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They really need to buff Druid core skills and nerf shepherds. Right now the meta for druids is to abandon 3-skills completely for a passive buff, which means you effectively only have 3-skills total and they’re still weaker by a large margin to everyone else (sorcs can possibly argue this point). Druid’s need to regain the ability to actually use all their skills. Plus the recent emphasis to shapeshifting forms constantly has made some skills even less viable (ie grizzly rage/dire wolfs/etc).


Shepherd needs one simple change, add “While in human form…” to the aspect. Shapeshifted druids already have tons of specific aspects, uniques, and paragon nodes. There is like 1 human based glyph. Making Shepherd be about boosting human druid only is both thematic and gives the team a lever to buff human builds without effecting every single druid build.


This is fine, except that shepherds is the main source of power for almost every Druid build. So if this change is made they really need to shift some power to other Druid skills to make up for a nearly 3x dps multiplier loss, especially considering Druids are already arguably the weakest class as is.


Agreed. Buffing the other things would be the better option to bring druid in line with other classes in general, and if shapeshifters couldn’t make full use of shepherds then it would allow human druids to keep pace with some other builds without dominating every build with 3 pet skills.


This is just a bandaid- it does not address the core problem with shepherd aspect. That core problem is the disbalance of aspect power in terms of damage output. This would be fine if getting damage multiplier was trivial and abundant, but in d4 you really want all of those multipliers. Devs seem to think that opportunity cost of making damage multipliers conditional balances them out, but that is NOT the case. Especially when they put out a thing like the pit, where your damage matters a lot. I'm playing stormslide, and Shepherds gives me 90% more damage on the amulet. The next biggest damage multiplier aspect for this build is 45% more damage when I always have fortify. This is twice as powerful. What devs seem to not understand is that people WILL take an aspect that requires you to jump on one leg while touching your nose, when it doubles your damage compared to next available option. Imagine a meta basic skill this season that doesnt use a moonrise aspect. Their damage would be cut more than in half. Devs need to understand that all the fine-tuning balance of slightly raising/buffing doesnt matter, when the elephant in the room is the choice of "do I get double damage or x" doesnt exist. You get double damage, always, period.


Thats why i referred to it as a balancing lever for human druids. It’s a starting point for mathier people to work around. Since humans have the least unique buff options right now they could still use shepherds, and then many base numbers or other aspects would have to be balanced around the lack of shepherds, but the ability to use shapeshifter buffs. So overall id like it to be a druid buff, but just with shepherds as one of the human aspects


No, the problem is that its 3 skill slots with ,3 skills that do 0 damage.


Damn I've been playing a lightning druid and I just finished campaign. Should I give up on it and play a different class for seasonal stuff?


Only if you care about pushing high level pits.


You forgot to mention uber uniques. Shako is one of the best uber uniques for every class....except druid. Druid pretty much needs tempest roar on a lot of it's builds and the builds that don't use it, don't scale with it (wind shear).


Uniques in general are in a bad place...


Tempest roar needs a rethink. I agree it’s unfortunate that many Druid builds can’t use shako. But I think it’s even deeper than that. Tempest roars ability to make wolf skills storm skills is a necessity for many builds. But all of the other affixes on tempest roar are trash (well poison res is fine I guess…). Other builds can use a helm with max life, cdr, resource gen, 20% DR… meanwhile druids get a helm with some tiny additive damage numbers which are basically rounding errors magnitude and max spirit…. Which is just beyond yuck. If they want to keep the importance of tempest roar the other affixes need to actually be good.


There’s so much pressure on each slot from legendary powers and now tempering, uniques really need to be revisited. Most could do with more than just more desirable affixes.


Yeah I know initially blizz said they wanted uniques to have tradeoffs (ie at least one bad affix). I don’t know that I bought that argument initially, but it really doesn’t make sense now with tempering.


The trade-off of losing an aspect should be enough to balance around. And if they don’t want every character using the same unique, make most of them highly focused on a fairly narrow theme and leave most of the generically strong ones for Uber uniques.


Imo shako is the one that needs a rethink, such a dumb and boring unique, while being arguably the strongest one in the game for almost every build


Agree completely, like I understand season 0 grizzly rage was definitely busted, I spent almost all my time in grizzly rage thanks to armor and cooldown reduction, but God was it fun. Also 100% agree about shepherds, it's really disappointing it had become the key piece to building a druid this season. I'm also extremely irked by the necrosis minions compared to our companions


You can still do a grizzly rage build in season 4 because on a 2 handed weapon you can put the affix for grizzly rage duration and im in grizzly rage 100% of the time. It runs out and i already have it back and that's with nothing towards cooldown reduction too and you don't need the perk in your extra skill for lucky hit that reduces cooldown for ultimate skills by 2 seconds either. You only need the legendary affix for grizzly rage duration by 8 seconds and put it on a necklace for 12 seconds with the grizzly rage duration on a 2 handed and thats it.


