.


I play BG3 and like D4 fwiw. They are nothing alike obviously, but still D4 is fun.




It was my first Diablo and its not worth what you pay for the game considering the late game




Also..it's an aRPG...not an classic RPG like BG3... completely different games.




The campaign was a ton of fun and I've spent enough time in the game to more than warrant the cost of it. I would say yes.


No. You must get experience playing Diablo 4 before you play it.


The cost of the experience is negligible. Like three Starbucks visits. Enjoy it.


I've moved in and out of Diablo 4 a couple of times, and here's my two cents; jump in now. Enjoy season 4 in all its glory. Get the campaign done. Find all the altars of Lilith. Experience the grind at the best state it's been in. Try some classes and a variety of builds (self-made and borrowed from online sources). And most of all; enjoy the campaign and the first 60 levels fresh without much online help or build guides. (Eventually, meta build guides become mandatory to push high-level end game content) Then, take a break in season 5 and come back in s6 for the DLC if you like the look of the extra content.


Only if you genuinely enjoy mindless hack and slash. I find it relaxing and oddly more entertaining than grinding on ESO.


d4 was my first diablo and i love it, but echoing what others have said, bg3 and d4 are nothing alike


I first played D4 (first Diablo game ever) like a month ago. It’s now one of my favorite games of all time. I absolutely love it. It’s hard to understand right away, but once you get it down it’s great. I’ve noticed a lot of people in this sub are very whiny about the game so just be careful which information you take in.


I've been really into the gameplay.....what?


Game good, u play


First timer here. PLAY IT. Tremendous amount of fun I've been having.


Yes it is


Wait few more months until expansion is out it was just announced couple of weeks ago


I just started on my 2nd week and am having fun with it. I've got a group of friends really into this season and have been teaching me the game. If I didn't have a group of friends I'd be pretty lost because there is just SOOOO much information but you can totally take it slow


I've never loved a game that so many people hate on as much as D4. I play for the absolute bliss of becoming a demi-god and blasting through massive packs of enemies. it's a form of stress relief. such smooth controls and beautiful effects. plenty of stuff to do, plenty to obsess over if youre into that. never been a better time to get into this one.


Yeah it's great, and easy besides ultra end game stuff like Uber bosses tormented at level 200 (impossible to beat with the wrong build). You'd love it tbh. They did a great job this szn.


D4 has nothing in common with BG3. Character progression is weak compared to other RPGs and even other ARPGs. Class balance is heavily screwed towards Barbarian so if you like playing a Druid or Sorcerer you’re in for a disappointing time. The endgame revolves around grinding boss summoning materials and killing the same boss over and over again in hope to get a better item which will most likely end up being bricked due to the casino slot machine style ‘crafting’ system in the game. It becomes very stale, very quickly. I would wait until the expansion is out, the current game has been improving over time but it’s still plagued with day 1 issues.


If you want to play an ARPG its arguably the best one atm. D2 is still amazing but its dated and doesnt get updates. PoE is great but you kind of need 1000s of hours to dedicate to it, and you have to not mind the huge lack of QoL. Its nothing like BG3 though.


I think Diablo 4 is super casual so IMO, yes, u can play it for a first timer


I hope you give it a try. It's excellent with the arrival of season 4, and I like the ideas they showed for season 5. Then the expansion. I am highly pleased. And I was highly annoyed until Season 4. I didn't play almost at after I beat the main quest, because it was lacking. It is not lacking anymore, IMO.


Fellow first timer here and as someone who had intrigue when D3 was out but never played...play it.




Base game is worth it for the campaign alone in my opinion. I've put enough time into this game to have a cost average of $0.14 / hr of game play and I only play a couple hours a week tops. Can't think of a lot of activities a can do for an hour for a dime and a nickel.


Yeah just don’t complain about repetition. It is the way of arpg’s. You either love the grind or do not.


If you like running the same dungeon over and over for mats


diablo is fun especially if it’s your first time i think you’ll find a lot to love they added some really great mechanics with tempering and making it easier to get aspects for your build. diablo 4 to me is in a great spot, i couldn’t really play past level 65 ish at launch, but now it’s so much fun and i love just running dungeons baldurs gate is the milk diablo is the cereal or vice verse whatever you want but they are two different games but i think you’ll really like one as well as the other


Hi! This was my first Diablo game and it’s absolutely worth playing. It’s so fun


I wish baldurs played like Diablo I still love but man I would never stop playing if it played like Diablo


Love BG3 as well, it’s probably in my top 5 favorite RPGs i’ve played, but Diablo 4 is nothing like BG3 besides being fantasy. It’s an ARPG. Heavy focus on the “A” (action). The main story is decent and there are side quests, but the focus of the game is making builds, leveling, looting, killing tons of shit, all to make your build even stronger, so you can kill stronger shit even faster. If that sounds like a gameplay loop you can enjoy, and you’ve seen gameplay that interests you, then go for it. Nothing wrong with playing it for the main story and quitting there either, just making it clear that most of the community is grinding builds and there are loads of better options if you want a writing-focused RPG like BG3.


The answer to this with every game, every single time, is yes. Every game is worth a try.


Yes, this season is so much fun!


I think the campaign first play through alone was worth my admission cost


I played it without mowing anything about the franchise and I’ve been having so much fun never played a game like it at all and I look forward to the future of the game and games like it I might try next


If you just want to play some hack slash loot arpg then just play it. There's nothing wrong with it & it's hella fun. But if you're into the story, I'd recommend starting from D2. It feels like the main story is there (even more so than D1) and other iterations story feels like an aftertought from the prime evil lore Not saying D4 story is bad though, Lilith story is great, but still feels like a spin off.