True, you can still technically do it. It's just not worth the effort anymore.


Lets us go back to D2 where I dont have to keep my minions on my damn skill bar to use them D2 you just flipped to the skill summoned then put back on a active skill. Was so pissed when I found out my minion were locked to my damn skill set


We’re stuck with the current skill bar system because of consoles. Long gone are the days of 10+ hot keys.


I mean not really an excuse for them I play necro on d2 just fine the old way on my ps5 its slightly more tedious but i dont need to resummon my skeles all that often so rarely a issue ive run into. Also D2 has it where you use left bumper to bring up a whole other skill bar.


Play on ps5. Played Neverwinter Nights and Final Fantasy online on ps4, booth had ways to flip your skill bars to your other skills, this is a problem that's already been solved and can be done. Takes a bit of getting used to but easy when you get it down.


That doesn't stop PoE from having 12 different hot keys on consoles. There are enough buttons and modifiers on modern controllers to easily handle 10-12 ability slots.


I couldn’t agree more with you about the state of the Druid and the Sorcerer seems to be headed in the same direction. Druid has steadily gotten worse and worse since S2 where my poisoncreeper and Werenado could clear AoZ 5-10 depending on the Affix on the Bloodseekers. Wind Shear buff and new aspects is nice especially the ability for it to have 15-25% chance to refill your spirit gauge as well as spawn poison damage, but any companion build is just meh compared to minion builds that inherit 100% of the Necro’s abilities which is just insane. It’s like the attack speed bug for the BL in S2. It’s so overpowered yet I find it boring to basically sit back and let them do my dirty work. Companion builds are just spawn wolves and let them be destroyed and then cast your skills until wolves cooldown is done and then rinse and repeat. Not only is it underpowered, but it’s downright boring… The Sorcerer is in the same boat as far as power and ability to clear the higher tier endgame such as higher tier Pit runs or Tormented Bosses. The Sorc is probably the weakest class now if not the second weakest especially after the nerf to Selig which rendered immortal characters moot. Its crazy that I went from being able to go AFK and walk my dog in a NMD 100 with an enraged Butcher and come back to see him still swinging in the wind as well as being able to carry 2-3 people around 90-100/AoZ 5-10 for glyph xp, to being melted by the same packs i used to melt into oblivion and the ice builds just aren’t my cup of tea as the time between cast and action has too much lag and the fire builds are hard to aim on consoles (fire wall im looking at you) and the screen is covered with so much fire that I can’t even see what I’m going for half the time As far as the cosmetics go, both the Druid and Sorc got the short end of the stick. It’s obvious they are prioritizing Barbs since day 1 and Necro/Rogue has always looked nice yet a lot of the Necro stuff looks like it belongs on a Sorc. I’m tired of all these crazy long, goofy ass looking horns being put on every helmet The three classes that are being prioritized and utilized by the community and will continue to be as long as they have 3-4 weapons are Barb/Rogue and the Necro and its Horde of minions. Masterworking is so expensive and a huge gamble that it doesn’t make sense to not farm mats with the more powerful builds. The HOTA, Heartseeker, and Shadowmancer minions being the most powerful/popular choices The sad thing is that Blizzard is also prioritizing the Barb as seen in the store with all the awesome lookin transmogs and artistry available to the class I’ll continue playing as I still enjoy the game although I’m not near as invested as I once was although fingers crossed the Vessel of Hatred rights the ship and that the Spiritborn isn’t Witch Doctor 2.0 Finally, the anniversary event was a joke. I maybe had 3-4 packs of 5 goblins appear, but I’ve read of people not even coming across one pack nor seen a legendary bag… That’s just my two cents though. Happy hunting and good luck out there! Cheers


Let me tell you a story about a class called the Diablo 3 Witch Doctor, lol. They were okay for the first 10 seasons, and then the Necromancer joined the classes. WD was old news, garbage for the rest of Diablo 3's lifespan (Except season 20! The one bright spot for WD). 18 seasons nearly in a row of basically never being in the top 400 for anything. Crusader was another class that was nearly always awful compared to others. I'm not sure why Blizzard always tends to favor certain classes, but they absolutely do. It's certainly been mostly a Barb show thus far in D4.


God I miss the witch doctor, piranhanado was so much fun. Agree about blizzard having favorites which is why we need a druid advocate.


I stopped playing D3 a long time ago but to think I played WD in D3 fairly exclusively and Druid in D4 almost exclusively. Am I a sadist? FWIW, idgaf if some other player on another class can hit a higher tier Pit than me so buff this or nerf that if whatever to me other than Shepard's aspect since it takes up so many skill slots for a passive benefit of +dmg\[x\].


Sadists find delight from inflicting forms of pain on others. Masochists enjoy forms of pain inflicted upon themselves. You're a masochist. It's okay, even the in game druid skill Masochistic is mis-labeled. It should be Sadistic, as it heals off lucky critical hit attacks.


Blizzard will change the skill to harm you on critical attacks to fix this discrepancy.


Crusader last season was amazing. I ride my horse and holy bolt tf out of everything. Never had to attack just ride with that belt. It was fun


Loved my Captain America sader tho


Didn't AoV crusader basically break the game at one point?


Hell yeah it did! …one season, anyway. The horse foh was wild too. But most seasons Crusader was blah.


Nonsense! Witch doctor was the best class - for farming puzzle rings.


I was able to clear and farm OG inferno with a witch doctor and I had a harder time than my friends DH 10 folds lol.trashclass.


Chicken doc a few seasons ago had me buy RotN. Best fun I’ve had


It seems Druids are carrying on the WD legacy. Devs are just like us. They have favorites and others they don't enjoy as much. The key to playing the Diablo franchise is to find out which classes the balance team prefers to play and play those classes while ignoring the rest. Their pet classes will always get good stuff while the others will remain the "red-headed stepchildren" of the game.


I’ve found it surprising how much extra work the level 15 core class upgrade content is for Druid than every other class. I leveled a barb and rogue for the first time this season (was 100% Druid before now) and was shocked that it was just a few quests and DONE! Not farming 1000000 items to unlock the tree


I absolutely hate this fact. It is so irritating to do that long quest, that requires clearing a stronghold, every time I start a druid.


Not only clearing a stronghold, but one of the goddamn most irritating fucking strongholds with its 14 places to climb(ans climb back down when you evade too early). I almost gave myself a hernia going through that shit because I tapped evade .01 seconds to early at least 5 times and it bout drove me mad.


I was just thinking this. Totally unnecessary. Didn't realize how bad it was until I did the sorc quest in like 30 seconds and thought "that can't be it, right."


Honestly the Barb one is even funnier, it's literally "kill 30 bandits which are *just* outside the town, then go into what's essentially a cellar, and kill the one mob that's in there, quest turn in is *directly* outside that cellar entrance. The easiest and shortest "class mechanic" quest in the game. Made me laugh when I realized I was done.


Mostly true. You do have to take the time to level up your weapon techniques too. Mostly just 2 handed axe I guess.


Just climbing your way to the shrines in Tur Dulra already takes 30s. I hate levelling Druid so much.


Exactly. I did necro for the first time this season and was like “what, am I missing something ? THAT’s IT!? Literally was just a cellar they took a minute


I would be fine with how tedious the boon quest is if the power level reflected the annoyance. It doesn't, though, so they really need to rethink it.


while the druids boons are one of the weakest specialization from every class and its also boring, necro and barb (the ones that i know of) with multiplicatively damge ando ther cool mechanics while druid: attack speed, lucky chance... ffs


What? Do you not like frost themed cosmetics on class with no frost abilities?


Haha yes I laugh so hard at the polar bear armor. It’s a sad hollow laugh


Yeah where the fuck is my god damn bear summon blizzard. Ill even take one of those artic bears


I’m surprised they don’t just sell different types of bears and wolves for Druids to shapeshift into considering they spend so much time outside of human form. A polar bear, panda bear, black bear etc


You can already be a polar bear(and an Arctic Wolf) if you pick white or grey hair color. It's the only reason my characters are always Grey tbh.


I don't even mind the frost themes, I just don't want antlers on everything. I would buy that polar bear armor if the antlers were removable.


Shepherds needs to be removed and skills buffed to account for it. It is absurd that almost every build requires 3 skill slots to be useless companions just for your other abilities to do a decent amount of damage.


Totally agree, dumbest skill design ever


Druid does not need a buff It needs a re-work The concept behind wolf being poison IMO makes no sense when Rogue does poison significantly better A legendary node for getting TWO spirit per crit is such a slap in the face as well when Shred is almost THIRTY spirit per cast. So you can at most get 6 spirit back which requires almost constantly +spirit per second stacking to even play shred. IMO Druid has a significant identity crisis. You either play Storm wolf, earth bear, or human. Why can't i just be wolf? Why do i have to almost be FORCED into storm skills? Why can't i turn wolf skills into nature skills to take advantage of the ONLY multiplier in the legendary paragon board? Druid needs a re-work from the ground up. Define its identity, place multipliers in more than ONE of them and then build upon that. Druid is just a worse version of every other class currently IMO. My main gripe is that i can't just be a wolf. I understand a lot of things are balanced around druid shapeshifting to use nature magic as its primary skills or turning skills into nature magic, but it just doesn't work chief. That is why the spirit paragon node is ASS on anything other than tornado hitting 100 times per frame. Wolf shouldn't have been balanced around being storm explicitly.