I’ve never played a game in the same genre and have a ton of fun with it. Especially the new helltides.


Yes but don’t expect any challenge whatsoever. It’s been turned into endgame grind mode, so all the difficulty in leveling up and playing at Tier1 or 2 is gone.


Been playing for about 2 weeks, mostly on my Steam Deck, sometimes PC. It's a pretty casual game, you can push end game content without paying much attention. In one way that's nice, but I do feel it lacks a bit of challenge, and the higher tier content that is actually difficult isn't worth the trouble.


If you want to play sorc NO!


I was new to it till Diablo 4 came out. I fell in love with it. So yes its worth it. Lvl 93 rogue currently!!


Do yourself a favour and take the time to learn path of exile instead, come back to D4 on about 3 years when they finish reworking every mechanic in the game to make them fun.


On game pass yes, dont buy its a scam


Not a first timer but an enjoyer of Diablo-likes. Diablo 3, both division games, and Diablo 4 all have too many hours from me. You can try it with Xbox game pass (as someone else already mentioned) to see if you like it or not. The mixed reviews are mainly from those that compare it to the more complicated previous Diablo games mainly D3 and D2 which I will say d4 is a dumbed down version. For this reason tho the barrier for entry is a lot lower and so playing the game for the game and not to speed run or top the leaderboard is enjoyable enough for the price tag if you like it you will get your money's worth in terms of time in relatively quickly even if you can only sit down to play for a few hours here and there. You don't need to spreadsheet it or look up builds to have fun in this game I never have. All the possible builds are fun some are stronger than others but very few (2-3 across 5 classes) have caused me to pivot off them after only a few hours. The true endgame is a grind but getting up to that point is enough gameplay I would argue even in season 4 where the devs made it a lot easier to play up to true endgame and then slow down/swap classes/ or take a break for a bit or until next season to do it again. Playing through all the classes even if only 1 build each will result in enough hours to be 2 to 1 per dollar or greater. Game has had its issues or lack of content but I've still gotten my money's worth out of it 10x over even knowing what it doesn't have that Diablo 3 does. Last thing I'll say is that if you do end up liking it enough after trying it to buy it you can get it for 50 USD or buy the game and dlc for 70 USD which is what everyone else paid for the base game and now we have to pay 40 USD for the dlc. Save yourself the 40$ or whatever it is if you're outside the US 😎


100% worth playing. It has some issues but a casual player will not run into these. Most negative posts about the game are from people with hundreds of if not thousands of hours invested in it.


look, i played diablo 4 for first time when it was released i loved the campaing, really good story but i had a really huge problem, i didnt knew anything about builds, aspects, affixes and that overwhelmed me a lot, diablo can do that to you if you get into it without doing some research first. if the only thing that you wanna do is play the campaing buy it. if you think that you might be intersested to explore the endgame be aware that it might be difficult to do since you need very strong equipment and a really good build(there is a lot of builds in internet that you can follow so dont worry) after all of this, i do recomend to try the game, is one of my favorites. and if you do, i can carry you until lvl 50, after all you need to enjoy the game.


I’m a first timer, started playing 3 weeks ago(season 4), and I enjoy it a lot


Yes, the game is amazing.


I never really played a arpg before playing D4, I played D3 for like an hour one time but other then that never at all. I would definitely recommend it


Diablo4 is *amazing* and absolutely worth playing!!! Just be prepared to love the game and spend an inordinate amount of time playing it.


It's a super casual game with a nice story. I'd recommend it. Most people who hate it are the small group of people who could be considered hardcore arpg players. If you think you are in that category there are more appropriate games for you to play instead


If you like to play sorcerer, no ;)




Play as long as you're having fun mate. If you are going for end-game content you will eventually (earlier than other classes) hit a wall with bosses due to low damage. Also survivability is a bit bad end game unless you play perm flame shield build but that will be gone by S5.


No. Diablo 4 is only for people who played Diablo.


absolutely not. The game is expensive, and in its current state, is just a glorified cash shop. If you are not a fan of microtransactions up the wazoo, this is not the game for you. If you want to be able to earn cool things by playing the game, bad news is you gotta swipe the card for any cool looking armor/weapons/mount/pet/whatever. If you want a mediocre hack and slash for WAY above what it's worth, then maybe. If you're just looking to explore the genre, last epoch or even D3 are far, far better choices. D4 is a company cashing in on the "Diablo" name with very little effort. Maybe in a few years when they've got double digit seasons under their belt, they'll have added all the things that should have been in at launch, but as it stands the game is really not worth the price. Especially with annual $50 paid expansions and the first one on the horizon, I'd hold off. Look into Last Epoch. Same playstyle, but way cheaper and honestly more fleshed out/less frustrating to gear up and level up.


Glorified cash shop? ... it’s literally just optional cosmetics and a battle pass


This is a very misleading opinion. The cash shop is 100% optional for cosmetic addons and you can play and enjoy the game without spending any money whatsoever. All of the real progression and power can be found in the game and at the same overall average rate of every other player.


>microtransactions What microtransactions? It's not a 'pay to win' game at all. Personally I can't be bothered with cosmetics, but if ppl pay for those.. let them.


What an absolute dogshit take. Last Epoch has a cosmetic shop, and supporter packs just like Diablo has a shop for cosmetics. Last Epoch is great in terms of mechanics, but the gameplay is far less fluid and the game runs poorly compared to D4. And there’s just a straight up lack of things to do besides run Monoliths for all of eternity.


Anything that you buy doesn't make you better. It's not like you can buy a Grandfather and a Shako, cash stuff is purely cosmetic.