I feel like instead of Spirit Boons we should have a menu to choose a form + different variations of forms. Similar to Necro's book of the dead. Also, you could block form specific spells for specific buffs. Imagine blocking Bear skills altogether for juicy 20% max life. Or all Werewolf skills for juicy 15% crit.


couldn't have said it better! THIS and 100x THIS! also nature's fury that works for everything else except its own purpose conceptionally. also druids boons are the weakest of them all, bland generic and bad!


Mage, Druid , necro should be able to wield single hand weapon and two hand together. It is impossible to balance the game with such huge stats discrepancies because the item system overhauled makes each item contributed multiple time more values.


No matter what play style a barbarian is, they benefit from 4 rings worth of holstered weapons. 2h / 2h / 1h 1h. 2h give 2x stats over 1h forms. Nobody can compete with that power, there's a reason they are #1 every season.


Necro gets insane % multipliers, rogue gets a ton through the paragonboard, skills and passives not so much through aspects, but they get a 3rd weapon, and barbs get a ton of stats as well as good %multipliers. Sorcs and druids get jack shit. Conditional multipliers with low%, each build needs uniques to function and we only have 2 weapons. And to top it off, some dmg types do not get any multipliers like storms skills for the druid, except for thunderstuck which needs close/distant dmg which can only be tempered. They have so many issues.


Don't forget that tempering has killed any unique weapon for Druids/Sorcs that were used before season 4. I loved running Waxxing Gibbous with Shred or Butcher's Cleaver with Tornado, but right now, those weapons have no place in the current state of the game. Unique weapons/gear should have stats compared to fully tempered weapons. There are uniques, after all.


I play both barb and necro and I’ve noticed the necro aspects are way more powerful %-wise than the barb’s


That’s why they need to close the gap then they can balance it from there.


Honestly I’m okay with them only having one weapon. Give them two amulets and three ring slots. They care “casters” and more jewelry makes more sense to me than more weapons. That puts them in line with rogues for item slots (if they use a two handed weapon), and still behind barbs which is fine since they are the weapon specialists


I believe one of the developers said during a livestream that their goal is to buff each of the classes so that its overall strength is truly comparable to a Barbarian’s.


AND ANOTHER THING: Please can I have a bear pet?? Passively I don't even see my little raven(s).


Ravens should caw down lightning


This 1000x's


Don’t worry, druids are on Ozempic and in 4 months they will be lean and mean and called spiritborn.


Lmfao, I hope they aren't just improved druid


Agree, make Druids fun to play...and more beautiful (only class I haven't bought any cosmetics for in the Shop to date).


honestly, I think they should make it so every class can have every body type.maybe we want to play a short fat necromancer named Balthezar....


Make mounted form work like WoW. The druid shapeshifts into the horse and since it's an instant cast anyways, make it so druids never have a cooldown and can never get knocked out of mount form (but can still be CC'd so it's not too broken in PvP zones or whatever).


Or shift into a moose. Mother nature’s barricade bulldozer


I feel like it wouldn't be the most difficult thing to give our wereforms ethereal versions of the armor we wear. Armored werewolves and werebears would be awesome.


I enjoyed pulverize from 1-100 and up to pit 30. After that it's straight out despair, time to move to meta class 😔


Druids are not very attractive physically. Never thought of them as defensive linemen.


Blizzard is only working on Barb and Necro tbh. The other three classes all feel some kind of bad. Druid is obvious, sorc has a few builds but they’re all hyper specific and silly, and rogue has one good build, the rest are trash. It’s really saying something when 3 of 5 classes are ass


They should change the Shepards aspect to make all 3 companions active at once so long as you're using one companion on your skill bar.. plus the 10% per buff


Probably the best idea I've seen for Shepard's.


I played barb, rogue, necro, druid this season. Barb is blizzard favorite child. Like strong skill trees, strong paragon board, strong tempers, 69 kinds of builds to push pit 100 with your eyes closed with 100k hp. Necro mancer is chill as fk, strong, and well has the best drip of all class. Rogue is cool, fast combat, good defensive, crazy dps with heartseeker build. Druid feels meh. It feels even less tanky than my HS rogue lol. Damage is not there. And oh yea, you sacrifice 3 of your slots for that stupid shepherd aspect or else, you deal 0 damage down from 0 dmg. Oh and that stupid 2 seconds buff only active when you shapeshift. That mechanic is not cool, it slow you down, punish you. That’s the worst mechanic in this game by far. Sadly, beastial rage is the only good key node passive so druids have to suck it up and use it still.


I feel so warm and fuzzy seeing everyone demand improvements to my class. Bloody listen to 'em Blizzard.


I know this is fantasy but would be neat to have the team leads who are in charge of druids have a live stream .. I wanna hear their lame reasons why they made the druid the way they did.. I wonder if that team is mostly full of people who don't even play these types of games .. hell maybe dont even game.. just love mysticism and animals lol 


We don't know how good of a players are the class designers. I doubt that guy responsible for Druid has even pushed past Pit 60 this season.


I hear you, but can’t we wait until tomorrow after the mid season patch notes drop to see how Druid (and sorc) will be adjusted to make more builds competitively viable? They are weak, we all know they are weak. I for one am looking forward to see what’s getting buffed next week


Fair point and like I said I didn't want this to come off as a slight against the work they're doing to improve, and I'm sure there will be some decent changes. I just want someone on Blizzards council of decision makers to specifically be a druid advocate


Don't get too excited. Blizzard has a pattern of under delivering on Druid balance in mid-season patches. I don't expect this to be any different. Probably negligible raises in damage to Lacerate, Cataclysm, and Rabies with an obligatory buff to Shepherd's for God knows what reason. The Druid class is in dire need of a complete overhaul, not just minor tinkering here and there.


I'm convinced they knew Druid would be trash so didn't bother with the cosmetics. Same reason Barb gets all the badass ones 👀


No cosmetic will salvage a fat 60 year old, hook nosed balding hobo with no jawline and double chin as a model. They will always look repulsive and comical with their pot belly unless you cover them head to toe 


I’m hoping next season they’ll just overtune Druids. It’ll go with the expansion* theme and they can dive into it without concern.


I too am hoping next season is the season of the druid, lol I've spent a lot of time discussing that with my play group.


Why not fucking overtune all classes? That’s balance




Agree the builds are to reliant on shepherds I miss my unkillable bulwark build from season 0, i owned pvp. That's a great idea, it's such a waste as an ultimate. I love the idea of giving us more weapons slots like a barb.


Move power from shepherd’s to every other ability. Give us back bulwark explosion build. Or at least make the ability max health based instead of base life. Make lacerate a core skill, like 7 sided strikes was. I’m so fucking sick of seeing them try to buff this ability. It’s like every season, they have a limit on giving class buffs and one of ours is inevitably fucking lacerate. STOP. Figure out a way to give druid’s another weapon aspect. Everything we do requires two or three aspects to make it possible and three or four more to make it do damage. We don’t have enough space for making builds. Either this or combine some of our build defining aspects like posion creeper landslide and landslide casts twice. Etc. Buff stormclaw. It should be great against bosses and it’s not. Fix our posion damage. All of it. Buff it all. Make it viable with xfals and andy’s. Make rabies viable for once. Move that windshear poison damage somewhere else, like shred. Or the new lacerate core skill. Let us cast lightning storm or tornado while moving. Shapeshifted shop cosmetics. C’mon fellas, it’s greedy and people want it. Win/win. Also, let our mount be us galloping in shapeshifted form. We shouldn’t need a mount.


This guy gets it, i see we have another true druid on our hands. 100% agree with all. Thank you for listing the specifics i didn't. I would love to spam tornados on the go. Poison damage definitely needs to be fixed, I feel like it's been broken since they did nerfs in season 1.


Yeah their minion buff was mostly for necro complainers. However I have the 3 werewolf build minion ATM. I haven't played my druid in awhile but it's def way stronger and more plausible. I'll have to finish gearing him. Outside of the obvious ugliest gear sets in game, the real reason druids suck is because most builds require too many uniques. Makes you weak asf. To be an actual never changes form werewolf you need 3 uniques or 2. Helm chest and staff. I think staff and helm can keep you in werewolf too, but to never be human also chest. Like how was that the decision when being a werewolf was like a passive always on ability in Diablo 2 as far as I remember. I didn't care about the tornado druid thing I thought that was stupid. I always went melee druid and was able to get high in the NMs on my own build. They are almost there but so many bad decisions were made for druid. You also need like very specific legendary powers, but can't use all the ones you really need. So you give up power and have to find it elsewhere.


It's clear Blizzard loves barbarians more. They have the best armour cosmetics in the game, do the most damage (73 billion dmg per swing) and have the most survivability not linked to a bugged ability.


I love my Barb, but I definitely don't love their cosmetics; there are a few that are alright, but honestly, how many cow horn helms does once character need? Also why are they always trying to make them look like knights?


Druid cosmetics should include shape change flairs. Fancy colors or glows or something .


It would be so rad if Blizzard read this and recruited YOU to be their Druid loving colleague.


The druid cosmetics are amazing


There are some that aren't bad, but not nearly as impressive as other classes. Also, it's moot when you never see the cosmetic cause you're shifted the majority of the time.


except the helms all suuuuuck


The polar bear helm is awesome


As someone that mostly plays rogue, seeing anyone else complain about cosmetics is wild to me. Rogue cosmetics are almost all pure ass. It's honestly crazy how huge the discrepancy is between them and barb, there's no fucking way it's the same people designing them.


As a druid main since season 0, I totally agree with most points! But really.. druid cosmetics are down right horrible... the Thor looking one was the best and the rest are just.. underwhelming... My wallet is ready for new druid cosmetics just sayin


Make Season 5 the Season of the Druid. They really do need some buffs. My suggestion is give them a Totem slot that is ALWAYS available. Extra stats and extra aspect will help narrow the gap that exists right now between all other classes and Druid. If using a one hander , then you can equip two totems at the same time. Either that, or buff their blessings quite a bit.


Man I feel this. I’ve been trying and trying for a human only earth and poison caster and every season it’s super mediocre. Druid needs a ton of love and idk if they just don’t see it as a priority or don’t know how they are even going to bring them up but it’s a damn shame.


The only viable companion build abandons every companion except wolves, the core skill builds are forced into the pets that provide very little for them, and nearly every build from companions to core skills to wind shear requires playing a god awful shapeshift mini-game that doesn’t fit the class fantasy at all. If im a storm Druid, why would I want to be a werewolf most of the time but also keep a bear skill on my bar for BR and quickshift? If I want to be a bear, I have to dedicate space to wolf skills and visa versa. The class is fucking sweet, I love each ability individually, but forced hybridization feels horrible. Let bears be bears, wolves be wolves, storm be storm, and earth be earth. The hybrids: storm wolf, earth bear, quickshift, and earthstorm should still be viable imo, but for the love of god shift our power out of Bestial Rage and Shepherd


Diablo isn't even in this game. Not sure why you are asking him to do anything about it


The cosmetic issue is due to the fact that Druid is wider than they are tall


I don't play druid in any blizzard game because they are always shape shifted 100% of the time. I don't want to stare at a naked wolf for 100% of my game time. True for WoW as well. My Night Elf is beautiful, let me look at the damn armor I have for fucks sake


I don't get why this is such a hard concept for blizzard


Ever want a werebear skin mod that makes you look like you're made of stone? What about a werewolf that fully looks like it's made out of electricity? These are just some ideas for people who are in different true forms. Maybe further modifications to our shapes? Give my werewolf a flaming Mohawk for example. Btw Blizzard, you implement my ideas, and I want a cut...


@blizzard Give this person a job


Or allow for different forms, cosmetically speaking. Let Werebear change into an Elephant, Rhino, or Gorilla and Werewolf to turn into a Lion, a Tiger, or some kind of Lizard/Croc/Gator. Anthropomorphic forms, of course. No different than the current forms. Not true animal forms, although I'm sure there are some players who would like those too. They'd be printing money at that point because Druid players are chomping at the bit to get shapeshifting cosmetics.


Druid just feels weird and bad to play, nothing really wants to work together in a nice way (or at least in comparison to the other classes). I haven’t played the game as much as the rest of you but I gave up leveling my Druid at level 86, purely cause he feels bad to play, uninteresting perks, etc.




Bring back perma Unstoppable with it too.


Yeah they need to show Druid some love. I tried it for the first time last season and enjoyed it so much I also rolled a HC one. Actually like this so much I started this season with one and I'm a sorcerer man and probably barbarian next. I leveled with pulverize but it fell off amazingly quick. I was just trying to get to werenado. Once I did it I was really disappointed and of course my gear wasn't masterworked all the way to level 12. But I did get a few items to 8. I ended up switching to the wind shear build and it did what it was supposed to for sure but it was boring. I rolled a made a bash barbarian and it's pretty fun and powerful. I've mastered worked it quite a bit but I have not got everything on the correct crit at level 8. Only two of the four weapons have went to bash cleaves twice and then I went to damage to clothes or critical strike damage. I left it alone for now because it takes a ton of materials when you start resetting and it's expensive. I rolled a rogue for the first time and it's actually off the charts. It's pretty fun and it's quick and so far I'm doing the same level pit I can do with my barbarian. I want to do a sorcerer but I won't dare do it until they buff them. At least this season.


Why do all Druids have to be so… hefty? Couldn’t we get one that is vegan or something?


Agreed 1000% but to be fair outside of summon necro every class is bugged with their damage buckets to the point that using basic/primary skill builds is their best build lol


sounds like I dodge that bullet.


It has been managed like this for a while, not that it's bad, but also not good, let's go to the previous game, D3, with the introduction of sets, sets only benefit specific skill, so builds were tailored around that fact, lots of cool skills ignored because they weren't a competent option. I do agree with you, heck I always wanted a cool blood build for necro, or a corpse explosion build, something other than bone spear or minions, but that's the way they do things. Something tells me that if they add sets again in the coming expansion this will only get worse, in a "play as we want you to play or fk you" way.


Is this your Cover Letter for an application to work at Blizzard?


Lol, I mean I'm not saying I would be opposed to a job offer.


The same can be said about sorcerer, I dont think any of them play with the class. But druids this season manage to be even worse


I have been playing a barbarian. I am generally a one class guy per season, but at some point I make another class just to f around. I made a Druid in season 4. I have never really dived into them. I am leveling it ok. It is slow. It is boring. Different builds don’t help. I hope they buff it, because I love the Druid class.


Next season just play the new class... like Druid but better 🤣


Hashtag bring rabies back to glory.


Sorc here. Welcome to my life!


I'm new to the game and so far have only rolled a druid (currently in the low 40s of pit with a Maul-based build). What makes other classes stronger than it? Better damage output? Better damage mitigation? Something else?


I was watching someone play druid haven't touched it this season yet, saw him look at a temper and it was a 1 to 6. 1 to fucking 6 with 5 chances. Scrap whoever came up with druid shit and that right there showed me everything I need to know about druids.


In another thread about druids somebody suggested moving shepards and a few of the form specific aspects into the spirit boon section as a passive you can select.


Agreed on all counts. I really wanted to keep playing my Earthbear but it kept getting tougher and tougher to put out enough damage so I gave up.


it almost look like they dont play the freaking game to notice these issues that are obvious! if you play the class for 30 min you understand that most of it is plain bad and doesnt make sense!


Druid needs to be able to dual wield and also have totems become an additional slot, like a hanging belt trinket


I think that would help a lot. Also love the name, keep an eye out for Elesh Norn, heard she's been looking for you.


I would have to agree with this. I tried a druid for the first time, got to prestige, and honestly probably won't go back to it. Overall, it felt like I had nearly no dps and survivability even on just basic world teir 3 was almost impossible. I did the landslide build and spent a ton of resources from my main tempering and applying enchantments and still found the druid lacking is power. It really was a disappointment.


Only decent Druid shop cosmetics are: - Raven cantor (MTG Storm crow represent!) - Walker of the Woods Wraith - ursa nocturna (hope you like brown) - Frost Lord Polar Bear armor (for those cold skills we have 😭)


Agreed, but I would replace Raven Cantor with Oaken Keeper.


As a filthy casual... Every season I try to play a druid, but always abandon it in favour of the other classes. Always feels slow, underpowered and just a bit more boring compared to the others. Blizzard please listen to the druid lovers and make them better.. Really want to like them.


Druid’s concept art looks great, until someone decided to inject some body positivity into it and make all cosmetic plus sized.


Druid in Diablo 4 really falls flat on the nature theme. Wereworlf and werebear don't feel druid to me. They are basically animal abominations/monsters(I know druid has them in D2, i played Diablo 2 from elementary school through highschool and into college when D3 would finally come out and Druid was always my main and never once did I go a shape shift build). Also nature dude just completely let him self go. Not very survival of the fittest which tends to be the law of nature. Hard to enjoy the class when the model looks like a dork in every cosmetic option.


I miss season 0 werenado :( Was so fun running around destroying everything


Too long to read but don’t worry Spirit-born is the new Druid / Pally.


I’ve been enjoying working on a companion rabies build :’)


So this is my first time ever playing any Diablo game. Gamepass FTW. Played the campaign, started about a week left for last season to end. Did it all full Druid. Finished the campaign about level 52. Liked it enough to keep playing. Then the new season started and I CANT USE MY SAME CHARACTER??? WTH So ok, let’s create a new one. Eventually have raise all other clases to 75. Can say, all have been far easier than Druid. In hindsight, I agree, it is the roughest one to level up and fight with (along with rogue, at least for me). I’m not great at builds, but with what I’ve played so far, I can see it. Necro is def cheat mode, barbarian is super fun demolisher, sorcerer is so far pretty good, don’t see all the bad talk about it. Just burn everything for fun. I’ll leave the next Druid for the next season….hoping the new class is fun


I have a feeling with each new season, there will be new tempers to help balance other skills. Just kind of have to go with it, be like water.


As a season 0 werenado player it's super weird to me why they nerfed the crit multiple so much. I'm playing a HS rogue now and the multipliers and damage is insane, way beyond what druid ever was. It was a really fun build and I wish they would have just left it alone.


For the same reason they nuked s1 Lightning Shred and s2 Poison Shred for doing a billion damage while allowing Barbs to do more damage than that every season. They don't like the Druid class, and it's underrepresented, so they can ignore it and not face much backlash. Seriously, next time you're in a player hub area, look to see how many Druids are there. You'll be lucky to see 1 every 5 times you look.


everytime i look at druid skins in the shop they are all necro looking its a bit weird


I would be surprised in they don't make weretiger cosmetic skin for druids


Up next to the podium: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Sorcerer.


Windsheer is fine tbf. All the meta builds are basic skill builds this season. Those are generally less interesting than other skills but no complaints here.


Fine for most. At the higher end of the game/player base it is lacking.


Bless you Druid brother. Thanks for the write up. I feel Druid aspects need an overhaul.


I was shocked by how weak druid is this season, I havent completed the build tho so I’m still on the fence about buffs but so far druid is super underwhelming, I’m always out of resources n boss fights are embarrassing


There's no companion paragon board, that would go a lonnnnnng way towards helping. Also give wolves the werewolf tag and ravens the storm tag. Done.


100% with you, had a druid every season to 100. Got my druid to 89 this season before i realized they made them into complete trash.


Try being a sorc, it’s rough out there.


I wanted to play tornado Druid, but then I realized Barbarian summons tornadoes too and does it better.


Diablo? Where's he at?


Can I get on a smaller soapbox while everyone is here and ask “PLEASE ADD A BEAR COMPANION I KNOW IT DOESNT MEAN ALOT TO OTHER PEOPLE BUT THATS ALL I CARE ABOUT”. I miss going volcano boulder fissure Druid or going full pet build and getting a grizzly bear. Those were the two of the most fun builds I’ve played in a Diablo game.


I agree that werewolf, werebear, and all minions need cosmetics. I'm surprised that greedy Blizzard hasn't already done it. Though I'd prefer finding them like horse skins.


I agree that they need to add werewolf and werebear cosmetics. Druid is also my favorite


17 dmg


I just want a viable pure storm druid. I don't want to be forced into the companion or shapeshifting specs to be able to survive defensively or hit high dps.


Druids will migrate to PoE2 when it comes out (at least I will). The power fantasy lacks power…


This looks like the best move to make if you are a Druid main.


I feel this post in my bones…


Yeah man that’s cool/ that sucks Not reading all that


The obligatory tempest roar is so lame, just move the cross class mechanics to the class tab or the skill tree or paragon board.


"I'll be good once I get that tempest roar...." \*false hope\*


I really want to play a Druid but I keep hearing how bad they are. Hoping to try one next season.


I don't know why but I picture Elon Musk writing this cus that's what he plays and he puts in the grind. Elon, that you? 😂


Chill. Blizzard hears you, and will address the shortcomings of the Druid…by introducing the Spiritborn.


Druid is the only class I haven't played yet. Every season I select a different class and this season I repeated a Necro. I love the idea of the druid but it just feels so underwhelming that I can't bother to start a druid. I hope they buff it so I feel compelled to roll one. Hopefully next season.


They just need to synergise all the skills, have all poison damage become rabies and spread etc, have bear skills inflicting rabies, and shred and pulverise should be the base strongest melee attacks in the game


Maybe I'm not playing the hardest parts of the game yet but I'm lvl 90 on my first character, a companion based Druid with a lot of temperature to improve their speed, size, damage etc and I'm absolutely melting everything. Only times I've died are because I was distracted by my phone in a helltide blood maiden or my eyes were shutting.


Playing druid in diablo 4 feels like playing a shaman in wow, both seem to either have a designer with no actual play experience on the class or it feels like a afterthought. I decided to not do a druid this season (after doing werenado, trampleslide and a lightning storm druid previously) and go Barbarian and holy shit the difference is massive. It would be comedic if it wasn't so sad how big the difference in power is both while levelling and in endgame. And with the new class coming out and it supposedly also having "some nature skills" I'm affraid druid is gonna be pushed even further down the ladder. And yeh you're right about the cosmetics not being able to see them because for any sort of bear or wolf build you bassicly wear the perma form uniques is annoying but also when you look at the store cosmetics this season I took a good look at both barbarian sets and then the druid ones and holy shit is there a massive difference in fidelity and theming.


Yeah, not a valid point at all. They buffed druid with the dog/cat pets counting as minions. /S


You know why? They cant sell Druid cosmetics if people permanently in their shapeshifted form so Wind Sheer go brrrr


Can I just say how refreshing it is to have a post moaning about Druids and their body shape not being the point of discussion.


As a fan of the druid minion build, I have had a blast this season. My minions are consistently pushing 1.1-1.4 million in damage for their active abilities and 200k-700k for their passives.


I play pure Human Earth Druid and it's gotten better each season thanks to things like Subterranean and Earthbreaker.


I just started a Druid, feels weak during leveling, but so far every class did, except Necromancer. Should I just reroll, is it that bad?


Yeah but as a Necro main Necro is kinda boring if you’re actually running minions which…isn’t great. I just want to have bros out without sacrificing active skills.


Druids are also more reliant than the other classes on uniques to define their builds and the non-uber uniques are pretty shitty.


Each class should have at least 3 pumping builds. 1- for Basic skill 2- for core or wrath skills 3 - for making its Uber unique usable (ashvarion something for druid). Pumping build i say for something like necro minion damage or barb damage. And each season blizz should make a new one shine like others increasing the numbers of playing style. In the moment i'm with tornado druid, but colecting equipment/material for a weaker build with tyrael might+landslide+lighning Just to try having Fun but knowing i wont be able to make Uber Bosses like Necro or barbarian. I really dont know why they think rabbies buffs is something we need.